提交 4292f16a 编写于 作者: L l00613276

update docs

Signed-off-by: Nl00613276 <lian15@huawei.com>
# AI
- [Using MindSpore Lite for Model Inference (JS)](mindspore-lite-js-guidelines.md)
- [AI Development](ai-overview.md)
- [Using MindSpore Lite JavaScript APIs to Develop AI Applications](mindspore-guidelines-based-js.md)
- [Using MindSpore Lite Native APIs to Develop AI Applications](mindspore-guidelines-based-native.md)
# AI Development
## Overview
OpenHarmony provides native distributed AI capabilities. The AI subsystem consists of the following components:
- MindSpore Lite: an AI inference framework that provides unified APIs for AI inference.
- Neural Network Runtime (NNRt): an intermediate bridge that connects the inference framework and AI hardware.
## MindSpore Lite
MindSpore Lite is a built-in AI inference framework of OpenHarmony. It provides AI model inference capabilities for different hardware devices and end-to-end AI model inference solutions for developers to empower intelligent applications in all scenarios. Currently, MindSpore Lite has been widely used in applications such as image classification, target recognition, facial recognition, and character recognition.
**Figure 1** Development process for MindSpore Lite model inference
![MindSpore workflow](figures/mindspore_workflow.png)
The MindSpore Lite development process consists of two phases:
- Model conversion
MindSpore Lite uses models in `.ms` format for inference. You can use the model conversion tool provided by MindSpore Lite to convert third-party framework models, such as TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, Caffe, and ONNX, into `.ms` models. For details, see [Converting Models for Inference](https://www.mindspore.cn/lite/docs/en/r1.8/use/converter_tool.html).
- Model inference
You can call the MindSpore Lite runtime APIs to implement model inference. The procedure is as follows:
1. Create an inference context by setting the inference hardware and number of threads.
2. Load the **.ms** model file.
3. Set the model input data.
4. Perform model inference, and read the output.
MindSpore Lite is built in the OpenHarmony standard system as a system component. You can develop AI applications based on MindSpore Lite in the following ways:
- Method 1: [Using MindSpore Lite JavaScript APIs to develop AI applications](./mindspore-guidelines-based-js.md). You directly call MindSpore Lite JavaScript APIs in the UI code to load the AI model and perform model inference. An advantage of this method is the quick verification of the inference effect.
- Method 2: [Using MindSpore Lite native APIs to develop AI applications](./mindspore-guidelines-based-native.md). You encapsulate the algorithm models and the code for calling MindSpore Lite native APIs into a dynamic library, and then use N-API to encapsulate the dynamic library into JavaScript APIs for the UI to call.
## Neural Network Runtime
Neural Network Runtime (NNRt) functions as a bridge to connect the upper-layer AI inference framework and bottom-layer acceleration chip, implementing cross-chip inference computing of AI models.
MindSpore Lite supports configuration of the NNRt backend, and therefore you can directly configure MindSpore Lite to use the NNRt hardware. The focus of this topic is about how to develop AI applications using MindSpore Lite. For details about how to use NNRt, see [Connecting the Neural Network Runtime to an AI Inference Framework](../napi/neural-network-runtime-guidelines.md).
# Using MindSpore Lite for Model Inference (JS)
# Using MindSpore Lite JavaScript APIs to Develop AI Applications
## Scenarios
MindSpore Lite is an AI engine that implements AI model inference for different hardware devices. It has been used in a wide range of fields, such as image classification, target recognition, facial recognition, and character recognition.
This document describes the general development process for implementing MindSpore Lite model inference. For details about how to use native APIs to implement model inference, see [Using MindSpore Lite for Model Inference](../napi/mindspore-lite-guidelines.md).
You can use the JavaScript APIs provided by MindSpore Lite to directly integrate MindSpore Lite capabilities into the UI code. This way, you can quickly deploy AI algorithms for AI model inference.
## Basic Concepts
......@@ -27,16 +25,14 @@ APIs involved in MindSpore Lite model inference are categorized into context API
## How to Develop
The development process consists of the following main steps:
Assume that you have prepared a model in the **.ms** format. The key steps in model inference are model reading, model building, model inference, and memory release. The development procedure is described as follows:
1. Create a context, and set parameters such as the number of runtime threads and device type.
2. Load the model. In this example, the model is read from the file.
3. Load data. Before executing a model, you need to obtain the model input and then fill data in the input tensor.
4. Perform model inference by calling **predict**, and read the output.
1. Prepare the required model. You can download the required model directly or obtain the model by using the model conversion tool. The required data is read from the `bin` file.
- If the downloaded model is in the `.ms` format, you can use it directly for inference. This document uses `mnet.caffemodel.ms` as an example.
- If the downloaded model uses a third-party framework, such as TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, Caffe, or ONNX, you can use the [model conversion tool](https://www.mindspore.cn/lite/docs/en/r2.0/use/downloads.html#1-8-1) to convert it to the `.ms` format.
2. Create a context, and set parameters such as the number of runtime threads and device type.
3. Load the model. In this example, the model is read from the file.
4. Load data. Before executing a model, you need to obtain the model input and then fill data in the input tensor.
5. Perform inference and print the output. Call the **predict** API to perform model inference.
@State inputName: string = 'mnet_caffemodel_nhwc.bin';
@State T_model_predict: string = 'Test_MSLiteModel_predict'
......@@ -49,7 +45,6 @@ build() {
.onClick(async () => {
// 1. Prepare for a model.
let syscontext = globalThis.context;
syscontext.resourceManager.getRawFileContent(this.inputName).then((buffer) => {
this.inputBuffer = buffer;
......@@ -57,20 +52,24 @@ build() {
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Failed to get buffer, error code: ${error.code},message:${error.message}.');
// 2. Create a context.
// 1. Create a context.
let context: mindSporeLite.Context = {};
context.target = ['cpu'];
context.cpu = {}
context.cpu.threadNum = 1;
context.cpu.threadAffinityMode = 0;
context.cpu.precisionMode = 'enforce_fp32';
// 3. Load the model.
// 2. Load the model.
let modelFile = '/data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/mnet.caffemodel.ms';
let msLiteModel = await mindSporeLite.loadModelFromFile(modelFile, context);
// 4. Load data.
// 3. Set the input data.
const modelInputs = msLiteModel.getInputs();
// 5. Perform inference and print the output.
// 4. Perform inference and print the output.
console.log('=========MSLITE predict start=====')
msLiteModel.predict(modelInputs).then((modelOutputs) => {
let output0 = new Float32Array(modelOutputs[0].getData());
......@@ -89,21 +88,21 @@ build() {
## Debugging and Verification
1. Connect to the rk3568 development board on DevEco Studio, click **Run entry**, and compile your own HAP. The following information is displayed:
1. On DevEco Studio, connect to the device, click **Run entry**, and compile your own HAP. The following information is displayed:
Launching com.example.myapptfjs
$ hdc uninstall com.example.myapptfjs
$ hdc install -r "D:\TVOS\JSAPI\MyAppTfjs\entry\build\default\outputs\default\entry-default-signed.hap"
$ hdc install -r "path/to/xxx.hap"
$ hdc shell aa start -a EntryAbility -b com.example.myapptfjs
2. Use the hdc tool to connect to the rk3568 development board and push `mnet.caffemodel.ms` to the sandbox directory on the device. `mnet\_caffemodel\_nhwc.bin` is stored in the `rawfile` directory of the local project.
2. Use hdc to connect to the device, and push **mnet.caffemodel.ms** to the sandbox directory on the device. **mnet\_caffemodel\_nhwc.bin** is stored in the **rawfile** directory of the local project.
hdc -t 7001005458323933328a00bcdf423800 file send .\mnet.caffemodel.ms /data/app/el2/100/base/com.example.myapptfjs/haps/entry/files/
hdc -t your_device_id file send .\mnet.caffemodel.ms /data/app/el2/100/base/com.example.myapptfjs/haps/entry/files/
3. Click **Test\_MSLiteModel\_predict** on the screen of the rk3568 development board to run the test case. The following information is displayed in the HiLog printing result:
3. Click **Test\_MSLiteModel\_predict** on the device screen to run the test case. The following information is displayed in the HiLog printing result:
08-27 23:25:50.278 31782-31782/? I C03d00/JSAPP: =========MSLITE predict start=====
# Using MindSpore Lite Native APIs to Develop AI Applications
## Scenarios
You can use the native APIs provided by MindSpore Lite to deploy AI algorithms and provides APIs for the UI layer to invoke the algorithms for model inference. A typical scenario is the AI SDK development.
## Basic concepts
- [N-API](../reference/native-lib/third_party_napi/napi.md): a set of native APIs used to build JavaScript components. N-APIs can be used to encapsulate libraries developed using C/C++ into JavaScript modules.
## Preparing the Environment
- Install DevEco Studio or later, and update the SDK to API version 10 or later.
## How to Develop
1. Create a native C++ project.
Open DevEco Studio, choose **File** > **New** > **Create Project** to create a native C++ template project. By default, the **entry/src/main/** directory of the created project contains the **cpp/** directory. You can store C/C++ code in this directory and provide JavaScript APIs for the UI layer to call the code.
2. Compile the C++ inference code.
Assume that you have prepared a model in the **.ms** format.
Before using the Native APIs provided by MindSpore Lite for development, you need to reference the corresponding header files.
#include <mindspore/model.h>
#include <mindspore/context.h>
#include <mindspore/status.h>
#include <mindspore/tensor.h>
(1). Read model files.
void *ReadModelFile(NativeResourceManager *nativeResourceManager, const std::string &modelName, size_t *modelSize) {
auto rawFile = OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawFile(nativeResourceManager, modelName.c_str());
if (rawFile == nullptr) {
LOGE("Open model file failed");
return nullptr;
long fileSize = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileSize(rawFile);
void *modelBuffer = malloc(fileSize);
if (modelBuffer == nullptr) {
LOGE("Get model file size failed");
int ret = OH_ResourceManager_ReadRawFile(rawFile, modelBuffer, fileSize);
if (ret == 0) {
LOGI("Read model file failed");
return nullptr;
*modelSize = fileSize;
return modelBuffer;
(2). Create a context, set parameters such as the number of threads and device type, and load the model.
OH_AI_ModelHandle CreateMSLiteModel(void *modelBuffer, size_t modelSize) {
// Create a context.
auto context = OH_AI_ContextCreate();
if (context == nullptr) {
LOGE("Create MSLite context failed.\n");
return nullptr;
auto cpu_device_info = OH_AI_DeviceInfoCreate(OH_AI_DEVICETYPE_CPU);
OH_AI_ContextAddDeviceInfo(context, cpu_device_info);
// Load the .ms model file.
auto model = OH_AI_ModelCreate();
if (model == nullptr) {
LOGE("Allocate MSLite Model failed.\n");
return nullptr;
auto build_ret = OH_AI_ModelBuild(model, modelBuffer, modelSize, OH_AI_MODELTYPE_MINDIR, context);
if (build_ret != OH_AI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
LOGE("Build MSLite model failed.\n");
return nullptr;
LOGI("Build MSLite model success.\n");
return model;
(3). Set the model input data, perform model inference, and obtain the output data.
void RunMSLiteModel(OH_AI_ModelHandle model) {
// Set the model input data.
auto inputs = OH_AI_ModelGetInputs(model);
auto outputs = OH_AI_ModelGetOutputs(model);
// Perform inference and print the output.
auto predict_ret = OH_AI_ModelPredict(model, inputs, &outputs, nullptr, nullptr);
if (predict_ret != OH_AI_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
LOGE("Predict MSLite model error.\n");
LOGI("Run MSLite model success.\n");
LOGI("Get model outputs:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.handle_num; i++) {
auto tensor = outputs.handle_list[i];
LOGI("- Tensor %{public}d name is: %{public}s.\n", static_cast<int>(i), OH_AI_TensorGetName(tensor));
LOGI("- Tensor %{public}d size is: %{public}d.\n", static_cast<int>(i), (int)OH_AI_TensorGetDataSize(tensor));
auto out_data = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(OH_AI_TensorGetData(tensor));
std::cout << "Output data is:";
for (int i = 0; (i < OH_AI_TensorGetElementNum(tensor)) && (i <= kNumPrintOfOutData); i++) {
std::cout << out_data[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
(4). Implement a complete model inference process.
static napi_value RunDemo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
LOGI("Enter runDemo()");
GET_PARAMS(env, info, 2);
napi_value error_ret;
napi_create_int32(env, -1, &error_ret);
const std::string modelName = "ml_headpose.ms";
size_t modelSize;
auto resourcesManager = OH_ResourceManager_InitNativeResourceManager(env, argv[1]);
auto modelBuffer = ReadModelFile(resourcesManager, modelName, &modelSize);
if (modelBuffer == nullptr) {
LOGE("Read model failed");
return error_ret;
LOGI("Read model file success");
auto model = CreateMSLiteModel(modelBuffer, modelSize);
if (model == nullptr) {
LOGE("MSLiteFwk Build model failed.\n");
return error_ret;
napi_value success_ret;
napi_create_int32(env, 0, &success_ret);
LOGI("Exit runDemo()");
return success_ret;
(5). Write the **CMake** script to link the MindSpore Lite dynamic library `libmindspore_lite_ndk.so`.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
add_library(mslite_napi SHARED mslite_napi.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mslite_napi PUBLIC mindspore_lite_ndk) # MindSpore Lite dynamic library to link
target_link_libraries(mslite_napi PUBLIC hilog_ndk.z)
target_link_libraries(mslite_napi PUBLIC rawfile.z)
target_link_libraries(mslite_napi PUBLIC ace_napi.z)
3. Use N-APIs to encapsulate C++ dynamic libraries into JavaScript modules.
Create the **libmslite_api/** subdirectory in **entry/src/main/cpp/types/**, and create the **index.d.ts** file in the subdirectory. The file content is as follows:
export const runDemo: (a:String, b:Object) => number;
Use the preceding code to define the JavaScript API `runDemo()`.
In addition, add the **oh-package.json5** file to associate the API with the **.so** file to form a complete JavaScript module.
"name": "libmslite_napi.so",
"types": "./index.d.ts"
4. Invoke the encapsulated MindSpore module in the UI code.
In **entry/src/ets/MainAbility/pages/index.ets**, define the **onClick()** event and call the encapsulated **runDemo()** API in the event callback.
import msliteNapi from'libmslite_napi.so' // Import the msliteNapi module.
// Certain code omitted
// Trigger the event when the text on the UI is tapped.
.onClick(() => {
resManager.getResourceManager().then(mgr => {
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, '*** Start MSLite Demo ***');
let ret = 0;
ret = msliteNapi.runDemo("", mgr); // Call runDemo() to perform AI model inference.
if (ret == -1) {
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, 'Error when running MSLite Demo!');
hilog.info(0x0000, TAG, '*** Finished MSLite Demo ***');
## Debugging and Verification
On DevEco Studio, connect to the device and click **Run entry**. The following log is generated for the application process:
08-08 16:55:33.766 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/MSLiteNativeDemo: *** Start MSLite Demo ***
08-08 16:55:33.766 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: Enter runDemo()
08-08 16:55:33.772 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: Read model file success
08-08 16:55:33.799 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: Build MSLite model success.
08-08 16:55:33.818 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: Run MSLite model success.
08-08 16:55:33.818 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: Get model outputs:
08-08 16:55:33.818 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: - Tensor 0 name is: output_node_0.
08-08 16:55:33.818 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: - Tensor 0 size is: 12.
08-08 16:55:33.826 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/[MSLiteNapi]: Exit runDemo()
08-08 16:55:33.827 1513-1529/com.mslite.native_demo I A00000/MSLiteNativeDemo: *** Finished MSLite Demo ***
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ The update-through-proxy configuration varies by the type of shared data.
- In the widget page code file **widgets.abc**, use the variable in LocalStorage to obtain the subscribed data. The variable in LocalStorage is bound to a string and updates the subscribed data in the key:value pair format. The key must be the same as that subscribed to by the widget provider. In this example, the subscribed data is obtained through **'detail'** and displayed in the **\<Text>** component.
- In the [widget page code file](arkts-ui-widget-creation.md), use the variable in LocalStorage to obtain the subscribed data. The variable in LocalStorage is bound to a string and updates the subscribed data in the key:value pair format. The key must be the same as that subscribed to by the widget provider. In this example, the subscribed data is obtained through **'detail'** and displayed in the **\<Text>** component.
let storage = new LocalStorage();
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ The update-through-proxy configuration varies by the type of shared data.
- In the widget page code file (generally the .ets file in the **pages** folder under the widget directory of the project), use the variable in LocalStorage to obtain the subscribed data. The variable in LocalStorage is bound to a string and updates the subscribed data in the key:value pair format. The key must be the same as that subscribed to by the widget provider. In the example, the subscribed data is obtained through **'list'**, and the value of the first element is displayed on the **\<Text>** component.
- In the [widget page code file](arkts-ui-widget-creation.md), use the variable in LocalStorage to obtain the subscribed data. The variable in LocalStorage is bound to a string and updates the subscribed data in the key:value pair format. The key must be the same as that subscribed to by the widget provider. In the example, the subscribed data is obtained through **'list'**, and the value of the first element is displayed on the **\<Text>** component.
let storage = new LocalStorage();
......@@ -215,4 +215,4 @@ The update-through-proxy configuration varies by the type of shared data.
## Data Provider Development
For details, see [Data Management](../database/data-mgmt-overview.md).
For details, see [Data Management](../database/share-data-by-silent-access.md).
......@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
- Widget rendering service: a service that manages widget rendering instances. Widget rendering instances are bound to the [widget components](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-formcomponent.md) on the widget host on a one-to-one basis. The widget rendering service runs the widget page code **widgets.abc** for rendering, and sends the rendered data to the corresponding widget component on the widget host.
**Figure 2** Working principles of the ArkTS widget rendering service
**Figure 2** Working principles of the ArkTS widget rendering service
Unlike JS widgets, ArkTS widgets support logic code running. The widget page code **widgets.abc** is executed by the widget rendering service, which is managed by the Widget Manager. Each widget component of a widget host corresponds to a rendering instance in the widget rendering service. Rendering instances of a widget provider run in the same virtual machine operating environment, and rendering instances of different widget providers run in different virtual machine operating environments. In this way, the resources and state data are isolated between widgets of different widget providers. During development, pay attention to the use of the [globalThis](uiability-data-sync-with-ui.md#using-globalthis-between-uiability-and-page) object. Use one **globalThis** object for widgets from the same widget provider, and different **globalThis** objects for widgets from different widget providers.
Unlike JS widgets, ArkTS widgets support logic code execution. The widget page code **widgets.abc** is executed by the widget rendering service, which is managed by the Widget Manager. Each widget component of a widget host corresponds to a rendering instance in the widget rendering service. Rendering instances of a widget provider run in the same virtual machine operating environment, and rendering instances of different widget providers run in different virtual machine operating environments. In this way, the resources and state data are isolated between widgets of different widget providers. During development, pay attention to the use of the [globalThis](uiability-data-sync-with-ui.md#using-globalthis-between-uiability-and-ui-page) object. Use one **globalThis** object for widgets from the same widget provider, and different **globalThis** objects for widgets from different widget providers.
## Advantages of ArkTS Widgets
......@@ -57,6 +58,8 @@ In addition, ArkTS widgets do not support the following features:
- Instant preview
- Breakpoint debugging.
- Breakpoint debugging
- Hot reload
- **setTimeOut**
# Traffic Management
## Introduction
The traffic management module allows you to query real-time or historical data traffic by the specified network interface card (NIC) or user ID (UID).
Its functions include:
- Obtaining real-time traffic data by NIC or UID
- Obtaining historical traffic data by NIC or UID
- Subscribing to traffic change events by NIC or UID
> **NOTE**
> To maximize the application running efficiency, most API calls are called asynchronously in callback or promise mode. The following code examples use the callback mode. For details about the APIs, see [Traffic Management](../reference/apis/js-apis-net-statistics.md).
The following describes the development procedure specific to each application scenario.
## Available APIs
For the complete list of APIs and example code, see [Traffic Management](../reference/apis/js-apis-net-statistics.md).
| Type| API| Description|
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| ohos.net.statistics | getIfaceRxBytes(nic: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time downlink data traffic of the specified NIC. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getIfaceTxBytes(nic: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time uplink data traffic of the specified NIC. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getCellularRxBytes(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time downlink data traffic of the cellular network.|
| ohos.net.statistics | getCellularTxBytes(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time uplink data traffic of the cellular network.|
| ohos.net.statistics | getAllRxBytes(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time downlink data traffic of the all NICs. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getAllTxBytes(callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time uplink data traffic of the all NICs. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getUidRxBytes(uid: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time downlink data traffic of the specified application. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getUidTxBytes(uid: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<number>): void; |Obtains the real-time uplink data traffic of the specified application. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getTrafficStatsByIface(ifaceInfo: IfaceInfo, callback: AsyncCallback\<NetStatsInfo>): void; |Obtains the historical data traffic of the specified NIC. |
| ohos.net.statistics | getTrafficStatsByUid(uidInfo: UidInfo, callback: AsyncCallback\<NetStatsInfo>): void; |Obtains the historical data traffic of the specified application. |
| ohos.net.statistics | on(type: 'netStatsChange', callback: Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }>): void |Subscribes to traffic change events.|
| ohos.net.statistics | off(type: 'netStatsChange', callback?: Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }>): void; |Unsubscribes from traffic change events.|
## Obtaining Real-Time Traffic Data by NIC or UID
1. Obtain the real-time data traffic of the specified NIC.
2. Obtain the real-time data traffic of the cellular network.
3. Obtain the real-time data traffic of all NICs.
4. Obtain the real-time data traffic of the specified application.
// Import the statistics namespace from @ohos.net.statistics.
import statistics from '@ohos.net.statistics'
// Obtain the real-time downlink data traffic of the specified NIC.
statistics.getIfaceRxBytes("wlan0", (error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time uplink data traffic of the specified NIC.
statistics.getIfaceTxBytes("wlan0", (error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time downlink data traffic of the cellular network.
statistics.getCellularRxBytes((error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time uplink data traffic of the cellular network.
statistics.getCellularTxBytes((error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time downlink data traffic of the all NICs.
statistics.getAllRxBytes((error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time uplink data traffic of the all NICs.
statistics.getAllTxBytes((error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time downlink data traffic of the specified application.
let uid = 20010038;
statistics.getUidRxBytes(uid, (error, stats) => {
// Obtain the real-time uplink data traffic of the specified application.
let uid = 20010038;
statistics.getUidTxBytes(uid, (error, stats) => {
## Obtaining Historical Traffic Data by NIC or UID
1. Obtain the historical data traffic of the specified NIC.
2. Obtain the historical data traffic of the specified application.
let ifaceInfo = {
iface: "wlan0",
startTime: 1685948465,
endTime: 16859485670
// Obtain the historical data traffic of the specified NIC.
statistics.getTrafficStatsByIface(ifaceInfo), (error, statsInfo) => {
console.log("getTrafficStatsByIface bytes of received = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.rxBytes));
console.log("getTrafficStatsByIface bytes of sent = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.txBytes));
console.log("getTrafficStatsByIface packets of received = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.rxPackets));
console.log("getTrafficStatsByIface packets of sent = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.txPackets));
let uidInfo = {
ifaceInfo: {
iface: "wlan0",
startTime: 1685948465,
endTime: 16859485670
uid: 20010037
// Obtain the historical data traffic of the specified application.
statistics.getTrafficStatsByUid(uidInfo), (error, statsInfo) => {
console.log("getTrafficStatsByUid bytes of received = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.rxBytes));
console.log("getTrafficStatsByUid bytes of sent = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.txBytes));
console.log("getTrafficStatsByUid packets of received = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.rxPackets));
console.log("getTrafficStatsByUid packets of sent = " + JSON.stringify(statsInfo.txPackets));
## Subscribing to Traffic Change Events
1. Subscribe to traffic change events.
2. Unsubscribe from traffic change events.
let callback = data => {
console.log("on netStatsChange, data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
// Subscribe to traffic change events.
statistics.on('netStatsChange', callback);
// Unsubscribe from traffic change events. You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to unsubscribe from a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will unsubscribe from all events.
statistics.off('netStatsChange', callback);
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
- Cross-Application Data Sharing
- [Data Sharing Overview](data-share-overview.md)
- [Unified Data Definition](unified-data-definition.md)
- One-to-Many Data Sharing (Only for System Applications)
- [Sharing Data Using DataShareExtensionAbility](share-data-by-datashareextensionability.md)
- [Silent Access via the DatamgrService](share-data-by-silent-access.md)
- One-to-Many Data Sharing (for System Applications Only)
- [Sharing Data Using DataShareExtensionAbility](share-data-by-datashareextensionability.md)
- [Silent Access via the DatamgrService](share-data-by-silent-access.md)
- Many-to-Many Data Sharing
- [Sharing Data Using Unified Data Channels](unified-data-channels.md)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -760,147 +760,6 @@ Text in the **\<Text>** component is centered by default. You do not need to set
## How do I set the controlButton attribute for the \<SideBarContainer> component?
Applicable to: OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta5 (API version 9)
The sample code is as follows:
struct SideBarContainerExample {
normalIcon : Resource = $r("app.media.icon")
selectedIcon: Resource = $r("app.media.icon")
@State arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
@State current: number = 1
build() {
Column() {
ForEach(this.arr, (item, index) => {
Column({ space: 5 }) {
Image(this.current === item ? this.selectedIcon : this.normalIcon).width(64).height(64)
Text("Index0" + item)
.fontColor(this.current === item ? '#0A59F7' : '#999')
.onClick(() => {
this.current = item
}, item => item)
Column() {
Text('SideBarContainer content text1').fontSize(25)
Text('SideBarContainer content text2').fontSize(25)
.margin({ top: 50, left: 20, right: 30 })
icons:{shown: $r("app.media.icon"),
hidden: $r("app.media.icon"),
switching: $r("app.media.icon")}})
.onChange((value: boolean) => {
console.info('status:' + value)
## How do I implement the dragging feature for the \<Grid> component?
Applicable to: OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta5 (API version 9)
1. Set the **editMode\(true\)** attribute of the **\<Grid>** component to specify whether the component enters the editing mode. In the editing mode, you can drag grid items.
2. Set the image displayed during dragging in the [onItemDragStart](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-container-grid.md#events) callback.
3. Obtain the drag start position and drag insertion position from the [onItemDrop](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-container-grid.md#events) callback, and complete the array position exchange logic in the [onDrag](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md#events) callback. The sample code is as follows:
struct GridExample {
@State numbers: String[] = []
scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
@State text: string = 'drag'
@Builder pixelMapBuilder () { // Drag style
Column() {
aboutToAppear() {
for (let i = 1;i <= 15; i++) {
this.numbers.push(i + '')
changeIndex(index1: number, index2: number) {// Exchange the array item position.
[this.numbers[index1], this.numbers[index2]] = [this.numbers[index2], this.numbers[index1]];
build() {
Column({ space: 5 }) {
Grid(this.scroller) {
ForEach(this.numbers, (day: string) => {
GridItem() {
.onTouch((event: TouchEvent) => {
if (event.type === TouchType.Up) {
this.text = day
.columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr')
.onScrollIndex((first: number) => {
.editMode(true) // Set whether the grid enters the editing mode. In the editing mode, you can drag grid items.
.onItemDragStart((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number) => { // Triggered when a grid item starts to be dragged.
return this.pixelMapBuilder() // Set the image displayed during dragging.
.onItemDrop((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number, insertIndex: number, isSuccess: boolean) => { // Triggered when the dragged item is dropped on the drop target of the grid.
console.info('beixiang' + itemIndex + '', insertIndex + '') // itemIndex indicates the initial position of the dragged item; insertIndex indicates the index of the position to which the dragged item will be dropped.
this.changeIndex(itemIndex, insertIndex)
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
## Which API is used for URL encoding?
# ArkUI Component Development (ArkTS)
## Can custom dialog boxes be defined or used in .ts files?
## Can custom dialog boxes be defined and used in .ts files?
Applicable to: OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta 5 (API version 9)
Unfortunately, no. ArkTS syntax is required for defining and initializing custom dialog boxes. Therefore, they can be defined and used only in .ets files.
Unfortunately not. Custom dialog boxes require ArkTS syntax for definition and initialization. Therefore, they can be defined and used only in .ets files.
......@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ When a custom dialog box contains a child component whose area size can be chang
- Method 1: Use the default style of the custom dialog box. In this case, the dialog box automatically adapts its width to the grid system and its height to the child components; the maximum height is 90% of the container height.
- Method 2: Use a custom style of the custom dialog box. In this case, the dialog box automatically adapts its width and height to the child components.
- Method 1: Set the custom dialog box to the default style. In this style, the dialog box automatically adapts its width to the grid system and its height to the child components; the maximum height is 90% of the container height.
- Method 2: Set the custom dialog box to a custom style. In this style, the dialog box automatically adapts its width and height to the child components.
......@@ -685,3 +685,64 @@ You can use **focusControl.requestFocus** to control the focus of the text input
[Focus Control](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-attributes-focus.md)
## How do I set the controlButton attribute for the \<SideBarContainer> component?
Applicable to: OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta5 (API version 9)
Refer to the following sample code:
struct SideBarContainerExample {
normalIcon : Resource = $r("app.media.icon")
selectedIcon: Resource = $r("app.media.icon")
@State arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
@State current: number = 1
build() {
Column() {
ForEach(this.arr, (item, index) => {
Column({ space: 5 }) {
Image(this.current === item ? this.selectedIcon : this.normalIcon).width(64).height(64)
Text("Index0" + item)
.fontColor(this.current === item ? '#0A59F7' : '#999')
.onClick(() => {
this.current = item
}, item => item)
Column() {
Text('SideBarContainer content text1').fontSize(25)
Text('SideBarContainer content text2').fontSize(25)
.margin({ top: 50, left: 20, right: 30 })
icons:{shown: $r("app.media.icon"),
hidden: $r("app.media.icon"),
switching: $r("app.media.icon")}})
.onChange((value: boolean) => {
console.info('status:' + value)
# Best Practices for Application Performance
This topic outlines some best practices for improving your application performance to live up to user expectations for quick startup, timely response, and no frame freezing.
Following these practices, you can reduce your application's startup time, response time, and frame loss.
- Improving application startup and response time
- [Speeding Up Application Cold Start](../performance/improve-application-startup-and-response/improve-application-cold-start-speed.md)
Application startup latency is a key factor that affects user experience. To speed up the application cold start, you are advised to perform optimization in the following four phases:
​ 1. Application process creation and initialization
​ 2. Application and ability initialization
​ 3. Ability lifecycle
​ 4. Home page loading and drawing
- [Speeding Up Application Response](../performance/improve-application-startup-and-response/improve-application-response.md)
A premium interaction experience requires quick response to user input. To improve your application's response time, you are advised to prevent the main thread from being blocked by non-UI tasks and reduce the number of component to be refreshed.
- Reducing frame loss
- [Reducing Nesting](../performance/reduce-frame-loss-and-frame-freezing/reduce-view-nesting-levels.md)
The smoothness of rendering the layout to the screen affects the user perceived quality. It is recommended that you minimize nesting in your code to shorten the render time.
- [Reducing Frame Loss](../performance/reduce-frame-loss-and-frame-freezing/reduce-animation-frame-loss.md)
Whether animations in your application run smoothly is a key factor that affects user experience. You are advised to use the system-provided animation APIs to reduce frame loss.
# Speeding Up Application Cold Start
Application startup latency is a key factor that affects user experience. When an application is started, the background does not have a process of the application, and therefore the system creates a new process and allocates it to the application. This startup mode is called cold start.
## Analyzing the Time Required for Application Cold Start
The cold start process of OpenHarmony applications can be divided into four phases: application process creation and initialization, application and ability initialization, ability lifecycle, and home page loading and drawing, as shown in the following figure.
## 1. Shortening Time Required for Application Process Creation And Initialization
In the phase of application process creation and initialization, the system creates and initializes an application process, including decoding the icon of the startup page (specified by **startWindowIcon**).
### Using startWindowIcon of Appropriate Resolution
With regard to the icon of the startup page, the recommended maximum resolution is 256 x 256 pixels. Larger resolutions may result in slow startup.
"abilities": [
"name": "EntryAbility",
"srcEntrance": "./ets/entryability/EntryAbility.ts",
"description": "$string:EntryAbility_desc",
"icon": "$media:icon",
"label": "$string:EntryAbility_label",
"startWindowIcon": "$media:startWindowIcon", // Modify the icon of the startup page. It is recommended that the icon be less than or equal to 256 pixels x 256 pixels.
"startWindowBackground": "$color:start_window_background",
"visible": true,
"skills": [
"entities": [
"actions": [
## 2. Shortening Time Required for Application and Ability Initialization
In this phase of application and ability initialization, resources are loaded, VMs are created, application and ability related objects are created and initialized, and dependent modules are loaded.
### Minimizing the Number of Imported Modules
Before the application code is executed, the application must find and load all imported modules. Each additional third-party framework or module to be loaded by the application increases the startup time. The time required depends on the number and size of loaded third-party frameworks or modules. To speed up startup, use system-provided modules when possible and load the modules as required.
## 3. Shortening Time Required for Ability Lifecycle
In this phase of ability lifecycle, the ability lifecycle callbacks are executed.
### Avoiding Time-Consuming Operations in Ability Lifecycle Callbacks
In the application startup process, the system executes the ability lifecycle callbacks. Whenever possible, avoid performing time-consuming operations in these callbacks. You are advised to perform time-consuming operations through asynchronous tasks or execute them in other threads.
In these lifecycle callbacks, perform only necessary operations. For details, see [UIAbility Lifecycle](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/application-dev/application-models/uiability-lifecycle.md).
## 4. Shortening Time Required for Home Page Loading and Drawing
In this phase of home page loading and drawing, the home page content is loaded, the layout is measured, and components are refreshed and drawn.
### Avoid time-consuming operations in the custom component lifecycle callbacks.
When the lifecycle of a custom component changes, the corresponding callback is called.
The **aboutToAppear** function is executed after the custom component instance is created and before the page is drawn. The following code asynchronously processes the time-consuming computing task in **aboutToAppear** to avoid executing the operation in this function and blocking the page drawing.
struct Index {
@State private text: string = undefined;
private count: number = undefined;
aboutToAppear() {
this.computeTaskAsync(); // Asynchronous task
this.text = "hello world";
build() {
Column({space: 10}) {
computeTask() {
this.count = 0;
while (this.count < 10000000) {
this.text = 'task complete';
// Asynchronous processing of the computing task
private computeTaskAsync() {
new Promise((resolved, rejected) => {
setTimeout(() => {// setTimeout is used to implement asynchronous processing.
}, 1000)
# Speeding Up Application Response
This topic provides the following tips for improving your application's response to user input.
- Prevent the main thread from being blocked by non-UI tasks.
- Reduce the number of components to be refreshed.
## Preventing Main Thread from Being Blocked by Non-UI Tasks
When the application responds to user input, its main thread should execute only UI tasks (such as preparation of data to be displayed and update of visible components). It is recommended that non-UI, time-consuming tasks (such as long-time content loading) be executed through asynchronous tasks or allocated to other threads.
### Using Asynchronous Component Loading
The **\<Image>** component has the asynchronous loading feature enabled by default. When an application loads a batch of local images to be displayed on the page, blank placeholder icons are displayed first, and then replaced by the images when these images have finished loading in other threads. In this way, image loading does not block page display. The following code is recommended only when the image loading takes a short time.
struct ImageExample1 {
build() {
Column() {
Row() {
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%')
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%')
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%')
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%')
// Several <Row> containers are omitted here. Each container contains the preceding <Image> components.
Recommendation: If it takes a short time to load an image, the benefits of asynchronous loading will be greatly undermined. In this case, change the value of the syncLoad attribute.
struct ImageExample1 {
build() {
Column() {
Row() {
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%').syncLoad(true)
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%').syncLoad(true)
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%').syncLoad(true)
.border({ width: 1 }).borderStyle(BorderStyle.Dashed).aspectRatio(1).width('25%').height('12.5%').syncLoad(true)
// Several <Row> containers are omitted here. Each container contains the preceding <Image> components.
### Using TaskPool for Asynchronous Processing
Compared with the worker thread, [TaskPool](https://gitee.com/sqsyqqy/docs/blob/master/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-taskpool.md) provides the task priority setting and automatic thread pool management mechanism. The following is an example:
import taskpool from '@ohos.taskpool';
function computeTask(arr: string[]): string[] {
// Simulate a compute-intensive task.
let count = 0;
while (count < 100000000) {
return arr.reverse();
struct AspectRatioExample {
@State children: string[] = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'];
aboutToAppear() {
async computeTaskInTaskPool() {
const param = this.children.slice();
let task = new taskpool.Task(computeTask, param);
// @ts-ignore
this.children = await taskpool.execute(task);
build() {
// Component layout
### Creating Asynchronous Tasks
The following code shows how to declare a long-running non-UI task as an asynchronous task through **Promise**. This allows the main thread to first focus on providing user feedback and completing the initial render, and then execute the asynchronous task when it is idle. After the asynchronous task is complete, related components are redrawn to refresh the page.
struct AspectRatioExample {
@State private children: string[] = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'];
private count: number = undefined;
aboutToAppear() {
this.computeTaskAsync(); // Invoke the asynchronous compute function.
// Simulate a compute-intensive task.
computeTask() {
this.count = 0;
while (this.count < 100000000) {
this.children = this.children.reverse();
computeTaskAsync() {
new Promise((resolved, rejected) => {
setTimeout(() => {// setTimeout is used to implement asynchronous processing.
}, 1000)
build() {
// Component layout
## Reducing the Number of Components to Be Refreshed
When an application refreshes a page, the number of components to be refreshed must be reduced as much as possible. If this number is too large, the main thread will take a long time to perform measurement and layout. In addition, the **aboutToAppear()** and **aboutToDisappear()** APIs will be called multiple times during the creation and destruction of custom components, increasing the load of the main thread.
### Limiting the Refresh Scope with Containers
Negative example: If a component in a container is included in the **if** condition, changes in the **if** condition result will trigger the creation and destruction of the component. If the container layout is affected in this case, all components in the container are refreshed. As a result, the UI refresh of the main thread takes a long time.
In the following example, the **Text('New Page')** component is controlled by the state variable **isVisible**. When **isVisible** is set to **true**, the component is created. When **isVisible** is set to **false**, the component is destroyed. This means that, when the value of **isVisible** changes, all components in the **\<Stack>** container are refreshed.
struct StackExample {
@State isVisible : boolean = false;
build() {
Column() {
Stack({alignContent: Alignment.Top}) {
// 100 identical <Text> components are omitted here.
if (this.isVisible) {
Text('New Page').height("100%").height("70%").backgroundColor(0xd2cab3)
Button("press").onClick(() => {
this.isVisible = !(this.isVisible);
Recommendation: For the component controlled by the state variable, add a container to the **if** statement to reduce the refresh scope.
struct StackExample {
@State isVisible : boolean = false;
build() {
Column() {
Stack({alignContent: Alignment.Top}) {
// 100 identical <Text> components are omitted here.
Stack() {
if (this.isVisible) {
Text('New Page').height("100%").height("70%").backgroundColor(0xd2cab3)
Button("press").onClick(() => {
this.isVisible = !(this.isVisible);
### Implementing On-Demand Loading of List Items
Negative example: Each of the 10000 elements in **this.arr** is initialized and loaded. As a result, the execution of the main thread takes a long time.
struct MyComponent {
@State arr: number[] = Array.from(Array(10000), (v,k) =>k);
build() {
List() {
ForEach(this.arr, (item: number) => {
ListItem() {
Text(`item value: ${item}`)
}, (item: number) => item.toString())
Recommendation: In similar cases, replace **ForEach** with **LazyForEach** so that only visible elements are loaded.
class BasicDataSource implements IDataSource {
private listeners: DataChangeListener[] = []
public totalCount(): number {
return 0
public getData(index: number): any {
return undefined
registerDataChangeListener(listener: DataChangeListener): void {
if (this.listeners.indexOf(listener) < 0) {
console.info('add listener')
unregisterDataChangeListener(listener: DataChangeListener): void {
const pos = this.listeners.indexOf(listener);
if (pos >= 0) {
console.info('remove listener')
this.listeners.splice(pos, 1)
notifyDataReload(): void {
this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
notifyDataAdd(index: number): void {
this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
notifyDataChange(index: number): void {
this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
notifyDataDelete(index: number): void {
this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
notifyDataMove(from: number, to: number): void {
this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
listener.onDataMove(from, to)
class MyDataSource extends BasicDataSource {
private dataArray: string[] = Array.from(Array(10000), (v, k) => k.toString());
public totalCount(): number {
return this.dataArray.length
public getData(index: number): any {
return this.dataArray[index]
public addData(index: number, data: string): void {
this.dataArray.splice(index, 0, data)
public pushData(data: string): void {
this.notifyDataAdd(this.dataArray.length - 1)
struct MyComponent {
private data: MyDataSource = new MyDataSource()
build() {
List() {
LazyForEach(this.data, (item: string) => {
ListItem() {
Text(item).fontSize(20).margin({ left: 10 })
}, item => item)
# Reducing Frame Loss
Frame loss in the animation arena is a phenomenon where the frame rate of an animation drops when it is running or being created.
When playing an animation, the system needs to calculate the animation curve and draw the component layout within a refresh period. You are advised to use the system-provided animation APIs. With these APIs, setting the curve type, end point position, and duration is enough for meeting common animation needs, thereby reducing the load of the UI main thread.
Negative example: The application uses a custom animation, which involves animation curve calculation. This calculation process may cause high load of the UI thread and frame loss.
struct AttrAnimationExample {
@State widthSize: number = 200
@State heightSize: number = 100
@State flag: boolean = true
computeSize() {
let duration = 2000
let period = 16
let widthSizeEnd = undefined
let heightSizeEnd = undefined
if (this.flag) {
widthSizeEnd = 100
heightSizeEnd = 50
} else {
widthSizeEnd = 200
heightSizeEnd = 100
let doTimes = duration / period
let deltaHeight = (heightSizeEnd - this.heightSize) / doTimes
let deltaWeight = (widthSizeEnd - this.widthSize) / doTimes
for (let i = 1; i <= doTimes; i++) {
let t = period * (i);
setTimeout(() => {
this.heightSize = this.heightSize + deltaHeight
this.widthSize = this.widthSize + deltaWeight
}, t)
this.flag = !this.flag
build() {
Column() {
Button('click me')
.onClick(() => {
let delay = 500
setTimeout(() => { this.computeSize() }, delay)
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
## Using System-Provided Attribute Animation APIs
The following uses the system-provided attribute animation APIs to implement the preceding animation features:
struct AttrAnimationExample {
@State widthSize: number = 200
@State heightSize: number = 100
@State flag: boolean = true
build() {
Column() {
Button('click me')
.onClick((event: ClickEvent) => {
if (this.flag) {
this.widthSize = 100
this.heightSize = 50
} else {
this.widthSize = 200
this.heightSize = 100
this.flag = !this.flag
duration: 2000, // Animation duration.
curve: Curve.Linear, // Animation curve.
delay: 500, // Animation delay.
iterations: 1, // Number of playback times.
playMode: PlayMode.Normal // Animation playback mode.
}) // Animation configuration for the width and height attributes of the <Button> component.
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
For more details, see [Property Animator](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-animatorproperty.md).
## Using System-Provided Explicit Animation APIs
The following uses the system-provided explicit animation APIs to implement the preceding animation features:
struct AnimateToExample {
@State widthSize: number = 200;
@State heightSize: number = 100;
@State flag: boolean = true;
build() {
Column() {
Button('click me')
.onClick((event: ClickEvent) => {
if (this.flag) {
duration: 2000, // Animation duration.
curve: Curve.Linear, // Animation curve.
delay: 500, // Animation delay.
iterations: 1, // Number of playback times.
playMode: PlayMode.Normal // Animation playback mode.
}, () => {
this.widthSize = 100;
this.heightSize = 50;
} else {
duration: 2000, // Animation duration.
curve: Curve.Linear, // Animation curve.
delay: 500, // Animation delay.
iterations: 1, // Number of playback times.
playMode: PlayMode.Normal // Animation playback mode.
}, () => {
this.widthSize = 200;
this.heightSize = 100;
this.flag = !this.flag;
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
For more details, see [Explicit Animation](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-explicit-animation.md).
# Reducing Nesting
The view hierarchy can significantly affect application performance. For example, at the 120 Hz refresh rate, a device screen refreshes frames every 8.3 ms. If there are many levels of nested views, the frames may fail to be refreshed within 8.3 ms. As a result, frame loss and frame freezing occur, detracting from user experience. Therefore, it is recommended that you minimize nesting in your code to shorten the refresh time.
## Removing Redundant Levels of Nesting
In the following negative example, the **\<Grid>** component is used to implement a grid, but it is nested inside three levels of **\<Stack>** containers. As a result, the refresh and rendering process takes a long time to complete.
struct AspectRatioExample {
@State children: Number[] = Array.from(Array(900), (v, k) => k);
build() {
Scroll() {
Grid() {
ForEach(this.children, (item) => {
GridItem() {
Stack() {
Stack() {
Stack() {
}, item => item)
.columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')
.size({ width: "100%", height: "100%" })
Recommendation: Reduce the redundant nesting of **\<Stack>** containers. In this way, the number of components that each grid item needs to pass is three less, shortening the refresh and rendering time.
// xxx.ets
struct AspectRatioExample {
@State children: Number[] = Array.from(Array(900), (v, k) => k);
build() {
Scroll() {
Grid() {
ForEach(this.children, (item) => {
GridItem() {
}, item => item)
.columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')
.size({ width: "100%", height: "100%" })
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ struct Parent {
### Example of Component Initialization Through Trailing Closure
### Component Initialization Through Trailing Closure
In a custom component, the \@BuilderParam decorated attribute can be initialized using a trailing closure. During initialization, the component name is followed by a pair of braces ({}) to form a trailing closure.
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ What the internal state is depends on the component. For example, for the [bindP
| [Toggle](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-toggle.md) | isOn | 10 |
| [AlphabetIndexer](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-container-alphabet-indexer.md) | selected | 10 |
| [Select](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-select.md) | selected, value| 10 |
| [BindSheet](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-attributes-sheet-transition.md) | isShow | 10 |
| [BindContentCover](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-attributes-modal-transition.md) | isShow | 10 |
- When the variable bound to $$ changes, the UI is re-rendered synchronously.
......@@ -227,9 +227,9 @@
- [@ohos.distributedMissionManager (Distributed Mission Management)](js-apis-distributedMissionManager.md)
- [@ohos.reminderAgentManager (Reminder Agent Management)](js-apis-reminderAgentManager.md)
- [@ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager (Background Task Management)](js-apis-resourceschedule-backgroundTaskManager.md)
- [@ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler (Work Scheduler)](js-apis-resourceschedule-workScheduler.md)
- [@ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler (Deferred Task Scheduling)](js-apis-resourceschedule-workScheduler.md)
- [@ohos.resourceschedule.usageStatistics (Device Usage Statistics)](js-apis-resourceschedule-deviceUsageStatistics.md)
- [@ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility (Work Scheduler Callbacks)](js-apis-WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility.md)
- [@ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility (Deferred Task Scheduling Callbacks)](js-apis-WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility.md)
- application
- [WorkSchedulerExtensionContext](js-apis-inner-application-WorkSchedulerExtensionContext.md)
# @ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility (Work Scheduler Callbacks)
# @ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility (Deferred Task Scheduling Callbacks)
The **WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility** module provides callbacks for Work Scheduler tasks.
The **WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility** module provides callbacks for deferred task scheduling.
When developing an application, you can override the APIs of this module and add your own task logic to the APIs.
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility from '@ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility'
onWorkStart(work: workScheduler.WorkInfo): void
Triggered when the Work Scheduler task starts.
Called when the system starts scheduling the deferred task.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Triggered when the Work Scheduler task starts.
onWorkStop(work: workScheduler.WorkInfo): void
Triggered when the Work Scheduler task stops.
Called when the system stops scheduling the deferred task.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
# WorkSchedulerExtensionContext
The **WorkSchedulerExtensionContext** module, inherited from [ExtensionContext](js-apis-inner-application-extensionContext.md), is the context environment of the WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility.
The **WorkSchedulerExtensionContext** module, inherited from [ExtensionContext](js-apis-inner-application-extensionContext.md), provides a context environment for the WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility.
This module provides APIs for accessing the resources of a WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility.
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
The **statistics** module provides APIs to query real-time or historical data traffic by the specified network interface card (NIC) or user ID (UID).
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 10. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
......@@ -589,7 +588,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [Traffic Management Error Codes](../error
on(type: 'netStatsChange', callback: Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }>): void
Subscribes to data traffic change events.
Subscribes to traffic change events.
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -602,7 +601,7 @@ Subscribes to data traffic change events.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. This field has a fixed value of **netStatsChange**.|
| callback | Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }\> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data traffic changes.<br>**iface**: NIC name.<br>**uid**: application UID.|
| callback | Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }\> | Yes | Callback invoked when the traffic changes.<br>**iface**: NIC name.<br>**uid**: application UID.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -628,7 +627,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [Traffic Management Error Codes](../error
off(type: 'netStatsChange', callback?: Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }>): void;
Unsubscribes from data traffic change events.
Unsubscribes from traffic change events.
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -641,7 +640,7 @@ Unsubscribes from data traffic change events.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. This field has a fixed value of **netStatsChange**.|
| callback | Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }\> | No | Callback invoked when the data traffic changes.<br>**iface**: NIC name.<br>uid: application UID.|
| callback | Callback\<{ iface: string, uid?: number }\> | No | Callback invoked when the traffic changes.<br>**iface**: NIC name.<br>uid: application UID.|
**Error codes**
# @ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler (Work Scheduler)
# @ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler (Deferred Task Scheduling)
The **workScheduler** module provides the APIs for registering, canceling, and querying Work Scheduler tasks, which do not have real-time constraints.
The **workScheduler** module provides the APIs for registering, canceling, and querying deferred tasks.
The system executes Work Scheduler tasks at an appropriate time, subject to the storage space, power consumption, temperature, and more.
The system schedules and executes deferred tasks at an appropriate time, subject to the storage space, power consumption, temperature, and more.
> **NOTE**
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
> - For details about the restrictions, see [Restrictions on Using Work Scheduler Tasks](../../task-management/background-task-overview.md#restrictions-on-using-work-scheduler-tasks).
## Modules to Import
......@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ import workScheduler from '@ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler';
## workScheduler.startWork
startWork(work: WorkInfo): void
Instructs the **WorkSchedulerService** to add the specified task to the execution queue.
Instructs the WorkSchedulerService to add a task to the execution queue.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## workScheduler.stopWork
stopWork(work: WorkInfo, needCancel?: boolean): void
Instructs the **WorkSchedulerService** to stop the specified task.
Instructs the WorkSchedulerService to stop a task.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ Obtains the latest task status. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| workId | number | Yes | Task ID. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. Returns the task status obtained from the **WorkSchedulerService** if the specified task ID is valid; throws an exception otherwise.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the specified task ID is valid, the task status obtained from the WorkSchedulerService is returned. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ Obtains the latest task status. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)> | Promise used to return the result. Returns the task status obtained from the **WorkSchedulerService** if the specified task ID is valid; throws an exception otherwise.|
| Promise\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)> | Promise used to return the result. If the specified task ID is valid, the task status obtained from the WorkSchedulerService is returned. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## workScheduler.obtainAllWorks
obtainAllWorks(callback : AsyncCallback\<void>): Array\<WorkInfo>
Obtains all tasks associated with this application. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Obtains all tasks associated with the application. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -218,13 +217,13 @@ Obtains all tasks associated with this application. This API uses an asynchronou
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | -------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------- |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. All tasks associated with the current application.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------- | --------------- |
| Array\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)> | All tasks associated with the current application.|
| Array\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)> | All tasks associated with the application.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## workScheduler.obtainAllWorks
obtainAllWorks(): Promise\<Array\<WorkInfo>>
Obtains all tasks associated with this application. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Obtains all tasks associated with the application. This API uses a promise to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ Obtains all tasks associated with this application. This API uses a promise to r
| Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| Promise<Array\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)>> | Promise used to return the result. All tasks associated with the current application.|
| Promise<Array\<[WorkInfo](#workinfo)>> | Promise used to return all tasks associated with the application.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## workScheduler.stopAndClearWorks
stopAndClearWorks(): void
Stops and cancels all tasks associated with the current application.
Stops and cancels all tasks associated with the application.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## workScheduler.isLastWorkTimeOut
isLastWorkTimeOut(workId: number, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>): boolean
Checks whether the last execution of the specified task timed out. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Checks whether the last execution of a task timed out. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -329,13 +328,13 @@ Checks whether the last execution of the specified task timed out. This API uses
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | -------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| workId | number | Yes | Task ID. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. Returns **true** if the last execution of the specified task timed out; returns **false** otherwise.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| boolean | Callback used to return the result. Returns **true** if the last execution of the specified task timed out; returns **false** otherwise.|
| boolean | Returns **true** if the last execution of the task timed out; returns **false** otherwise.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## workScheduler.isLastWorkTimeOut
isLastWorkTimeOut(workId: number): Promise\<boolean>
Checks whether the last execution of the specified task timed out. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Checks whether the last execution of a task timed out. This API uses a promise to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ Checks whether the last execution of the specified task timed out. This API uses
| Type | Description |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. Returns **true** if the last execution of the specified task timed out; returns **false** otherwise.|
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. If the last execution of the task timed out, **true** is returned. Otherwise, **false** is returned.|
**Error codes**
......@@ -411,15 +410,15 @@ For details about the error codes, see [workScheduler Error Codes](../errorcodes
## WorkInfo
Provides detailed information about the task. For details about the constraints on configuring **WorkInfo**, see [Restrictions on Using Work Scheduler Tasks](../../task-management/background-task-overview.md#restrictions-on-using-work-scheduler-tasks).
Provides detailed information about the task.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
| workId | number | Yes | Task ID. |
| bundleName | string | Yes | Name of the Work Scheduler task bundle. |
| abilityName | string | Yes | Name of the component to be notified by a Work Scheduler callback.|
| bundleName | string | Yes | Bundle name of the application that requests the task. |
| abilityName | string | Yes | Name of the component to be notified by a deferred task scheduling callback. |
| networkType | [NetworkType](#networktype) | No | Network type. |
| isCharging | boolean | No | Whether the device is charging. |
| chargerType | [ChargingType](#chargingtype) | No | Charging type. |
......@@ -435,7 +434,7 @@ Provides detailed information about the task. For details about the constraints
| parameters | {[key: string]: number \| string \| boolean} | No | Carried parameters. |
## NetworkType
Enumerates the network types that can trigger the task.
Enumerates the network types that can trigger task scheduling.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -449,7 +448,7 @@ Enumerates the network types that can trigger the task.
| NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET | 5 | Ethernet. |
## ChargingType
Enumerates the charging types that can trigger the task.
Enumerates the charging types that can trigger task scheduling.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -461,7 +460,7 @@ Enumerates the charging types that can trigger the task.
| CHARGING_PLUGGED_WIRELESS | 3 | Wireless charging. |
## BatteryStatus
Enumerates the battery states that can trigger the task.
Enumerates the battery states that can trigger task scheduling.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -472,7 +471,7 @@ Enumerates the battery states that can trigger the task.
| BATTERY_STATUS_LOW_OR_OKAY | 2 | The battery level is restored from low to normal, or a low battery alert is displayed.|
## StorageRequest
Enumerates the storage states that can trigger the task.
Enumerates the storage states that can trigger task scheduling.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.WorkScheduler
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct RichTextExample {
'<h2 style="text-align: center;">h2 heading</h2>' +
'<h3 style="text-align: center;">h3 heading</h3>' +
'<p style="text-align: center;">Regular paragraph</p><hr/>' +
'<div style="width: 500px;height: 500px;border: 1px solid;margin: 0auto;">' +
'<div style="width: 500px;height: 500px;border: 1px solid;margin: 0 auto;">' +
'<p style="font-size: 35px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold; color: rgb(24,78,228)">Font size: 35px; line height: 45px</p>' +
'<p style="background-color: #e5e5e5;line-height: 45px;font-size: 35px;text-indent: 2em;">' +
'<p>This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text.</p>';
......@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| searchButton<sup>10+</sup> | value: string,<br>option?: [SearchButtonOptions](#searchbuttonoptions10) | Text on the search button located next to the search text box. By default, there is no search button. |
| placeholderColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Placeholder text color. |
| placeholderColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Placeholder text color.<br>Default value: **'#99182431'** |
| placeholderFont | [Font](ts-types.md#font) | Placeholder text style, including the font size, font width, font family, and font style. Currently, only the default font family is supported. |
| textFont | [Font](ts-types.md#font) | Style of the text entered in the search box, including the font size, font width, font family, and font style. Currently, only the default font family is supported. |
| textAlign | [TextAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#textalign) | Text alignment mode in the search text box.<br>Default value: **TextAlign.Start** |
| copyOption<sup>9+</sup> | [CopyOptions](ts-appendix-enums.md#copyoptions9) | Whether copy and paste is allowed. |
| copyOption<sup>9+</sup> | [CopyOptions](ts-appendix-enums.md#copyoptions9) | Whether copy and paste is allowed.<br>Default value: **CopyOptions.LocalDevice**<br>If this attribute is set to **CopyOptions.None**, the text can be pasted, but copy or cut is not allowed. |
| searchIcon<sup>10+</sup> | [IconOptions](#iconoptions10) | Style of the search icon on the left. |
| cancelButton<sup>10+</sup> | {<br>style? : [CancelButtonStyle](#cancelbuttonstyle10)<br>icon?: [IconOptions](#iconoptions10) <br>} | Style of the Cancel button on the right. |
| fontColor<sup>10+</sup> | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Font color of the input text. |
| caretStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [CaretStyle](#caretstyle10) | Caret style. |
| cancelButton<sup>10+</sup> | {<br>style? : [CancelButtonStyle](#cancelbuttonstyle10)<br>icon?: [IconOptions](#iconoptions10) <br>} | Style of the Cancel button on the right.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>style: CancelButtonStyle.INPUT<br>} |
| fontColor<sup>10+</sup> | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Font color of the input text.<br>Default value: **'#FF182431'**<br>**NOTE**<br>[Universal text attributes](ts-universal-attributes-text-style.md) **fontSize**, **fontStyle**, **fontWeight**, and **fontFamily** are set in the **textFont** attribute.|
| caretStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [CaretStyle](#caretstyle10) | Caret style.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>width: 1.5vp<br>color: '#007DFF'<br>} |
| enableKeyboardOnFocus<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | Whether to enable the input method when the component obtains focus.<br>Default value: **true** |
| selectionMenuHidden<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | Whether to display the text selection menu when the text box is long-pressed or right-clicked.<br>Default value: **false**|
## IconOptions<sup>10+</sup>
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | ---------------- |
| Checkbox | Check box type.<br>**NOTE**<br>The default value of the universal attribute [margin](ts-universal-attributes-size.md) is as follows:<br>{<br> top: 12 px,<br> right: 12 px,<br> bottom: 12 px,<br> left: 12 px<br> } |
| Checkbox | Check box type.<br>**NOTE**<br>The default value of the universal attribute [margin](ts-universal-attributes-size.md) is as follows:<br>{<br> top: 14 px,<br> right: 14 px,<br> bottom: 14 px,<br> left: 14 px<br> } |
| Button | Button type. The set string, if any, will be displayed inside the button. |
| Switch | Switch type.<br>**NOTE**<br>The default value of the universal attribute [margin](ts-universal-attributes-size.md) is as follows:<br>{<br> top: 6px,<br> right: 14px,<br> bottom: 6 px,<br> left: 14 px<br> } |
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| count | number | Yes| Number of notifications.<br>**NOTE**<br>If the value is less than or equal to 0, no badge is displayed.<br>Value range: [-2147483648, 2147483647]<br>If the value is not an integer, it is rounded off to the nearest integer. For example, 5.5 is rounded off to 5.|
| position | [BadgePosition](#badgeposition) | No| Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.<br>Default value: **BadgePosition.RightTop**|
| position | [BadgePosition](#badgeposition)\|[Position<sup>10+</sup>](ts-types.md#position8) | No| Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.<br>Default value: **BadgePosition.RightTop**<br>**NOTE**<br> This parameter cannot be set in percentage. If it is set to an invalid value, the default value **(0,0)** will be used.|
| maxCount | number | No| Maximum number of notifications. When the maximum number is reached, only **maxCount+** is displayed.<br>Default value: **99**<br>Value range: [-2147483648, 2147483647]<br>If the value is not an integer, it is rounded off to the nearest integer. For example, 5.5 is rounded off to 5.|
| style | [BadgeStyle](#badgestyle) | Yes| Style of the badge, including the font color, font size, badge color, and badge size.|
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | string | Yes| - | Prompt content.|
| position | [BadgePosition](#badgeposition) | No| BadgePosition.RightTop | Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.|
| position | [BadgePosition](#badgeposition)\|[Position<sup>10+</sup>](ts-types.md#position8) | No| BadgePosition.RightTop | Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.|
| style | [BadgeStyle](#badgestyle) | Yes| - | Style of the badge, including the font color, font size, badge color, and badge size.|
## BadgePosition
......@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ The **\<Grid>** component accepts only **\<[GridItem](ts-container-griditem.md)>
> If the values of [if/else](../../quick-start/arkts-rendering-control-ifelse.md), [ForEach](../../quick-start/arkts-rendering-control-foreach.md), and [LazyForEach](../../quick-start/arkts-rendering-control-lazyforeach.md) change, the indexes of subnodes are updated.
> Child components of **\<Grid>** whose **visibility** attribute is set to **Hidden** or **None** are included in the index calculation.
> The child component that has the **visibility** attribute set to **Hidden** or **None** is included in the index calculation.
> Child components of **\<Grid>** whose **visibility** attribute is set to **None** are not displayed, but still take up the corresponding cells.
> The child component that has the **visibility** attribute set to **None** is not displayed, but still takes up the corresponding cell.
> The child component that has the **position** attribute set takes up the corresponding cell, and is offset by the distance specified by **position** relative to the upper left corner of the grid. This child component does not scroll with the corresponding cell and is not displayed after the corresponding cell extends beyond the display range of the grid.
## APIs
......@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| supportAnimation<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to enable animation. Currently, the grid item drag animation is supported.<br>Default value: **false**|
| edgeEffect<sup>10+</sup> | [EdgeEffect](ts-appendix-enums.md#edgeeffect) | Scroll effect. The spring effect and shadow effect are supported.<br>Default value: **EdgeEffect.None**<br>|
| enableScrollInteraction<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | Whether to support scroll gestures. When this attribute is set to **false**, scrolling by finger or mouse is not supported, but the scrolling controller API is not affected.<br>Default value: **true** |
| nestedScroll<sup>10+</sup> | [NestedScrollOptions](ts-container-scroll.md#nestedscrolloptions10) | Nested scrolling options. You can set the nested scrolling mode in the forward and backward directions to implement scrolling linkage with the parent component.|
Depending on the settings of the **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** attributes, the **\<Grid>** component supports the following layout modes:
......@@ -71,10 +73,6 @@ Depending on the settings of the **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** attrib
- If the width and height of a grid are not set, the grid adapts to the size of its parent component by default.
- The size of the grid rows and columns is the size of the grid content area minus the gap between rows and columns. It is allocated based on the proportion of each row and column.
- By default, the grid items fill the entire grid.
- In this mode, if a grid item has both **rowStart** and **columnStart** set, it is placed in the position based on the settings. If a grid item already exists in this position, overlapping occurs.
- If a grid item has only **rowStart** or **columnStart** set, the system traverses the previous grid item layout to search for an idle position that meets the settings. If no idle position meets the requirements, the grid item is not laid out.
- If a grid item has neither **rowStart** nor **columnStart** set, the system traverses the previous grid item layout to search for an idle position. If no idle position is available, the grid item is not laid out.
- If a grid item has **rowEnd** set but not **rowStart**, **rowStart** is considered as set to the same value as **rowEnd**. If a grid item has **columnEnd** set but not **columnStart**, **columnStart** is considered as set to the same value as **columnEnd**.
2. Either **rowsTemplate** or **columnsTemplate** is set
......@@ -84,19 +82,14 @@ Depending on the settings of the **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** attrib
- In this mode, the following attributes do not take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, minCount, and **cellLength**.
- The cross axis size of the grid is the cross axis size of the grid content area minus the gaps along the cross axis. It is allocated based on the proportion of each row and column.
- The main axis size of the grid is the maximum height of all grid items in the cross axis direction of the current grid.
- In this mode, if a grid item has both **rowStart** and **columnStart** set, it is placed in the position based on the settings. If a grid item already exists in this position, overlapping occurs.
- If a grid item has only **rowStart** or **columnStart** set, the system traverses the previous grid item layout to search for an idle position that meets the settings.
- If a grid item has neither **rowStart** nor **columnStart** set, the system traverses the previous grid item layout to search for an idle position.
- If a grid item has **rowEnd** set but not **rowStart**, **rowStart** is considered as set to the same value as **rowEnd**. If a grid item has **columnEnd** set but not **columnStart**, **columnStart** is considered as set to the same value as **columnEnd**.
3. Neither **rowsTemplate** nor **columnsTemplate** is set
- The **\<Grid>** component arranges elements in the direction specified by **layoutDirection**. The number of columns is jointly determined by the grid width, width of the first element, **minCount**, **maxCount**, and **columnsGap**.
- The number of rows is jointly determined by the grid height, height of the first element, **cellLength**, and **rowsGap**. Elements outside the determined range of rows and columns are not displayed and cannot be viewed through scrolling.
- In this mode, only the following attributes take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, **minCount**, **cellLength**, **editMode**, **columnsGap**, and **rowsGap**.
- When **layoutDirection** is set to **Row**, elements are arranged from left to right. When a row is full, a new row will be added. If the remaining height is insufficient, no more elements will be laid out, and the top of the content is centered.
- When **layoutDirection** is set to **Column**, elements are arranged from top to bottom. When a column is full, a new column will be added. If the remaining height is insufficient, no more elements will be laid out, and the top of the content is centered.
- In this mode, **rowStart** and **columnStart** of the grid item do not take effect.
- When **layoutDirection** is set to **Row**, elements are arranged row by row from left to right. If the remaining height is insufficient, no more elements will be laid out, and the whole content is centered at the top.
- When **layoutDirection** is set to **Column**, elements are arranged column by column from top to bottom. If the remaining height is insufficient, no more elements will be laid out, and the whole content is centered at the top.
## GridDirection<sup>8+</sup>
......@@ -141,6 +134,8 @@ In addition to the [universal events](ts-universal-events-click.md), the followi
## Example
### Example 1
// xxx.ets
......@@ -196,12 +191,11 @@ struct GridExample {
.onScrollBarUpdate((index: number, offset: number) => {
return {totalOffset: (index / 5) * (80 + 10) - 10 + offset, totalLength: 80 * 5 + 10 * 4}
return {totalOffset: (index / 5) * (80 + 10) - 10 - offset, totalLength: 80 * 5 + 10 * 4}
Button('next page')
.onClick(() => {// Click to go to the next page.
this.scroller.scrollPage({ next: true })
......@@ -212,3 +206,82 @@ struct GridExample {
### Example 2
1. Set **editMode\(true\)** to enable the grid to enter editing mode, where the user can drag the grid items.
2. Through [onItemDragStart](#events), set the image to be displayed during dragging.
3. Through [onItemDrop](#events), obtain the initial position of the dragged item and the position to which the dragged item will be dropped. Through [onDrag](#events), complete the array position exchange logic.
struct GridExample {
@State numbers: String[] = []
scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
@State text: string = 'drag'
@Builder pixelMapBuilder () { // Style for the drag event.
Column() {
aboutToAppear() {
for (let i = 1;i <= 15; i++) {
this.numbers.push(i + '')
changeIndex(index1: number, index2: number) { // Exchange the array position.
[this.numbers[index1], this.numbers[index2]] = [this.numbers[index2], this.numbers[index1]];
build() {
Column({ space: 5 }) {
Grid(this.scroller) {
ForEach(this.numbers, (day: string) => {
GridItem() {
.onTouch((event: TouchEvent) => {
if (event.type === TouchType.Up) {
this.text = day
.columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr')
.onScrollIndex((first: number) => {
.editMode(true) // Enable the grid to enter editing mode, where the user can drag the grid items.
.onItemDragStart((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number) => { // Triggered when a grid item starts to be dragged.
return this.pixelMapBuilder() // Set the image to be displayed during dragging.
.onItemDrop((event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number, insertIndex: number, isSuccess: boolean) => { // Triggered when the dragged item is dropped on the drop target of the grid.
console.info('beixiang' + itemIndex + '', insertIndex + '') // itemIndex indicates the initial position of the dragged item. insertIndex indicates the position to which the dragged item will be dropped.
this.changeIndex(itemIndex, insertIndex)
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| miniHeight | string \| number | Panel height in the **PanelMode.Mini** mode.<br>Default value: **48**<br>Unit: vp<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute cannot be set in percentage.|
| show | boolean | Whether to show the panel.|
| backgroundMask<sup>9+</sup>|[ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor)|Background mask of the panel.|
| showCloseIcon<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | Whether to display the close icon. The value **true** means to display the close icon, and **false** means the opposite.<br>Default value: **false**|
## PanelType
......@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ struct PanelExample {
.dragBar(true) // The drag bar is enabled by default.
.halfHeight(500) // The panel height is half of the screen height by default.
.showCloseIcon(true) // Display the close icon.
.onChange((width: number, height: number, mode: PanelMode) => {
......@@ -8,22 +8,22 @@ You can set the background for a component.
## Attributes
| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| background<sup>10+</sup> | builder: [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>options?: {align?:[Alignment](ts-appendix-enums.md#alignment)} | Background color of the component.<br>**builder**: custom background.<br>**align**: alignment mode between the custom background and the component.<br>If **background**, **backgroundColor**, and **backgroundImage** are set at the same time, they will all take effect, with **background** at the top layer.|
| backgroundColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Background color of the component.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| backgroundImage | src: [ResourceStr](ts-types.md#resourcestr),<br>repeat?: [ImageRepeat](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagerepeat) | **src**: image address, which can be the address of an Internet or a local image or a Base64 encoded image. SVG images are not supported.<br>**repeat**: whether the background image is repeated. By default, the background image is not repeated. If the set image has a transparent background and **backgroundColor** is set, the image is overlaid on the background color.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| backgroundImageSize | {<br>width?: [Length](ts-types.md#length),<br>height?: [Length](ts-types.md#length)<br>} \| [ImageSize](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagesize) | Width and height of the background image. If the input is a **{width: Length, height: Length}** object and only one attribute is set, the other attribute is the set value multiplied by the original aspect ratio of the image. By default, the original image aspect ratio remains unchanged.<br>The value range of **width** and **height** is [0, +∞).<br>Default value: **ImageSize.Auto**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. If **height** is set but **width** is not, the image width is adjusted based on the original aspect ratio of the image.|
| backgroundImagePosition | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) \| [Alignment](ts-appendix-enums.md#alignment) | Position of the background image in the component, that is, the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the component.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>x: 0,<br>y: 0<br>} <br> When **x** and **y** are set in percentage, the offset is calculated based on the width and height of the component.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| background<sup>10+</sup> | builder: [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>options?: {align?:[Alignment](ts-appendix-enums.md#alignment)} | Background color of the component.<br>**builder**: custom background.<br>**align**: alignment mode between the custom background and the component.<br>If **background**, **backgroundColor**, and **backgroundImage** are set at the same time, they will all take effect, with **background** at the top layer.<br>This attribute cannot be nested.|
| backgroundColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Background color of the component.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| backgroundImage | src: [ResourceStr](ts-types.md#resourcestr),<br>repeat?: [ImageRepeat](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagerepeat) | **src**: image address, which can be the address of an Internet or a local image or a Base64 encoded image. SVG images are not supported.<br>**repeat**: whether the background image is repeated. By default, the background image is not repeated. If the set image has a transparent background and **backgroundColor** is set, the image is overlaid on the background color.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| backgroundImageSize | {<br>width?: [Length](ts-types.md#length),<br>height?: [Length](ts-types.md#length)<br>} \| [ImageSize](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagesize) | Width and height of the background image. If the input is a **{width: Length, height: Length}** object and only one attribute is set, the other attribute is the set value multiplied by the original aspect ratio of the image. By default, the original image aspect ratio remains unchanged.<br>The value range of **width** and **height** is [0, +∞).<br>Default value: **ImageSize.Auto**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. If **height** is set but **width** is not, the image width is adjusted based on the original aspect ratio of the image.|
| backgroundImagePosition | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) \| [Alignment](ts-appendix-enums.md#alignment) | Position of the background image in the component, that is, the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the component.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>x: 0,<br>y: 0<br>} <br> When **x** and **y** are set in percentage, the offset is calculated based on the width and height of the component.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| backgroundBlurStyle<sup>9+</sup> | value:[BlurStyle](ts-appendix-enums.md#blurstyle9),<br>options<sup>10+</sup>?:[BackgroundBlurStyleOptions](#backgroundblurstyleoptions10) | Background blur style applied between the content and the background.<br>**value**: settings of the background blur style, including the blur radius, mask color, mask opacity, saturation, and brightness.<br>**options**: background blur options. Optional.<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
## BackgroundBlurStyleOptions<sup>10+</sup>
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| colorMode<sup>10+</sup> | [ThemeColorMode](ts-appendix-enums.md#themecolormode10) | No | Color mode used for the background blur.<br>Default value: **ThemeColorMode.System**|
| adaptiveColor<sup>10+</sup> | [AdaptiveColor](ts-appendix-enums.md#adaptivecolor10) | No | Adaptive color mode.<br>Default value: **AdaptiveColor.Default**|
| scale<sup>10+</sup> | number | No | Blurredness of the background material. This API is a system API.<br>Default value: **1.0**<br>Value range: [0.0, 1.0]<br>|
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| colorMode | [ThemeColorMode](ts-appendix-enums.md#themecolormode10) | No | Color mode used for the background blur.<br>Default value: **ThemeColorMode.System**|
| adaptiveColor | [AdaptiveColor](ts-appendix-enums.md#adaptivecolor10) | No | Adaptive color mode.<br>Default value: **AdaptiveColor.Default**|
| scale | number | No | Blurredness of the background material. This API is a system API.<br>Default value: **1.0**<br>Value range: [0.0, 1.0]<br>|
## Example
......@@ -8,22 +8,22 @@ You can draw an image around a component.
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| borderImage | [BorderImageOption](#borderimageoption) | Border image or border gradient.<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| borderImage | [BorderImageOption](#borderimageoption) | Border image or border gradient.<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
## BorderImageOption
This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| source | string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) \| [linearGradient](ts-universal-attributes-gradient-color.md) | Source or gradient color of the border image.<br>**NOTE**<br>The border image source applies only to container components, such as **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, and **\<Flex>**.|
| slice | [Length](ts-types.md#length) \| [EdgeWidths](ts-types.md#edgewidths9) | Slice width of the border image.<br>Default value: **0** |
| width | [Length](ts-types.md#length) \| [EdgeWidths](ts-types.md#edgewidths9) | Width of the border image.<br>Default value: **0** |
| outset | [Length](ts-types.md#length) \| [EdgeWidths](ts-types.md#edgewidths9) | Amount by which the border image is extended beyond the border box.<br>Default value: **0** |
| repeat | [RepeatMode](#repeatmode) | Repeat mode of the border image.<br>Default value: **RepeatMode.Stretch**|
| fill | boolean | Whether to fill the center of the border image.<br>Default value: **false** |
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------ | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| source | string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) \| [linearGradient](ts-universal-attributes-gradient-color.md) | Source or gradient color of the border image.<br>**NOTE**<br>The border image source applies only to container components, such as **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, and **\<Flex>**.|
| slice | [Length](ts-types.md#length) \| [EdgeWidths](ts-types.md#edgewidths9) | Slice width of the border image.<br>Default value: **0** |
| width | [Length](ts-types.md#length) \| [EdgeWidths](ts-types.md#edgewidths9) | Width of the border image.<br>Default value: **0** |
| outset | [Length](ts-types.md#length) \| [EdgeWidths](ts-types.md#edgewidths9) | Amount by which the border image is extended beyond the border box.<br>Default value: **0** |
| repeat | [RepeatMode](#repeatmode) | Repeat mode of the border image.<br>Default value: **RepeatMode.Stretch** |
| fill | boolean | Whether to fill the center of the border image.<br>Default value: **false** |
## RepeatMode
......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| flexBasis | number \| string | Base size of the component in the main axis of the parent container.<br>Default value: **'auto'** (indicating that the base size of the component in the main axis is the original size of the component)<br>This attribute cannot be set in percentage.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| flexGrow | number | Percentage of the parent container's remaining space that is allocated to the component.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| flexShrink | number | Percentage of the parent container's shrink size that is allocated to the component.<br>When the parent container is **\<Row>** or **\<Column>**, the default value is **0**.<br> When the parent container is **\<Flex>**, the default value is **1**.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| alignSelf | [ItemAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#itemalign) | Alignment mode of the child components along the cross axis of the parent container. The setting overwrites the **alignItems** setting of the parent container (**\<Flex>**, **\<Column>**, **\<Row>**, or **\<GridRow>**).<br>**\<GridCol>** can have the **alignsSelf** attribute bound to change its own layout along the cross axis.<br>Default value: **ItemAlign.Auto**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| layoutWeight | number \| string | Weight of the component during layout. When the container size is determined, the container space is allocated along the main axis among the component and sibling components based on the layout weight, and the component size setting is ignored.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute is valid only for the **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, and **\<Flex>** layouts.<br>The value can be a number greater than or equal to 0 or a string that can be converted to a number.|
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| flexBasis | number \| string | Base size of the component in the main axis of the parent container.<br>Default value: **'auto'** (indicating that the base size of the component in the main axis is the original size of the component)<br>This attribute cannot be set in percentage.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| flexGrow | number | Percentage of the parent container's remaining space that is allocated to the component.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| flexShrink | number | Percentage of the parent container's shrink size that is allocated to the component.<br>When the parent container is **\<Row>** or **\<Column>**, the default value is **0**.<br> When the parent container is **\<Flex>**, the default value is **1**.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| alignSelf | [ItemAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#itemalign) | Alignment mode of the child components along the cross axis of the parent container. The setting overwrites the **alignItems** setting of the parent container (**\<Flex>**, **\<Column>**, **\<Row>**, or **\<GridRow>**).<br>**\<GridCol>** can have the **alignsSelf** attribute bound to change its own layout along the cross axis.<br>Default value: **ItemAlign.Auto**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| layoutWeight | number \| string | Weight of the component during layout. When the container size is determined, the container space is allocated along the main axis among the component and sibling components based on the layout weight, and the component size setting is ignored.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute is valid only for the **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, and **\<Flex>** layouts.<br>The value can be a number greater than or equal to 0 or a string that can be converted to a number.|
## Example
......@@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ Layout constraints refer to constraints on the aspect ratio and display priority
## Attributes
| Name | Type| Description |
| --------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| aspectRatio | number | Aspect ratio of the component, which can be obtained using the following formula: Width/Height.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| displayPriority | number | Display priority for the component in the layout container. When the space of the parent container is insufficient, the component with a lower priority is hidden.<br>The digits after the decimal point are not counted in determining the display priority. That is, numbers in the [x, x + 1) range are considered to represent the same priority. For example, **1.0** and **1.9** represent the same priority.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute is valid only for the **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, and **\<Flex>** (single-row) container components.|
| Name | Type | Description |
| --------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------- |
| aspectRatio | number | Aspect ratio of the component, which can be obtained using the following formula: Width/Height.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| displayPriority | number | Display priority for the component in the layout container. When the space of the parent container is insufficient, the component with a lower priority is hidden.<br>The digits after the decimal point are not counted in determining the display priority. That is, numbers in the [x, x + 1) range are considered to represent the same priority. For example, **1.0** and **1.9** represent the same priority.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute is valid only for the **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, and **\<Flex>** (single-row) container components.|
## Example
### Example 1
// xxx.ets
......@@ -78,6 +79,8 @@ struct AspectRatioExample {
### Example 2
class ContainerInfo {
label: string = '';
......@@ -12,37 +12,39 @@ A context menu – a vertical list of items – can be bound to a component and
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| bindMenu | content: Array<[MenuItem](#menuitem)&gt; \| [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>options: [MenuOptions](#menuoptions10) | Menu bound to the component, which is displayed when you click the component. A menu item can be a combination of text and icons or a custom component.<br>**content**: array of menu item text and icons or custom components.<br>**options**: parameters of the context menu. Optional.|
| bindContextMenu<sup>8+</sup> | content: [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>responseType: [ResponseType](ts-appendix-enums.md#responsetype8)<br>options: [ContextMenuOptions](#contextmenuoptions10) | Context menu bound to the component, which is displayed when the user long-presses or right-clicks the component. Only custom menu items are supported.<br>**responseType**: how the context menu triggered, which can be long-press or right-click. Mandatory. <br>**options**: parameters of the context menu. Optional.|
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| bindMenu | content: Array<[MenuItem](#menuitem)&gt; \| [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>options?: [MenuOptions](#menuoptions10) | Menu bound to the component, which is displayed when the user clicks the component. A menu item can be a combination of text and icons or a custom component.<br>**content**: array of menu item icons and text, or custom component.<br>**options**: parameters of the context menu.|
| bindContextMenu<sup>8+</sup> | content: [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>responseType: [ResponseType](ts-appendix-enums.md#responsetype8)<br>options?: [ContextMenuOptions](#contextmenuoptions10) | Context menu bound to the component, which is displayed when the user long-presses or right-clicks the component. Only custom menu items are supported.<br>**responseType**: how the context menu is triggered, which can be long-press or right-click.<br>**options**: parameters of the context menu.|
## MenuItem
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
| value | string | Yes | Menu item text. |
| icon<sup>10+</sup> | [ResourceStr](ts-types.md#resourcestr) | No | Menu item icon. |
| action | () =&gt; void | Yes | Action triggered when a menu item is clicked.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------- |
| value | string | Yes | Menu item text. |
| icon<sup>10+</sup> | [ResourceStr](ts-types.md#resourcestr) | No | Menu item icon. |
| action | () =&gt; void | Yes | Action triggered when a menu item is clicked.|
## MenuOptions<sup>10+</sup>
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | -------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| title | string | No | Menu title. |
| offset | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | No | Offset for showing the context menu, which should not cause the menu to extend beyond the screen.|
| placement | [Placement](ts-appendix-enums.md#placement8) | No| Preferred position of the context menu. If the set position is insufficient for holding the component, it will be automatically adjusted.<br>**NOTE**<br>Setting **placement** to **undefined** or **null** is equivalent to not setting it at all.|
| onAppear | () =&gt; void | No| Callback triggered when the menu is displayed.|
| onDisappear | () =&gt; void | No| Callback triggered when the menu is hidden.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| title | string | No | Menu title.<br>**NOTE**<br>This parameter is available only when **content** is set to Array<[MenuItem](#menuitem)>.|
| offset | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | No | Offset for showing the context menu, which should not cause the menu to extend beyond the screen. |
| placement | [Placement](ts-appendix-enums.md#placement8) | No | Preferred position of the context menu. If the set position is insufficient for holding the component, it will be automatically adjusted.<br>**NOTE**<br>If **placement** is set to **undefined** or **null** or is not set, the default value [BottomLeft](ts-appendix-enums.md#placement8) is used, and the position is relative to the parent component.|
| onAppear | () =&gt; void | No | Callback triggered when the menu is displayed. |
| onDisappear | () =&gt; void | No | Callback triggered when the menu is hidden. |
## ContextMenuOptions<sup>10+</sup>
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| offset | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | No | Offset for showing the context menu, which should not cause the menu to extend beyond the screen. |
| placement | [Placement](ts-appendix-enums.md#placement8) | No | Preferred position of the context menu. If the set position is insufficient for holding the component, it will be automatically adjusted.<br>**NOTE**<br>Setting **placement** to **undefined** or **null** is equivalent to not setting it at all.|
| onAppear | () =&gt; void | No | Callback triggered when the menu is displayed. |
| onDisappear | () =&gt; void | No | Callback triggered when the menu is hidden. |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| offset | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | No | Offset for showing the context menu, which should not cause the menu to extend beyond the screen. |
| placement | [Placement](ts-appendix-enums.md#placement8) | No | Preferred position of the context menu. If the set position is insufficient for holding the component, it will be automatically adjusted.<br>**NOTE**<br>Setting **placement** to **undefined** or **null** is equivalent to not setting it at all, and the context menu is displayed where the mouse is clicked.|
| enableArrow | boolean | No | Whether to display an arrow. If the size and position of the context menu are insufficient for holding an arrow, no arrow is displayed.<br>Default value: **false**, indicating that no arrow is displayed<br>**NOTE**<br>An arrow is displayed in the position specified by **placement**. If **placement** is not set or its value is invalid, the arrow is displayed above the target. If the position is insufficient for holding the arrow, it is automatically adjusted.|
| arrowOffset | [Length](ts-types.md#length) | No | Offset of the arrow relative to the context menu. When the arrow is placed in a horizontal position with the context menu: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. When the arrow is placed in a vertical position with the context menu: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. The offset settings take effect only when the value is valid, can be converted to a number greater than 0, and does not cause the arrow to extend beyond the safe area of the context menu. The value of **placement** determines whether the offset is horizontal or vertical.|
| onAppear | () =&gt; void | No | Callback triggered when the menu is displayed. |
| onDisappear | () =&gt; void | No | Callback triggered when the menu is hidden. |
## Example
......@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ struct MenuExample {
### Example 3
Context Menu (Displayed Upon Right-Clicking)
Context Menu (Displayed Upon Right-Click)
// xxx.ets
......@@ -166,3 +168,46 @@ struct ContextMenuExample {
### Example 4
Directive Menu (Displayed Upon Right-Click)
// xxx.ets
struct DirectiveMenuExample {
@Builder MenuBuilder() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
build() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
Column() {
.bindContextMenu(this.MenuBuilder, ResponseType.RightClick, {
enableArrow: true,
placement: Placement.Bottom
......@@ -11,7 +11,14 @@ You can bind a full-screen modal to a component through the **bindContentCover**
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| bindContentCover | isShow: boolean,<br>builder: [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>type?: [ModalTransition](ts-types.md#modaltransition10) | Binds a modal to the component, which can be displayed when the component is touched. The content of the modal is customizable. The transition type can be set to none, slide-up and slide-down animation, and opacity gradient animation.<br>**isShow**: whether to display the modal. Mandatory.<br>**builder**: content of the modal. Mandatory.<br>**type**: transition type of the modal. This parameter is optional. |
| bindContentCover | isShow: boolean,<br>builder: [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8),<br>options?: [ContentCoverOptions](#contentcoveroptions) | Binds a modal to the component, which can be displayed when the component is touched. The content of the modal is customizable. The transition type can be set to none, slide-up and slide-down animation, and opacity gradient animation.<br> **isShow**: whether to display the modal.<br>Since API version 10, this parameter supports two-way binding through [$$](../../quick-start/arkts-two-way-sync.md).<br>**builder**: content of the modal.<br> **options**: optional attributes of the modal.|
## ContentCoverOptions
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------- |
| modalTransition | [ModalTransition](ts-types.md#modaltransition10) | No | Transition mode of the modal. |
| backgroundColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Background color of the modal. |
| onAppear | () => void | No | Callback invoked when the modal appears.|
| onDisappear | () => void | No | Callback invoked when the modal disappears.|
## Example
......@@ -38,7 +45,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
@Builder myBuilder() {
......@@ -48,7 +54,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
this.isShow2 = true;
}).bindContentCover($$this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), ModalTransition.NONE)
}).bindContentCover($$this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Orange, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
Button("close modal 1")
......@@ -59,7 +65,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
......@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), ModalTransition.NONE)
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
......@@ -117,7 +122,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
......@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
this.isShow2 = true;
}).bindContentCover($$this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), ModalTransition.NONE)
}).bindContentCover($$this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Orange, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
Button("close modal 1")
......@@ -139,7 +143,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
.scale({x: this.isScale2, y: this.isScale2})
......@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), ModalTransition.NONE)
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.NONE, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
......@@ -190,7 +193,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
@Builder myBuilder() {
......@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
this.isShow2 = true;
}).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), ModalTransition.DEFAULT)
}).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.DEFAULT, backgroundColor: Color.Gray, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
Button("close modal 1")
......@@ -211,7 +213,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
......@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), ModalTransition.DEFAULT)
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.DEFAULT, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
......@@ -258,7 +259,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
this.isShow2 = true;
}).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), ModalTransition.ALPHA)
}).bindContentCover(this.isShow2, this.myBuilder2(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.ALPHA, backgroundColor: Color.Gray, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
Button("close modal 1")
......@@ -281,7 +281,6 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
......@@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ struct ModalTransitionExample {
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), ModalTransition.ALPHA)
.bindContentCover($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {modalTransition: ModalTransition.ALPHA, backgroundColor: Color.Pink, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindContentCover onDisappear.")}})
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