未验证 提交 17971954 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!14107 翻译完成:13772 移除NativeWindow指导中使用的inner_api (cherry-pick)

Merge pull request !14107 from wusongqing/cherry-pick-1675155192
......@@ -29,20 +29,72 @@ The following scenarios are common for native window development:
| OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowSetMetaDataSet(OHNativeWindow \*window, uint32_t sequence, OHHDRMetadataKey key, int32_t size, const uint8_t \*metaData) | Sets the HDR static metadata set of the native window.|
| OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowSetTunnelHandle(OHNativeWindow \*window, const OHExtDataHandle \*handle) | Sets the tunnel handle to the native window.|
## How to Develop
The following describes how to use the NAPI provided by **NativeWindow** to request a graphics buffer, write the produced graphics content to the buffer, and flush the buffer to the graphics queue.
1. Obtain a **NativeWindow** instance. For example, use **Surface** to create a **NativeWindow** instance.
sptr<OHOS::Surface> cSurface = Surface::CreateSurfaceAsConsumer();
sptr<IBufferConsumerListener> listener = new BufferConsumerListenerTest();
sptr<OHOS::IBufferProducer> producer = cSurface->GetProducer();
sptr<OHOS::Surface> pSurface = Surface::CreateSurfaceAsProducer(producer);
OHNativeWindow* nativeWindow = OH_NativeWindow_CreateNativeWindow(&pSurface);
1. Obtain a **NativeWindow** instance, which can be obtained by running the APIs provided by **OH_NativeXComponent_Callback**.
1. Define **XComponent** in an .ets file.
XComponent({ id: 'xcomponentId', type: 'surface', libraryname: 'nativerender'})
.onLoad((context) => {
this.context = context;
.onDestroy(() => {
2. Obtain **NativeXComponent** at the native C++ layer.
napi_value exportInstance = nullptr;
napi_get_named_property(env, exports, OH_NATIVE_XCOMPONENT_OBJ, &exportInstance);
OH_NativeXComponent *nativeXComponent = nullptr;
napi_unwrap(env, exportInstance, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&nativeXComponent));
char idStr[OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1] = { };
uint64_t idSize = OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1;
OH_NativeXComponent_GetXComponentId(nativeXComponent, idStr, &idSize);
3. Define **OH_NativeXComponent_Callback**.
// Define the callback.
void OnSurfaceCreatedCB(OH_NativeXComponent* component, void* window)
// Obtain a NativeWindow instance.
OHNativeWindow* nativeWindow = window;
// ...
void OnSurfaceChangedCB(OH_NativeXComponent* component, void* window)
// Obtain a NativeWindow instance.
OHNativeWindow* nativeWindow = window;
// ...
void OnSurfaceDestroyedCB(OH_NativeXComponent* component, void* window)
// Obtain a NativeWindow instance.
OHNativeWindow* nativeWindow = window;
// ...
void DispatchTouchEventCB(OH_NativeXComponent* component, void* window)
// Obtain a NativeWindow instance.
OHNativeWindow* nativeWindow = window;
// ...
// Initialize OH_NativeXComponent_Callback.
OH_NativeXComponent_Callback callback_;
callback_->OnSurfaceCreated = OnSurfaceCreatedCB;
callback_->OnSurfaceChanged = OnSurfaceChangedCB;
callback_->OnSurfaceDestroyed = OnSurfaceDestroyedCB;
callback_->DispatchTouchEvent = DispatchTouchEventCB;
4. Register **OH_NativeXComponent_Callback** with **NativeXComponent**.
OH_NativeXComponent_RegisterCallback(nativeXComponent, &callback_);
2. Set the attributes of a native window buffer by using **OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowHandleOpt**.
......@@ -90,7 +142,6 @@ The following describes how to use the NAPI provided by **NativeWindow** to requ
5. Flush the native window buffer to the graphics queue.
// Set the refresh region. If Rect in Region is a null pointer or rectNumber is 0, all contents in the native window buffer are changed.
Region region{nullptr, 0};
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