@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ The following table lists the USB APIs currently available. For details, see the
| getDevices(): Array<Readonly\<USBDevice>> | Obtains the list of USB devices connected to the USB host. If no USB device is connected, an empty list is returned. |
| setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number | Sets the USB device configuration. |
| setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number | Sets a USB interface. |
| claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number | Claims a USB interface. |
HiLog is the log system of OpenHarmony that provides logging for the system framework, services, and applications to record information on user operations and system running status.
> **NOTE**
> This development guide is applicable only when you use Native APIs for application development. For details about the APIs, see [HiLog Native API Reference](../reference/native-apis/_hi_log.md).
## Available APIs
| API/Macro| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| int OH_LOG_Print(LogType type, LogLevel level, unsigned int domain, const char *tag, const char *fmt, ...) | Outputs logs based on the specified log type, log level, service domain, log tag, and variable parameters determined by the format specifier and privacy identifier in the printf format.|
| #define OH_LOG_DEBUG(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__))| Outputs DEBUG logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_INFO(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_INFO, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs INFO logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_WARN(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_WARN, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs WARN logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_ERROR(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs ERROR logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| #define OH_LOG_FATAL(type, ...) ((void)OH_LOG_Print((type), LOG_FATAL, LOG_DOMAIN, LOG_TAG, \_*VA*ARGS__)) | Outputs FATAL logs. This is a function-like macro.|
| bool OH_LOG_IsLoggable(unsigned int domain, const char *tag, LogLevel level) | Checks whether logs of the specified service domain, tag, and level can be printed.<br>Input arguments:<br>- **domain**: service domain.<br>- **tag**: log tag.<br>- **level**: log level.<br>Output arguments: none<br>Return value: Returns **true** if the specified logs can be printed; returns **false** otherwise.|
## Development Examples
1. Include the **hilog** header file in the source file.
#include "hilog/log.h"
2. Define the **domain** and **tag** macros.
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_DOMAIN 0x3200 // Service domain. The value ranges from 0xD0000 to 0xDFFFF.
#define LOG_TAG "MY_TAG"
3. Print logs. For example, to print INFO logs, use the following code:
OH_LOG_INFO(LOG_APP,"Failed to visit %{private}s, reason:%{public}d.",url,errno);
4. View the output log information.
12-11 12:21:47.579 2695 2695 I A03200/MY_TAG: Failed to visit <private>, reason:11.
The hiTraceChain module provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. This can help you quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.
hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls. The hiTraceChain module generates a unique **chainId** for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique **chainId** to quickly correlate various information related to the service process.
hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls. The hiTraceChain module generates a unique **chainId** for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique **chainId** to quickly correlate various information related to the service process. The hiTraceChain module provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. This can help you quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.
## Basic Concepts
@@ -18,47 +16,106 @@ The APIs for distributed call chain tracing are provided by the **hiTraceChain**
In this example, distributed call chain tracing begins when the application startup execution page is loaded and stops when the service usage is completed.
1. Create a JS application project. In the displayed **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **js** > **default** > **pages** > **index**, and double-click **index.js**. Add the code to implement call chain tracing upon page loading. The sample code is as follows:
import hiTraceChain from '@ohos.hiTraceChain'
export default {
data: {
title: ""
onInit() {
this.title = this.$t('strings.world');
// 1. Enable distributed call chain tracing.
let asyncTraceId = hiTraceChain.begin("business", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC | hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.DONOT_CREATE_SPAN);
// 2. Start the service process.
console.log(`business start`);
// 3. Add a trace point.
hiTraceChain.tracepoint(hiTraceChain.HiTraceCommunicationMode.THREAD, hiTraceChain.HiTraceTracepointType.SS, asyncTraceId, "Just an example");
// 4. Keep the service process running.
console.log(`business running`);
// 5. End the service process.
console.log(`business end`);
// 6. Stop call chain tracing.
The following example illustrates how to simulate one-time [system event logging](../reference/apis/js-apis-hisysevent.md) to implement cross-thread distributed call chain tracing in a single HAP service.
1. Create an eTS application project. In the displayed **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **ets** > **pages** > **index.ets**, and double-click **index.ets**. Then, add a button to trigger system event logging.
import hiTraceChain from '@ohos.hiTraceChain';
import hiSysEvent from '@ohos.hiSysEvent';
struct Index {
@State message: string = 'Start writing system event';
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
.onClick(() => {
try {
// Enable distributed call chain tracing before the service starts.
let traceId = hiTraceChain.begin("Write a new system event", hiTraceChain.HiTraceFlag.INCLUDE_ASYNC);
// Implement one-time system event logging when the service starts.
domain: "RELIABILITY",
name: "STACK",
eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT,
params: {
PID: 1,
UID: 1,
PACKAGE_NAME: "com.demo.hitracechain",
PROCESS_NAME: "hitracechaindemo",
MSG: "no msg."
}).then((val) => {
console.info(`write result is ${val}`);
// Disable distributed call chain tracing when the service ends.
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`error message is ${err.message}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`error message is ${err.message}`);
2. Touch the run button on the IDE to run the project. Then, touch the **Start writing system event** button on the application UI to trigger system event logging.
3. View the information printed in the **Log** window. You can use **.*: \[([0-9a-zA-Z]{15}),.*].*** to access distributed call chain tracing information specific to the HAP service. The process ID of the HAP service is **8801**. Two threads, whose IDs are **8801** and **8819**, are involved in the system event logging. Based on the chain ID **edcfa53017a88e3**, you can then effectively trace the log information of the two threads.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain I C02d03/HiTraceC: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] HiTraceBegin name:Write a new system event flags:0x01.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: chainId is edcfa53017a88e3.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: spanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: parentSpanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] Native2Js: flags is 1.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] domain is RELIABILITY.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] name is STACK.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] eventType is 1.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=3, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=3, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] napi value type not match: valueType=4, typeName=6.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] create napi value of string type, value is JSHiSysEventWrite.
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain I C03900/Ace: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] [flutter_ace_view.cpp(operator())-(0)] Mark 0 id Touch Event Processed
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02800/ClientMsgHandler: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] in OnDispatchEventProcessed, enter
07-05 19:50:47.690 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02800/ANRHandler: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] in SetLastProcessedEventId, enter
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8819/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/HISYSEVENT: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] HiSysEvent send data successful
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d08/NAPI_HISYSEVENT_UTIL: [edcfa53017a88e3, 0, 0] create napi value of int32 type, value is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain E A0fefe/JsApp: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] write result is 0
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: chainId is edcfa53017a88e3.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: spanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: parentSpanId is 0.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain D C02d03/HITRACE_UTIL_NAPI: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] Js2Native: flags is 1.
07-05 19:50:47.691 8801-8801/com.demo.hitracechain I C02d03/HiTraceC: [edcfa53017a88e3, 399db38, 0] HiTraceEnd.
2. Click the run button on the application page. Then, you'll obtain the log information for service analysis.
## About Cross-Process/Cross-Device Distributed Call Chain Tracing
Cross-process/cross-device distributed call chain tracing depends on the NAPI implementation of the corresponding service APIs of each OpenHarmony module. For details, see the [HiTraceChain Development](../../device-dev/subsystems/subsys-dfx-hitracechain.md).
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"NO_DRAW","type_":1,"time_":1501964222980,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":1505,"tid_":1585,"uid_":10002,"PID":1505,"UID":10002,"ABILITY_NAME":"","MSG":"It took 1957104259905ns to draw, UI took 0ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 8962625ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"1708287249901948387","info_":"isResolved,eventId:0"}
{"domain_":"RELIABILITY","name_":"APP_FREEZE","type_":1,"time_":1501964222994,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":623,"tid_":1445,"uid_":1201,"SUB_EVENT_TYPE":"NO_DRAW","EVENT_TIME":"20170805201702","MODULE":"NO_DRAW","PNAME":"NO_DRAW","REASON":"NO_DRAW","DIAG_INFO":"","STACK":"SUMMARY:\n","HIVIEW_LOG_FILE_PATHS":["/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/appfreeze-NO_DRAW-10002-20170805201702"],"DOMAIN":"GRAPHIC","STRING_ID":"NO_DRAW","PID":1505,"UID":10002,"PACKAGE_NAME":"NO_DRAW","PROCESS_NAME":"","MSG":"It took 1956945826265ns to draw, UI took 0ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 9863293ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames\n","level_":"CRITICAL","tag_":"STABILITY","id_":"10448522101019619655","info_":""}
- Command for setting the maximum number of historical events that can be queried:
- Command for querying historical system events within the specified period of time:
hisysevent -l -S <begin time> -E <end time>
Description of command options:
| Option| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| -S | Original start timestamp for querying historical system events. Only system events generated after the start time are returned.|
| -E | Original end timestamp for querying historical system events. Only system events generated after the start time are returned.|
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"JANK_FRAME_SKIP","type_":1,"time_":1672899170022,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":1499,"tid_":1573,"uid_":20010037,"PID":1499,"UID":20010037,"ABILITY_NAME":"com.ohos.launcher","MSG":"It took 587948726ns to draw, UI took 483016382ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 96616051ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 0 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"11351278822867091090","info_":"","seq_":307}
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"JANK_FRAME_SKIP","type_":1,"time_":1672899170305,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":1293,"tid_":1632,"uid_":10006,"PID":1293,"UID":10006,"ABILITY_NAME":"com.ohos.systemui","MSG":"It took 309597490ns to draw, UI took 92364718ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 205874105ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 1 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"14843220972178010722","info_":"","seq_":314}
{"domain_":"GRAPHIC","name_":"JANK_FRAME_SKIP","type_":1,"time_":1672899170350,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":1293,"tid_":1632,"uid_":10006,"PID":1293,"UID":10006,"ABILITY_NAME":"com.ohos.systemui","MSG":"It took 259782859ns to draw, UI took 33909753ns to draw, RSRenderThread took 44849879ns to draw, RSRenderThread dropped 5 UI Frames","level_":"MINOR","id_":"66610006717219916560","info_":"","seq_":315}
# The **HAPPEN_TIME** and **VERSION** fields are not configured in the YAML file for the **APP_FREEZE** event that belongs to the **RELIABILITY** domain. Therefore, the two fields are highlighted in red.