| [native_vsync.h](native__vsync_8h.md) | Declares the functions for obtaining and using native VSync.<br>File to include: <native_vsync/native_vsync.h>|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeVSync](#oh_nativevsync) | Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeVSync** struct. |
| (\*[OH_NativeVSync_FrameCallback](#oh_nativevsync_framecallback)) (long long timestamp, void \*data) | Defines the pointer to a VSync callback function.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeVSync_Create](#oh_nativevsync_create)(const char \*name, unsigned int length) | Creates an **OH_NativeVSync** instance. A new **OH_NativeVSync** instance is created each time this function is called.|
| [OH_NativeVSync_Destroy](#oh_nativevsync_destroy)([OH_NativeVSync](#oh_nativevsync)\*nativeVsync) | Destroys an **OH_NativeVSync** instance.|
| [OH_NativeVSync_RequestFrame](#oh_nativevsync_requestframe)([OH_NativeVSync](#oh_nativevsync)\*nativeVsync, [OH_NativeVSync_FrameCallback](#oh_nativevsync_framecallback) callback, void \*data) | Requests the next VSync signal. When the signal arrives, a callback function is invoked.|
## Type Description
### OH_NativeVSync
typedef struct OH_NativeVSync OH_NativeVSync
Provides the declaration of a **OH_NativeVSync** struct.
### OH_NativeVSync_FrameCallback
typedef void(* OH_NativeVSync_FrameCallback) (long long timestamp, void *data)
The **OH_NativeBuffer** module provides the capabilities of **NativeBuffer**. Using the functions provided by this module, you can apply for, use, and release the shared memory, and query its attributes.
| [native_buffer.h](native__buffer_8h.md) | Declares the functions for obtaining and using **NativeBuffer**.<br>File to include: <native_buffer/native_buffer.h> |
### Structs
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Config](_o_h___native_buffer___config.md) | Defines the **OH_NativeBuffer** attribute configuration, which is used when you apply for a new **OH_NativeBuffer** instance or query the attributes of an existing instance.|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer) | Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeBuffer** struct.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Alloc](#oh_nativebuffer_alloc)(const[OH_NativeBuffer_Config](_o_h___native_buffer___config.md) \*config) | Creates an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance based on an **OH_NativeBuffer_Config** struct. A new **OH_NativeBuffer** instance is created each time this function is called.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Reference](#oh_nativebuffer_reference)([OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer)\*buffer) | Increases the reference count of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance by 1.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Unreference](#oh_nativebuffer_unreference)([OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer)\*buffer) | Decreases the reference count of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance by 1 and, when the reference count reaches 0, destroys the instance.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_GetConfig](#oh_nativebuffer_getconfig)([OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer)\*buffer, [OH_NativeBuffer_Config](_o_h___native_buffer___config.md)\*config) | Obtains the attributes of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Map](#oh_nativebuffer_map)([OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer)\*buffer, void \*\*virAddr) | Maps the ION memory corresponding to an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance to the process address space.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Unmap](#oh_nativebuffer_unmap)([OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer)\*buffer) | Unmaps the ION memory corresponding to an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance from the process address space.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_GetSeqNum](#oh_nativebuffer_getseqnum)([OH_NativeBuffer](#oh_nativebuffer)\*buffer) | Obtains the sequence number of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance.|
## Type Description
### OH_NativeBuffer
typedef struct OH_NativeBuffer OH_NativeBuffer
Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeBuffer** struct.
Creates an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance based on an **OH_NativeBuffer_Config** struct. A new **OH_NativeBuffer** instance is created each time this function is called.
The **OH_NativeBuffer_Config** struct defines the **OH_NativeBuffer** attribute configuration, which is used when you apply for a new **OH_NativeBuffer** instance or query the attributes of an existing instance.
The **OH_NativeImage** module provides the capabilities of **NativeImage**. Functioning as a data consumer, it is used to associate data with the OpenGL texture. It is used in the OpenGL environment.
| [native_image.h](native__image_8h.md) | Defines the functions for obtaining and using **NativeImage**.<br>File to include: <native_image/native_image.h> |
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeImage](#oh_nativeimage) | Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeImage** struct.|
| [OHNativeWindow](#ohnativewindow) | Provides the capability of accessing the **NativeWindow**.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeImage_Create](#oh_nativeimage_create)(uint32_t textureId, uint32_t textureTarget) | Creates an **OH_NativeImage** instance to be associated with the OpenGL ES texture ID and target.|
| [OH_NativeImage_AcquireNativeWindow](#oh_nativeimage_acquirenativewindow)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Obtains an **OHNativeWindow** instance associated with an **OH_NativeImage** instance. You need to call **OH_NativeWindow_DestroyNativeWindow** to release the **OHNativeWindow** instance when it is no longer required. |
| [OH_NativeImage_AttachContext](#oh_nativeimage_attachcontext)(OH_NativeImage\*image, uint32_t textureId) | Attaches an **OH_NativeImage** instance to the current OpenGL ES context.<br>The OpenGL ES texture will be bound to an **GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES** instance and updated through the **OH_NativeImage** instance.|
| [OH_NativeImage_DetachContext](#oh_nativeimage_detachcontext)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Detaches an **OH_NativeImage** instance from the current OpenGL ES context.|
| [OH_NativeImage_UpdateSurfaceImage](#oh_nativeimage_updatesurfaceimage)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Updates the OpenGL ES texture associated with the latest frame through an **OH_NativeImage** instance.|
| [OH_NativeImage_GetTimestamp](#oh_nativeimage_gettimestamp)(OH_NativeImage*image) | Obtains the timestamp of the texture image that recently called the **OH_NativeImage_UpdateSurfaceImage** function.|
| [OH_NativeImage_GetTransformMatrix](#oh_nativeimage_gettransformmatrix)(OH_NativeImage\*image, float matrix[16]) | Obtains the transform matrix of the texture image that recently called the **OH_NativeImage_UpdateSurfaceImage** function.|
| [OH_NativeImage_Destroy](#oh_nativeimage_destroy)(OH_NativeImage\*\*image) | Destroys an **OH_NativeImage** instance created by calling **OH_NativeImage_Create**. After the instance is destroyed, the pointer to the **OH_NativeImage** instance is assigned **NULL**. |
## Type Description
### OH_NativeImage
typedef struct OH_NativeImage OH_NativeImage
Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeImage** struct.
### OHNativeWindow
typedef struct NativeWindow OHNativeWindow
Provides the capability of accessing the **NativeWindow**.
Obtains an **OHNativeWindow** instance associated with an **OH_NativeImage** instance. You need to call **OH_NativeWindow_DestroyNativeWindow** to release the **OHNativeWindow** instance when it is no longer required.
Destroys an **OH_NativeImage** instance created by calling **OH_NativeImage_Create**. After the instance is destroyed, the pointer to the **OH_NativeImage** instance is assigned **NULL**.
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ To use the APIs in this file, **libpixelmap_ndk.z.so** is required.
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ To use the APIs in this file, **libpixelmap_ndk.z.so** is required.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [image_pixel_map_napi.h](image__pixel__map__napi_8h.md) | Declares the APIs that can lock, access, and unlock a pixel map.<br>File to include:: <multimedia/image_framework/image_pixel_map_napi.h>|
| [image_pixel_map_napi.h](image__pixel__map__napi_8h.md) | Declares the APIs that can lock, access, and unlock a pixel map.<br>File to include:<multimedia/image_framework/image_pixel_map_napi.h>|
### Structs
@@ -27,25 +28,14 @@ To use the APIs in this file, **libpixelmap_ndk.z.so** is required.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OhosPixelMapInfo](_ohos_pixel_map_info.md) | Defines the pixel map information.|
| [OhosPixelMapCreateOps](_ohos_pixel_map_create_ops.md) | Defines the options used for creating a pixel map.|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) | Defines the data type name of the native pixel map.|
### Enums
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| { OHOS_IMAGE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0, OHOS_IMAGE_RESULT_BAD_PARAMETER = -1 } | Enumerates the error codes returned by the functions.|
@@ -55,44 +45,11 @@ To use the APIs in this file, **libpixelmap_ndk.z.so** is required.
| [OH_GetImageInfo](#oh_getimageinfo)(napi_env env, napi_value value, [OhosPixelMapInfo](_ohos_pixel_map_info.md)\*info) | Obtains the **PixelMap** information and stores the information to the [OhosPixelMapInfo](_ohos_pixel_map_info.md) struct.|
| [OH_AccessPixels](#oh_accesspixels)(napi_env env, napi_value value, void \*\*addrPtr) | Obtains the memory address of a **PixelMap** object and locks the memory.|
| [OH_UnAccessPixels](#oh_unaccesspixels)(napi_env env, napi_value value) | Unlocks the memory of a **PixelMap** object. This function is used with [OH_AccessPixels](#oh_accesspixels) in pairs.|
| [OH_PixelMap_CreateAlphaPixelMap](#oh_pixelmap_createalphapixelmap)(napi_env env, napi_value source, napi_value \*alpha) | Creates a **PixelMap** object that contains only alpha channel information.|
| [OH_PixelMap_InitNativePixelMap](#oh_pixelmap_initnativepixelmap)(napi_env env, napi_value source) | Initializes a **PixelMap** object.|
| [OH_PixelMap_GetBytesNumberPerRow](#oh_pixelmap_getbytesnumberperrow)(const[NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) \*native, int32_t \*num) | Obtains the number of bytes per row of a **PixelMap** object.|
| [OH_PixelMap_GetIsEditable](#oh_pixelmap_getiseditable)(const[NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) \*native, int32_t \*[editable](image__pixel__map__napi_8h.md#editable)) | Checks whether a **PixelMap** object is editable.|
| [OH_PixelMap_SetAlphaAble](#oh_pixelmap_setalphaable)(const[NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) \*native, int32_t alpha) | Sets an alpha channel for a **PixelMap** object.|
| [OH_PixelMap_GetDensity](#oh_pixelmap_getdensity)(const[NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) \*native, int32_t \*density) | Obtains the pixel density of a **PixelMap** object.|
| [OH_PixelMap_SetDensity](#oh_pixelmap_setdensity)(const[NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) \*native, int32_t density) | Sets the pixel density for a **PixelMap** object.|
| [OH_PixelMap_SetOpacity](#oh_pixelmap_setopacity)(const[NativePixelMap](#nativepixelmap) \*native, float opacity) | Sets the opacity for a **PixelMap** object.|
| native | Indicates the pointer to a **NativePixelMap** object.|
| editable | Indicates the pointer to the editing type of the **PixelMap** object.|
Returns an enumerated value that indicates the editing type of the **PixelMap** object if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.
@@ -48,77 +39,3 @@ Declares the APIs that can lock, access, and unlock pixel map data.
| [OH_AccessPixels](image.md#oh_accesspixels)(napi_env env, napi_value value, void \*\*addrPtr) | Obtains the memory address of the **PixelMap** object data and locks the memory. |
| [OH_UnAccessPixels](image.md#oh_unaccesspixels)(napi_env env, napi_value value) | Unlocks the memory of the **PixelMap** object data. This function is used with [OH_AccessPixels](image.md#oh_accesspixels) in pairs. |
### Variables
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [width](#width) | Image width, in pixels. |
| [height](#height) | Image height, in pixels. |
| [pixelFormat](#pixelformat) | Image format. |
| [editable](#editable) | Editing type of the image. |
| [alphaType](#alphatype) | Alpha type of the image. |
| [scaleMode](#scalemode) | Scale mode of the image. |
The **native_buffer.h** file declares the functions for obtaining and using **NativeBuffer**.
**Related Modules**
## Summary
### Structs
| Name| Description:|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Config](_o_h___native_buffer___config.md) | Defines the **OH_NativeBuffer** attribute configuration, which is used when you apply for a new **OH_NativeBuffer** instance or query the attributes of an existing instance.|
### Types
| Name| Description:|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer) | Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeBuffer** struct.|
### Functions
| Name| Description:|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Alloc](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_alloc)(const OH_NativeBuffer_Config \*config) | Creates an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance based on an **OH_NativeBuffer_Config** struct. A new **OH_NativeBuffer** instance is created each time this function is called.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Reference](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_reference)(OH_NativeBuffer\*buffer) | Increases the reference count of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance by 1.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Unreference](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_unreference)(OH_NativeBuffer\*buffer) | Decreases the reference count of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance by 1 and, when the reference count reaches 0, destroys the instance.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_GetConfig](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_getconfig)(OH_NativeBuffer\*buffer, OH_NativeBuffer_Config \*config) | Obtains the attributes of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Map](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_map)(OH_NativeBuffer\*buffer, void \*\*virAddr) | Maps the ION memory corresponding to an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance to the process address space.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_Unmap](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_unmap)(OH_NativeBuffer\*buffer) | Unmaps the ION memory corresponding to an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance from the process address space.|
| [OH_NativeBuffer_GetSeqNum](_o_h___native_buffer.md#oh_nativebuffer_getseqnum)(OH_NativeBuffer\*buffer) | Obtains the sequence number of an **OH_NativeBuffer** instance.|
The **native_image.h** file declares the functions for obtaining and using **NativeImage**.
**Related Modules**
## Summary
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeImage](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage) | Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeImage** struct.|
| [OHNativeWindow](_o_h___native_image.md#ohnativewindow) | Provides the capability of accessing the **NativeWindow**.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeImage_Create](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_create)(uint32_t textureId, uint32_t textureTarget) | Creates an **OH_NativeImage** instance to be associated with the OpenGL ES texture ID and target.|
| [OH_NativeImage_AcquireNativeWindow](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_acquirenativewindow)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Obtains an **OHNativeWindow** instance associated with an **OH_NativeImage** instance. You need to call **OH_NativeWindow_DestroyNativeWindow** to release the **OHNativeWindow** instance when it is no longer required. |
| [OH_NativeImage_AttachContext](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_attachcontext)(OH_NativeImage\*image, uint32_t textureId) | Attaches an **OH_NativeImage** instance to the current OpenGL ES context.<br>The OpenGL ES texture will be bound to an **GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES** instance and updated through the **OH_NativeImage** instance.|
| [OH_NativeImage_DetachContext](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_detachcontext)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Detaches an **OH_NativeImage** instance from the current OpenGL ES context.|
| [OH_NativeImage_UpdateSurfaceImage](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_updatesurfaceimage)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Updates the OpenGL ES texture associated with the latest frame through an **OH_NativeImage** instance.|
| [OH_NativeImage_GetTimestamp](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_gettimestamp)(OH_NativeImage\*image) | Obtains the timestamp of the texture image that recently called the **OH_NativeImage_UpdateSurfaceImage** function.|
| [OH_NativeImage_GetTransformMatrix](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_gettransformmatrix)(OH_NativeImage\*image, float matrix[16]) | Obtains the transform matrix of the texture image that recently called the **OH_NativeImage_UpdateSurfaceImage** function.|
| [OH_NativeImage_Destroy](_o_h___native_image.md#oh_nativeimage_destroy)(OH_NativeImage\*\*image) | Destroys an **OH_NativeImage** instance created by calling **OH_NativeImage_Create**. After the instance is destroyed, the pointer to the **OH_NativeImage** instance is assigned **NULL**. |
The **native_vsync.h** file declares the functions for obtaining and using native virtual synchronization (VSync).
**Related Modules**
## Summary
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeVSync](_native_vsync.md#oh_nativevsync) | Provides the declaration of an **OH_NativeVSync** struct. |
| (\*[OH_NativeVSync_FrameCallback](_native_vsync.md#oh_nativevsync_framecallback)) (long long timestamp, void \*data) | Defines the pointer to a VSync callback function.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeVSync_Create](_native_vsync.md#oh_nativevsync_create)(const char \*name, unsigned int length) | Creates an **OH_NativeVSync** instance. A new **OH_NativeVSync** instance is created each time this function is called.|
| [OH_NativeVSync_Destroy](_native_vsync.md#oh_nativevsync_destroy)(OH_NativeVSync\*nativeVsync) | Destroys an **OH_NativeVSync** instance.|
| [OH_NativeVSync_RequestFrame](_native_vsync.md#oh_nativevsync_requestframe)(OH_NativeVSync\*nativeVsync, OH_NativeVSync_FrameCallback callback, void \*data) | Requests the next VSync signal. When the signal arrives, a callback function is invoked.|