| filter | string | Image filter.<br>Available options are as follows:<br>- **blur**: applies the Gaussian blur for the image.<br>- **brightness**: applies a linear multiplication to the image to make it look brighter or darker.<br>- **contrast**: adjusts the image contrast.<br>- **drop-shadow**: sets a shadow effect for the image.<br>- **grayscale**: converts the image to a grayscale image.<br>- **hue-rotate**: applies hue rotation to the image.<br>- **invert**: inverts the input image.<br>- **opacity**: sets the opacity of the image.<br>- **saturate**: sets the saturation of the image.<br>- **sepia**: converts the image to dark brown. |
| filter | string | Image filter.<br>Available options are as follows:<br>- **blur**: applies the Gaussian blur for the image.<br>- **brightness**: applies a linear multiplication to the image to make it look brighter or darker.<br>- **contrast**: adjusts the image contrast.<br>- **drop-shadow**: sets a shadow effect for the image.<br>- **grayscale**: converts the image to a grayscale image.<br>- **hue-rotate**: applies hue rotation to the image.<br>- **invert**: inverts the image.<br>- **opacity**: sets the image opacity.<br>- **saturate**: sets the image saturation.<br>- **sepia**: converts the image to sepia.|