| loop | number | No| -1 | Number of times the marquee will scroll. If the value is less than or equal to **0**, the marquee will scroll continuously.|
| fromStart | boolean | No| true | Whether the text scrolls from the start.|
| loop | number | No | -1 | Number of times the marquee will scroll. If the value is less than or equal to **0**, the marquee will scroll continuously. |
| fromStart | boolean | No | true | Whether the text scrolls from the start. |
| src | string | Yes | - | Text to scroll. |
## Events
| Name| Description|
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| onStart(callback: () => void) | Triggered when the marquee starts scrolling.|
| onBounce(callback: () => void) | Triggered when the marquee has reached the end.|
| onFinish(callback: () => void) | Triggered when the marquee has finished scrolling.|
| onStart(callback: () => void) | Triggered when the marquee starts scrolling.|
| onBounce(callback: () => void) | Triggered when the marquee has reached the end.|
| onFinish(callback: () => void) | Triggered when the marquee has finished scrolling.|