未验证 提交 57483bbb 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!10866 翻译已完成9797+9870+9970+9991

Merge pull request !10866 from shawn_he/9870-a
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
This module provides the application event logging functions, such as writing application events to the event file and managing the event logging configuration.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
......@@ -18,11 +19,11 @@ Before using application event logging, you need to understand the requirements
**Event Domain**
An event domain is a string that contains a maximum of 32 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscores (_). It cannot start with an underscore (_).
An event domain is a string that contains a maximum of 32 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscores (\_). It cannot start with an underscore (\_).
**Event Name**
An event name is a string that contains a maximum of 48 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscores (_). It cannot start with an underscore (_).
An event name is a string that contains a maximum of 48 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscores (\_). It cannot start with an underscore (\_).
**Event Type**
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ An event type is an enumerated value of [EventType](#eventtype).
An event parameter is an object in key-value pair format, where the key is the parameter name and the value is the parameter value. The requirements are as follows:
- The parameter name is a string that contains a maximum of 16 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscores (_). It cannot start or end with an underscore (_).
- The parameter name is a string that contains a maximum of 16 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscores (\_). It cannot start or end with an underscore (\_).
- The parameter value is a string, number, boolean, or array.
- When the parameter value is a string, its maximum length is 8*1024 characters. If this limit is exceeded, excess characters will be truncated.
- When the parameter value is an array, the elements in the array must be of the same type, which can only be string, number, or boolean. In addition, the number of elements must be less than 100. If this limit is exceeded, excess elements will be discarded.
......@@ -404,12 +405,30 @@ Defines a subscription data holder for processing subscription events.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiAppEvent
### constructor<sup>9+</sup>
constructor(watcherName: string);
A constructor used to create a **holder** object. It is called automatically when a **Watcher** object is added.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiAppEvent
let holder = hiAppEvent.addWatcher({
name: "watcher",
### setSize<sup>9+</sup>
setSize(size: number): void
Sets the data size threshold for fetching an application event package. The default value is **512*1024**, in bytes.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiAppEvent
......@@ -425,6 +444,8 @@ takeNext(): [AppEventPackage](#appeventpackage9)
Extracts subscription event data based on the configured data size threshold. If all subscription event data has been extracted, **null** will be returned.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.HiviewDFX.HiAppEvent
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ Specifies the type and value range of the optional parameters in the HTTP reques
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| method | [RequestMethod](#requestmethod) | No | Request method. |
| extraData | string \| Object \| ArrayBuffer<sup>8+</sup> | No | Additional data of the request.<br>- If the HTTP request uses a POST or PUT method, this parameter serves as the content of the HTTP request.<br>- If the HTTP request uses a GET, OPTIONS, DELETE, TRACE, or CONNECT method, this parameter is a supplement to the HTTP request parameters and will be added to the URL when the request is sent.<sup>8+</sup><br>- To pass in a string object, you first need to encode the object on your own.<sup>8+</sup> |
| extraData | string \| Object \| ArrayBuffer<sup>6+</sup> | No | Additional data of the request.<br>- If the HTTP request uses a POST or PUT method, this parameter serves as the content of the HTTP request.<br>- If the HTTP request uses a GET, OPTIONS, DELETE, TRACE, or CONNECT method, this parameter is a supplement to the HTTP request parameters and will be added to the URL when the request is sent.<sup>6+</sup><br>- To pass in a string object, you first need to encode the object on your own.<sup>8+</sup> |
| header | Object | No | HTTP request header. The default value is **{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}**. |
| readTimeout | number | No | Read timeout duration. The default value is **60000**, in ms. |
| connectTimeout | number | No | Connection timeout interval. The default value is **60000**, in ms. |
......@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ Defines the response to an HTTP request.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| result | string \| Object \| ArrayBuffer<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | Response content returned based on **Content-type** in the response header:<br>- application/json: a string in JSON format. If you want to use specific content in the response, you need to implement parsing of that content.<br>- application/octet-stream: ArrayBuffer<br>- Others: string|
| result | string \| Object \| ArrayBuffer<sup>6+</sup> | Yes | Response content returned based on **Content-type** in the response header:<br>- application/json: a string in JSON format. If you want to use specific content in the response, you need to implement parsing of that content.<br>- application/octet-stream: ArrayBuffer<br>- Others: string|
| responseCode | [ResponseCode](#responsecode) \| number | Yes | Result code for an HTTP request. If the callback function is successfully executed, a result code defined in [ResponseCode](#responsecode) will be returned. Otherwise, an error code will be returned in the **err** field in **AsyncCallback**. For details, see [Error Codes](#error-codes).|
| header | Object | Yes | Response header. The return value is a string in JSON format. If you want to use specific content in the response, you need to implement parsing of that content. Common fields and parsing methods are as follows:<br>- Content-Type: header['Content-Type'];<br>- Status-Line: header['Status-Line'];<br>- Date: header.Date/header['Date'];<br>- Server: header.Server/header['Server'];|
| cookies<sup>8+</sup> | Array\<string\> | Yes | Cookies returned by the server. |
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ udp.bind({address: '192.168.xx.xxx', port: xxxx, family: 1}, err => {
console.log('bind success');
let promise = udp.getState({});
let promise = udp.getState();
promise.then(data => {
console.log('getState success:' + JSON.stringify(data));
}).catch(err => {
......@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ Defines the parameters for sending data over the UDPSocket connection.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | -------------- |
| data | string | Yes | Data to send. |
| data | string \| ArrayBuffer<sup>7+</sup> | Yes | Data to send. |
| address | [NetAddress](#netaddress) | Yes | Destination address.|
## UDPExtraOptions
......@@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ Defines the parameters for sending data over the TCPSocket connection.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| data | string | Yes | Data to send. |
| data | string\| ArrayBuffer<sup>7+</sup> | Yes | Data to send. |
| encoding | string | No | Character encoding format. The options are as follows: **UTF-8**, **UTF-16BE**, **UTF-16LE**, **UTF-16**, **US-AECII**, and **ISO-8859-1**. The default value is **UTF-8**.|
## TCPExtraOptions
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