提交 2fe51dcb 编写于 作者: 胡玉 提交者: Gitee

Merge branch 'master' of gitee.com:openharmony/docs into master

Signed-off-by: N胡玉 <huyu35@huawei.com>
......@@ -460,62 +460,63 @@ zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-service-extension-ability.md @RaySh
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-service-extension-context.md @RayShih @littlejerry1 @gwang2008 @ccllee @chengxingzhen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-wantAgent.md @RayShih @littlejerry1 @gwang2008 @ccllee @chengxingzhen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-ability.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-access-token.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-accessibility.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-account.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-animator.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-app-account.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-audio.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-avsession.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-backgroundTaskMgr.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-batteryStatistics.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-brightness.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-buffer.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-bundle.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-colorspace-manager.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-CommonEventService.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-containers.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-data-rdb.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-datashare.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-device-manager.md @qinxiaowang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-DeviceUsageStatistics.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-display.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-distributed-dataObject.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-distributedKVStore.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-DistributedNotificationService.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-DistributedSchedule.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-enterpriseDeviceManager.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-faultlogger.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-filemanagement.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-geoLocationManager.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-hiappevent.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-hisysevent.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-hiviewdfx-hidebug.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-huks.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-i18n.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-inputmethod-framework.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-multimodalinput.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-nfc.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-pasteboard.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-power.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-preferences.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-promptAction.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-reminderAgentManager.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-request.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-resource-manager.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-router.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-rpc.md @qinxiaowang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-runninglock.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-sensor.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-system-parameterV9.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-thermal.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-uitest.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-universal.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-update.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-usb.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-vibrator.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-webview.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-window.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-workScheduler.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errcode-zlib.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-ability.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-access-token.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-accessibility.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-account.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-animator.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-app-account.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-avsession.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-backgroundTaskMgr.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-batteryStatistics.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-brightness.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-buffer.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-bundle.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-colorspace-manager.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-CommonEventService.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-containers.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-data-rdb.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-datashare.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-device-manager.md @qinxiaowang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-DeviceUsageStatistics.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-display.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-distributed-dataObject.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-distributedKVStore.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-DistributedNotificationService.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-DistributedSchedule.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-enterpriseDeviceManager.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-faultlogger.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-filemanagement.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-geoLocationManager.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-hiappevent.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-hisysevent.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-hiviewdfx-hidebug.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-huks.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-i18n.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-inputmethod-framework.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-multimodalinput.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-nfc.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-pasteboard.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-power.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-preferences.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-promptAction.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-reminderAgentManager.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-request.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-resource-manager.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-router.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-rpc.md @qinxiaowang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-runninglock.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-sensor.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-system-parameterV9.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-thermal.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-uitest.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-universal.md @RayShih
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-update.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-usb.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-useriam.md @zengyawen
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-vibrator.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-webview.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-window.md @ge-yafang
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-workScheduler.md @HelloCrease
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/errorcodes/errorcode-zlib.md @RayShih
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ import data_storage from '@ohos.data.storage';
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.Preferences.Core
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| ---------------- | ------ | -------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| MAX_KEY_LENGTH | string | Yes | No | Maximum length of a key. It must be less than 80 bytes. |
| MAX_VALUE_LENGTH | string | Yes | No | Maximum length of a value. It must be less than 8192 bytes. |
| Name | Type| Readable| Writable| Description |
| ---------------- | -------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| MAX_KEY_LENGTH | number | Yes | No | Maximum length of a key. It must be less than 80 bytes. |
| MAX_VALUE_LENGTH | number | Yes | No | Maximum length of a value. It must be less than 8192 bytes.|
## data_storage.getStorageSync
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ Reads the specified file and loads its data to the **Storage** instance for data
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ Reads the specified file and loads its data to the **Storage** instance for data
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ Reads the specified file and loads its data to the **Storage** instance for data
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ Deletes the singleton **Storage** instance of a file from the memory, and delete
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ Deletes the singleton **Storage** instance of a file from the memory, and delete
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ Deletes the singleton **Storage** instance of a file from the memory, and delete
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ Removes the singleton **Storage** instance of a file from the cache. The removed
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ Removes the singleton **Storage** instance of a file from the cache. The removed
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ Removes the singleton **Storage** instance of a file from the cache. The removed
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var path;
var context = featureAbility.getContext();
let path;
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.getFilesDir().then((filePath) => {
path = filePath;
......@@ -864,15 +864,15 @@ Subscribes to data changes. The **StorageObserver** needs to be implemented. Whe
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| type | string | Event type. The value **change** indicates data change events.|
| callback | Callback&lt;[StorageObserver](#storageobserver)&gt; | Callback used to return data changes. |
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------ |---------------------------------------- |
| type | string |Yes| Event type. The value **change** indicates data change events.|
| callback | Callback&lt;[StorageObserver](#storageobserver)&gt; | Yes|Callback used to return data changes. |
var observer = function (key) {
let observer = function (key) {
console.info("The key of " + key + " changed.");
storage.on('change', observer);
......@@ -891,15 +891,15 @@ Unsubscribes from data changes.
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| type | string | Event type. The value **change** indicates data change events.|
| callback | Callback&lt;[StorageObserver](#storageobserver)&gt; | Callback used to return data changes. |
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------ |---------------------------------------- |
| type | string |Yes| Event type. The value **change** indicates data change events.|
| callback | Callback&lt;[StorageObserver](#storageobserver)&gt; | Yes|Callback used to return data changes. |
var observer = function (key) {
let observer = function (key) {
console.info("The key of " + key + " changed.");
storage.off('change', observer);
The **HUKS** module provides KeyStore (KS) capabilities for applications, including key management and key cryptography operations.
The keys managed by OpenHarmony Universal KeyStore (HUKS) can be imported by applications or generated by calling the HUKS APIs.
> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**<br>
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The **HUKS** module provides KeyStore (KS) capabilities for applications, including key management and key cryptography operations.
The keys managed by OpenHarmony Universal KeyStore (HUKS) can be imported by applications or generated by calling the HUKS APIs.
## Modules to Import
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Generates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback that returns no value.|
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Deletes a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback that returns no value.|
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ Imports a key in plaintext. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the
| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key to import. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback that returns no value.|
......@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ Obtains the certificate used to verify a key. This API uses a promise to return
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| Promise<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **err** is not returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| Promise<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ Imports a wrapped key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the resu
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the wrapped key to import. |
| wrappingKeyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the data used to unwrap the key imported. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and the wrapped key to import.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback that returns no value.|
......@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ Exports a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs. **outData** contains the public key exported.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned and **outData** contains the public key exported. If the operation fails, an error code is returned. |
......@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ Exports a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Promise<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **err** is not returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs. **outData** contains the public key exported.|
| Promise<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned and **outData** contains the public key exported. If the operation fails, an error code is returned. |
......@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ Obtains key properties. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the res
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **errorCode** is **HUKS_SUCCESS**, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **errorCode** is **HUKS_SUCCESS**; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ Obtains key properties. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **err** is not returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs. **properties** returns the parameters required for generating the key.|
| Promise\<[HuksReturnResult](#huksreturnresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, no **err** value is returned and **properties** contains the parameters required for generating the key. If the operation fails, an error code is returned. |
......@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ Checks whether a key exists. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return th
| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. The value **TRUE** means that the key exists, and **FALSE** means the opposite.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.|
......@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ Checks whether a key exists. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. The value **TRUE** means that the key exists, and **FALSE** means the opposite.|
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.|
......@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ Aborts the use of the key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the
| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Abort** operation. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | Yes | Callback that returns no value.|
......@@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ Aborts the use of the key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<void> | Promise used to return the result.|
| Promise\<void> | Promise that returns no value.|
......@@ -1993,7 +1993,7 @@ Generates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. For details about other results, see HuksResult.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned; otherwise, an error code defined in **HuksResult** is returned.|
......@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ Generates a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ Deletes a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ Deletes a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2163,7 +2163,7 @@ Imports a key in plaintext. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the
| -------- | ------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key to import.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2228,7 +2228,7 @@ Imports a key in plaintext. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@ Exports a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs. **outData** contains the public key exported.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned and **outData** contains the public key exported. If the operation fails, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ Exports a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs. **outData** contains the public key exported.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned and **outData** contains the public key exported. If the operation fails, an error code is returned. |
......@@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ Obtains key properties. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the res
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If **errorCode** is **HUKS_SUCCESS**, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. If the operation is successful, **errorCode** is **HUKS_SUCCESS**; otherwise, an error code is returned.|
......@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ Obtains key properties. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksoptions)> | Promise used to return the result. If **HUKS_SUCCESS** is returned, the operation is successful. Otherwise, an error occurs. **properties** returns the parameters required for generating the key.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksoptions)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **errorCode** is **HUKS_SUCCESS** and **properties** contains the parameters required for generating the key. If the operation fails, an error code is returned. |
......@@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@ Checks whether a key exists. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return th
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. The value **TRUE** means that the key exists, and **FALSE** means the opposite.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.|
......@@ -2453,7 +2453,7 @@ Checks whether a key exists. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Type | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. The value **TRUE** means that the key exists, and **FALSE** means the opposite.|
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.|
# RDB Error Codes
## 14800010 Invalid RDB Name
**Error Message**
Invalid database name.
The RDB store name is invalid.
**Possible Causes**
The RDB store name is empty or exceeds 1024 bytes.
Check that the RDB store name is not empty and does not exceed 1024 bytes.
## 14800011 Database File Corrupted
**Error Message**
Database corrupted.
The RDB store is corrupted when an API for adding, deleting, querying, or synchronizing data is invoked.
**Possible Causes**
The RDB store file has been corrupted.
1. Restore the RDB store using the backup file.
2. If no RDB backup file is available, delete the RDB store and create it again.
## 14800012 Empty Result Set or Invalid Position
**Error Message**
The result set is empty or the specified location is invalid.
The result set is empty or the specified location is invalid.
**Possible Causes**
The result set is empty, or the specified row number in the result set is out of range [0, m - 1]. **m** is **resultsetV9.rowCount**.
Check whether the result set is empty or whether the specified row number is out of range.
## 14800013 Null Column Value or Column Data Type Incompatible With the API Called
**Error Message**
The column value is null or the column type is incompatible.
The column value is null, or the column data type is incompatible with the API called.
**Possible Causes**
1. The result set is empty.
2. The current row number in the result set is out of range [0, m - 1]. **m** is **resultsetV9.rowCount**.
3. The column number is out of the range [0, n - 1]. **n** is **resultsetV9.columnCount**.
4. The API called does not support the type of the column data.
1. Check whether the result set is empty.
2. Check whether the row number and column number of the result set are out of range.
3. Check whether the column data type is supported.
# Preferences Error Codes
## 15500010 Failed to Delete Preferences
**Error Message**
Failed to delete preferences.
Failed to delete the preference.
**Possible Causes**
The possible causes are as follows:
1. The file name is incorrect.
2. The file path is incorrect.
1. Check that the file name is correct.
2. Check that the file path is correct.
# Kernel
- Kernel
- Mini-System Kernel
- [Kernel Overview](kernel-overview.md)
- Mini-System Kernel (LiteOS-M)
- [LiteOS-M Overview](kernel-mini-overview.md)
- Basic Kernel
- Base Kernel
- [Interrupt Management](kernel-mini-basic-interrupt.md)
- [Task Management](kernel-mini-basic-task.md)
- [Memory Management](kernel-mini-basic-memory.md)
......@@ -16,6 +15,7 @@
- [Semaphore](kernel-mini-basic-ipc-sem.md)
- [Time Management](kernel-basic-mini-time.md)
- [Software Timer](kernel-mini-basic-soft.md)
- [Doubly Linked List](kernel-mini-basic-list.md)
- Extended Components
- [C++ Support](kernel-mini-extend-support.md)
- [CPUP](kernel-mini-extend-cpup.md)
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
- [LMS](kernel-mini-memory-lms.md)
- Appendix
- [Kernel Coding Specification](kernel-mini-appx-code.md)
- [Doubly Linked List](kernel-mini-appx-data-list.md)
- [Standard Libraries](kernel-mini-appx-lib.md)
- Small-System Kernel (LiteOS-A)
- [Kernel Overview](kernel-small-overview.md)
......@@ -158,6 +157,7 @@
- [Compiling and Building the Linux Kernel](kernel-standard-build.md)
- Enhanced Kernel Features
- [Enhanced Swap](kernel-standard-mm-eswap.md)
- [NewIP Kernel Protocol Stack](kernel-standard-newip.md)
- Task Scheduling
- [Related Thread Group](kernel-standard-sched-rtg.md)
- [Lightweight CPU Isolation](kernel-standard-sched-cpuisolation.md)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ During the compilation, select a build form factor based on the site requirement
| Build Form Factor | Development Board| Main Chip| Kernel| System Type|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| [neptune100](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hihope/blob/master/neptune_iotlink_demo/config.json) | neptune100 | WinnerMicro | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [rk3568](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hihope/blob/master/rk3568/config.json) | rk3568 | Rockchip | Linux | standard |
| [rk3568_Mini_system](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hihope/blob/master/rk3568_Mini_system/config.json) | rk3568 | Rockchip | Linux | Standard |
| [rk3568](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hihope/blob/master/rk3568/config.json) | rk3568 | Rockchip | Linux | Standard |
| [rk3568_mini_system](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hihope/blob/master/rk3568_mini_system/config.json) | rk3568 | Rockchip | Linux | Standard |
| [bearpi_hm_micro](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bearpi/blob/master/bearpi_hm_micro/config.json) | bearpi_hm_micro | STM32MP1xx | LiteOS-A | small |
| [bearpi_hm_nano](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bearpi/blob/master/bearpi_hm_nano/config.json) | bearpi_hm_nano | Hi3861V100 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [wifiiot_hispark_pegasus](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_pegasus/config.json) | hispark_pegasus | Hi3861V100 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [ipcamera_hispark_aries](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_aries/config.json) | hispark_aries | Hi3518EV300 | LiteOS-A | Small |
| [ipcamera_hispark_taurus](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | LiteOS-A | Small |
| [ipcamera_hispark_taurus_Linux](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus_Linux/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | Linux | Small |
| [hispark_taurus_Standard](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus_Standard/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | Linux | Standard |
| [ipcamera_hispark_taurus_linux](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus_linux/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | Linux | Small |
| [hispark_taurus_standard](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus_standard/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | Linux | Standard |
| [watchos](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/watchos/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | Linux | Standard |
| [hispark_phoenix](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_phoenix/config.json) | hispark_phoenix | Hi3751V350 | Linux | Standard |
| [hispark_taurus_Mini_system](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus_Mini_system/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | LiteOS-A | Mini |
| [hispark_pegasus_Mini_system](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_pegasus_Mini_system/config.json) | hispark_pegasus | Hi3861V100 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [hispark_taurus_mini_system](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_taurus_mini_system/config.json) | hispark_taurus | Hi3516DV300 | LiteOS-A | Mini |
| [hispark_pegasus_mini_system](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_hisilicon/blob/master/hispark_pegasus_mini_system/config.json) | hispark_pegasus | Hi3861V100 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [gr5515_sk_iotlink_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_goodix/blob/master/gr5515_sk_iotlink_demo/config.json) | gr5515_sk | GR551x | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [gr5515_sk_xts_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_goodix/blob/master/gr5515_sk_xts_demo/config.json) | gr5515_sk | GR551x | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [wifi_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_asrmicro/blob/master/wifi_demo/config.json) | dev_wifi_a | ASR582X | LiteOS-M | Mini |
......@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ During the compilation, select a build form factor based on the site requirement
| [display_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bestechnic/blob/master/display_demo/config.json) | v200zr | BES2600 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [xts_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bestechnic/blob/master/xts_demo/config.json) | v200zr | BES2600 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [iotlink_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bestechnic/blob/master/iotlink_demo/config.json) | v200zr | BES2600 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [Mini_distributed_music_player](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bestechnic/blob/master/Mini_distributed_music_player/config.json) | v200zr | BES2600 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [mini_distributed_music_player](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_bestechnic/blob/master/mini_distributed_music_player/config.json) | v200zr | BES2600 | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [niobe407](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_talkweb/blob/master/niobe407/config.json) | niobe407 | STM32F4xx | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [QEMU_Mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_Mini_system_demo/config.json) | arm_mps2_an386 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [QEMU_csky_Mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_csky_Mini_system_demo/config.json) | SmartL_E802 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [QEMU_cm55_Mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_cm55_Mini_system_demo/config.json) | arm_mps3_an547 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [QEMU_xtensa_Mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_xtensa_Mini_system_demo/config.json) | esp32 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [QEMU_riscv_Mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_riscv32_Mini_system_demo/config.json) | ricsv32_virt | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [QEMU_ca7_Mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_ca7_Mini_system_demo/config.json) | arm_virt | QEMU | LiteOS-A | Small |
| [QEMU_Small_system_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_Small_system_demo/config.json) | arm_virt | QEMU | LiteOS-A | Small |
| [QEMU_arm_Linux_min](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_arm_Linux_min/config.json) | QEMU-arm-Linux | QEMU | Linux | Standard |
| [QEMU_arm_Linux_headless](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/QEMU_arm_Linux_headless/config.json) | QEMU-arm-Linux | QEMU | Linux | Standard |
| [iotlink_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_Chipsea/blob/master/iotlink_demo/config.json) | cst85_wblink | Chipsea | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [dsoftbus_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_Chipsea/blob/master/dsoftbus_demo/config.json) | cst85_wblink | Chipsea | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [xts_demo](https://gitee.com/Rockchip/vendor_Chipsea/blob/master/xts_demo/config.json) | cst85_wblink | Chipsea | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [qemu_mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_mini_system_demo/config.json) | arm_mps2_an386 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [qemu_csky_mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_csky_mini_system_demo/config.json) | SmartL_E802 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [qemu_cm55_mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_cm55_mini_system_demo/config.json) | arm_mps3_an547 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [qemu_xtensa_mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_xtensa_mini_system_demo/config.json) | esp32 | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [qemu_riscv_mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_riscv32_mini_system_demo/config.json) | ricsv32_virt | QEMU | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [qemu_ca7_mini_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_ca7_mini_system_demo/config.json) | arm_virt | QEMU | LiteOS-A | Small |
| [qemu_small_system_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_small_system_demo/config.json) | arm_virt | QEMU | LiteOS-A | Small |
| [qemu_arm_inux_min](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_arm_linux_min/config.json) | qemu-arm-linux | QEMU | Linux | Standard |
| [qemu_arm_linux_headless](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_ohemu/blob/master/qemu_arm_linux_headless/config.json) | qemu-arm-linux | QEMU | Linux | Standard |
| [iotlink_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_chipsea/blob/master/iotlink_demo/config.json) | cst85_wblink | Chipsea | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [dsoftbus_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_chipsea/blob/master/dsoftbus_demo/config.json) | cst85_wblink | Chipsea | LiteOS-M | Mini |
| [xts_demo](https://gitee.com/openharmony/vendor_chipsea/blob/master/xts_demo/config.json) | cst85_wblink | Chipsea | LiteOS-M | Mini |
......@@ -115,6 +115,6 @@ Next
Congratulations! You have finished all steps! Proceed to develop samples to better familiarize yourself with OpenHarmony development:
- [LED Peripheral Control](guide/device-wlan-led-control.md)
- [LED Peripheral Control](../guide/device-wlan-led-control.md)
- [Third-Party SDK Integration](guide/device-wlan-sdk.md)
- [Third-Party SDK Integration](../guide/device-wlan-sdk.md)
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
- [设备使用信息统计](device-usage-statistics/Readme-CN.md)
- [DFX](dfx/Readme-CN.md)
- [国际化](internationalization/Readme-CN.md)
- [应用测试](application-test/Readme-CN.md)
- [一次开发,多端部署](key-features/multi-device-app-dev/Readme-CN.md)
- [IDL工具规格及使用说明书](IDL/idl-guidelines.md)
- [Native API的相关指导](napi/Readme-CN.md)
......@@ -65,4 +66,3 @@
- [常见问题](faqs/Readme-CN.md)
- 贡献
- [参与贡献](../contribute/贡献文档.md)
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
- [设备使用信息统计](device-usage-statistics/Readme-CN.md)
- [DFX](dfx/Readme-CN.md)
- [国际化](internationalization/Readme-CN.md)
- [应用测试](application-test/Readme-CN.md)
- [IDL工具规格及使用说明书](IDL/idl-guidelines.md)
- [Native API的相关指导](napi/Readme-CN.md)
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
- [设备使用信息统计](device-usage-statistics/device-usage-statistics-overview.md)
- [DFX](dfx/hiappevent-overview.md)
- [国际化](internationalization/international-overview.md)
- [应用测试](application-test/Readme-CN.md)
- [IDL工具规格及使用说明书](IDL/idl-guidelines.md)
- [Native API的相关指导](napi/napi-guidelines.md)
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- 振动
- [振动开发概述](vibrator-overview.md)
- [振动开发指导](vibrator-guidelines.md)
- 设备管理
- 多模输入
- [输入设备开发指导](inputdevice-guidelines.md)
- [鼠标光标开发指导](pointerstyle-guidelines.md)
- 升级服务
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ import inputDevice from '@ohos.multimodalInput.inputDevice';
| 实例名 | 接口名 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------- |
| inputDevice | **function** getDeviceList(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<**number**>>): **void**; | 获取输入设备列表。 |
| inputDevice | **function** getKeyboardType(deviceId: **number**, callback: AsyncCallback<KeyboardType>): **void**; | 获取输入设备的键盘类型。 |
| inputDevice | **function** on(**type**: "change", listener: Callback<DeviceListener>): **void**; | 监听输入设备的热插拔事件。 |
| inputDevice | **function** off(**type**: "change", listener?: Callback<DeviceListener>): **void**; | 取消监听输入设备的热插拔事件。 |
| inputDevice | function getDeviceList(callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<number>>): void; | 获取输入设备列表。 |
| inputDevice | function getKeyboardType(deviceId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<KeyboardType>): void; | 获取输入设备的键盘类型。 |
| inputDevice | function on(type: "change", listener: Callback\<DeviceListener>): void; | 监听输入设备的热插拔事件。 |
| inputDevice | function off(type: "change", listener?: Callback\<DeviceListener>): void; | 取消监听输入设备的热插拔事件。 |
## 虚拟键盘弹出检测
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ import inputDevice from '@ohos.multimodalInput.pointer';
| 实例名 | 接口名 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| pointer | **function** isPointerVisible(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): **void**; | 获取鼠标指针显示或隐藏状态。 |
| pointer | **function** setPointerVisible(visible: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<**void**>): **void**; | 设置鼠标指针显示或隐藏状态,改接口会影响全局鼠标光标的显示状态。 |
| pointer | **function** setPointerStyle(windowId: **number**, pointerStyle: PointerStyle, callback: AsyncCallback<**void**>): **void**; | 设置鼠标光标样式,改接口会影响指定窗口鼠标光标样式。 |
| pointer | **function** getPointerStyle(windowId: **number**, callback: AsyncCallback<PointerStyle>): **void**; | 查询鼠标光标样式。 |
| pointer | function isPointerVisible(callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void; | 获取鼠标指针显示或隐藏状态。 |
| pointer | function setPointerVisible(visible: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | 设置鼠标指针显示或隐藏状态,改接口会影响全局鼠标光标的显示状态。 |
| pointer | function setPointerStyle(windowId: number, pointerStyle: PointerStyle, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | 设置鼠标光标样式,改接口会影响指定窗口鼠标光标样式。 |
| pointer | function getPointerStyle(windowId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<PointerStyle>): void; | 查询鼠标光标样式。 |
## 设置鼠标光标隐藏
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ display.getDefaultDisplay((err, data) => {
## 如何获取当前运行设备类型(穿戴、平板等)
## 如何获取当前运行设备类型
适用于:OpenHarmony SDK版本,API9 Stage模型
......@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
| 接口名 | 描述 |
| createAVSession(context: Context, tag: string, type: AVSessionType, callback: AsyncCallback<AVSession\>): void | 创建会话 |
| setAVMetadata(data: AVMetadata, callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 设置会话元数据 |
| setAVPlaybackState(state: AVPlaybackState, callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 设置会话播放状态信息 |
| setLaunchAbility(ability: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 设置启动ability |
| getController(callback: AsyncCallback<AVSessionController\>): void | 获取当前会话自身控制器 |
| getOutputDevice(callback: AsyncCallback<OutputDeviceInfo\>): void | 获取音频输出设备信息 |
| activate(callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 激活会话 |
| destroy(callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 销毁会话 |
| createAVSession(context: Context, tag: string, type: AVSessionType, callback: AsyncCallback\<AVSession>): void | 创建会话 |
| setAVMetadata(data: AVMetadata, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 设置会话元数据 |
| setAVPlaybackState(state: AVPlaybackState, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 设置会话播放状态信息 |
| setLaunchAbility(ability: WantAgent, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 设置启动ability |
| getController(callback: AsyncCallback\<AVSessionController>): void | 获取当前会话自身控制器 |
| getOutputDevice(callback: AsyncCallback\<OutputDeviceInfo>): void | 获取音频输出设备信息 |
| activate(callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 激活会话 |
| destroy(callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 销毁会话 |
### 开发步骤
......@@ -354,14 +354,14 @@ currentSession.deactivate().then(() => {
| 接口名 | 描述 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- |
| getAllSessionDescriptors(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<Readonly<AVSessionDescriptor>>>): void | 获取所有会话的描述符 |
| createController(sessionId: string, callback: AsyncCallback<AVSessionController>): void | 创建控制器 |
| sendAVKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent, callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 发送按键命令 |
| getLaunchAbility(callback: AsyncCallback<WantAgent\>): void | 拉起应用 |
| sendControlCommand(command: AVControlCommand, callback: AsyncCallback<void\>): void | 发送控制命令 |
| sendSystemAVKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void | 发送系统按键命令 |
| sendSystemControlCommand(command: AVControlCommand, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void | 发送系统控制命令 |
| castAudio(session: SessionToken | 'all', audioDevices: Array<audio.AudioDeviceDescriptor>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void | 远端投播 |
| getAllSessionDescriptors(callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<Readonly\<AVSessionDescriptor>>>): void | 获取所有会话的描述符 |
| createController(sessionId: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<AVSessionController>): void | 创建控制器 |
| sendAVKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 发送按键命令 |
| getLaunchAbility(callback: AsyncCallback\<WantAgent>): void | 拉起应用 |
| sendControlCommand(command: AVControlCommand, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 发送控制命令 |
| sendSystemAVKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 发送系统按键命令 |
| sendSystemControlCommand(command: AVControlCommand, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 发送系统控制命令 |
| castAudio(session: SessionToken | 'all', audioDevices: Array\<audio.AudioDeviceDescriptor>, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void | 远端投播 |
### 开发步骤
......@@ -21,23 +21,27 @@ let opts = { alphaType: 0, editable: true, pixelFormat: 4, scaleMode: 1, size: {
// 创建pixelmap对象
const color = new ArrayBuffer(96);
let opts = { alphaType: 0, editable: true, pixelFormat: 4, scaleMode: 1, size: { height: 2, width: 3 } }
image.createPixelMap(color, opts, pixelmap => {
image.createPixelMap(color, opts, (err, pixelmap) => {
console.log('Succeeded in creating pixelmap.');
// 用于读像素
pixelmap.readPixels(area,(data) => {
if(data !== null) {
var bufferArr = new Uint8Array(area.pixels);
var res = true;
for (var i = 0; i < bufferArr.length; i++) {
console.info(' buffer ' + bufferArr[i]);
if(res) {
if(bufferArr[i] == 0) {
res = false;
console.log('readPixels end.');
const area = {
pixels: new ArrayBuffer(8),
offset: 0,
stride: 8,
region: { size: { height: 1, width: 2 }, x: 0, y: 0 }
pixelmap.readPixels(area,() => {
var bufferArr = new Uint8Array(area.pixels);
var res = true;
for (var i = 0; i < bufferArr.length; i++) {
console.info(' buffer ' + bufferArr[i]);
if(res) {
if(bufferArr[i] == 0) {
res = false;
console.log('readPixels end.');
......@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ imageSourceApi.release(() => {
const imagePackerApi = image.createImagePacker();
const imageSourceApi = image.createImageSource(0);
let packOpts = { format:"image/jpeg", quality:98 };
imagePackerApi.packing(imageSourceApi, packOpts, data => {
imagePackerApi.packing(imageSourceApi, packOpts, (err, data) => {
console.log('Succeeded in packing');
......@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ let decodingOptions = {
// 用于回调方式创建pixelmap
imageSourceApi.createPixelMap(decodingOptions, pixelmap => {
imageSourceApi.createPixelMap(decodingOptions, (err, pixelmap) => {
console.log('Succeeded in creating pixelmap.');
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
- [使用ArkTS语言开发(FA模型)](start-with-ets-fa.md)
- [使用JS语言开发(FA模型)](start-with-js-fa.md)
- 开发基础知识
- [应用包结构说明(FA模型)](package-structure.md)
- [应用包结构说明(Stage模型)](stage-structure.md)
- [应用包结构配置文件的说明(FA模型)](package-structure.md)
- [应用包结构配置文件的说明(Stage模型)](stage-structure.md)
- [SysCap说明](syscap.md)
- [资源分类与访问](resource-categories-and-access.md)
- 学习ArkTS语言
# 应用包结构配置文件的说明
# 应用包结构配置文件的说明(FA模型)
# 应用包结构配置文件的说明
# 应用包结构配置文件的说明(Stage模型)
# SysCap使用指南
# 系统能力SystemCapability使用指南
## 概述
### 系统能力与 API
SysCap,全称SystemCapability,即系统能力,指操作系统中每一个相对独立的特性,如蓝牙,WIFI,NFC,摄像头等,都是系统能力之一。每个系统能力对应多个 API,这些 API 绑定在一起,随着目标设备是否支持该系统能力共同存在或消失,也会随着 IDE 一起提供给开发者做联想。
SysCap,全称SystemCapability,即系统能力,指操作系统中每一个相对独立的特性,如蓝牙,WIFI,NFC,摄像头等,都是系统能力之一。每个系统能力对应多个API,随着目标设备是否支持该系统能力共同存在或消失,也会随着DevEco Studio一起提供给开发者做联想。
### 支持能力集,联想能力集与要求能力集
联想能力集是该应用开发时,IDE 可联想的 API 所在的系统能力集合。
联想能力集是该应用开发时,DevEco Studio可联想的API所在的系统能力集合。
### 设备与支持能力集
SDK 将设备分为两组,典型设备和自定义设备,典型设备的支持能力集由 OpenHarmony 来定义,自定义设备由设备厂商给出。
### 设备与SDK能力的对应
SDK 提供全量的 API 给 IDE,IDE 通过开发者的项目支持的设备,找到该设备的支持能力集,筛选支持能力集包含的 API 提供给开发者做联想。
SDK向DevEco Studio提供全量API,DevEco Studio识别开发者项目中选择的设备形态,找到该设备的支持能力集,筛选支持能力集包含的API并提供API联想。
## SysCap开发指导
### PCID获取
PCID,全称 Product Compatibility ID,包含当前设备支持的 syscap 信息。获取所有设备 PCID 的认证中心正在建设中,目前需要找对应设备的厂商获取该设备的 PCID。
PCID,全称Product Compatibility ID,包含当前设备支持的SysCap信息。获取所有设备PCID的认证中心正在建设中,目前需要找对应设备的厂商获取该设备的PCID。
### PCID导入
DevEco Studio 工程支持 PCID 的导入。导入的 PCID 文件解码后输出的 syscap 会被写入 syscap.json 文件中。
DevEco Studio工程支持PCID的导入。导入的PCID文件解码后输出的SysCap会被写入syscap.json文件中。
在工程目录右键后选择 Import Product Compatibility ID,即可上传 PCID 文件并导入至 syscap.json 中。
在工程目录右键后选择Import Product Compatibility ID,即可上传PCID文件并导入至syscap.json中。
### 配置联想能力集和要求能力集
IDE 会根据创建的工程所支持的设置自动配置联想能力集和要求能力集,开发者也可以自行修改。
对于联想能力集,开发者通过添加更多的系统能力,在 IDE 中可以使用更多的 API,但要注意这些 API 可能在设备上不支持,使用前需要判断。
DevEco Studio会根据创建的工程所支持的设置自动配置联想能力集和要求能力集,开发者也可以自行修改。
对于联想能力集,开发者通过添加更多的系统能力,在DevEco Studio中可以使用更多的API,但要注意这些API可能在设备上不支持,使用前需要判断。
......@@ -91,51 +79,44 @@ IDE 会根据创建的工程所支持的设置自动配置联想能力集和要
### 单设备应用开发
### 跨设备应用开发
### 判断 API 是否可以使用
首先我们定义了 API canIUse 帮助开发者来判断该工程是否支持某个特定的syscap。
- 方法1:OpenHarmony定义了API canIUse帮助开发者来判断该工程是否支持某个特定的syscap。
if (canIUse("SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full")) {
} else {
开发者可通过 import 的方式将模块导入,若当前设备不支持该模块,import 的结果为 undefined,开发者在使用其 API 时,需要判断其是否存在。
if (canIUse("SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full")) {
} else {
import geolocation from '@ohos.geolocation';
if (geolocation) {
geolocation.getCurrentLocation((location) => {
console.log(location.latitude, location.longitude);
} else {
- 方法2:开发者可通过 import 的方式将模块导入,若当前设备不支持该模块,import 的结果为 undefined,开发者在使用其 API 时,需要判断其是否存在。
import geolocation from '@ohos.geolocation';
if (geolocation) {
geolocation.getCurrentLocation((location) => {
console.log(location.latitude, location.longitude);
} else {
### 不同设备相同能力的差异检查
......@@ -159,7 +140,6 @@ authenticator.execute('FACE_ONLY', 'S1', (err, result) => {
### 设备间的SysCap差异如何产生的
# 开发参考
- [Syscap列表](syscap-list.md)
- [组件参考(基于ArkTS的声明式开发范式)](arkui-ts/Readme-CN.md)
- [组件参考(兼容JS的类Web开发范式)](arkui-js/Readme-CN.md)
- [JS服务卡片UI组件参考](js-service-widget-ui/Readme-CN.md)
- [接口参考(JS及TS API)](apis/Readme-CN.md)
- [错误码参考](errorcodes/Readme-CN.md)
- 接口参考(Native API)
- [OpenHarmony Native API](native-apis/Readme-CN.md)
- [Native API标准库](native-lib/Readme-CN.md)
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
- [@ohos.ability.dataUriUtils (DataUriUtils模块)](js-apis-DataUriUtils.md)
- [@ohos.ability.errorCode (ErrorCode)](js-apis-ability-errorCode.md)
- [@ohos.ability.wantConstant (wantConstant)](js-apis-ability-wantConstant.md)
- [@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery (appRecovery)](js-apis-app-ability-appRecovery.md)
- [@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry (AbilityDelegatorRegistry)](js-apis-abilityDelegatorRegistry.md)
- [@ohos.application.abilityManager (AbilityManager)](js-apis-application-abilityManager.md)
- [@ohos.application.appManager (appManager)](js-apis-appmanager.md)
......@@ -248,6 +249,8 @@
- [@ohos.runningLock (Runninglock锁)](js-apis-runninglock.md)
- [@ohos.sensor (传感器)](js-apis-sensor.md)
- [@ohos.settings (设置数据项名称)](js-apis-settings.md)
- [@ohos.stationary (设备状态感知框架)](js-apis-stationary.md)
- [@ohos.systemCapability (系统能力)](js-apis-system-capability.md)
- [@ohos.systemParameterV9 (系统属性)](js-apis-system-parameterV9.md)
- [@ohos.thermal (热管理)](js-apis-thermal.md)
- [@ohos.update (升级)](js-apis-update.md)
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.DistributedBundleFramework
| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| elementName | [ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md) | 是 | 获得的ElementName信息。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[RemoteAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-remoteAbilityInfo.md)> | 是 | 程序启动作为入参的回调函数,返回远程基本能力信息。 |
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.DistributedBundleFramework
| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- |
| elementName | [ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md) | 是 | 获得的ElementName信息。 |
......@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.DistributedBundleFramework
| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| elementNames | Array<[ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md)> | 是 | ElementName信息,最大数组长度为10 |
| callback | AsyncCallback< Array<[RemoteAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-remoteAbilityInfo.md)>> | 是 | 程序启动作为入参的回调函数,返回远程基本能力信息。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback<Array<[RemoteAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-remoteAbilityInfo.md)>> | 是 | 程序启动作为入参的回调函数,返回远程基本能力信息。 |
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.DistributedBundleFramework
| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- |
| elementNames | Array<[ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md)> | 是 | ElementName信息,最大数组长度为10。 |
......@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------- |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[BundleInstaller](js-apis-bundle-BundleInstaller.md)> | 是 | 安装应用程序包。 |
## bundle.cleanBundleCacheFiles<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.cleanBundleCacheFiles<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.cleanBundleCacheFiles](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagercleanbundlecachefiles)替代。
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| bundleName | string | 是 | 指示要清除其缓存数据的应用程序包名称. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 为返回操作结果而调用的回调。 |
## bundle.cleanBundleCacheFiles<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.cleanBundleCacheFiles<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.cleanBundleCacheFiles](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagercleanbundlecachefiles)替代。
......@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| ------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<void> | 返回值为Promise对象,Promise中为空。 |
## bundle.setApplicationEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.setApplicationEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.setApplicationEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagersetapplicationenabled)替代。
......@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| isEnable | boolean | 是 | 指定是否启用应用程序。true表示启用,false禁用。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 为返回操作结果而调用的回调。 |
## bundle.setApplicationEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.setApplicationEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.setApplicationEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagersetapplicationenabled)替代。
......@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| ------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<void> | 返回值为Promise对象,Promise中为空。 |
## bundle.setAbilityEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.setAbilityEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.setAbilityEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagersetabilityenabled)替代。
......@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| isEnable | boolean | 是 | 指定是否启用应用程序。true表示启用,false禁用。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 为返回操作结果而调用的回调。 |
## bundle.setAbilityEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.setAbilityEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.setAbilityEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagersetabilityenabled)替代。
......@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| ------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<void> | 返回值为Promise对象,Promise中为空。 |
## bundle.getPermissionDef<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getPermissionDef<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getPermissionDef](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetpermissiondef)替代。
......@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| permissionName | string | 是 | 指定权限的名称。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[PermissionDef](js-apis-bundle-PermissionDef)> | 是 | 程序启动作为入参的回调函数,返回定义的权限信息。 |
## bundle.getPermissionDef<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getPermissionDef<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getPermissionDef](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetpermissiondef)替代。
......@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| bundleFlags | number | 是 | 用于指定返回的应用信息对象中包含信息的标记。默认值:0,取值范围:参考[BundleFlag说明](#bundleflag)中应用信息相关flag |
| userId | number | | 用户ID。默认值:调用方所在用户,取值范围:大于等于0。 |
| userId | number | | 用户ID。默认值:调用方所在用户,取值范围:大于等于0。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback<Array\<[ApplicationInfo](js-apis-bundle-ApplicationInfo.md)>> | 是 | 程序启动作为入参的回调函数,返回应用信息列表。 |
......@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityInfo(bundleName, abilityName, (err, data) => {
## bundle.getAbilityLabel<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getAbilityLabel<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getAbilityLabel](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetabilitylabel)替代。
......@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityLabel(bundleName, abilityName)
## bundle.getAbilityLabel<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getAbilityLabel<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getAbilityLabel](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetabilitylabel)替代。
......@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityLabel(bundleName, abilityName, (err, data) => {
## bundle.isAbilityEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.isAbilityEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.isAbilityEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagerisabilityenabled)替代。
......@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityInfo(bundleName, abilityName).then((abilityInfo)=>{
## bundle.isAbilityEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.isAbilityEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.isAbilityEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagerisabilityenabled)替代。
......@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityInfo(bundleName, abilityName).then((abilityInfo)=>{
## bundle.isApplicationEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.isApplicationEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.isApplicationEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagerisapplicationenabled)替代。
......@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ bundle.isApplicationEnabled(bundleName)
## bundle.isApplicationEnabled<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.isApplicationEnabled<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.isApplicationEnabled](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagerisapplicationenabled)替代。
......@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ bundle.getLaunchWantForBundle(bundleName, (err, data) => {
## bundle.getNameForUid<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getNameForUid<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getBundleNameByUid](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetbundlenamebyuid)替代。
......@@ -1423,7 +1423,7 @@ bundle.getNameForUid(uid)
## bundle.getNameForUid<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getNameForUid<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getBundleNameByUid](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetbundlenamebyuid)替代。
......@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ bundle.getNameForUid(uid, (err, data) => {
## bundle.getAbilityIcon<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getAbilityIcon<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getAbilityIcon](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetabilityicon)替代。
......@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityIcon(bundleName, abilityName)
## bundle.getAbilityIcon<sup>deprecated<sup>
## bundle.getAbilityIcon<sup>8+</sup> <sup>deprecated<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[bundleManager.getAbilityIcon](js-apis-bundleManager.md#bundlemanagergetabilityicon)替代。
......@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ bundle.getAbilityIcon(bundleName, abilityName, (err, data) => {
**系统能力:** SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 可读 | 可写 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 类型 | 可读 | 可写 | 说明 |
| ------ | ------ | ---- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| userId | number | 是 | 是 | 用户ID。默认值:调用方所在用户,取值范围:大于等于0。 |
......@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ Ability类型
**系统能力:** 以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| ------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
| UNKNOWN | 无 | 未知Ability类型 |
| PAGE | 无 | 表示基于Page模板开发的FA,用于提供与用户交互的能力 |
......@@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Ability类型
**系统能力:** 以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
| UNSPECIFIED | 无 | 屏幕方向--不指定 |
| LANDSCAPE | 无 | 屏幕方向--横屏 |
......@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ Ability类型
**系统能力:** 以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------------- |
| SINGLETON | 0 | Ability只有一个实例 |
| STANDARD | 1 | Ability有多个实例 |
......@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ Ability的子类型
**系统能力:** 以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ---- | ----------------------------- |
| UNSPECIFIED | 0 | 未定义Ability子类型 |
| CA | 1 | Ability子类型是带有 UI 的服务 |
......@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ Ability的子类型
**系统能力:** 以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| ---------- | ---- | -------- |
| AUTO_MODE | -1 | 自动模式 |
| DARK_MODE | 0 | 黑色模式 |
......@@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ Ability的子类型
**系统能力:** 以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework
| 参数名 | 类型 | 说明 |
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| ------------------ | ---- | ------------ |
| PERMISSION_DENIED | -1 | 拒绝授予权限 |
\ No newline at end of file
# AbilityRunningInfo
> **说明:**
......@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ setDisposedStatus(appId: string, disposedWant: Want): Promise\<void>
| ------------------------- | ------------------ |
| Promise\<void> | Promise对象。无返回结果的Promise对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700005 | The specified appId was not found. |
| 17700005 | The specified app ID is not found. |
......@@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ setDisposedStatus(appId: string, disposedWant: Want, callback: AsyncCallback\<vo
| disposedWant | Want | 是 | 对应用的处置意图。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 回调函数,当设置处置状态成功,err为undefined,否则为错误对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700005 | The specified appId was not found. |
| 17700005 | The specified app ID is not found. |
......@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ getDisposedStatus(appId: string): Promise\<Want>;
| ------------------------- | ------------------ |
| Promise\<Want> | Promise对象,返回应用的处置状态。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700005 | The specified appId was not found. |
| 17700005 | The specified app ID is not found. |
......@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ getDisposedStatus(appId: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Want>): void;
| appId | string | 是 | 要查询的应用的appId<br> appId是应用的唯一标识,由应用的包名和签名信息决定,获取方法参见[获取应用的appId](#获取应用的appid)。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<Want> | 是 | 回调函数。当获取应用的处置状态成功时,err为undefined,data为获取到的处置状态;否则为错误对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700005 | The specified appId was not found. |
| 17700005 | The specified app ID is not found. |
......@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ deleteDisposedStatus(appId: string): Promise\<void>
| ------------------------- | ------------------ |
| Promise\<void> | Promise对象,无返回结果的Promise对象 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700005 | The specified appId was not found. |
| 17700005 | The specified app ID is not found. |
......@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ deleteDisposedStatus(appId: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>) : void
| appId | string | 是 | 要查询的应用的appId。<br> appId是应用的唯一标识,由应用的包名和签名信息决定,获取方法参见[获取应用的appId](#获取应用的appid)。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 回调函数,当设置处置状态成功时,err返回undefined。否则回调函数返回具体错误对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700005 | The specified appId was not found. |
| 17700005 | The specified app ID is not found. |
......@@ -339,13 +339,15 @@ onSaveState(reason: AbilityConstant.StateType, wantParam : {[key: string]: any})
class myAbility extends Ability {
onSaveState(reason, wantParam) {
wantParams["myData"] = "my1234567";
return AbilityConstant.OnSaveResult.RECOVERY_AGREE;
import AbilityConstant from '@ohos.application.AbilityConstant'
class myAbility extends Ability {
onSaveState(reason, wantParam) {
wantParam["myData"] = "my1234567";
return AbilityConstant.OnSaveResult.RECOVERY_AGREE;
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator();
### addAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
addAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void
addAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ addAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填说明 | 说明 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor) | 是 | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor)实例 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
......@@ -55,11 +55,9 @@ abilityDelegator.addAbilityMonitor(monitor, (err : any) => {
### addAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
addAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor): Promise\<void>
addAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ abilityDelegator.addAbilityMonitor(monitor).then(() => {
### removeAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
removeAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void
removeAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ abilityDelegator.removeAbilityMonitor(monitor, (err : any) => {
### removeAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
removeAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor): Promise\<void>
removeAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -146,7 +144,7 @@ removeAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor): Promise\<void>
| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor) | 是 | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor)实例 |
......@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ abilityDelegator.removeAbilityMonitor(monitor).then(() => {
### waitAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<Ability>): void
waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<UIAbility>): void;
......@@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<Ability>):
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor) | 是 | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor)实例 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[Ability](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[UIAbility](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
......@@ -213,11 +211,9 @@ abilityDelegator.waitAbilityMonitor(monitor, (err : any, data : any) => {
### waitAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, timeout: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<Ability>): void
waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, timeout: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<UIAbility>): void;
......@@ -229,7 +225,7 @@ waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, timeout: number, callback: AsyncCall
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor) | 是 | [AbilityMonitor](js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md#AbilityMonitor)实例 |
| timeout | number | 是 | 最大等待时间,单位毫秒(ms) |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[Ability](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[UIAbility](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
......@@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ abilityDelegator.waitAbilityMonitor(monitor, timeout, (err : any, data : any) =>
### waitAbilityMonitor<sup>9+</sup>
waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, timeout?: number): Promise\<Ability>
waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, timeout?: number): Promise\<UIAbility>;
......@@ -273,7 +269,7 @@ waitAbilityMonitor(monitor: AbilityMonitor, timeout?: number): Promise\<Ability>
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| Promise\<[Ability](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 以Promise形式返回Ability。 |
| Promise\<[UIAbility](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 以Promise形式返回Ability。 |
......@@ -299,7 +295,7 @@ abilityDelegator.waitAbilityMonitor(monitor).then((data : any) => {
### getAppContext<sup>9+</sup>
getAppContext(): Context
getAppContext(): Context;
......@@ -324,7 +320,7 @@ var context = abilityDelegator.getAppContext();
### getAbilityState<sup>9+</sup>
getAbilityState(ability: Ability): number
getAbilityState(ability: UIAbility): number;
......@@ -334,7 +330,7 @@ getAbilityState(ability: Ability): number
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---- | --------------- |
| ability | [Ability](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability) | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| ability | [UIAbility](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability) | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
......@@ -361,7 +357,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility((err : any, data : any) => {
### getCurrentTopAbility<sup>9+</sup>
getCurrentTopAbility(callback: AsyncCallback\<Ability>): void
getCurrentTopAbility(callback: AsyncCallback\<UIAbility>): void;
......@@ -371,7 +367,7 @@ getCurrentTopAbility(callback: AsyncCallback\<Ability>): void
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------ |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[Ability](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[UIAbility](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
......@@ -390,7 +386,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility((err : any, data : any) => {
### getCurrentTopAbility<sup>9+</sup>
getCurrentTopAbility(): Promise\<Ability>
getCurrentTopAbility(): Promise\<UIAbility>;
......@@ -400,7 +396,7 @@ getCurrentTopAbility(): Promise\<Ability>
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[Ability](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 以Promise形式返回当前应用顶部ability。 |
| Promise\<[UIAbility](js-apis-application-ability.md#Ability)> | 以Promise形式返回当前应用顶部ability。 |
......@@ -419,7 +415,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility().then((data : any) => {
### startAbility<sup>9+</sup>
startAbility(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void
startAbility(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -451,7 +447,7 @@ abilityDelegator.startAbility(want, (err : any, data : any) => {
### startAbility<sup>9+</sup>
startAbility(want: Want): Promise\<void>
startAbility(want: Want): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -488,7 +484,7 @@ abilityDelegator.startAbility(want).then((data: any) => {
### doAbilityForeground<sup>9+</sup>
doAbilityForeground(ability: Ability, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void
doAbilityForeground(ability: UIAbility, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -498,8 +494,8 @@ doAbilityForeground(ability: Ability, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ----------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| ability | Ability | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法<br/>\- true:成功<br/>\- false:失败 |
| ability | UIAbility | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法<br/>\- true:成功<br/>\- false:失败 |
......@@ -521,7 +517,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility((err : any, data : any) => {
### doAbilityForeground<sup>9+</sup>
doAbilityForeground(ability: Ability): Promise\<boolean>
doAbilityForeground(ability: UIAbility): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -531,7 +527,7 @@ doAbilityForeground(ability: Ability): Promise\<boolean>
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------- | ---- | --------------- |
| ability | Ability | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| ability | UIAbility | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
......@@ -559,7 +555,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility((err : any, data : any) => {
### doAbilityBackground<sup>9+</sup>
doAbilityBackground(ability: Ability, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void
doAbilityBackground(ability: UIAbility, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -569,8 +565,8 @@ doAbilityBackground(ability: Ability, callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ----------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| ability | Ability | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法<br/>\- true:成功<br/>\- false:失败 |
| ability | UIAbility | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法<br/>\- true:成功<br/>\- false:失败 |
......@@ -592,7 +588,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility((err : any, data : any) => {
### doAbilityBackground<sup>9+</sup>
doAbilityBackground(ability: Ability): Promise\<boolean>
doAbilityBackground(ability: UIAbility): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -602,7 +598,7 @@ doAbilityBackground(ability: Ability): Promise\<boolean>
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------- | ---- | --------------- |
| ability | Ability | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
| ability | UIAbility | 是 | 指定Ability对象 |
......@@ -630,7 +626,7 @@ abilityDelegator.getCurrentTopAbility((err : any, data : any) => {
### printSync<sup>9+</sup>
printSync(msg: string): void
printSync(msg: string): void;
......@@ -656,7 +652,7 @@ abilityDelegator.printSync(msg);
### print
print(msg: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void
print(msg: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -685,7 +681,7 @@ abilityDelegator.print(msg, (err : any) => {
### print
print(msg: string): Promise\<void>
print(msg: string): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -719,7 +715,7 @@ abilityDelegator.print(msg).then(() => {
### executeShellCommand
executeShellCommand(cmd: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<ShellCmdResult>): void
executeShellCommand(cmd: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<ShellCmdResult>): void;
......@@ -748,7 +744,7 @@ abilityDelegator.executeShellCommand(cmd, (err : any, data : any) => {
### executeShellCommand
executeShellCommand(cmd: string, timeoutSecs: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<ShellCmdResult>): void
executeShellCommand(cmd: string, timeoutSecs: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<ShellCmdResult>): void;
......@@ -779,7 +775,7 @@ abilityDelegator.executeShellCommand(cmd, timeout, (err : any, data : any) => {
### executeShellCommand
executeShellCommand(cmd: string, timeoutSecs?: number): Promise\<ShellCmdResult>
executeShellCommand(cmd: string, timeoutSecs?: number): Promise\<ShellCmdResult>;
......@@ -815,7 +811,7 @@ abilityDelegator.executeShellCommand(cmd, timeout).then((data : any) => {
### finishTest<sup>9+</sup>
finishTest(msg: string, code: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void
finishTest(msg: string, code: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -845,7 +841,7 @@ abilityDelegator.finishTest(msg, 0, (err : any) => {
### finishTest<sup>9+</sup>
finishTest(msg: string, code: number): Promise\<void>
finishTest(msg: string, code: number): Promise\<void>;
......@@ -886,7 +882,7 @@ addAbilityStageMonitor(monitor: AbilityStageMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<vo
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填说明 | 说明 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) | 是 | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) 实例 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
......@@ -955,7 +951,7 @@ removeAbilityStageMonitor(monitor: AbilityStageMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填说明 | 说明 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) | 是 | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) 实例 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void> | 是 | 表示指定的回调方法 |
......@@ -1024,7 +1020,7 @@ waitAbilityStageMonitor(monitor: AbilityStageMonitor, callback: AsyncCallback\<A
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填说明 | 说明 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) | 是 | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) 实例 |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<AbilityStage> | 是 | 成功返回AbilityStage对象,失败返回空。 |
......@@ -1062,7 +1058,7 @@ waitAbilityStageMonitor(monitor: AbilityStageMonitor, timeout?: number): Promise
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| monitor | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) | 是 | [AbilityStageMonitor](#abilitystagemonitor) 实例 |
| timeout | number | | 超时最大等待时间,以毫秒为单位。 |
| timeout | number | | 超时最大等待时间,以毫秒为单位。 |
......@@ -156,16 +156,18 @@ onAbilityContinue(ability: Ability): void;
import Ability from "@ohos.application.Ability";
export default class MyAbility extends Ability {
onCreate() {
console.log("MyAbility onCreate")
let AbilityLifecycleCallback = {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
import AbilityStage from "@ohos.application.AbilityStage";
var lifecycleid;
export default class MyAbilityStage extends AbilityStage {
onCreate() {
console.log("MyAbilityStage onCreate")
let AbilityLifecycleCallback = {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
onWindowStageCreate(ability, windowStage){
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageCreate windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
......@@ -182,30 +184,30 @@ onAbilityContinue(ability: Ability): void;
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageDestroy ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageDestroy windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityDestroy ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityForeground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityBackground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityContinue ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
// 1.通过context属性获取applicationContext
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
// 2.通过applicationContext注册监听应用内生命周期
let lifecycleid = applicationContext.registerAbilityLifecycleCallback(AbilityLifecycleCallback);
console.log("registerAbilityLifecycleCallback number: " + JSON.stringify(lifecycleid));
onDestroy() {
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
applicationContext.unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback(lifecycleid, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
\ No newline at end of file
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityDestroy ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityForeground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityBackground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityContinue ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
// 1.通过context属性获取applicationContext
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
// 2.通过applicationContext注册监听应用内生命周期
lifecycleid = applicationContext.registerAbilityLifecycleCallback(AbilityLifecycleCallback);
console.log("registerAbilityLifecycleCallback number: " + JSON.stringify(lifecycleid));
onDestroy() {
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
applicationContext.unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback(lifecycleid, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ ApplicationContext模块提供开发者应用级别的的上下文的能力,
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
## ApplicationContext.registerAbilityLifecycleCallback
registerAbilityLifecycleCallback(callback: AbilityLifecycleCallback): **number**;
......@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ registerAbilityLifecycleCallback(callback: AbilityLifecycleCallback): **number**
import Ability from "@ohos.application.Ability";
var lifecycleId;
......@@ -46,36 +45,36 @@ var lifecycleId;
export default class MyAbility extends Ability {
onCreate() {
console.log("MyAbility onCreate")
let AbilityLifecycleCallback = {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
let AbilityLifecycleCallback = {
onAbilityCreate(ability) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
onWindowStageCreate(ability, windowStage){
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageCreate windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
onWindowStageCreate(ability, windowStage) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageCreate ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageCreate windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
onWindowStageActive(ability, windowStage){
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageActive ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageActive windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
onWindowStageActive(ability, windowStage) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageActive ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageActive windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
onWindowStageInactive(ability, windowStage){
onWindowStageInactive(ability, windowStage) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageInactive ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageInactive windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageInactive windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
onWindowStageDestroy(ability, windowStage){
onWindowStageDestroy(ability, windowStage) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageDestroy ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageDestroy windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onWindowStageDestroy windowStage:" + JSON.stringify(windowStage));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityDestroy ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
onAbilityDestroy(ability) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityDestroy ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityForeground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
onAbilityForeground(ability) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityForeground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityBackground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
onAbilityBackground(ability) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityBackground ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
onAbilityContinue(ability) {
console.log("AbilityLifecycleCallback onAbilityContinue ability:" + JSON.stringify(ability));
......@@ -84,16 +83,9 @@ export default class MyAbility extends Ability {
// 2.通过applicationContext注册监听应用内生命周期
lifecycleId = applicationContext.registerAbilityLifecycleCallback(AbilityLifecycleCallback);
console.log("registerAbilityLifecycleCallback number: " + JSON.stringify(lifecycleId));
onDestroy() {
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
applicationContext.unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback(lifecycleId, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
## ApplicationContext.unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback
......@@ -112,14 +104,21 @@ unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback(callbackId: **number**, callback: AsyncCallb
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
let lifecycleId = 1;
console.log("stage applicationContext: " + JSON.stringify(applicationContext));
applicationContext.unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback(lifecycleId, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
import Ability from "@ohos.application.Ability";
var lifecycleId;
export default class MyAbility extends Ability {
onDestroy() {
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
console.log("stage applicationContext: " + JSON.stringify(applicationContext));
applicationContext.unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback(lifecycleId, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterAbilityLifecycleCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
## ApplicationContext.registerEnvironmentCallback
......@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ registerEnvironmentCallback(callback: EnvironmentCallback): **number**;
import Ability from "@ohos.application.Ability";
var callbackId;
......@@ -163,14 +162,8 @@ export default class MyAbility extends Ability {
callbackId = applicationContext.registerEnvironmentCallback(EnvironmentCallback);
console.log("registerEnvironmentCallback number: " + JSON.stringify(callbackId));
onDestroy() {
let applicationContext = globalThis.applicationContext;
applicationContext.unregisterEnvironmentCallback(callbackId, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterEnvironmentCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
## ApplicationContext.unregisterEnvironmentCallback
......@@ -189,10 +182,17 @@ unregisterEnvironmentCallback(callbackId: **number**, callback: AsyncCallback<*
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
let callbackId = 1;
applicationContext.unregisterEnvironmentCallback(callbackId, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterEnvironmentCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
import Ability from "@ohos.application.Ability";
var callbackId;
export default class MyAbility extends Ability {
onDestroy() {
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
applicationContext.unregisterEnvironmentCallback(callbackId, (error, data) => {
console.log("unregisterEnvironmentCallback success, err: " + JSON.stringify(error));
......@@ -67,17 +67,10 @@ createBundleContext(bundleName: string): Context;
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability'
class MainAbility extends Ability {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
let test = "com.example.test";
let context = this.context.createBundleContext(test);
let test = "com.example.test";
let context = this.context.createBundleContext(test);
## Context.createModuleContext
createModuleContext(moduleName: string): Context;
......@@ -101,17 +94,10 @@ createModuleContext(moduleName: string): Context;
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability'
class MainAbility extends Ability {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
let moduleName = "module";
let context = this.context.createModuleContext(moduleName);
let moduleName = "module";
let context = this.context.createModuleContext(moduleName);
## Context.createModuleContext
createModuleContext(bundleName: string, moduleName: string): Context;
......@@ -138,15 +124,9 @@ createModuleContext(bundleName: string, moduleName: string): Context;
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability'
class MainAbility extends Ability {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
let bundleName = "com.example.bundle";
let moduleName = "module";
let context = this.context.createModuleContext(bundleName, moduleName);
let bundleName = "com.example.bundle";
let moduleName = "module";
let context = this.context.createModuleContext(bundleName, moduleName);
## Context.getApplicationContext
......@@ -166,16 +146,9 @@ getApplicationContext(): ApplicationContext;
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability'
class MainAbility extends Ability {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
## AreaMode
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ quickFixManager模块提供快速修复的能力,快速修复是OpenHarmony提
## 导入模块
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.application.quickFixManager';
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.app.ability.quickFixManager';
## HapModuleQuickFixInfo
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ applyQuickFix(hapModuleQuickFixFiles: Array\<string>, callback: AsyncCallback\<v
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.application.quickFixManager'
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.app.ability.quickFixManager'
let hapModuleQuickFixFiles = ["/data/storage/el2/base/entry.hqf"]
quickFixManager.applyQuickFix(hapModuleQuickFixFiles, (error) => {
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ applyQuickFix(hapModuleQuickFixFiles: Array\<string>): Promise\<void>;
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.application.quickFixManager'
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.app.ability.quickFixManager'
let hapModuleQuickFixFiles = ["/data/storage/el2/base/entry.hqf"]
quickFixManager.applyQuickFix(hapModuleQuickFixFiles).then(() => {
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ getApplicationQuickFixInfo(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Applicat
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.application.quickFixManager'
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.app.ability.quickFixManager'
let bundleName = "bundleName"
quickFixManager.getApplicationQuickFixInfo(bundleName, (error, data) => {
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ getApplicationQuickFixInfo(bundleName: string): Promise\<ApplicationQuickFixInfo
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.application.quickFixManager'
import quickFixManager from '@ohos.app.ability.quickFixManager'
let bundleName = "bundleName"
quickFixManager.getApplicationQuickFixInfo(bundleName).then((data) => {
......@@ -51,11 +51,6 @@ ArrayList的构造函数。
let arrayList = new ArrayList();
try {
let arrayList2 = ArrayList();
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
......@@ -89,21 +84,16 @@ add(element: T): boolean
let arrayList = new ArrayList();
let result = arrayList.add("a");
let result1 = arrayList.add(1);
let b = [1, 2, 3];
let result2 = arrayList.add(b);
let c = {name: "Dylon", age: "13"};
let result3 = arrayList.add(c);
let result4 = arrayList.add(false);
try {
arrayList.add.bind({}, "b")(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
let arrayList = new ArrayList();
let result = arrayList.add("a");
let result1 = arrayList.add(1);
let b = [1, 2, 3];
let result2 = arrayList.add(b);
let c = {name: "Dylon", age: "13"};
let result3 = arrayList.add(c);
let result4 = arrayList.add(false);
### insert
......@@ -136,21 +126,6 @@ let arrayList = new ArrayList();
arrayList.insert("A", 0);
arrayList.insert(0, 1);
arrayList.insert(true, 2);
try {
arrayList.insert.bind({}, 1, 2)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
try {
let res = arrayList.insert(8, 11); // 测试越界异常
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
try {
let res = arrayList.insert("a", "b"); // 测试类型异常
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### has
......@@ -188,11 +163,6 @@ let arrayList = new ArrayList();
let result = arrayList.has("squirrel");
let result1 = arrayList.has("squirrel");
try {
arrayList.has.bind({}, "squirrel")(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### getIndexOf
......@@ -235,11 +205,6 @@ arrayList.add(1);
let result = arrayList.getIndexOf(2);
try {
arrayList.getIndexOf.bind({}, 2)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### getLastIndexOf
......@@ -282,11 +247,6 @@ arrayList.add(1);
let result = arrayList.getLastIndexOf(2);
try {
arrayList.getLastIndexOf.bind({}, 2)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### removeByIndex
......@@ -328,21 +288,6 @@ arrayList.add(5);
let result = arrayList.removeByIndex(2);
try {
arrayList.removeByIndex.bind({}, 2)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
try {
arrayList.removeByIndex("a"); // 测试类型异常
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
try {
arrayList.removeByIndex(8); // 测试越界异常
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### remove
......@@ -382,11 +327,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
let result = arrayList.remove(2);
try {
arrayList.remove.bind({}, 2)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### removeByRange
......@@ -422,16 +362,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
arrayList.removeByRange(2, 4);
try {
arrayList.removeByRange.bind({}, 2, 4)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
try {
arrayList.removeByRange(8, 4); // 测试越界异常
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### replaceAllElements
......@@ -480,13 +410,6 @@ arrayList.replaceAllElements((value: number, index: number)=> {
arrayList.replaceAllElements((value: number, index: number) => {
return value = value - 2;
try {
arrayList.replaceAllElements.bind({}, (value: number, index: number)=> {
return value = 2 * value;
})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### forEach
......@@ -532,13 +455,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
arrayList.forEach((value, index) => {
console.log(`value:${value}`, index);
try {
arrayList.forEach.bind({}, (value, index) => {
console.log(`value:${value}`, index);
})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### sort
......@@ -581,11 +497,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
arrayList.sort((a: number, b: number) => a - b);
arrayList.sort((a: number, b: number) => b - a);
try {
arrayList.sort.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### subArrayList
......@@ -629,16 +540,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
let result1 = arrayList.subArrayList(2, 4);
let result2 = arrayList.subArrayList(4, 3);
let result3 = arrayList.subArrayList(2, 6);
try {
arrayList.subArrayList.bind({}, 2, 4)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
try {
arrayList.subArrayList(6, 4);
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### clear
......@@ -666,11 +567,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
try {
arrayList.clear.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### clone
......@@ -705,11 +601,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
let result = arrayList.clone();
try {
arrayList.clone.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### getCapacity
......@@ -743,11 +634,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
let result = arrayList.getCapacity();
try {
arrayList.getCapacity.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### convertToArray
......@@ -781,11 +667,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
let result = arrayList.convertToArray();
try {
arrayList.convertToArray.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### isEmpty
......@@ -819,11 +700,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
let result = arrayList.isEmpty();
try {
arrayList.isEmpty.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### increaseCapacityTo
......@@ -858,11 +734,6 @@ arrayList.add(5);
try {
arrayList.increaseCapacityTo.bind({}, 5)(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### trimToCurrentLength
......@@ -890,11 +761,6 @@ arrayList.add(4);
try {
arrayList.trimToCurrentLength.bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
### [Symbol.iterator]
......@@ -940,9 +806,4 @@ while(temp != undefined) {
temp = iter.next().value;
try {
arrayList[Symbol.iterator].bind({})(); // bind为JS标准内置对象Function的方法,用于改变this的指向,测试异常捕获
} catch(err) {
console.log(`${err.code} - ${err.name} - ${err.message}`);
\ No newline at end of file
# ShortcutInfo<sup>(deprecated)<sup>
> 从API version 9开始不再维护,建议使用[ShortcutInfo](js-apis-bundleManager-shortcutInfo.md)替代
> **说明:**
> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **说明:**
> 本模块首批接口从API version 7 开始支持。后续版本的新增接口,采用上角标单独标记接口的起始版本。
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