提交 1f174eb0 编写于 作者: G Gloria

replaced application-dev (en) folder with that in master

Signed-off-by: wusongqing<wusongqing@huawei.com>
上级 a7c7ada2
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ In API references, the earliest versions of APIs and components are specified in
- For a new API or component, the version information is provided at the beginning of the reference document. Example: "The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7."
- For a new feature of an existing API or component, a superscript is added following the feature. For example, "uid<sup>8+</sup>" indicates that the **uid** attribute is supported since API version 8.
## Ability Framework Model Description
## Application Model Description
Ability is the minimum unit for the system to schedule applications. An application can contain one or more `Ability` instances. Ability framework models are classified into the FA model and stage model. For details, see [Ability Framework Overview](../../ability/ability-brief.md).
Along its evolution, OpenHarmony has provided two application models: FA model and stage model. For their differences, see [Interpretation of the Application Model](../../application-models/application-model-description.md).
- If all the APIs of a module support only one model, the following description is provided at the beginning of the reference document: "The APIs of this module can be used only in the FA model." or "The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model."
- If certain APIs of a module support only one model, the following description is provided individually for these APIs: "This API can be used only in the FA model." or "This API can be used only in the stage model."
......@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ Ability is the minimum unit for the system to schedule applications. An applicat
## Available APIs
Certain APIs provided by OpenHarmony are system APIs, which can be used only by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and cannot be used by non-system applications.
Certain APIs provided by OpenHarmony are system APIs, which can be used only by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and cannot be used by common applications.
A description regarding system APIs will be provided in the document.
- If all the APIs of a module are system APIs, the following description is provided at the beginning of the reference document: "All the APIs of this module are system APIs."
- If a specific API of a module is a system API, the following description is provided individually for the API: "This is a system API."
Non-system applications are applications whose Ability Privilege Level (APL) is **normal**. The default application level is **normal**.
A common application is an application whose application type is **hos_normal_app** in the HarmonyAppProvision configuration file. **hos_normal_app** is the default value for project creation.
For details about the APL and how to declare the APL of an application higher than **normal**, see [Access Control Overview - App APLs](../../security/accesstoken-overview.md#app-apls).
The public SDK, which does not include system APIs, is provided as standard in DevEco Studio. To use system APIs, switch to the full SDK. For details on the operation, see [Guide to Switching to Full SDK](../../quick-start/full-sdk-switch-guide.md).
The public SDK, which does not include system APIs, is provided as standard in DevEco Studio. To use the system APIs, you must:
- Switch the public SDK to the full SDK by following the instructions provided in [Guide to Switching to Full SDK] (../../quick-start/full-sdk-switch-guide.md).
- Change the value of **app-feature** in the HarmonyAppProvision configuration file to **hos_system_app**. For details, see [HarmonyAppProvision Configuration File](../../security/app-provision-structure.md).
## Permission Description
......@@ -41,17 +41,19 @@ To call APIs to access these resources, you must apply for the corresponding per
- If an application can call an API only after it has obtained a specific permission, the following description is provided for the API: "**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.xxxx"
- If an application can call an API without any permission, no special description is provided.
To determine whether an application can apply for a specific permission, see [Permission List](../../security/permission-list.md).
To determine whether an application can request a specific permission, see [Permission Application and Use](../../security/accesstoken-overview.md#permission-application-and-use).
## System Capability Description
System capability refers to a relatively independent feature in the operating system. Different devices provide different system capabilities, and multiple APIs implement a system capability. You can determine whether an API can be used based on system capabilities. For details, see [SysCap](../../quick-start/syscap.md).
System capability refers to a relatively independent feature in the operating system. Different devices provide different system capabilities, and multiple APIs implement a system capability. You can determine whether an API can be used based on system capabilities. For details, see [SystemCapability](../syscap.md).
The following description is provided for each API in the reference document to describe the system capability of the API: "**System capability**: SystemCapability.xxx.xxx"
You can use the [SystemCapability List](../syscap-list.md) to query the devices supported by a specific capability set.
## Sample Code Language Description
OpenHarmony supports two development languages: JS and TS.
- When a code block is labeled with `js`, the sample code can be used in the JS and ArkTS projects.
- When a code block is labeled with `ts`, the sample code can be used only in the ArkTS project.
- When a code block is labeled with **js**, the sample code can be used in the JS and ArkTS projects.
- When a code block is labeled with **ts**, the sample code can be used only in the ArkTS project.
# innerBundleManager<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
# @ohos.bundle.innerBundleManager
The **innerBundleManager** module provides APIs for the **Home Screen** application.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> This module is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [launcherBundleManager](js-apis-launcherBundleManager.md) and [bundleMonitor](js-apis-bundleMonitor.md) instead.
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| bundleName | string | Yes | Bundle name of an application. |
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<Array<[LauncherAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-LauncherAbilityInfo.md)>> | Yes | Callback used to return an array of the launcher ability information. |
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---------- | ------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| bundleName | string | Yes | Bundle name of an application. |
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
**Return value**
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<Array<[LauncherAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-LauncherAbilityInfo.md)>> | Yes | Callback used to return an array of the launcher ability information. |
## innerBundleManager.getAllLauncherAbilityInfos<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
| userId | number | Yes | User ID. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.|
**Return value**
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| elementName | [ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md) | Yes | **ElementName**. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[RemoteAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-remoteAbilityInfo.md)> | Yes | Callback used to return the remote ability information.|
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- |
| elementName | [ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md) | Yes | **ElementName**.|
......@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| elementNames | Array<[ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md)> | Yes | **ElementName** array, whose maximum length is 10. |
| callback | AsyncCallback< Array<[RemoteAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-remoteAbilityInfo.md)>> | Yes | Callback used to return the remote ability information.|
| callback | AsyncCallback< Array<[RemoteAbilityInfo](js-apis-bundle-remoteAbilityInfo.md)>> | Yes | Callback used to return an array of the remote ability information.|
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- |
| elementNames | Array<[ElementName](js-apis-bundle-ElementName.md)> | Yes | **ElementName** array, whose maximum length is 10.|
# EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility
# @ohos.enterprise.EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility (EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility)
The **EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility** module provides Extension abilities for enterprise administrators.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ To have the capabilities provided by the module, for example, receiving the appl
## Modules to Import
import EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility from '@ohos.EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility'
import EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility from '@ohos.enterprise.EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility'
## EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility.onAdminEnabled
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ Called when an enterprise administrator is enabled.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ Called when an enterprise administrator is disabled.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -58,6 +62,8 @@ Called when a bundle is added.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager
**System API**: This is a system API.
| Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
......@@ -82,6 +88,8 @@ Called when a bundle is removed.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager
**System API**: This is a system API.
| Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
# Work Scheduler Callbacks
# @ohos.WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility (Work Scheduler Callbacks)
The **WorkSchedulerExtensionAbility** module provides callbacks for Work Scheduler tasks.
# @ohos.ability.ability (Ability)
The **Ability** module provides all level-2 module APIs for developers to export.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the FA model.
## Modules to Import
import ability from '@ohos.ability.ability'
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ----------- | -------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| DataAbilityHelper | [DataAbilityHelper](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityHelper.md) | No | Level-2 module **DataAbilityHelper**. |
| PacMap | [PacMap](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityHelper.md#PacMap) | No | Level-2 module **PacMap**.|
| DataAbilityOperation | [DataAbilityOperation](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityOperation.md) | No | Level-2 module **DataAbilityOperation**.|
| DataAbilityResult | [DataAbilityResult](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityResult.md) | No | Level-2 module **DataAbilityResult**.|
| AbilityResult | [AbilityResult](js-apis-inner-ability-abilityResult.md) | No | Level-2 module **AbilityResult**.|
| ConnectOptions | [ConnectOptions](js-apis-inner-ability-connectOptions.md) | No | Level-2 module **ConnectOptions**.|
| StartAbilityParameter | [StartAbilityParameter](js-apis-inner-ability-startAbilityParameter.md) | No | Level-2 module **StartAbilityParameter**.|
import ability from '@ohos.ability.ability';
let dataAbilityHelper: ability.DataAbilityHelper;
let pacMap: ability.PacMap;
let dataAbilityOperation: ability.DataAbilityOperation;
let dataAbilityResult: ability.DataAbilityResult;
let abilityResult: ability.AbilityResult;
let connectOptions: ability.ConnectOptions;
let startAbilityParameter: ability.StartAbilityParameter;
# DataUriUtils
# @ohos.ability.dataUriUtils (dataUriUtils)
The **DataUriUtils** module provides APIs to handle utility classes for objects using the **DataAbilityHelper** schema. You can use the APIs to attach an ID to the end of a given URI and obtain, delete, or update the ID attached to the end of a given URI.
The **DataUriUtils** module provides APIs to process URI objects. You can use the APIs to attach an ID to the end of a given URI and obtain, delete, or update the ID attached to the end of a given URI. This module will be replaced by the **app.ability.dataUriUtils** module in the near future. You are advised to use the **[@ohos.app.ability.dataUriUtils](js-apis-app-ability-dataUriUtils.md)** module.
> **NOTE**
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The **DataUriUtils** module provides APIs to handle utility classes for objects
## Modules to Import
import dataUriUtils from '@ohos.ability.dataUriUtils';
......@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ Obtains the ID attached to the end of a given URI.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | --------------------------- |
| uri | string | Yes | URI object from which the ID is to be obtained.|
| uri | string | Yes | Target URI object.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ------------------------ |
| number | ID obtained from the URI object.|
| number | ID obtained.|
let id = dataUriUtils.getId("com.example.dataUriUtils/1221");
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Attaches an ID to the end of a given URI.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | --------------------------- |
| uri | string | Yes | URI object to which an ID is to be attached.|
| uri | string | Yes | Target URI object.|
| id | number | Yes | ID to be attached. |
**Return value**
......@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ Attaches an ID to the end of a given URI.
var idint = 1122;
let id = 1122;
let uri = dataUriUtils.attachId(
......@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ Deletes the ID from the end of a given URI.
let uri = dataUriUtils.deleteId("com.example.dataUriUtils/1221")
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Updates the ID in a given URI.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------------- |
| uri | string | Yes | URI object to be updated.|
| uri | string | Yes | Target URI object.|
| id | number | Yes | New ID. |
**Return value**
......@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ Updates the ID in a given URI.
var idint = 1122;
let id = 1122;
let uri = dataUriUtils.updateId(
# ErrorCode
# @ohos.ability.errorCode (ErrorCode)
The **ErrorCode** module defines the error codes that can be used when the ability is started.
The **ErrorCode** module defines the error codes that may be returned when an ability is started.
> **NOTE**
......@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ The **ErrorCode** module defines the error codes that can be used when the abili
## Modules to Import
import errorCode from '@ohos.ability.errorCode'
## ErrorCode
Defines the error codes used when the ability is started.
Enumerates the error codes that may be returned when an ability is started.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| NO_ERROR | 0 | No error occurs. |
| NO_ERROR | 0 | No error. |
| INVALID_PARAMETER | -1 | Invalid parameter.|
| ABILITY_NOT_FOUND | -2 | The ability is not found.|
| PERMISSION_DENY | -3 | Permission denied. |
# wantConstant
# @ohos.ability.wantConstant (wantConstant)
The **wantConstant** module provides the actions, entities, and flags used in **Want** objects.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 6 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.app.ability.wantConstant](js-apis-app-ability-wantConstant.md) instead. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant';
## wantConstant.Action
Enumerates the action constants of the **Want** object.
Enumerates the action constants of the **Want** object. **action** specifies the operation to execute.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Enumerates the action constants of the **Want** object.
| ACTION_FILE_SELECT<sup>7+</sup> | ohos.action.fileSelect | Action of selecting a file. |
| PARAMS_STREAM<sup>7+</sup> | ability.params.stream | URI of the data stream associated with the target when the data is sent. |
| ACTION_APP_ACCOUNT_OAUTH <sup>8+</sup> | ohos.account.appAccount.action.oauth | Action of providing the OAuth service. |
| ACTION_APP_ACCOUNT_AUTH <sup>9+</sup> | account.appAccount.action.auth | Action of providing the authentication service. |
| ACTION_MARKET_DOWNLOAD <sup>9+</sup> | ohos.want.action.marketDownload | Action of downloading an application from the application market.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| ACTION_MARKET_CROWDTEST <sup>9+</sup> | ohos.want.action.marketCrowdTest | Action of crowdtesting an application from the application market.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| DLP_PARAMS_SANDBOX<sup>9+</sup> |ohos.dlp.params.sandbox | Action of obtaining the sandbox flag.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
......@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ Enumerates the action constants of the **Want** object.
## wantConstant.Entity
Enumerates the entity constants of the **Want** object.
Enumerates the entity constants of the **Want** object. **entity** specifies additional information of the target ability.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
......@@ -71,25 +72,25 @@ Enumerates the entity constants of the **Want** object.
## wantConstant.Flags
Describes flags.
Enumerates the flags that specify how the Want will be handled.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------------------------------ | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000001 | Indicates the permission to read the URI. |
| FLAG_AUTH_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000002 | Indicates the permission to write data to the URI. |
| FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000001 | Grants the permission to read the URI. |
| FLAG_AUTH_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000002 | Grants the permission to write data to the URI. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_FORWARD_RESULT | 0x00000004 | Returns the result to the ability. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_CONTINUATION | 0x00000008 | Indicates whether the ability on the local device can be continued on a remote device. |
| FLAG_NOT_OHOS_COMPONENT | 0x00000010 | Indicates that a component does not belong to OHOS. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_FORM_ENABLED | 0x00000020 | Indicates that an ability is enabled. |
| FLAG_AUTH_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000040 | Indicates the permission to make the URI persistent.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| FLAG_AUTH_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000080 | Indicates the permission to verify URIs by prefix matching.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.|
| FLAG_ABILITYSLICE_MULTI_DEVICE | 0x00000100 | Supports cross-device startup in a distributed scheduler. |
| FLAG_START_FOREGROUND_ABILITY | 0x00000200 | Indicates that the Service ability is started regardless of whether the host application has been started. |
| FLAG_AUTH_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000040 | Grants the permission to make the URI persistent.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| FLAG_AUTH_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION | 0x00000080 | Grants the permission to verify URIs by prefix matching.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.|
| FLAG_ABILITYSLICE_MULTI_DEVICE | 0x00000100 | Indicates the support for cross-device startup in the distributed scheduler. |
| FLAG_START_FOREGROUND_ABILITY | 0x00000200 | Indicates that the ServiceAbility is started regardless of whether the host application has been started. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_CONTINUATION_REVERSIBLE | 0x00000400 | Indicates that ability continuation is reversible.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| FLAG_INSTALL_ON_DEMAND | 0x00000800 | Indicates that the specific ability will be installed if it has not been installed. |
| FLAG_INSTALL_WITH_BACKGROUND_MODE | 0x80000000 | Indicates that the specific ability will be installed in the background if it has not been installed. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_CLEAR_MISSION | 0x00008000 | Clears other operation missions. This flag can be set for the **Want** object in the **startAbility** API passed to [ohos.app.Context](js-apis-ability-context.md) and must be used together with **flag_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION**.|
| FLAG_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION | 0x10000000 | Indicates the operation of creating a mission on the history mission stack. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_MISSION_TOP | 0x20000000 | Starts the mission on the top of the existing mission stack; creates an ability instance if no mission exists.|
| FLAG_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION | 0x10000000 | Creates a mission on the history mission stack. |
| FLAG_ABILITY_MISSION_TOP | 0x20000000 | Reuses an ability instance if it is on the top of an existing mission stack; creates an ability instance otherwise.|
# @ohos.accessibility.GesturePath
The **GesturePath** module provides APIs for creating gesture path information required for an accessibility application to inject gestures.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
import GesturePath from '@ohos.accessibility.GesturePath';
## GesturePath
Defines a gesture path.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.BarrierFree.Accessibility.Core
### Attributes
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ------ |
| points | Array&lt;[GesturePoint](js-apis-accessibility-GesturePoint.md#gesturepoint)&gt; | Yes | Yes | Gesture touch point. |
| durationTime | number | Yes | Yes | Total gesture duration, in milliseconds.|
### constructor
constructor(durationTime: number);
Constructor used to create a **GesturePath** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.BarrierFree.Accessibility.Core
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| durationTime | number | Yes| Total gesture duration, in milliseconds.|
let gesturePath = new GesturePath.GesturePath(20);
# @ohos.accessibility.GesturePoint
The **GesturePoint** module provides APIs for creating gesture touch point information required for an accessibility application to inject gestures.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
import GesturePoint from '@ohos.accessibility.GesturePoint';
## GesturePoint
Defines a gesture touch point.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.BarrierFree.Accessibility.Core
### Attributes
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------- |
| positionX | number | Yes | Yes | X coordinate of the touch point.|
| positionY | number | Yes | Yes | Y coordinate of the touch point.|
### constructor
constructor(positionX: number, positionY: number);
Constructor used to create a **GesturePoint** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.BarrierFree.Accessibility.Core
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| positionX | number | Yes| X coordinate of the touch point.|
| positionY | number | Yes | Y coordinate of the touch point.|
let gesturePoint = new GesturePoint.GesturePoint(1, 2);
# @ohos.app.ability.Ability (Ability Base Class)
This is the base class of [UIAbility](js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md) and [ExtensionAbility](js-apis-app-ability-extensionAbility.md). It provides the callbacks for system configuration updates and memory level updates. You cannot inherit from this base class.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
## Ability.onConfigurationUpdate
onConfigurationUpdate(newConfig: Configuration): void;
Called when the configuration of the environment where the ability is running is updated.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.AbilityCore
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| newConfig | [Configuration](js-apis-app-ability-configuration.md) | Yes| New configuration.|
// You are not allowed to inherit from the top-level base class Ability. Therefore, the derived class UIAbility is used as an example.
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
class MyUIAbility extends UIAbility {
onConfigurationUpdate(config) {
console.log('onConfigurationUpdate, config:' + JSON.stringify(config));
## Ability.onMemoryLevel
onMemoryLevel(level: AbilityConstant.MemoryLevel): void;
Called when the system adjusts the memory level.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.AbilityCore
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| level | [AbilityConstant.MemoryLevel](js-apis-app-ability-abilityConstant.md#abilityconstantmemorylevel) | Yes| New memory level.|
// You are not allowed to inherit from the top-level base class Ability. Therefore, the derived class UIAbility is used as an example.
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
class MyUIAbility extends UIAbility {
onMemoryLevel(level) {
console.log('onMemoryLevel, level:' + JSON.stringify(level));
# @ohos.app.ability.abilityDelegatorRegistry (AbilityDelegatorRegistry)
**AbilityDelegatorRegistry**, a module of the [Test Framework](../../ability-deprecated/ability-delegator.md), is used to obtain [AbilityDelegator](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md) and [AbilityDelegatorArgs](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegatorArgs.md) objects. **AbilityDelegator** provides APIs for creating **AbilityMonitor** objects, which can be used to listen for ability lifecycle changes. **AbilityDelegatorArgs** provides APIs for obtaining test parameters.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs provided by this module can be used only in the test framework.
## Modules to Import
import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.app.ability.abilityDelegatorRegistry';
## AbilityLifecycleState
Enumerates the ability lifecycle states. It can be used in [getAbilityState(ability)](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md#getabilitystate9) of [AbilityDelegator](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md) to return different ability lifecycle states.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
| UNINITIALIZED | 0 | The ability is in an invalid state. |
| CREATE | 1 | The ability is created.|
| FOREGROUND | 2 | The ability is running in the foreground. |
| BACKGROUND | 3 | The ability is running in the background. |
| DESTROY | 4 | The ability is destroyed.|
## AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator
getAbilityDelegator(): AbilityDelegator
Obtains an [AbilityDelegator](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md) object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [AbilityDelegator](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md#AbilityDelegator) | [AbilityDelegator](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md#AbilityDelegator) object, which can be used to schedule the functionalities of the test framework.|
import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.app.ability.abilityDelegatorRegistry';
let abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator();
let want = {
bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
abilityName: "EntryAbility"
abilityDelegator.startAbility(want, (err) => {
if (err.code !== 0) {
console.log("Success start ability.");
} else {
console.log("Failed start ability, error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
## AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getArguments
getArguments(): AbilityDelegatorArgs
Obtains an [AbilityDelegatorArgs](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegatorArgs.md) object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [AbilityDelegatorArgs](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegatorArgs.md) | [AbilityDelegatorArgs](js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegatorArgs.md) object, which can be used to obtain test parameters.|
import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.app.ability.abilityDelegatorRegistry';
let args = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getArguments();
console.info("getArguments bundleName:" + args.bundleName);
console.info("getArguments parameters:" + JSON.stringify(args.parameters));
console.info("getArguments testCaseNames:" + args.testCaseNames);
console.info("getArguments testRunnerClassName:" + args.testRunnerClassName);
# @ohos.app.ability.contextConstant (ContextConstant)
The **ContextConstant** module defines context-related enums. Currently, it defines only the enum of data encryption levels.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
## Modules to Import
import contextConstant from '@ohos.app.ability.contextConstant';
## ContextConstant.AreaMode
You can obtain the value of this constant by calling the **ContextConstant.AreaMode** API.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core
| Name| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| EL1 | 0 | Device-level encryption area, which is accessible after the device is powered on.|
| EL2 | 1 | User-level encryption area, which is accessible only after the device is powered on and the password is entered (for the first time).|
# @ohos.app.ability.ExtensionAbility (ExtensionAbility Base Class)
**ExtensionAbility** is the base class for scenario-specific ExtensionAbilities. It is inherited from [Ability](js-apis-app-ability-ability.md), with no attribute or method added. You cannot inherit from this base class.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.AbilityCore
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