-[DevEco Studio Evolution Roadmap](#DevEco-Studio-Evolution-Roadmap)
-[About the Document](#section189422248491)
-[DevEco Studio Evolution Roadmap](#section187875207166)
## About the Document
## About the Document<a name="section189422248491"></a>
DevEco Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) of HarmonyOS apps. As HarmonyOS is developed based on OpenHarmony, DevEco Studio can also be used to develop OpenHarmony apps.
DevEco Studio is an integrated development environment \(IDE\) of HarmonyOS apps. As HarmonyOS is developed based on OpenHarmony, DevEco Studio can also be used to develop OpenHarmony apps.
The process of developing an OpenHarmony app using DevEco Studio is the same as that of developing a HarmonyOS app. This document describes the differences between OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS app development.
-**Environment setup**: You need to manually install the OpenHarmony SDK for the OpenHarmony app development. For details, see [Configuring the OpenHarmony SDK](../quick-start/configuring-openharmony-sdk.md).
-**Environment setup**: You need to manually install the OpenHarmony SDK for the OpenHarmony app development. For details, see [Configuring the OpenHarmony SDK](configuring-openharmony-sdk.md).
-**Creating an OpenHarmony project**: Create a project by using the project wizard or by importing a sample project. For details, see [Using the Project Wizard to Create a Project](use-wizard-to-create-project.md).
-**Signature configuration for debugging**: To run an OpenHarmony app on a real device, you need to sign the app first. For instructions, see [Configuring the OpenHarmony App Signature](configuring-openharmony-app-signature.md).
-**App running on a real device**: Push the OpenHarmony HAP package to the real device for installation. For details, see [Installing and Running Your OpenHarmony App](installing-openharmony-app.md).
-**Creating an OpenHarmony project**: Create a project by using the project wizard or by importing a sample project. For details, see [Using the Project Wizard to Create a Project](../quick-start/use-wizard-to-create-project.md).
For details about how to use DevEco Studio, see [HUAWEI DevEco Studio User Guide](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/tools_overview-0000001053582387).
-**Signature configuration for debugging**: To run an OpenHarmony app on a real device, you need to sign the app first. For instructions, see [Configuring the OpenHarmony App Signature](../quick-start/configuring-openharmony-app-signature.md).
## Restrictions<a name="section65191625782"></a>
-**App running on a real device**: Push the OpenHarmony HAP package to the real device for installation. For details, see [Installing and Running Your OpenHarmony App](../quick-start/installing-openharmony-app.md).
For details about how to use DevEco Studio, see [HUAWEI DevEco Studio User Guide](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/tools_overview-0000001053582387).
## Restrictions
- OpenHarmony supports only app development in eTS and JS.
- Developing OpenHarmony apps in DevEco Studio is supported on Windows.
- OpenHarmony supports only app development in eTS and JS.
- Developing OpenHarmony apps in DevEco Studio is supported on Windows.
DevEco Studio serves as a development tool for both OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS apps. Refer to the following table for descriptions about the functions not supported for OpenHarmony.
<trid="row15269933419"><tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="29.882988298829883%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p152318351369"><aname="p152318351369"></a><aname="p152318351369"></a>Using DevEco Studio for log viewing and optimization</p>
<tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="36.02%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p101251821838"><aname="p101251821838"></a><aname="p101251821838"></a>7.3 (7.2 at minimum)</p>
<tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="32.97%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p0634643124719"><aname="p0634643124719"></a><aname="p0634643124719"></a>DevEco Studio has Gradle 7.3 preinstalled. No separate installation is required.</p>
<tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="32.97%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p76347438478"><aname="p76347438478"></a><aname="p76347438478"></a>DevEco Studio has JDK 11 preinstalled. No separate installation is required.</p>
<tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="36.02%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p141258211631"><aname="p141258211631"></a><aname="p141258211631"></a> (API Version 8 Beta)</p>
<tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="32.97%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p363464312479"><aname="p363464312479"></a><aname="p363464312479"></a>This version is compatible with SDKs of earlier versions.</p>
<tdclass="cellrowborder"rowspan="3"valign="top"width="32.97%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p14933418194918"><aname="p14933418194918"></a><aname="p14933418194918"></a>Update them to the latest version.</p>
<aname="ul1978261655712"></a><aname="ul1978261655712"></a><ulid="ul1978261655712"><li>Introduced the Chinese UI. By default, the UI is displayed in English. To enable the Chinese UI, go to <strongid="b121121320121217"><aname="b121121320121217"></a><aname="b121121320121217"></a>Settings</strong>, choose <strongid="b7112102015129"><aname="b7112102015129"></a><aname="b7112102015129"></a>Plugins</strong>><strongid="b5112152017128"><aname="b5112152017128"></a><aname="b5112152017128"></a>installed</strong>, and select <strongid="b9113182071210"><aname="b9113182071210"></a><aname="b9113182071210"></a>Chinese (Simplified)</strong>. Then, restart DevEco Studio for the settings to take effect.</li><li>Introduced support for OpenHarmony apps and services, with various debugging features, from breakpoint management and variable observation to stepping.</li></ul>
<aname="ul311913348114"></a><aname="ul311913348114"></a><ulid="ul311913348114"><li>Updated the OpenHarmony SDK to, whose API version is API 8 Beta and corresponding compilation and building plugin is</li><li>Added an ability template that supports low-code development: <strongid="b736929122019"><aname="b736929122019"></a><aname="b736929122019"></a>[Standard]Empty Ability</strong>.</li><li>Added eTS component preview: allows previewing of eTS components; requires compileSdkVersion 8 or later.</li><li>Added eTS livee preview: allows viewing of the attribute changes in real time as you make them; requires compileSdkVersion 8 or later.</li></ul>
<tableid="simpletable19435134375015"><trid="strow1435543185020"><tdvalign="top"id="stentry64351943115013"><divclass="p"id="p13974162220455"><aname="p13974162220455"></a><aname="p13974162220455"></a><strongid="b0838112318282"><aname="b0838112318282"></a><aname="b0838112318282"></a>New Features</strong><aname="ul11381034104515"></a><aname="ul11381034104515"></a><ulid="ul11381034104515"><li>Added support for OpenHarmony SDK management. You can use SDK Manager to download and manage OpenHarmony SDKs.</li><li>Allowed for building of a single module during HAP compilation and building to accelerate building for multi-module projects; allowed for one-click re-building of HAPs, by automatically conducting the Clean Project operation before a HAP build.</li></ul>
<divclass="p"id="p556811306614"><aname="p556811306614"></a><aname="p556811306614"></a><strongid="b0183135142820"><aname="b0183135142820"></a><aname="b0183135142820"></a>Enhanced Features</strong><aname="ul834518400613"></a><aname="ul834518400613"></a><ulid="ul834518400613"><li>Updated the compilation and building plugin to version</li><li>Improved the JSON editor, which now enables quick rectification of resource index errors and instant access to resource values.</li><li>Provided Ohos and Project (default) views for projects, which you can switch between easily.</li><li>Enabled OpenHarmony projects to support Ark build.</li><li>Moved the <strongid="b19966587296"><aname="b19966587296"></a><aname="b19966587296"></a>supportSystem "standard"</strong> field, which is exclusive to OpenHarmony projects, from the module-level <strongid="b596638162911"><aname="b596638162911"></a><aname="b596638162911"></a>build.gradle</strong> file to the project-level <strongid="b199671680295"><aname="b199671680295"></a><aname="b199671680295"></a>build.gradle</strong> file.</li></ul>
> This feature applies to OpenHarmony projects created using DevEco Studio 2.1 Release or later.
1. On the DevEco Studio welcome page, select **Configure** or click the  icon, and choose **Settings**\>**Version Control**\>**Git**. Then click **Test** to check whether the Git tool has been installed.
- If the tool has been installed, import a sample by referring to [2](#li5947194711181).

After the OpenHarmony SDK is configured, you can get started to develop your app by **importing a sample project**.
- If the tool hasn't been installed, click **Download and Install**. DevEco Studio will automatically download and install it. Then import a sample by referring to [2](#li5947194711181).

1. On the DevEco Studio welcome page, select **Configure** or click the  icon, and choose **Settings**>**Version Control**>**Git**. Then click **Test** to check whether the Git tool has been installed.
- If the tool has been installed, import a sample by referring to [ERROR:Invalid link:en-us_topic_0000001163914943.xml#xref1062745524418,link:#li5947194711181](#li5947194711181).
- If the tool hasn't been installed, click **Download and Install**. DevEco Studio will automatically download and install it. Then import a sample by referring to [ERROR:Invalid link:en-us_topic_0000001163914943.xml#xref2168151511810,link:#li5947194711181](#li5947194711181).
# Installing and Running Your OpenHarmony App<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001115941596"></a>
You can install your OpenHarmony app in either of the following methods:
- DevEco Studio: Connect your device where the app is stored to DevEco Studio, and then click  to install the app.
- hdc: Run commands to install the app.
You can install your OpenHarmony app in either of the following methods:
You can manually obtain the hdc tool from the open-source repository. Then, run the tool commands to install an HAP file on the device.
The tool commands are as follows:
- App installation
**install \[-r/-d/-g\] _package_**
- DevEco Studio: Connect your device where the app is stored to DevEco Studio, and then click  to install the app.
- hdc: Run commands to install the app.
You can manually obtain the hdc tool from the open-source repository. Then, run the tool commands to install an HAP file on the device.
hdc_std install E:\hwadmin.hap
The tool commands are as follows:
- Log capturing
- App installation
**install [-r/-d/-g] _package_**
hdc_std install E:\hwadmin.hap
- Log capturing
hdc_std hilog
For details about how to use hdc and the command format, see [hdc\_std Usage Guidelines](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/device-dev/subsystems/oem_subsys_toolchain_hdc_guide.md).
hdc_std hilog
For details about how to use hdc and the command format, see [hdc_std Usage Guidelines](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/device-dev/subsystems/oem_subsys_toolchain_hdc_guide.md).
# Using the Project Wizard to Create a Project<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001176969367"></a>
If you are using DevEco Studio 2.2 Beta1 or later, you can use the project wizard to create a project. If you are using DevEco Studio 2.1 Release, create a project by following instructions in [Importing a Sample to Create a Project](../quick-start/import-sample-to-create-project.md).
If you are using DevEco Studio 2.2 Beta1 or later, you can use the project wizard to create a project. If you are using DevEco Studio 2.1 Release, create a project by following instructions in [Importing a Sample to Create a Project](import-sample-to-create-project.md).
-**Project type**: project type, which can be an [atomic service](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/atomic-service-definition-0000001090840664) or an ordinary app that requires download before use.
3. Click **Next** and configure the project.
-**Project name**: customized project name.
-**Project type**: project type, which can be an [atomic service](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/atomic-service-definition-0000001090840664) or an ordinary app that requires download before use.
> - There is no app icon on the home screen while running or debugging an atomic service. Use the debugging and running functions of DevEco Studio as an alternative.
> - Atomic services are installation free. This is done by automatically adding the **installationFree** field to the **config.json** file, with its value set to **true**.
> - If the value of the **installationFree** field of the entry module is set to **true**, the value of the **installationFree** field of all the related HAP modules is **true** by default. If the** installationFree field** of the entry module is set to **false**, the **installationFree** field of all the related HAP modules can be set to **true** or **false**.
> - When compiling and building an app, make sure that the size of each HAP package does not exceed 10 MB.
-**Bundle name**: bundle name. By default, this name will also be used as your app ID. Your app must have a unique ID to be released. If **Project type** is set to **Atomic service**, the **Bundle name** must end with **.hmservice**.
-**Save location**: local path for storing the project file.
-**Development mode**: development mode. The **Super Visual** option is available if the project template supports low-code development.
-**Language**: supported programming language.
-**Compatible API version**: earliest SDK version compatible with your app.
> If **compileSdkVersion 7** or later is configured for the OpenHarmony project, the corresponding module will be compiled using ArkCompiler by default. To use a compiler other than ArkCompiler, add the **arkEnable false** field to the **ohos** closure in the module-level **build.gradle** file.
-**Device Type**: device type supported by the project template.
>- There is no app icon on the home screen while running or debugging an atomic service. Use the debugging and running functions of DevEco Studio as an alternative.
>- Atomic services are installation free. This is done by automatically adding the **installationFree** field to the **config.json** file, with its value set to **true**.
>- If the value of the **installationFree** field of the entry module is set to **true**, the value of the **installationFree** field of all the related HAP modules is **true** by default. If the** installationFree field** of the entry module is set to **false**, the **installationFree** field of all the related HAP modules can be set to **true** or **false**.
>- When compiling and building an app, make sure that the size of each HAP package does not exceed 10 MB.
- **Bundle name**: bundle name. By default, this name will also be used as your app ID. Your app must have a unique ID to be released. If **Project type** is set to **Atomic service**, the **Bundle name** must end with **.hmservice**.
- **Save location**: local path for storing the project file.
- **Development mode**: development mode. The **Super Visual** option is available if the project template supports low-code development.
- **Language**: supported programming language.
- **Compatible API version**: earliest SDK version compatible with your app.
>If **compileSdkVersion 7** or later is configured for the OpenHarmony project, the corresponding module will be compiled using ArkCompiler by default. To use a compiler other than ArkCompiler, add the **arkEnable false** field to the **ohos** closure in the module-level **build.gradle** file.
- **Device Type**: device type supported by the project template.

4. Click **Finish**. DevEco Studio will automatically generate the sample code and resources that match your project type. Wait until the project is created.
4. Click **Finish**. DevEco Studio will automatically generate the sample code and resources that match your project type. Wait until the project is created.