@@ -161,58 +161,93 @@ The following table describes the source code directory structure of the applica
- Add the configuration for application framework compilation. The following section uses **hi3516dv300\_liteos\_a** as an example:
- Add the configuration of **appexecfwk** and **aafwk** under the **subsystem\_list** field in the **build/lite/platform/hi3516dv300\_liteos\_a/platform.json** file. The sample code is as follows:
- Add the configuration of **appexecfwk** and **aafwk** under the **subsystems** field in the **build/lite/platform/hi3516dv300\_liteos\_a/platform.json** file. The sample code is as follows:
- Add the configuration of **appexecfwk** and **aafwk** under the **template\_subsystem\_list** field in the **build/lite/platform/hi3516dv300\_liteos\_a/template/ipcamera.json** file. The sample code is as follows:
"template_subsystem_list" : [
- Add the configuration of particular application framework components for compilation in **build/lite/config/subsystem/aafwk/BUILD.gn** and **/build/lite/config/subsystem/appexecfwk/BUILD.gn**. The sample code is as follows:
-**Ability Manager Service** and **Bundle Manager Service** are registered with **sa\_manager**. **sa\_manager** runs in the foundation process and sets up a thread runtime environment for the two services. For details about how to create and use **Ability Manager Service** and **Bundle Manager Service**, see [Service Framework](en-us_topic_0000001051589563.md).
- Add the configuration of **abilityms** and **bundlems** for compilation in **foundation/distributedschedule/services/safwk\_lite/BUILD.gn**. The sample code is as follows: