@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ DevEco Studio is a high-performance integrated development environment (IDE) rec
### Hands-On Tutorials
To make you better understand how functions work together and jumpstart your application development projects, we provide stripped-down, real-world [samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/blob/master/README.md).
To make you better understand how functions work together and jumpstart your application development projects, we provide stripped-down, real-world [samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/blob/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/README.md) and [codelabs](https://gitee.com/openharmony/codelabs/tree/master).
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ DevEco Studio is a high-performance integrated development environment (IDE) rec
## Hands-On Tutorials
To make you better understand how functions work together and jumpstart your application development projects, we provide stripped-down, real-world [samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/blob/master/README.md).
To make you better understand how functions work together and jumpstart your application development projects, we provide stripped-down, real-world [samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/blob/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/README.md) and [codelabs](https://gitee.com/openharmony/codelabs/tree/master).
## API References
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ API references encompass all components and APIs available in OpenHarmony, helpi
They are organized as follows:
-[ArkTS API Reference](reference/apis/development-intro.md)
-[Component Reference (TypeScript-based Declarative Development Paradigm)](reference/arkui-ts/ts-components-summary.md)
-[Component Reference (JavaScript-compatible Web-like Development Paradigm-ArkUI.Full)](reference/arkui-js/js-components-common-attributes.md)
-[Component Reference (JavaScript-compatible Web-like Development Paradigm-ArkUI.Lite)](reference/arkui-js-lite/js-framework-file.md)
The **OH_AVScreenCaptureCallback** struct defines all the asynchronous callback function pointers of an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance. To ensure the normal running of **OH_AVScreenCapture**, you must register the instance of this struct with the **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance and process the information reported by the callback functions.
| [videoInfo](#videoinfo) | [OH_VideoInfo](_o_h___video_info.md)<br>Defines video capture parameters.|
| [recorderInfo](#recorderinfo) | [OH_RecorderInfo](_o_h___recorder_info.md)<br>Defines recording file parameters. This member variable is mandatory when the data type is **OH_CAPTURE_FILE**.<br>**NOTE**: This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [audioSampleRate](#audiosamplerate) | int32_t<br>Defines the audio sampling rate. For details about the supported rates, see **OH_AudioCapturer_GetSamplingRate**.|
| [audioChannels](#audiochannels) | int32_t<br>Defines the number of audio channels.|
| [audioSource](#audiosource) | [OH_AudioCaptureSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiocapturesourcetype)<br>Defines the audio source.|
## Member Variable Description
### audioChannels
int32_t OH_AudioCaptureInfo::audioChannels
Defines the number of audio channels.
### audioSampleRate
int32_t OH_AudioCaptureInfo::audioSampleRate
Defines the audio sampling rate. For details about the supported rates, see **OH_AudioCapturer_GetSamplingRate**.
| [micCapInfo](#miccapinfo) | [OH_AudioCaptureInfo](_o_h___audio_capture_info.md)<br>Defines the audio parameters of the microphone.|
| [innerCapInfo](#innercapinfo) | [OH_AudioCaptureInfo](_o_h___audio_capture_info.md)<br>Defines the audio parameters for internal capture.|
| [audioEncInfo](#audioencinfo) | [OH_AudioEncInfo](_o_h___audio_enc_info.md)<br>Defines the audio encoding information. This member variable does not need to be set when **dataType** is set to **OH_ORIGINAL_STREAM**.<br>**NOTE**: This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
## Member Variable Description
### audioEncInfo
OH_AudioEncInfo OH_AudioInfo::audioEncInfo
Defines the audio encoding information. This member variable does not need to be set when **dataType** is set to **OH_ORIGINAL_STREAM**.
> **NOTE**
> This struct is reserved and will be provided in later versions.
### innerCapInfo
OH_AudioCaptureInfo OH_AudioInfo::innerCapInfo
Defines the audio parameters for internal capture.
| [displayId](#displayid) | uint64_t<br>Defines the ID of the physical screen to capture. This member variable is valid when **capturemode** is set to **CAPTURE_SPECIFIED_SCREEN**.<br>**NOTE**: This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [missionIDs](#missionids) | int32_t \*<br>Defines the mission ID list. This member variable is valid when **capturemode** is set to **CAPTURE_SPECIFIED_WINDOW**.<br>**NOTE**: This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [missionIDsLen](#missionidslen) | int32_t<br>Defines the length of the mission ID list. This member variable is valid when **capturemode** is set to **CAPTURE_SPECIFIED_WINDOW**.<br>**NOTE**: This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [videoFrameWidth](#videoframewidth) | int32_t<br>Defines the width of the captured video.|
| [videoFrameHeight](#videoframeheight) | int32_t<br>Defines the height of the captured video.|
| [videoSource](#videosource) | [OH_VideoSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videosourcetype)<br>Defines the video source type. Currently, only RGBA is supported.|
## Member Variable Description
### displayId
uint64_t OH_VideoCaptureInfo::displayId
Defines the ID of the physical screen to capture. This member variable is valid when **capturemode** is set to **CAPTURE_SPECIFIED_SCREEN**.
> **NOTE**
> This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.
### missionIDs
int32_t* OH_VideoCaptureInfo::missionIDs
Defines the mission ID list. This member variable is valid when **capturemode** is set to **CAPTURE_SPECIFIED_WINDOW**.
> **NOTE**
> This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.
### missionIDsLen
int32_t OH_VideoCaptureInfo::missionIDsLen
Defines the length of the mission ID list. This member variable is valid when **capturemode** is set to **CAPTURE_SPECIFIED_WINDOW**.
> **NOTE**
> This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.
| [videoCapInfo](#videocapinfo) | [OH_VideoCaptureInfo](_o_h___video_capture_info.md)<br>Defines video capture information.|
| [videoEncInfo](#videoencinfo) | [OH_VideoEncInfo](_o_h___video_enc_info.md)<br>Defines video encoding parameters.<br>**NOTE**: This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
## Member Variable Description
### videoCapInfo
OH_VideoCaptureInfo OH_VideoInfo::videoCapInfo
Defines video capture information.
### videoEncInfo
OH_VideoEncInfo OH_VideoInfo::videoEncInfo
Defines video encoding parameters.
> **NOTE**
> This member variable is reserved and will be provided in later versions.
The **native_avscreen_capture.h** file declares the native APIs used to create an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.
**Related Modules**
## Summary
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_Create](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_create)(void) | Creates an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_Init](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_init)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture, [OH_AVScreenCaptureConfig](_o_h___a_v_screen_capture_config.md) config) | Initializes parameters related to an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_StartScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_startscreencapture)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture) | Starts screen capture and collects original streams. After calling this function, the application can use the callback listeners **OH_AVScreenCaptureOnAudioBufferAvailable** and **OH_AVScreenCaptureOnVideoBufferAvailable** to check whether streams are generated.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_StopScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_stopscreencapture)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture) | Stops screen capture. This function is used in pair with **OH_AVScreenCapture_StartScreenCapture**. After calling this function, the application stops screen capture or screen share and releases the microphone.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_StartScreenRecording](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_startscreenrecording)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture) | Starts screen recording and collects encoded streams.<br>**NOTE**: This function is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_StopScreenRecording](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_stopscreenrecording)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture) | Stops screen recording. This function is used in pair with **OH_AVScreenCapture_StartScreenRecording**.<br>**NOTE**: This function is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_AcquireAudioBuffer](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_acquireaudiobuffer)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture, [OH_AudioBuffer](_o_h___audio_buffer.md)\*\*audiobuffer, [OH_AudioCaptureSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiocapturesourcetype) type) | Obtains an audio buffer. When calling this function, the application must allocate the memory of the corresponding struct size to the audio buffer.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_AcquireVideoBuffer](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_acquirevideobuffer)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture, int32_t \*fence, int64_t \*timestamp, struct [OH_Rect](_o_h___rect.md)\*region) | Obtains a video buffer. An application can call this function to obtain information such as the video buffer and timestamp.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_ReleaseAudioBuffer](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_releaseaudiobuffer)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture, [OH_AudioCaptureSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiocapturesourcetype) type) | Releases an audio buffer.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_ReleaseVideoBuffer](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_releasevideobuffer)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture) | Releases a video buffer.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_SetCallback](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_setcallback)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture, struct [OH_AVScreenCaptureCallback](_o_h___a_v_screen_capture_callback.md) callback) | Sets a callback to listen for available video buffers and audio buffers and errors that occur during the function calling.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_Release](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_release)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture) | Releases an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance. This function is used in pair with **OH_AVScreenCapture_Create**.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture_SetMicrophoneEnabled](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture_setmicrophoneenabled)(struct[OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) \*capture, bool isMicrophone) | Enables or disables the microphone.|
| [OH_AudioEncInfo](_o_h___audio_enc_info.md) | Defines audio encoding information.<br>**NOTE**: This struct is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_VideoCaptureInfo](_o_h___video_capture_info.md) | Defines video capturing information.|
| [OH_VideoEncInfo](_o_h___video_enc_info.md) | Defines video encoding information.<br>**NOTE**: This struct is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_VideoInfo](_o_h___video_info.md) | Defines video capturing parameters.|
| [OH_AVScreenCaptureConfig](_o_h___a_v_screen_capture_config.md) | Defines the screen capture configuration.|
| [OH_AVScreenCaptureCallback](_o_h___a_v_screen_capture_callback.md) | Defines all the asynchronous callback function pointers of an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| [OH_Rect](_o_h___rect.md) | Defines the width, height, and image information of the rectangle used for screen capture.|
| [OH_AudioBuffer](_o_h___audio_buffer.md) | Defines the configuration such as the size, type, and timestamp of audio data.|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_NativeBuffer](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_nativebuffer) | Defines the native video stream class for screen capture.|
| [OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture) | Defines a screen capture instance used to obtain original video and audio streams.|
| [OH_CaptureMode](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_capturemode) | Defines an enum that enumerates the screen capture modes.|
| [OH_AudioCaptureSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiocapturesourcetype) | Defines an enum that enumerates the audio source types during screen capture.|
| [OH_AudioCodecFormat](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiocodecformat) | Defines an enum that enumerates the audio encoding formats.|
| [OH_VideoCodecFormat](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videocodecformat) | Defines an enum that enumerates the video encoding formats.|
| [OH_DataType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_datatype) | Defines an enum that enumerates the data types of screen capture streams.|
| [OH_VideoSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videosourcetype) | Defines an enum that enumerates the video source formats.|
| [OH_ContainerFormatType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_containerformattype) | Defines an enum that enumerates the types of files generated during screen capture.<br>**NOTE**: This type is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_AudioEncInfo](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audioencinfo) | Defines audio encoding information.<br>**NOTE**: This type is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_VideoCaptureInfo](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videocaptureinfo) | Defines video capturing information.|
| [OH_VideoEncInfo](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videoencinfo) | Defines video encoding information.<br>**NOTE**: This type is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
| [OH_VideoInfo](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videoinfo) | Defines video capturing parameters.|
| [OH_AVScreenCaptureConfig](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencaptureconfig) | Defines the screen recording configuration.|
| (\*[OH_AVScreenCaptureOnError](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencaptureonerror)) ([OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture)\*capture, int32_t errorCode) | Defines a pointer to a callback function that is called when an error occurs during the running of an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| (\*[OH_AVScreenCaptureOnAudioBufferAvailable](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencaptureonaudiobufferavailable)) ([OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture)\*capture, bool isReady, [OH_AudioCaptureSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiocapturesourcetype) type) | Defines a pointer to a callback function that is called when an audio buffer is available during the running of an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| (\*[OH_AVScreenCaptureOnVideoBufferAvailable](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencaptureonvideobufferavailable)) ([OH_AVScreenCapture](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapture)\*capture, bool isReady) | Defines a pointer to a callback function that is called when a video buffer is available during the running of an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| [OH_AVScreenCaptureCallback](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreencapturecallback) | Defines all the asynchronous callback function pointers of an **OH_AVScreenCapture** instance.|
| [OH_Rect](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_rect) | Defines the width, height, and image information of the rectangle used for screen capture.|
| [OH_AudioBuffer](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_audiobuffer) | Defines the configuration such as the size, type, and timestamp of audio data.|
| [OH_DataType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_datatype) { [OH_ORIGINAL_STREAM](_a_v_screen_capture.md) = 0, [OH_ENCODED_STREAM](_a_v_screen_capture.md) = 1, [OH_CAPTURE_FILE](_a_v_screen_capture.md) = 2, OH_INVAILD = -1 } | Enumerates the data sources of screen capture streams.|
| [OH_VideoSourceType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_videosourcetype) { [OH_VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE_YUV](_a_v_screen_capture.md) = 0, [OH_VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE_ES](_a_v_screen_capture.md), [OH_VIDEO_SOURCE_SURFACE_RGBA](_a_v_screen_capture.md), [OH_VIDEO_SOURCE_BUTT](_a_v_screen_capture.md) } | Enumerates the video source formats.|
| [OH_ContainerFormatType](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_containerformattype) { [CFT_MPEG_4A](_a_v_screen_capture.md) = 0, [CFT_MPEG_4](_a_v_screen_capture.md) = 1 } | Enumerates the types of files generated during screen capture.<br>**NOTE**: This enum is reserved and will be provided in later versions.|
The **native_avscreen_capture_errors.h** file declares the error codes generated during screen capture.
**Related Modules**
## Summary
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_AVSCREEN_CAPTURE_ErrCode](_a_v_screen_capture.md#oh_avscreen_capture_errcode) | Defines an enum that enumerates the error codes generated during screen recording.|
| ArkUI | [Vibrator](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/DeviceManagement/Vibrator) | This sample simulates the countdown scenario to show the use of the vibrator APIs.| ArkTS |
| DFX | [FaultLogger](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/DFX/FaultLogger) | This sample illustrates how to obtain fault information of an application in ArkTS.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [ComponentCollection](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/UI/ArkTsComponentClollection/ComponentCollection) | This sample illustrates all the components, animations, and global methods of ArkUI.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [ArkTSClock](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/Solutions/Tools/ArkTSClock) | This sample exemplifies how to implement a simple clock application using the ArkTS UI capability. | ArkTS |
| Network management| [Http](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/Connectivity/Http) | This sample simulates Postman, which requires the input of an API address and outputs the data obtained, to show the use of the data request APIs.| ArkTS |
| Network management| [Socket](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/Connectivity/Socket) | This sample demonstrates the application of Socket in network communication, including connection authentication and chat communication between two devices.| ArkTS |
| Distributed data management| [DistributedRdb](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/DistributedAppDev/DistributedRdb) | This sample shows how to add, delete, modify, query, and synchronize data in the distributed relational database with ArkTS.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [WorkScheduler](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/TaskManagement/WorkScheduler) | This sample simulates the update process starting from downloading and saving an update package to sending a notification and installing the update package. Being processed by the background task management, the download task continues after the application exits. It stops until the download is complete.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [AbilityStartMode](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/ApplicationModels/AbilityStartMode) | This sample shows how to implement the standard, singleton, and specified ability launch modes in the stage model.| ArkTS |
| Multimedia| [MediaCollections](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/FileManagement/MediaCollections) | This sample illustrates media management in ArkTS, including network stream playback, audio and video playback control, and volume adjustment.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [ArkTSDistributedCalc](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/DistributedAppDev/ArkTSDistributedCalc) | This sample implements a simple calculator application using JS distributed features. The calculator can perform simple numerical calculations and start a remote calculator FA to perform collaborative calculation.| ArkTS |
| Web | [Browser](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/Web/Browser) | This sample uses the stage model and related APIs to show a simple browser.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [DeviceUsageStatistics](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/DeviceUsageStatistics/DeviceUsageStatistics) | This sample shows the device usage statistics.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [AdaptiveCapabilities](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/AdaptiveCapabilities) | This sample shows multi-device adaptation in ArkTS, including resource qualifiers, atomic layouts, and responsive layouts.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [Game2048](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/Solutions/Game/Game2048) | This sample shows how to develop a 2048 game using the **\<Grid>** component.| ArkTS |
| Typical Setting Page of One-Time Development for Multi-Device Deployment| [Settings](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/Settings) | This sample shows a typical page for setting an application. The page has different display effects in the small window and large window, reflecting the capability of one-time development for multi-device deployment.| ArkTS |
| Distributed data management| [Preference](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/DataManagement/Preferences) | This sample shows the theme switching function of preferences.| ArkTS |
| Globalization| [International](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SystemFeature/Internationalnation/International) | This sample shows how to use APIs related to i18n, intl, and resourceManager in ArkTS to set the system language, region, time, and time zone. It also provides locale setting examples.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [Vibrator](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/DeviceManagement/Vibrator) | This sample simulates the countdown scenario to show the use of the vibrator APIs.| ArkTS |
| DFX | [FaultLogger](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/DFX/FaultLogger) | This sample illustrates how to obtain fault information of an application in ArkTS.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [ComponentCollection](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/UI/ArkTsComponentCollection/ComponentCollection) | This sample illustrates all the components, animations, and global methods of ArkUI.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [ArkTSClock](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/Solutions/Tools/ArkTSClock) | This sample exemplifies how to implement a simple clock application using the ArkTS UI capability. | ArkTS |
| Network management| [Http](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/Connectivity/Http) | This sample simulates Postman, which requires the input of an API address and outputs the data obtained, to show the use of the data request APIs.| ArkTS |
| Network management| [Socket](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/Connectivity/Socket) | This sample demonstrates the application of Socket in network communication, including connection authentication and chat communication between two devices.| ArkTS |
| Distributed data management| [DistributedRdb](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/DistributedAppDev/DistributedRdb) | This sample shows how to add, delete, modify, query, and synchronize data in the distributed relational database with ArkTS.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [WorkScheduler](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/TaskManagement/WorkScheduler) | This sample simulates the update process starting from downloading and saving an update package to sending a notification and installing the update package. Being processed by the background task management, the download task continues after the application exits. It stops until the download is complete.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [AbilityStartMode](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/ApplicationModels/AbilityStartMode) | This sample shows how to implement the standard, singleton, and specified ability launch modes in the stage model.| ArkTS |
| Multimedia| [MediaCollections](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/FileManagement/MediaCollections) | This sample illustrates media management in ArkTS, including network stream playback, audio and video playback control, and volume adjustment.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [ArkTSDistributedCalc](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/DistributedAppDev/ArkTSDistributedCalc) | This sample implements a simple calculator application using JS distributed features. The calculator can perform simple numerical calculations and start a remote calculator FA to perform collaborative calculation.| ArkTS |
| Web | [Browser](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/Web/Browser) | This sample uses the stage model and related APIs to show a simple browser.| ArkTS |
| Ability| [DeviceUsageStatistics](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/DeviceUsageStatistics/DeviceUsageStatistics) | This sample shows the device usage statistics.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [AdaptiveCapabilities](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/AdaptiveCapabilities) | This sample shows multi-device adaptation in ArkTS, including resource qualifiers, atomic layouts, and responsive layouts.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI | [Game2048](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/Solutions/Game/Game2048) | This sample shows how to develop a 2048 game using the **\<Grid>** component.| ArkTS |
| Typical Setting Page of One-Time Development for Multi-Device Deployment| [Settings](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/Settings) | This sample shows a typical page for setting an application. The page has different display effects in the small window and large window, reflecting the capability of one-time development for multi-device deployment.| ArkTS |
| Distributed data management| [Preference](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/DataManagement/Preferences) | This sample shows the theme switching function of preferences.| ArkTS |
| Globalization| [International](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SystemFeature/Internationalnation/International) | This sample shows how to use APIs related to i18n, intl, and resourceManager in ArkTS to set the system language, region, time, and time zone. It also provides locale setting examples.| ArkTS |
For more information, visit [Samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples).
| ArkUI development framework| [HealthyDiet](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/HealthyDiet)| This sample app helps you keep food records and view food information. After you add food records, including the food type, weight, and meal time, the app can calculate nutrition data (calories, proteins, fats, and carbon water) for the meals and display the data in a bar chart.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [MusicAlbum](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/MusicAlbum)| This sample shows the home page of a music album app. The adaptive layout and responsive layout are used to ensure that the app can be properly displayed on devices irrespective of screen sizes.| ArkTS |
| Ability framework and file management subsystem| [CustomShare](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/ApplicationModels/CustomShare) | Using this sample app, you can share texts, links, and images with third-party applications and display them in these applications.| ArkTS |
| Ability framework| [GalleryForm](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/Widget/FormExtAbility) | This sample demonstrates the display of **Gallery** images in a widget and periodic update of the widget.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [AppMarket](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/AppMarket) | This sample shows the home page of an application market, which contains the tab bar, banner, featured apps, and featured games.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [Weather](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/Weather) | This sample demonstrates one-time development for multi-device deployment by showing how to develop a weather app and deploy it across different devices. The demo app includes the following: home page, **Manage City** page, **Add City** page, and **Update Time** page.| ArkTS |
| Multimedia subsystem| [MediaCollections](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/FileManagement/MediaCollections) | This sample shows the capabilities of online streaming, audio and video playback control, and volume adjustment.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [HealthyDiet](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/HealthyDiet)| This sample app helps you keep food records and view food information. After you add food records, including the food type, weight, and meal time, the app can calculate nutrition data (calories, proteins, fats, and carbon water) for the meals and display the data in a bar chart.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [MusicAlbum](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/MusicAlbum)| This sample shows the home page of a music album app. The adaptive layout and responsive layout are used to ensure that the app can be properly displayed on devices irrespective of screen sizes.| ArkTS |
| Ability framework and file management subsystem| [CustomShare](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/ApplicationModels/CustomShare) | Using this sample app, you can share texts, links, and images with third-party applications and display them in these applications.| ArkTS |
| Ability framework| [GalleryForm](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/Widget/FormExtAbility) | This sample demonstrates the display of **Gallery** images in a widget and periodic update of the widget.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [AppMarket](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/AppMarket) | This sample shows the home page of an application market, which contains the tab bar, banner, featured apps, and featured games.| ArkTS |
| ArkUI development framework| [Weather](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SuperFeature/MultiDeviceAppDev/Weather) | This sample demonstrates one-time development for multi-device deployment by showing how to develop a weather app and deploy it across different devices. The demo app includes the following: home page, **Manage City** page, **Add City** page, and **Update Time** page.| ArkTS |
| Multimedia subsystem| [MediaCollections](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/FileManagement/MediaCollections) | This sample shows the capabilities of online streaming, audio and video playback control, and volume adjustment.| ArkTS |
For more information, visit [Samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples).
| Common event and notification subsystem| [Event Notification](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/Notification/CustomEmitter)| This sample shows the in-process event notification. After a user selects an offering and submits an order, the selected offering is displayed in the order list.|
| Data management subsystem| [Cross-Application Data Sharing](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SystemFeature/DataManagement/CrossAppDataShare)| This sample implements cross-application data sharing. It provides contacts (data provider) and contacts assistant (data user). Contacts support functionalities such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying contacts data. Contacts assistant supports contacts data synchronization and merging of duplicate data.|
| Resource scheduler subsystem| [Agent-Powered Scheduled Reminder](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/TaskManagement/ReminderAgentManager)| This sample uses agent-powered scheduled reminder to create three types of scheduled reminders: alarm clocks, calendar events, and countdown timers. Agent-powered scheduled reminder ensures that the timing and pop-up notification functions will be performed by the system service agent in the background when the application is frozen or exits.|
| File management subsystem| [Storage Space Statistics](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SystemFeature/DeviceManagement/StorageStatistic)| This sample uses the application package management, application space statistics, and volume management modules to implement the viewing of storage space information of the current device, all installed applications, and all available volumes.|
| Window manager| [Screenshot](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SystemFeature/Media/Screenshot)| This sample uses the screenshot, window, and display modules to take screenshots, switch the privacy window, and query the privacy window, in sequence.|
| Bundle management framework| [Multi-HAP](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/Project/ApplicationHap/MultiHap)| This sample shows the development of multi-HAP. The sample app includes one entry HAP and two feature HAPs. The two feature HAPs provide audio and video playback components, respectively. The two components are also used in the entry component.|
| Ability framework| [Ability Launch Mode](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/ApplicationModels/AbilityStartMode)| This sample shows how to implement the standard, singleton, and specified ability launch modes in the stage model.|
| Resource management| [Application Theme Switch](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/Project/ResourceAllocation/ApplicationThemeSwitch)| This sample creates the **dark** and **light** folders at the same level as the **base** folder to configure resources related to the dark and light themes. The custom theme file is configured in the **ThemeConst** file to implement multi-theme switching by controlling variables.|
| Common event and notification subsystem| [Event Notification](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/Notification/CustomEmitter)| This sample shows the in-process event notification. After a user selects an offering and submits an order, the selected offering is displayed in the order list.|
| Data management subsystem| [Cross-Application Data Sharing](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SystemFeature/DataManagement/CrossAppDataShare)| This sample implements cross-application data sharing. It provides contacts (data provider) and contacts assistant (data user). Contacts support functionalities such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying contacts data. Contacts assistant supports contacts data synchronization and merging of duplicate data.|
| Resource scheduler subsystem| [Agent-Powered Scheduled Reminder](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/TaskManagement/ReminderAgentManager)| This sample uses agent-powered scheduled reminder to create three types of scheduled reminders: alarm clocks, calendar events, and countdown timers. Agent-powered scheduled reminder ensures that the timing and pop-up notification functions will be performed by the system service agent in the background when the application is frozen or exits.|
| File management subsystem| [Storage Space Statistics](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SystemFeature/DeviceManagement/StorageStatistic)| This sample uses the application package management, application space statistics, and volume management modules to implement the viewing of storage space information of the current device, all installed applications, and all available volumes.|
| Window manager| [Screenshot](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SystemFeature/Media/Screenshot)| This sample uses the screenshot, window, and display modules to take screenshots, switch the privacy window, and query the privacy window, in sequence.|
| Bundle management framework| [Multi-HAP](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/Project/ApplicationHap/MultiHap)| This sample shows the development of multi-HAP. The sample app includes one entry HAP and two feature HAPs. The two feature HAPs provide audio and video playback components, respectively. The two components are also used in the entry component.|
| Ability framework| [Ability Launch Mode](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/ApplicationModels/AbilityStartMode)| This sample shows how to implement the standard, singleton, and specified ability launch modes in the stage model.|
| Resource management| [Application Theme Switch](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/Project/ResourceAllocation/ApplicationThemeSwitch)| This sample creates the **dark** and **light** folders at the same level as the **base** folder to configure resources related to the dark and light themes. The custom theme file is configured in the **ThemeConst** file to implement multi-theme switching by controlling variables.|
For more information, visit [Samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples).
| Accessibility| [AccessibilityExtensionAbility](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SystemFeature/ApplicationModels/AccessibilityExtAbility)| This sample demonstrates an application developed using the AccessibilityExtensionAbility component. It uses multiple APIs to implement quick interaction.| ArkTS |
| Enterprise management| [Enterprise Device Management ExtensionAbility](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/SystemFeature/ApplicationModels/EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility)| EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility is a mandatory component for Mobile Device Management (MDM) applications. When developing MDM applications for enterprises, you need to inherit EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility and implement MDM service logic in the EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility instance. EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility implements notifications of system management status changes and defines the callbacks that are triggered when a device administrator application is enabled or disabled or an application is installed or uninstalled.| ArkTS |
| Mission management| [WorkScheduler](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/code/BasicFeature/TaskManagement/WorkScheduler)| This sample uses the APIs **\@ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility**, **\@ohos.net.http**, **\@ohos.notification**, **\@ohos.bundle**, and **\@ohos.fileio** to implement the functionalities of setting background tasks, downloading, saving, and installing update packages, and sending notifications.| ArkTS |
| Accessibility| [AccessibilityExtensionAbility](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SystemFeature/ApplicationModels/AccessibilityExtAbility)| This sample demonstrates an application developed using the AccessibilityExtensionAbility component. It uses multiple APIs to implement quick interaction.| ArkTS |
| Enterprise management| [Enterprise Device Management ExtensionAbility](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/SystemFeature/ApplicationModels/EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility)| EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility is a mandatory component for Mobile Device Management (MDM) applications. When developing MDM applications for enterprises, you need to inherit EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility and implement MDM service logic in the EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility instance. EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility implements notifications of system management status changes and defines the callbacks that are triggered when a device administrator application is enabled or disabled or an application is installed or uninstalled.| ArkTS |
| Mission management| [WorkScheduler](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/OpenHarmony-4.0-Beta2/code/BasicFeature/TaskManagement/WorkScheduler)| This sample uses the APIs **\@ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility**, **\@ohos.net.http**, **\@ohos.notification**, **\@ohos.bundle**, and **\@ohos.fileio** to implement the functionalities of setting background tasks, downloading, saving, and installing update packages, and sending notifications.| ArkTS |
For more information, visit [Samples](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples).