未验证 提交 4a5d8ac7 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!23757 arkts语法整改

Merge pull request !23757 from coollixin/master
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ struct Index {
.onClick(() => {
hilog.isLoggable(0x0000, 'testTag', hilog.LogLevel.INFO);
let ret = entry.nativeCallArkTS((value)=>{return value * 2;});
let ret: number = entry.nativeCallArkTS((value: number)=>{return value * 2;});
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Test NAPI nativeCallArkTS ret = %{public}d', ret);
......@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ insertFront(element: T): void
class C1 {
name: string
age: string
name: string = ""
age: string = ""
let deque: Deque<string | number | boolean | Array<number> | C1> = new Deque();
......@@ -254,7 +254,18 @@ dir(dir?: Object): void
let a = { foo: { bar: { baz: true } }};
class bar {
baz: boolean = true;
let b: bar = {baz: true}
class foo{
bar: bar = b;
let c: foo = {bar: b}
class c1{
foo: foo = c;
let a: c1 = {foo: c}
// Object: {"foo":{"bar":{"baz":true}}}
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