@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ The following table lists the USB APIs currently available. For details, see the
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ The following table lists the USB APIs currently available. For details, see the
| getDevices(): Array<Readonly\<USBDevice>> | Obtains the list of USB devices connected to the USB host. If no USB device is connected, an empty list is returned. |
| getDevices(): Array<Readonly\<USBDevice>> | Obtains the list of USB devices connected to the USB host. If no USB device is connected, an empty list is returned. |
| setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number | Sets the USB device configuration. |
| setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number | Sets the USB device configuration. |
| setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number | Sets a USB interface. |
| setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number | Sets a USB interface. |
| claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number | Claims a USB interface. |
| claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number | Claims a USB interface. |
HiLog is the log system of OpenHarmony that provides logging for the system framework, services, and applications to record information on user operations and system running status.
> **NOTE**
> This development guide is applicable only when you use Native APIs for application development. For details about the APIs, see [HiLog Native API Reference](../reference/native-apis/_hi_log.md).
## Available APIs
| API/Macro| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| int OH_LOG_Print(LogType type, LogLevel level, unsigned int domain, const char *tag, const char *fmt, ...) | Outputs logs based on the specified log type, log level, service domain, log tag, and variable parameters determined by the format specifier and privacy identifier in the printf format.|
| #define OH_LOG_DEBUG(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__))| Outputs DEBUG logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_INFO(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_INFO, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs INFO logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_WARN(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_WARN, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs WARN logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_ERROR(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs ERROR logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_FATAL(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_FATAL, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs FATAL logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| bool OH_LOG_IsLoggable(unsigned int domain, const char *tag, LogLevel level) | Checks whether logs of the specified service domain, tag, and level can be printed.<br>Input arguments:<br>- **domain**: service domain.<br>- **tag**: log tag.<br>- **level**: log level.<br>Output arguments: none<br>Return value: Returns **true** if the specified logs can be printed; returns **false** otherwise.|
## Development Examples
1. Include the **hilog** header file in the source file.
#include "hilog/log.h"
2. Define the **domain** and **tag** macros.
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_DOMAIN 0x3200 // Service domain. The value ranges from 0xD0000 to 0xDFFFF.
#define LOG_TAG "MY_TAG"
3. Print logs. For example, to print INFO logs, use the following code:
OH_LOG_INFO(LOG_APP,"Failed to visit %{private}s, reason:%{public}d.",url,errno);
4. View the output log information.
12-11 12:21:47.579 2695 2695 I A03200/MY_TAG: Failed to visit <private>, reason:11.
The hiTraceChain module provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. This can help you quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.
hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls. The hiTraceChain module generates a unique **chainId** for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique **chainId** to quickly correlate various information related to the service process. The hiTraceChain module provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. This can help you quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.
hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls. The hiTraceChain module generates a unique **chainId** for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique **chainId** to quickly correlate various information related to the service process.
## Basic Concepts
## Basic Concepts
@@ -18,47 +16,106 @@ The APIs for distributed call chain tracing are provided by the **hiTraceChain**
@@ -18,47 +16,106 @@ The APIs for distributed call chain tracing are provided by the **hiTraceChain**
In this example, distributed call chain tracing begins when the application startup execution page is loaded and stops when the service usage is completed.
The following example illustrates how to simulate one-time [system event logging](../reference/apis/js-apis-hisysevent.md) to implement cross-thread distributed call chain tracing in a single HAP service.
1. Create a JS application project. In the displayed **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **js** > **default** > **pages** > **index**, and double-click **index.js**. Add the code to implement call chain tracing upon page loading. The sample code is as follows:
1. Create an eTS application project. In the displayed **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **ets** > **pages** > **index.ets**, and double-click **index.ets**. Then, add a button to trigger system event logging.
import hiTraceChain from '@ohos.hiTraceChain'
import hiTraceChain from '@ohos.hiTraceChain';
import hiSysEvent from '@ohos.hiSysEvent';
export default {
data: {
title: ""
struct Index {
onInit() {
@State message: string = 'Start writing system event';
this.title = this.$t('strings.world');
build() {
// 1. Enable distributed call chain tracing.
Row() {
let asyncTraceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC | hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
Column() {
// 2. Start the service process.
console.log(`business start`);
// 3. Add a trace point.
hiTraceChain.tracepoint(hiTraceChain.HiTraceCommunicationMode.THREAD, hiTraceChain.HiTraceTracepointType.SS, asyncTraceId, "Just an example");
.onClick(() => {
// 4. Keep the service process running.
try {
console.log(`business running`);
// Enable distributed call chain tracing before the service starts.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("Write a new system event", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC);
// 5. End the service process.
// Implement one-time system event logging when the service starts.
console.log(`business end`);
domain: "RELIABILITY",
// 6. Stop call chain tracing.
name: "STACK",
eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT,
params: {
PID: 1,
UID: 1,
PACKAGE_NAME: "com.demo.hitracechain",
PROCESS_NAME: "hitracechaindemo",
MSG: "no msg."
}).then((val) => {
console.info(`write result is ${val}`);
// Disable distributed call chain tracing when the service ends.
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`error message is ${err.message}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`error message is ${err.message}`);
2. Touch the run button on the IDE to run the project. Then, touch the **Start writing system event** button on the application UI to trigger system event logging.
3. View the information printed in the **Log** window. You can use **.*: \[([0-9a-zA-Z]{15}),.*].*** to access distributed call chain tracing information specific to the HAP service. The process ID of the HAP service is **8801**. Two threads, whose IDs are **8801** and **8819**, are involved in the system event logging. Based on the chain ID **edcfa53017a88e3**, you can then effectively trace the log information of the two threads.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain I C02d03/HiTraceC: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] HiTraceBegin name:Write a new system event flags:0x01.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: chainId is edcfa53017a88e3.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: spanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: parentSpanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: flags is 1.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] domain is RELIABILITY.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] name is STACK.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] eventType is 1.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=3, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=3, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] create napi value of string type, value is JSHiSysEventWrite.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain I C03900/Ace: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] [flutter_ace_view.cpp(operator())-(0)] Mark 0 id Touch Event Processed
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02800/ClientMsgHandler: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] in OnDispatchEventProcessed, enter
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02800/ANRHandler: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] in SetLastProcessedEventId, enter
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8819/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/HISYSEVENT: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] HiSysEvent send data successful
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] create napi value of int32 type, value is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E A0fefe/JsApp: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] write result is 0
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: chainId is edcfa53017a88e3.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: spanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: parentSpanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: flags is 1.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain I C02d03/HiTraceC: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] HiTraceEnd.
2. Click the run button on the application page. Then, you'll obtain the log information for service analysis.
## About Cross-Process/Cross-Device Distributed Call Chain Tracing
Cross-process/cross-device distributed call chain tracing depends on the NAPI implementation of the corresponding service APIs of each OpenHarmony module. For details, see the [HiTraceChain Development](../../device-dev/subsystems/subsys-dfx-hitracechain.md).
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"NO_DRAW","type_":1,"time_":1501964222980,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":1505,"tid_":1585,"uid_":10002,"PID":1505,"UID":10002,"ABILITY_NAME":"","MSG":"It took 1957104259905ns to draw, UI took 0ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 8962625ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"1708287249901948387","info_":"isResolved,eventId:0"}
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"NO_DRAW","type_":1,"time_":1501964222980,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":1505,"tid_":1585,"uid_":10002,"PID":1505,"UID":10002,"ABILITY_NAME":"","MSG":"It took 1957104259905ns to draw, UI took 0ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 8962625ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"1708287249901948387","info_":"isResolved,eventId:0"}
{"domain_":"RELIABILITY","name_":"APP_FREEZE","type_":1,"time_":1501964222994,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":623,"tid_":1445,"uid_":1201,"SUB_EVENT_TYPE":"NO_DRAW","EVENT_TIME":"20170805201702","MODULE":"NO_DRAW","PNAME":"NO_DRAW","REASON":"NO_DRAW","DIAG_INFO":"","STACK":"SUMMARY:\n","HIVIEW_LOG_FILE_PATHS":["/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/appfreeze-NO_DRAW-10002-20170805201702"],"DOMAIN":"GRAPHIC","STRING_ID":"NO_DRAW","PID":1505,"UID":10002,"PACKAGE_NAME":"NO_DRAW","PROCESS_NAME":"","MSG":"It took 1956945826265ns to draw, UI took 0ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 9863293ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames\n","level_":"CRITICAL","tag_":"STABILITY","id_":"10448522101019619655","info_":""}
{"domain_":"RELIABILITY","name_":"APP_FREEZE","type_":1,"time_":1501964222994,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":623,"tid_":1445,"uid_":1201,"SUB_EVENT_TYPE":"NO_DRAW","EVENT_TIME":"20170805201702","MODULE":"NO_DRAW","PNAME":"NO_DRAW","REASON":"NO_DRAW","DIAG_INFO":"","STACK":"SUMMARY:\n","HIVIEW_LOG_FILE_PATHS":["/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/appfreeze-NO_DRAW-10002-20170805201702"],"DOMAIN":"GRAPHIC","STRING_ID":"NO_DRAW","PID":1505,"UID":10002,"PACKAGE_NAME":"NO_DRAW","PROCESS_NAME":"","MSG":"It took 1956945826265ns to draw, UI took 0ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 9863293ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames\n","level_":"CRITICAL","tag_":"STABILITY","id_":"10448522101019619655","info_":""}
- Command for setting the maximum number of historical events that can be queried:
- Command for querying historical system events within the specified period of time:
hisysevent -l -S <begin time> -E <end time>
Description of command options:
| Option| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| -S | Original start timestamp for querying historical system events. Only system events generated after the start time are returned.|
| -E | Original end timestamp for querying historical system events. Only system events generated after the start time are returned.|
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"JANK_FRAME_SKIP","type_":1,"time_":1672899170022,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":1499,"tid_":1573,"uid_":20010037,"PID":1499,"UID":20010037,"ABILITY_NAME":"com.ohos.launcher","MSG":"It took 587948726ns to draw, UI took 483016382ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 96616051ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"11351278822867091090","info_":"","seq_":307}
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"JANK_FRAME_SKIP","type_":1,"time_":1672899170305,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":1293,"tid_":1632,"uid_":10006,"PID":1293,"UID":10006,"ABILITY_NAME":"com.ohos.systemui","MSG":"It took 309597490ns to draw, UI took 92364718ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 205874105ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 1 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"14843220972178010722","info_":"","seq_":314}
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"JANK_FRAME_SKIP","type_":1,"time_":1672899170350,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":1293,"tid_":1632,"uid_":10006,"PID":1293,"UID":10006,"ABILITY_NAME":"com.ohos.systemui","MSG":"It took 259782859ns to draw, UI took 33909753ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 44849879ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 5 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"66610006717219916560","info_":"","seq_":315}
# The **HAPPEN_TIME** and **VERSION** fields are not configured in the YAML file for the **APP_FREEZE** event that belongs to the **RELIABILITY** domain. Therefore, the two fields are highlighted in red.
# The **HAPPEN_TIME** and **VERSION** fields are not configured in the YAML file for the **APP_FREEZE** event that belongs to the **RELIABILITY** domain. Therefore, the two fields are highlighted in red.