@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ It provides APIs to access the result set obtained by querying the RDB store.
| [getReal](_r_d_b.md#getreal) | Pointer to the function used to obtain the value of the double type based on the specified column and the current row.|
| [getBlob](_r_d_b.md#getblob) | Pointer to the function used to obtain the value in the form of a byte array based on the specified column and the current row.|
| [isNull](_r_d_b.md#isnull-12) | Pointer to the function used to check whether the value in the specified column is null.|
| [close](_r_d_b.md#close) | Pointer to the function used to close a result set.|
| [destroy](_r_d_b.md#destroy-14) | Pointer to the function used to close a result set.|
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ A result set is a set of results returned by **query()**.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_ColumnType](_r_d_b.md#oh_columntype) | Enumerates the field types in an RDB store.|
| [OH_Cursor](_r_d_b.md#oh_cursor) | Indicates a result set.|
@@ -37,4 +38,4 @@ A result set is a set of results returned by **query()**.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_ColumnType](_r_d_b.md#oh_columntype) {<br>TYPE_NULL = 0, TYPE_INT64, TYPE_REAL, TYPE_TEXT,<br>TYPE_BLOB<br>} | Enumerates the field types in an RDB store.|
| [OH_ColumnType](_r_d_b.md#oh_columntype) {<br>TYPE_NULL = 0, TYPE_INT64, TYPE_REAL, TYPE_TEXT,<br>TYPE_BLOB<br>} | Enumerates the field types in an RDB store.|
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ Provides APIs to manage a relational database (RDB) store.
| [OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md) | Defines the RDB store type.|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Rdb_SecurityLevel](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_securitylevel) | Defines the RDB store security levels. |
### Enums
| Name| Description|
@@ -41,7 +48,7 @@ Provides APIs to manage a relational database (RDB) store.
| [OH_Rdb_CreatePredicates](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_createpredicates)(const char \*table) | Creates an [OH_Predicates](_o_h___predicates.md) instance.|
| [OH_Rdb_GetOrOpen](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_getoropen)(const[OH_Rdb_Config](_o_h___rdb___config.md) \*config, int \*errCode) | Obtains an [OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md) instance for RDB store operations.|
| [OH_Rdb_CloseStore](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_closestore)([OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md)\*store) | Destroys an [OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md) object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Rdb_DeleteStore](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_deletestore)(constchar \*path) | Deletes an RDB store with the specified database file configuration.|
| [OH_Rdb_DeleteStore](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_deletestore)(const[OH_Rdb_Config](_o_h___rdb___config.md) \*config) | Deletes an RDB store with the specified database file configuration.|
| [OH_Rdb_Insert](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_insert)([OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md)\*store, const char \*table, [OH_VBucket](_o_h___v_bucket.md)\*valuesBucket) | Inserts a row of data into a table.|
| [OH_Rdb_Update](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_update)([OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md)\*store, [OH_VBucket](_o_h___v_bucket.md)\*valuesBucket, [OH_Predicates](_o_h___predicates.md)\*predicates) | Updates data in an RDB store based on specified conditions.|
| [OH_Rdb_Delete](_r_d_b.md#oh_rdb_delete)([OH_Rdb_Store](_o_h___rdb___store.md)\*store, [OH_Predicates](_o_h___predicates.md)\*predicates) | Deletes data from an RDB store based on specified conditions.|