| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to zip. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to zip. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the zipped file. The file name extension is .zip. |
| options | [Options](#options) | Yes | Optional parameters for the zip operation. |
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Unzips a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to unzip. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to unzip. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the unzipped file. |
| options | [Options](#options) | Yes | Optional parameters for the unzip operation. |
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Compresses a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the compressed file. |
| AsyncCallback<**void**> | callback | No | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **null** is returned; otherwise, a specific error code is returned. |
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Compresses a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the compressed file. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the decompressed file. |
| AsyncCallback<**void**> | callback | No | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **null** is returned; otherwise, a specific error code is returned. |
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Decompresses a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. For details about the path, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the decompressed file. |