未验证 提交 49638582 编写于 作者: L LiAn 提交者: Gitee

update zh-cn/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-container-grid.md.

Signed-off-by: NLiAn <lian15@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: NLiAn <lian15@huawei.com>
上级 0f8741bf
......@@ -215,73 +215,73 @@ struct GridExample {
struct GridExample {
@State numbers: String[] = []
scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
@State text: string = 'drag'
@Builder pixelMapBuilder() { //拖拽过程样式
Column() {
aboutToAppear() {
for (let i = 1;i <= 15; i++) {
this.numbers.push(i + '')
changeIndex(index1: number, index2: number) { //交换数组位置
[this.numbers[index1], this.numbers[index2]] = [this.numbers[index2], this.numbers[index1]];
build() {
Column({ space: 5 }) {
Grid(this.scroller) {
ForEach(this.numbers, (day: string) => {
GridItem() {
.onTouch((event: TouchEvent) => {
if (event.type === TouchType.Up) {
this.text = day
struct GridExample {
@State numbers: String[] = []
scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
@State text: string = 'drag'
@Builder pixelMapBuilder() { //拖拽过程样式
Column() {
aboutToAppear() {
for (let i = 1;i <= 15; i++) {
this.numbers.push(i + '')
changeIndex(index1: number, index2: number) { //交换数组位置
[this.numbers[index1], this.numbers[index2]] = [this.numbers[index2], this.numbers[index1]];
build() {
Column({ space: 5 }) {
Grid(this.scroller) {
ForEach(this.numbers, (day: string) => {
GridItem() {
.onTouch((event: TouchEvent) => {
if (event.type === TouchType.Up) {
this.text = day
.columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr')
.onScrollIndex((first: number) => {
.editMode(true) //设置Grid是否进入编辑模式,进入编辑模式可以拖拽Grid组件内部GridItem
.onItemDragStart((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number) => { //第一次拖拽此事件绑定的组件时,触发回调。
return this.pixelMapBuilder() //设置拖拽过程中显示的图片。
.onItemDrop((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number, insertIndex: number, isSuccess: boolean) => { //绑定此事件的组件可作为拖拽释放目标,当在本组件范围内停止拖拽行为时,触发回调。
console.info('beixiang' + itemIndex + '', insertIndex + '') //itemIndex拖拽起始位置,insertIndex拖拽插入位置
this.changeIndex(itemIndex, insertIndex)
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
.columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr')
.onScrollIndex((first: number) => {
.editMode(true) //设置Grid是否进入编辑模式,进入编辑模式可以拖拽Grid组件内部GridItem
.onItemDragStart((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number) => { //第一次拖拽此事件绑定的组件时,触发回调。
return this.pixelMapBuilder() //设置拖拽过程中显示的图片。
.onItemDrop((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number, insertIndex: number, isSuccess: boolean) => { //绑定此事件的组件可作为拖拽释放目标,当在本组件范围内停止拖拽行为时,触发回调。
console.info('beixiang' + itemIndex + '', insertIndex + '') //itemIndex拖拽起始位置,insertIndex拖拽插入位置
this.changeIndex(itemIndex, insertIndex)
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
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