提交 34a9178d 编写于 作者: E ester.zhou

Update docs (11547)

Signed-off-by: Nester.zhou <ester.zhou@huawei.com>
上级 5e140ab8
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The **<select\>** component provides a drop-down list that allows users to selec
## Child Components
The **<[option](js-components-basic-option.md)\>** child component is supported.
The **[<option\>](js-components-basic-option.md)** child component is supported.
## Attributes
......@@ -49,36 +49,65 @@ The [universal methods](../arkui-js/js-components-common-methods.md) are support
<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="container">
<select @change="changeFruit">
<option value="bananaValue">
<option value="appleValue" selected="true">
<option value="pearValue">
<select @change="onChange">
<option for="{{ array }}" value="{{ $item.value }}">
{{ $item.name }}
/* xxx.css */
.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
// ×××.js
// xxx.js
export default {
console.log("newValue:" + e.newValue)
data: {
array: [
"value": "Option 0", "name": "Option 0"
"value": "Option 1", "name": "Option 1"
"value": "Option 2", "name": "Option 2"
"value": "Option 3", "name": "Option 3"
getData() {
let other = [
"value": "Option A", "name": "Option A"
"value": "Option B", "name": "Option B"
"value": "Option C", "name": "Option C"
"value": "Option D", "name": "Option D"
return other
onChange() {
this.array = this.getData()
......@@ -39,12 +39,13 @@ RichText(content:string)
| \<p>\</p> | Defines a paragraph.| \<p>This is a paragraph\</p>|
| \<br/> | Inserts a newline character.| \<p>This is a paragraph\<br/>This is a new paragraph\</p>|
| \<hr/> | Defines a thematic break (such as a shift of topic) on an HTML page and creates a horizontal line.| \<p>This is a paragraph\</p>\<hr/>\<p>This is a paragraph\</p> |
| \<image>\</image> | Defines an image.| \<image src="file:///data/storage/el1/bundle/entry/resources/rawfile/icon.png">\</image> |
| \<div>\</div> | Defines a generic container that is generally used to group block-level elements. It allows you to apply CSS styles to multiple elements at the same time.| \<div style='color:#0000FF'>\<h3>This is the heading in a div element\</h3>\</div> |
| \<i>\</i> | Displays text in italic style.| \<i>This is in italic style\</i>|
| \<u>\</u> | Defines text that should be styled differently or have a non-textual annotation, such as misspelt words or a proper name in Chinese text. It is recommended that you avoid using the \<u> tag where it could be confused with a hyperlink.| \<p>\<u>This is an underlined paragraph\</u>\</p> |
| \<style>\</style> | Used to embed CSS within an HTML document.| \<style>h1{color:red;}p{color:blue;}\</style> |
| style | Defines the inline style of an element and is placed inside the tag. Use quotation marks (') to separate the styling text and use semicolons (;) to separate styles, for example, **style='width: 500px;height: 500px;border: 1px solid;margin: 0 auto;'**.| \<h1 style='color:blue;text-align:center'>This is a heading\</h1>\<p style='color:green'>This is a paragraph\</p> |
| \<script>\</script> | Used to embed or reference a client-side script, such as JavaScript.| \<script>document.write("Hello World!")\</script> |
| \<script>\</script> | Embeds or references a client-side script, such as JavaScript. | \<script>document.write("Hello World!")\</script> |
## Example
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ PanGesture(value?: { fingers?: number; direction?: PanDirection; distance?: numb
| direction | PanDirection | No| Pan direction. The enumerated value supports the AND (&amp;) and OR (\|) operations.<br>Default value: **PanDirection.All**|
| distance | number | No| Minimum pan distance to trigger the gesture, in vp.<br>Default value: **5**<br>**NOTE**<br>If a pan gesture and tab swipe occur at the same time, set **distance** to **1** so that the gesture can be more easily recognized.|
## PanDirection enums
## PanDirection
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
......@@ -126,6 +126,6 @@ Pannig to the left:
Click Set PanGesture Trigger Condition to two fingers moving toward the lower left corner.
Click **Set PanGesture Trigger Condition** to two fingers moving toward the lower left corner.
......@@ -2,14 +2,9 @@
Continuous recognition, parallel recognition, and exclusive recognition are supported for a group of gestures.
> **NOTE**
> **NOTE**
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Required Permissions
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## APIs
......@@ -19,15 +14,15 @@ GestureGroup(mode: GestureMode, ...gesture: GestureType[])
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| mode | GestureMode | Yes| - | Recognition mode of combined gestures.|
| mode | [GestureMode](#gesturemode) | Yes| - | Recognition mode of combined gestures.|
| gesture | [TapGesture](ts-basic-gestures-tapgesture.md)<br>\| [LongPressGesture](ts-basic-gestures-longpressgesture.md)<br>\| [PanGesture](ts-basic-gestures-pangesture.md)<br>\| [PinchGesture](ts-basic-gestures-pinchgesture.md)<br>\| [RotationGesture](ts-basic-gestures-rotationgesture.md) | Yes| - | Variable-length parameter, indicating one or more basic gesture types. These gestures are recognized in combination.|
- GestureMode enums
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Sequence | Sequential recognition: Gestures are recognized in the registration sequence until all gestures are recognized successfully. When one gesture fails to be recognized, all gestures fail to be recognized.|
| Parallel | Parallel recognition. Registered gestures are recognized concurrently until all gestures are recognized. The recognition result of each gesture does not affect each other.|
| Exclusive | Exclusive recognition. Registered gestures are identified concurrently. If one gesture is successfully recognized, gesture recognition ends.|
## GestureMode
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Sequence | Sequential recognition: Gestures are recognized in the registration sequence until all gestures are recognized successfully. When one gesture fails to be recognized, all gestures fail to be recognized.|
| Parallel | Parallel recognition. Registered gestures are recognized concurrently until all gestures are recognized. The recognition result of each gesture does not affect each other.|
| Exclusive | Exclusive recognition. Registered gestures are identified concurrently. If one gesture is successfully recognized, gesture recognition ends.|
## Events
......@@ -47,40 +42,64 @@ struct GestureGroupExample {
@State count: number = 0
@State offsetX: number = 0
@State offsetY: number = 0
@State positionX: number = 0
@State positionY: number = 0
@State borderStyles: BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid
build() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween }) {
Column() {
Text('sequence gesture\n' + 'LongPress onAction:' + this.count + '\nPanGesture offset:\nX: ' + this.offsetX + '\n' + 'Y: ' + this.offsetY)
}.translate({ x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY, z: 5 })
.height(100).width(200).padding(10).margin(80).border({ width: 1, style: this.borderStyles })
.translate({ x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY, z: 0 })
.border({ width: 3, style: this.borderStyles })
LongPressGesture({ repeat: true })
.onAction((event: GestureEvent) => {
if (event.repeat) {this.count++}
console.log('LongPress onAction')
.onActionEnd(() => {
console.log('LongPress end')
.onActionStart(() => {
this.borderStyles = BorderStyle.Dashed
console.log('pan start')
.onActionUpdate((event: GestureEvent) => {
this.offsetX = event.offsetX
this.offsetY = event.offsetY
console.log('pan update')
// The following combined gestures are recognized in sequential recognition mode. If the long press gesture event is not triggered correctly, the drag gesture event will not be triggered.
LongPressGesture({ repeat: true })
.onAction((event: GestureEvent) => {
if (event.repeat) {
console.info('LongPress onAction')
.onActionEnd(() => {
console.info('LongPress end')
.onActionStart(() => {
this.borderStyles = BorderStyle.Dashed
console.info('pan start')
.onActionUpdate((event: GestureEvent) => {
this.offsetX = this.positionX + event.offsetX
this.offsetY = this.positionY + event.offsetY
console.info('pan update')
.onActionEnd(() => {
this.positionX = this.offsetX
this.positionY = this.offsetY
this.borderStyles = BorderStyle.Solid
console.info('pan end')
.onCancel(() => {
console.log('sequence gesture canceled')
console.info('sequence gesture canceled')
In sequence recognition mode the long press gesture event is triggered first.
After the long press gesture is recognized, the drag gesture event is triggered.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ loadAnimation(
path: string, container: object, render: string, loop: boolean, autoplay: boolean, name: string ): AnimationItem
Loads an animation. Before calling this method, declare the **Animator('\__lottie\_ets')** object and check that the canvas layout is complete. This method can be used together with a lifecycle callback of the **Canvas** component, for example, **onAppear()** and **onPageShow()**.
Loads an animation. Before calling this API, declare the **Animator('__lottie_ets')** object and check that the canvas layout is complete. This method can be used together with a lifecycle callback of the **Canvas** component, for example, **onAppear()** and **onPageShow()**.
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ Loads an animation. Before calling this method, declare the **Animator('\__lotti
| container | object | Yes | Canvas drawing context. A **CanvasRenderingContext2D** object must be declared in advance.|
| render | string | Yes | Rendering type. The value can only be **"canvas"**. |
| loop | boolean \| number | No | If the value is of the Boolean type, this parameter indicates whether to repeat the animation cyclically after the animation ends; the default value is **true**. If the value is of the number type and is greater than or equal to 1, this parameter indicates the number of times the animation plays.|
| autoplay | boolean | No | Whether to automatically play the animation. The default value is **true**. |
| name | string | No | Custom animation name. In later versions, the name can be used to reference and control the animation. The default value is null. |
| autoplay | boolean | No | Whether to automatically play the animation.<br/>Default value: **true** |
| name | string | No | Custom animation name. In later versions, the name can be used to reference and control the animation.<br/>Default value: null |
| initialSegment | [number, number] | No | Start frame and end frame of the animation, respectively. |
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Destroys the animation. This method must be called when a page exits. This metho
.onAppear(() => {
.onReady(() => {
console.log('canvas onAppear');
this.animateItem = lottie.loadAnimation({
container: this.controller,
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ Sets the animation to stop at the specified frame or time.
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ------- | ------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| value | number | Yes | Frame ID (greater than or equal to 0) or time progress (ms) at which the animation will stop. |
| isFrame | boolean | No | Whether to set the animation to stop at the specified frame. The value **true** means to set the animation to stop at the specified frame, and **false** means to set the animation to stop at the specified time progress. The default value is **false**.|
| isFrame | boolean | No | Whether to set the animation to stop at the specified frame. The value **true** means to set the animation to stop at the specified frame, and **false** means to set the animation to stop at the specified time progress.<br/>Default value: **false** |
| name | string | No | Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null. |
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ Sets the animation to start from the specified frame or time progress.
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ------- | ------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| value | number | Yes | Frame ID (greater than or equal to 0) or time progress (ms) at which the animation will start. |
| isFrame | boolean | Yes | Whether to set the animation to start from the specified frame. The value **true** means to set the animation to start from the specified frame, and **false** means to set the animation to start from the specified time progress. The default value is **false**.|
| isFrame | boolean | Yes | Whether to set the animation to start from the specified frame. The value **true** means to set the animation to start from the specified frame, and **false** means to set the animation to start from the specified time progress.<br>Default value: **false** |
| name | string | No | Name of the target animation. By default, the value is null. |
......@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Obtains the duration (irrelevant to the playback speed) or number of frames for
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | ------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| inFrames | boolean | No | Whether to obtain the duration or number of frames.<br>**true**: number of frames.<br>**false**: duration, in ms.<br>Default value: **false**|
| inFrames | boolean | No | Whether to obtain the duration or number of frames.<br>**true**: number of frames.<br>**false**: duration, in ms.<br/>Default value: **false** |
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The **\<Grid>** component consists of cells formed by rows and columns. You can
This component contains the child component **[\<GridItem>](ts-container-griditem.md)**.
## Interface
## APIs
Grid(scroller?: Scroller)
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| scrollBarColor | string \| number \| Color | Color of the scrollbar.|
| scrollBarWidth | string \| number | Width of the scrollbar.|
| cachedCount | number | Number of grid items to be preloaded. For details, see [Minimizing White Blocks During Swiping](../../ui/ui-ts-performance-improvement-recommendation.md#minimizing-white-blocks-during-swiping).<br>Default value: **1**|
| editMode <sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to enter editing mode. In editing mode, the user can drag the **\<[GridItem](ts-container-griditem.md)>** in the **\<Grid>** component.<br>Default value: **false**|
| editMode <sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to enter editing mode. In editing mode, the user can drag the **[\<GridItem>](ts-container-griditem.md)** in the **\<Grid>** component.<br>Default value: **false** |
| layoutDirection<sup>8+</sup> | [GridDirection](#griddirection8) | Main axis direction of the grid.<br>Default value: **GridDirection.Row**|
| maxCount<sup>8+</sup> | number | When **layoutDirection** is **Row** or **RowReverse**: maximum number of columns that can be displayed.<br>When **layoutDirection** is **Column** or **ColumnReverse**: maximum number of rows that can be displayed.<br>Default value: **Infinity**|
| minCount<sup>8+</sup> | number | When **layoutDirection** is **Row** or **RowReverse**: minimum number of columns that can be displayed.<br>When **layoutDirection** is **Column** or **ColumnReverse**: maximum number of rows that can be displayed.<br>Default value: **1**|
......@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ Depending on the settings of the **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** attrib
1. **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** are both set
The **\<Grid>** displays only elements in a fixed number of rows and columns and cannot be scrolled. For example, if both **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** are set to **"1fr 1fr"**, only four elements (two rows and two columns) are displayed.
The **\<Grid>** displays only elements in a fixed number of rows and columns and cannot be scrolled. For example, if both **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate** are set to **"1fr 1fr"**, only four elements (two rows and two columns) are displayed.
In this mode, the following attributes do not take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, minCount, and **cellLength**.
In this mode, the following attributes do not take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, minCount, and **cellLength**.
2. Either **rowsTemplate** or **columnsTemplate** is set
The **\<Grid>** arranges elements in the specified direction and allows for scrolling to display excess elements. For example, if the **\<Grid>** has 10 elements and **columnsTemplate** is set to **"1fr 1fr 1fr"**, it contains three columns. The elements are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs down the columns. Elements outside the **\<Grid>** area can be viewed through scrolling.
The **\<Grid>** arranges elements in the specified direction and allows for scrolling to display excess elements. For example, if the **\<Grid>** has 10 elements and **columnsTemplate** is set to **"1fr 1fr 1fr"**, it contains three columns. The elements are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs down the columns. Elements outside the **\<Grid>** area can be viewed through scrolling.
In this mode, the following attributes do not take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, **minCount**, and **cellLength**.
In this mode, the following attributes do not take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, **minCount**, and **cellLength**.
3. Neither **rowsTemplate** nor **columnsTemplate** is set
The **\<Grid>** arranges elements in the direction specified by **layoutDirection **. The number of columns is jointly determined by the grid width, width of the first element, **minCount**, **maxCount**, and **columnsGap**. The number of rows is jointly determined by the grid height, height of the first element, **cellLength**, and **rowsGap**. Elements outside the determined range of rows and columns are not displayed and cannot be viewed through scrolling.
The **\<Grid>** arranges elements in the direction specified by **layoutDirection **. The number of columns is jointly determined by the grid width, width of the first element, **minCount**, **maxCount**, and **columnsGap**. The number of rows is jointly determined by the grid height, height of the first element, **cellLength**, and **rowsGap**. Elements outside the determined range of rows and columns are not displayed and cannot be viewed through scrolling.
In this mode, only the following attributes take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, **minCount**, **cellLength**, **editMode**, **columnsGap**, and **rowsGap**.
In this mode, only the following attributes take effect: **layoutDirection**, **maxCount**, **minCount**, **cellLength**, **editMode**, **columnsGap**, and **rowsGap**.
## GridDirection<sup>8+</sup>
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ The motion path animation is used to animate a component along a custom path.
> **NOTE**
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Attributes
| Name| Type| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| motionPath | {<br>path: string,<br>from?: number,<br>to?: number,<br>rotatable?: boolean<br>}<br>**NOTE**<br>In a path, **start** and **end** can be used to replace the start point and end point. Example:<br>'Mstart.x start.y L50 50 Lend.x end.y Z'| {<br>"",<br>0.0,<br>1.0,<br>false<br>} | Motion path of the component. The input parameters are described as follows:<br>- **path**: motion path of the translation animation. The value is an SVG path string.<br>- **from**: start point of the motion path. The default value is **0.0**.<br>- **to**: end point of the motion path. The default value is **1.0**.<br>- **rotatable**: whether to rotate along the path.|
| motionPath | {<br>path: string,<br>from?: number,<br>to?: number,<br>rotatable?: boolean<br>}<br>**NOTE**<br>In a path, **start** and **end** can be used to replace the start point and end point. Example:<br>'Mstart.x start.y L50 50 Lend.x end.y Z'<br>For more information, see [Path Drawing](../../ui/ui-js-components-svg-path.md).| {<br>'',<br>0.0,<br>1.0,<br>false<br>} | Motion path of the component.<br>- **path**: motion path of the translation animation. The value is an SVG path string.<br>- **from**: start point of the motion path. The default value is **0.0**.<br>- **to**: end point of the motion path. The default value is **1.0**.<br>- **rotatable**: whether to rotate along the path. |
## Example
......@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ struct MotionPathExample {
Button('click me')
// Execute the animation: Move from the start point to (300,200), then to (300,500), and finally to the end point.
.motionPath({ path: 'Mstart.x start.y L300 200 L300 500 Lend.x end.y', from: 0.0, to: 1.0, rotatable: true })
.onClick((event: ClickEvent) => {
.onClick(() => {
animateTo({ duration: 4000, curve: Curve.Linear }, () => {
this.toggle = !this.toggle;
this.toggle =! this.toggle // Use this.toggle to change the position of the component.
}.width('100%').height('100%').alignItems(this.toggle ? HorizontalAlign.Start : HorizontalAlign.Center)
......@@ -5,27 +5,28 @@ The page transition navigates users between pages. You can customize page transi
> **NOTE**
> This event is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| PageTransitionEnter | {<br>type: RouteType,<br>duration: number,<br>curve: Curve \| Curves,<br>delay: number<br>} | Page entrance animation.<br>- **type**:If this parameter is not set, the reverse playback effect as **pop** switches to **push** is used.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. For details about the valid values, see [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md).<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay, in milliseconds. By default, the animation is played without delay.|
| PageTransitionExit | {<br>type: RouteType,<br>duration: number,<br>curve: Curve \| Curves,<br>delay: number<br>} | Page exit animation.<br>- **type**:If this parameter is not set, the reverse playback effect as **pop** switches to **push** is used.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. For details about the valid values, see [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md).<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay, in milliseconds. By default, the animation is played without delay.|
| PageTransitionEnter | {<br>type?: RouteType,<br>duration?: number,<br>curve?: [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| string,<br>delay?: number<br>} | Page entrance animation.<br>- **type**: route type for the page transition effect to take effect.<br>Default value: **RouteType.None**<br>**Note**: If no match is found, the default page transition effect is used (which may vary according to the device). To disable the default page transition effect, set **duration** to **0**.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The value of the string type can be any of the following: "ease", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", "extreme-deceleration", "fast-out-linear-in", "fast-out-slow-in", "friction", "linear", "linear-out-slow-in", "rhythm", "sharp", "smooth".<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay, in milliseconds. By default, the animation is played without delay.|
| PageTransitionExit | {<br>type?: RouteType,<br>duration?: number,<br>curve?: [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| string,<br>delay?: number<br>} | Page exit animation.<br>- **type**: route type for the page transition effect to take effect.<br>Default value: **RouteType.None**<br>**Note**: If no match is found, the default page transition effect is used (which may vary according to the device). To disable the default page transition effect, set **duration** to **0**.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The value range of the string type is the same as that of **PageTransitionEnter**.<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay, in milliseconds. By default, the animation is played without delay.|
## RouteType enums
| Name| Description |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Pop | Redirects to a specified page. When the user is redirected from page A to page B, page A is Exit+Push, and page B is Enter+Push.|
| Push | Redirects to the next page. When the user is redirected back from page B to page A, page A is Enter+Pop, and page B is Exit+Pop.|
| None | The page is not redirected. |
| Pop | Redirects to a specified page. To redirect the user from page B back to page A, set **RouteType** of **PageTransitionExit** to **None** or **Pop** for page B and set **RouteType** of **PageTransitionEnter** to **None** or **Pop** for page A.|
| Push | Redirects to the next page. To redirect the user from page A to page B, set **RouteType** of **PageTransitionExit** to **None** or **Push** for page A and set **RouteType** of **PageTransitionEnter** to **None** or **Push** for page B.|
| None | The page is not redirected. The animation specified by **PageTransitionEnter** takes effect for page entrance, and the animation specified by **PageTransitionExit** takes effect for page exit.|
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| slide | SlideEffect | No | Slide effect during page transition.<br>Default value: **SlideEffect.Right**|
| slide | [SlideEffect](#slideeffect) | No | Slide effect during page transition.<br>Default value: **SlideEffect.Right**|
| translate | {<br>x? : number \| string,<br>y? : number \| string,<br>z? : number \| string<br>} | No | Translation effect during page transition, which is the value of the start point of entrance and the end point of exit. When this parameter is set together with **slide**, the latter takes effect by default.<br>- **x**: translation distance along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: translation distance along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: translation distance along the y-axis.|
| scale | {<br>x? : number,<br>y? : number,<br>z? : number,<br>centerX? : number \| string,<br>centerY? : number \| string<br>} | No | Scaling effect during page transition, which is the value of the start point of entrance and the end point of exit.<br>- **x**: scale ratio along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: scale ratio along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: scale ratio along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: scale center point.<br>- If the center point is 0, it refers to the upper left corner of the component.<br>|
| opacity | number | No | Opacity, which is the opacity value of the start point of entrance or the end point of exit.<br>Default value: **1**|
......@@ -61,13 +62,13 @@ struct PageTransitionExample1 {
@State opacity1: number = 1
build() {
Column() {
Column() {
Navigator({ target: 'pages/page1', type: NavigationType.Push }) {
Image($r('app.media.bg1')).width('100%').height('100%') // Store the image in the media folder.
}.scale({ x: this.scale1 }).opacity(this.opacity1)
// Customization method 1: Customize the transition process.
// Customization method 1: Customize the transition process.
pageTransition() {
PageTransitionEnter({ duration: 1200, curve: Curve.Linear })
.onEnter((type: RouteType, progress: number) => {
......@@ -93,12 +94,12 @@ struct AExample {
build() {
Column() {
Navigator({ target: 'pages/index' ,type: NavigationType.Push}) {
Navigator({ target: 'pages/index', type: NavigationType.Push }) {
Image($r('app.media.bg2')).width('100%').height('100%') // Store the image in the media folder.
}.height("100%").width("100%").scale({ x: this.scale2 }).opacity(this.opacity2)
}.width('100%').height('100%').scale({ x: this.scale2 }).opacity(this.opacity2)
// Customization method 1: Customize the transition process.
// Customization method 1: Customize the transition process.
pageTransition() {
PageTransitionEnter({ duration: 1200, curve: Curve.Linear })
.onEnter((type: RouteType, progress: number) => {
......@@ -129,12 +130,12 @@ struct PageTransitionExample {
build() {
Column() {
Navigator({ target: 'pages/page1', type: NavigationType.Push }) {
Image($r('app.media.bg1')).width('100%').height('100%') // Store the image in the media folder.
}.scale({ x: this.scale1 }).opacity(this.opacity1)
// Customization method 2: Use the default effects provided by the system, such as translation, scaling, and opacity.
// Customization method 2: Use the default effects provided by the system, such as translation, scaling, and opacity.
pageTransition() {
PageTransitionEnter({ duration: 1200 })
......@@ -152,16 +153,16 @@ struct PageTransitionExample {
struct PageTransitionExample1 {
@State scale2: number = 1
@State opacity2: number = 1
build() {
Column() {
Navigator({ target: 'pages/index', type: NavigationType.Push }) {
Image($r('app.media.bg2')).width ("100%").height("100%")
Image($r('app.media.bg2')).width('100%').height('100%') // Store the image in the media folder.
}.scale({ x: this.scale2 }).opacity(this.opacity2)
// Customization method 2: Use the default effects provided by the system, such as translation, scaling, and opacity.
// Customization method 2: Use the default effects provided by the system, such as translation, scaling, and opacity.
pageTransition() {
PageTransitionEnter({ duration: 1200 })
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Focus control attributes set whether a component is focusable, how it participat
| Name | Type| Description |
| -------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| focusable | boolean | Whether the current component is focusable.<br>**NOTE**<br><br>Components that have default interaction logic, such as **\<Button>** and **\<TextInput>**, are focusable by default. Other components, such as **\<Text>** and **\<Image>**, are not focusable by default. |
| focusable | boolean | Whether the current component is focusable.<br>**NOTE**<br>Components that have default interaction logic, such as **\<Button>** and **\<TextInput>**, are focusable by default. Other components, such as **\<Text>** and **\<Image>**, are not focusable by default. Only focusable components can trigger a [focus event](ts-universal-focus-event.md). |
| tabIndex<sup>9+</sup> | number | How the current component participates in sequential keyboard navigation.<br>- **tabIndex** >= 0: The component is focusable in sequential keyboard navigation, with its order defined by the value. A component with a larger value gains focus later than one with a smaller value. If multiple components share the same **tabIndex** value, their focus order follows their position in the component tree.<br>- **tabIndex** < 0 (usually **tabIndex** = -1): The component is focusable, but cannot be reached through sequential keyboard navigation.<br>Default value: **0**|
| defaultFocus<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether to set the current component as the default focus of the page. This attribute takes effect only when the page is new and accessed for the first time.<br>Default value: **false**|
| groupDefaultFocus<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether to set the current component as the default focus of the parent container. This attribute takes effect only when the container is new and has focus for the first time.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute must be used together with **tabIndex**. When **tabIndex** is set for a container and **groupDefaultFocus** is set for a component in the container, the focus is automatically shifted to that component when the container obtains the focus for the first time.<br>|
| groupDefaultFocus<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether to set the current component as the default focus of the parent container. This attribute takes effect only when the container is new and has focus for the first time.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br>This attribute must be used together with **tabIndex**. When **tabIndex** is set for a container and **groupDefaultFocus** is set for a component in the container, the focus is automatically shifted to that component when the container obtains the focus for the first time. |
| focusOnTouch<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether the current component is focusable on touch.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br>The component can obtain focus only when it is touchable or clickable.|
## focusControl<sup>9+</sup>
......@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@ When you press the Tab button for the first time, the focus switches to the comp
When you press Tab button for the second time, the focus switches to the container that matches **tabIndex(1)** and automatically moves to the component bound to **groupDefaultFocus**.
When you press the Tab button for the second time, the focus switches to the container that matches **tabIndex(1)** and automatically moves to the component bound to **groupDefaultFocus**.
When you press Tab button for the third time, the focus switches to the container that matches **tabIndex(2)** and automatically moves to the component bound to **groupDefaultFocus**.
When you press the Tab button for the third time, the focus switches to the container that matches **tabIndex(2)** and automatically moves to the component bound to **groupDefaultFocus**.
When you press Tab button for the fourth time, the focus switches to the container that matches **tabIndex(3)** and automatically moves to the component bound to **groupDefaultFocus**.
When you press the Tab button for the fourth time, the focus switches to the container that matches **tabIndex(3)** and automatically moves to the component bound to **groupDefaultFocus**.
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Click the component bound to **focusOnTouch**. The component then obtains the fo
Sample code for **focusControl.requestFocus**:
Use the **focusContrl.requestFocus** API to enable a specified component to obtain the focus.
Use the **focusContrl.requestFocus** API to enable a specified component to obtain focus.
// requestFocus.ets
import prompt from '@ohos.prompt'
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ struct RequestFocusExample {
.onClick(() => {
var res = focusControl.requestFocus(this.selectId) // Enable the component selected by this.selectId to obtain the focus.
var res = focusControl.requestFocus(this.selectId) // Enable the component selected by this.selectId to obtain focus.
if (res) {
prompt.showToast({message: 'Request success'})
} else {
......@@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ Diagrams:
Press the Tab button to activate the focus state.
Below show how the UI behaves when you request focus for a component that does not exist.
Below shows how the UI behaves when you request focus for a component that does not exist.
Below show how the UI behaves when you request focus for a component that is not focusable.
Below shows how the UI behaves when you request focus for a component that is not focusable.
Below show how the UI behaves when you request focus for a focusable component.
Below shows how the UI behaves when you request focus for a focusable component.
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