@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ The following table describes the API for initializing a modem vendor library.
### Debugging and Verification<a name="section5351151517132"></a>
1. Use the [hdc\_std](en-us_topic_0000001080478129.md#section05992022154916) tool to connect to a debugging device. Then, run the following command to send the generated **libril\_vendor.z.so** library file to the **/system/lib/** directory of the device. For details about how to integrate a library file, see [Integrating Modem Vendor Libraries](#section590mcpsimp).
1. Use the [hdc\_std](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/device-dev/subsystems/oem_subsys_toolchain_hdc_guide.md#preparations) tool to connect to a debugging device. Then, run the following command to send the generated **libril\_vendor.z.so** library file to the **/system/lib/** directory of the device. For details about how to integrate a library file, see [Integrating Modem Vendor Libraries](#section590mcpsimp).