**TreeMap** is implemented using a red-black tree, which is a binary search tree where keys are stored in sorted order for efficient insertion and removal.
**[HashMap](js-apis-treemap.md)** is faster in accessing data than **TreeMap**, because the former accesses data based on the hash code of the key, whereas the latter stores and accesses the keys in sorted order.
**[HashMap](js-apis-hashmap.md)** is faster in accessing data than **TreeMap**, because the former accesses data based on the hash code of the key, whereas the latter stores and accesses the keys in sorted order.
Recommended use case: Use **TreeMap** when you need to store KV pairs in sorted order.
// For the script URL "entry/ets/workers/worker.ts" in the stage model:
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ const workerStageModel02 = new worker.ThreadWorker('entry/ets/pages/workers/work
// workerdir indicates the directory where the worker file is located, and workerfile indicates the worker file name.
// In the stage model, the workers directory is at the same level as the pages directory in the entry module, and bundlename is com.example.workerdemo.
// In the stage model, the workers directory is at the same level as the parent directory of the pages directory in the entry module, and bundlename is com.example.workerdemo.
// In the stage model, the workers directory is a child directory of the pages directory in the entry module, and bundlename is com.example.workerdemo.