| -u | No| User whose HAP is to be installed. By default, the current user's HAP is installed.|
| -u | No| User whose HAP is to be installed. By default, the current user's HAP is installed.|
| -r | No| Whether to install the HAP in overwrite mode. By default, the HAP is installed in overwrite mode.|
| -r | No| Whether to install the HAP in overwrite mode. By default, the HAP is installed in overwrite mode.|
| -w | No| Time that the Bundle Manager tool waits before installing the HAP. The minimum waiting time is 5s, and the maximum waiting time is 600s. The default waiting time is 5s.|
| -w | No| Time that the Bundle Manager tool waits before installing the HAP. The minimum waiting time is 5s, and the maximum waiting time is 600s. The default waiting time is 5s.|
| -s | No| Installation path of an inter-application shared library (.hsp file). Multiple paths can be specified for simultaneous installation.|
| bm dump-shared -h | Displays the parameters supported by the **dump-shared** command. |
| bm dump-shared -a | Displays all shared libraries installed in the system. |
| bm dump-shared -n | Displays details about a shared library. |
| bm dump-dependencies -h | Displays the parameters supported by the **bm dump-dependencies** command.|
| bm dump-dependencies -n bundleName -m moudleName | Displays information about the shared library on which a specified module of an application depends. |
# Display the bundle names of all shared libraries installed in the system.
bm dump-shared -a
# Display the details about the specified shared library.
bm dump-shared -n com.ohos.lib
# Display information about the shared library on which a specified module of an application depends.