@@ -149,198 +149,53 @@ The value of <*formal_param_attr*> can be **in**, **out**, or **inout**, indicat
## How to Develop
### Development Using C++
### Obtaining IDL
On DevEco Studio, choose **Tools > SDK Manager** to view the local installation path of the OpenHarmony SDK. The following figure uses DevEco Studio as an example.
#### Creating an IDL File
You can use C++ to create IDL files. An example IDL file is as follows:
Go to the local installation path, choose **toolchains > 3.x.x.x** (the folder named after the version number), and check whether the executable file of IDL exists.
> **NOTE**: Use the SDK of the latest version. The use of an earlier version may cause errors in some statements.
You can run the **./idl -gen-cpp -d dir -c dir/iTest.idl** command (**-d** indicates the output directory) to generate the interface file, stub file, and proxy file in the **dir** directory in the execution environment. The names of the generated interface class files are the same as that of the IDL file, except that the file name extensions are **.h** and **.cpp**. For example, the files generated for **IIdlTestService.idl** are **i_idl_test_service.h**, **idl_test_service_proxy.h**, **idl_test_service_stub.h**, **idl_test_service_proxy.cpp**, and **idl_test_service_stub.cpp**.
If the executable file does not exist, download the SDK package from the mirror as instructed in the [Release Notes](../../release-notes). The following uses the [3.2 Beta3](../../release-notes/OpenHarmony-v3.2-beta3.md#acquiring-source-code-from-mirrors) as an example.
#### Exposing Interfaces on the Server
For details about how to replace the SDK package, see [Guide to Switching to Full SDK](../quick-start/full-sdk-switch-guide.md).
The stub class generated by IDL is an abstract implementation of the interface class and declares all methods in the IDL file.
After obtaining the executable file, perform subsequent development steps based on your scenario.
You need to inherit the interface class defined in the IDL file and implement the methods in the class. In addition, you need to register the defined services with SAMGR during service initialization. In the following code snippet, **TestService** inherits the **IdlTestServiceStub** interface class and implements the **TestIntTransaction** and **TestStringTransaction** methods.
ZLOGE(LABEL,"TestService:read string from client data = %{public}s",data.c_str());
}// namespace OHOS
#### Calling Methods from the Client for IPC
The C++ client obtains the service proxy defined in the system through SAMGR and then invokes the interface provided by the proxy. The sample code is as follows:
Run the **idl -gen-ts -d *dir* -c dir/IIdlTestService.idl** command in the folder where the executable file is located.
-*dir* next to **d** is the target output folder. For example, if the target output folder is **IIdlTestServiceTs**, run the **idl -gen-ts -d IIdlTestServiceTs -c IIdlTestServiceTs/IIdlTestService.idl** command in the folder where the executable file is located. The interface file, stub file, and proxy file are generated in the *dir* directory (**IIdlTestServiceTs** directory in this example) in the execution environment.
> **NOTE**: The generated interface class file name must be the same as that of the .idl file. Otherwise, an error occurs during code generation.
ZLOGE(LABEL,"Could not find Test Service!");
For example, for an .idl file named **IIdlTestService.idl** and target output directory named **IIdlTestServiceTs**, the directory structure is similar to the following:
testService_->TestIntTransaction(1234,result);// 1234 : test number
ZLOGE(LABEL,"Rec result from server %{public}d.",result);
testService_->TestStringTransaction("IDL Test");
}// namespace OHOS
### Development Using TS
#### Creating an IDL File
You can use TS to create IDL files. An example IDL file is as follows:
├── IIdlTestServiceTs # IDL code output folder
│ ├── i_idl_test_service.ts # File generated
│ ├── idl_test_service_proxy.ts # File generated
│ ├── idl_test_service_stub.ts # File generated
│ └── IIdlTestService.idl # Constructed .idl file
└── idl.exe # Executable file of IDL
Run the **./idl -c IIdlTestService.idl -gen-ts -d /data/ts/** command (**-d** indicates the output directory) to generate the interface file, stub file, and proxy file in the **/data/ts** directory in the execution environment. The names of the generated interface class files are the same as that of the IDL file, except that the file name extension is **.ts**. For example, the files generated for the **IIdlTestService.idl** file are **i_idl_test_service.ts**, **idl_test_service_proxy.ts**, and **idl_test_service_stub.ts**.
#### Exposing Interfaces on the Server
The stub class generated by IDL is an abstract implementation of the interface class and declares all methods in the IDL file.
@@ -529,137 +384,3 @@ export default class MySequenceable {
## How to Develop for Interworking Between C++ and TS
### TS Proxy and C++ Stub Development
#### C++ Service Object
1. Use C++ to construct an IDL file and run commands to generate interfaces, stub files, and proxy files.
2. Create a service object, inherit the interface class defined in the C++ stub file, and implement the methods in the class. An example is as follows:
C++ provides C++ service objects to TS in the format of native APIs. For example, C++ provides a **GetNativeObject** method, which is used to create an **IdlTestServiceImpl** instance. Using the **NAPI_ohos_rpc_CreateJsRemoteObject** method, you can create a JS remote object for the TS application.
1. The TS application invokes the native API to obtain the remote C++ service object.
2. Construct a TS proxy and transfers the remote C++ service object to it.
3. Use the TS proxy to call the method declared in the IDL file to implement the interworking between the TS proxy and C++ stub. The following is an example: