| Normal | 0 |The button on the right is clickable and can navigate users to the next **\<StepperItem>** when it is clicked.|
| Disabled | 1 |The button on the right is disabled.|
| Waiting | 2 | The button on the right is not displayed, and a progress bar is displayed instead.|
| Skip | 3 |The button on the right reads "Skip" by default. You can define the processing logic for this state in the **onSkip** callback of the stepper.|
| Name | Description|
| -------- |-------- |
| Normal |The button on the right is clickable and can navigate users to the next **\<StepperItem>** when it is clicked.|
| Disabled |The button on the right is disabled.|
| Waiting | The button on the right is not displayed, and a progress bar is displayed instead.|
| Skip |The button on the right reads "Skip" by default. You can define the processing logic for this state in the **onSkip** callback of the stepper.|