To streamline your device development process, OpenHarmony provides the useful tools listed below.
**Table 1** Tools for device development
| Tool | Description | Related Resources|
| ---- | ------ | ------ |
| DevEco Device Tool | A one-stop integrated development environment (IDE) provided for developers of OpenHarmony-powered smart devices. It allows on-demand component customization, as well as code editing, compilation, burning, and debugging. The tool supports C and C++ languages and can be installed in Visual Studio Code as a plug-in.| [HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool User Guide](|
| Docker | A containerization platform used to build and containerize applications. The Docker environments in OpenHarmony encapsulate compilation toolchains for different OpenHarmony variants, so you can start your building straightaway without having to install the compilation toolchain on your own.| [Docker Environments](|