未验证 提交 2c4f430f 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!4252 3939 处理完成:删除搭建ubuntu环境中的多余信息

Merge pull request !4252 from ester.zhou/TR-3939
......@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ In the Windows+Ubuntu hybrid development environment, you can enjoy the benefits
## Setting Up the Ubuntu Development Environment
The setup procedure varies, depending on whether you need a GUI. If you need a GUI, you need to install Visual Studio Code. In this case, follow the instructions in [Setting Up the Ubuntu Development Environment](https://device.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/guide/ide-install-ubuntu-0000001072959308). If you do not need a GUI, perform the steps below:
1. Make sure the Ubuntu shell environment is **bash**.
1. Run the following command and check whether the command output is **bash**. If the command output is not **bash**, go to step 2.
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