> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [convertToJSObject9+](#converttojsobject9) instead.
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [convertToJSObject<sup>9+</sup>](#converttojsobject9) instead.
The value of a parameter passed in the API exceeds the valid range.
**Possible Causes**
The parameter value exceeds the value range.
Use a valid parameter value.
## 10200002 Parameter Parsing Error
**Error Message**
Invalid ${param} string.
Failed to parse a string.
**Possible Causes**
A parameter of the string type passed in the API is a non-standard string. As a result, the string fails to be parsed.
Check the format of the string.
## 10200003 Failed to Initialize the Worker Instance
**Error Message**
Worker initialization failure.
The **Worker** instance fails to be initialized when the API is called.
**Possible Causes**
1. The number of **Worker** instances to be created exceeds the upper limit.
2. The options for setting the **Worker** instance are incorrect.
1. Check whether the number of **Worker** instances exceeds 8. If yes, destroy idle **Worker** instances.
2. If **WorkerOptions** is set, check the parameter type and validity.
## 10200004 Worker Instance Is Not Running
**Error Message**
Worker instance is not running.
The **Worker** instance is not running when the API is called.
**Possible Causes**
When the API is called, the **Worker** instance has been destroyed or is being destroyed.
Ensure that the **Worker** instance is running properly.
## 10200005 Worker Thread Does Not Support an API
**Error Message**
The invoked API is not supported in workers.
An API that is not supported by the worker thread is called.
**Possible Causes**
The worker thread does not support the API.
Use a supported API.
## 10200006 Worker Transmission Information Serialization Exception
**Error Message**
Serializing an uncaught exception failed.
An error occurs when serializing transmission information.
**Possible Causes**
The transmission information is not serializable.
Use transmission information that is a valid serialized object.
## 10200007 Abnormal Worker File Path
**Error Message**
The worker file path is invalid.
The file path is invalid, and the **Worker** instance cannot be loaded.
**Possible Causes**
The worker file path is invalid. As a result, a valid **worker.abc** file cannot be generated during the build.
Ensure that the worker file path complies with the specifications for creating **Worker** instances. For details, see the example under [constructor<sup>9+</sup>](../apis/js-apis-worker.md#constructor9).
## 10200009 Buffer Size Error
**Error Message**
Buffer size must be a multiple of ${size}.
The buffer size does not meet the requirement.
**Possible Causes**
The buffer size is not an integer multiple of **size**, which can be 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit.
Use a buffer the size of which meets the requirements.
## 10200010 Empty Container
**Error Message**
The container is empty.
The container to be operated is empty.
**Possible Causes**
No element is added to the container.
Add elements to the container first.
## 10200011 Passed this.object Is Not an Instance of the containers Class
**Error Message**
The {methodName} method cannot be bound.
**this.object** passed in the API is not an instance of the **containers** class.
**Possible Causes**
The APIs of the **containers** class do not support **bind()**.
1. Check whether **bind()** is used to call the API.
2. Check whether an object that is not a container instance is assigned to the API.
## 10200012 Constructor Calling Failure
**Error Message**
The {className}'s constructor cannot be directly invoked.
A constructor of the **containers** class is called directly to create an instance.
**Possible Causes**
The constructors of the **containers** class cannot be directly called. The keyword **new** must be used.
Use the keyword **new** to create an instance.
## 10200013 Read-Only Properly
**Error Message**
Cannot set property ${propertyName} of Buffer which has only a getter.
The buffer ${propertyName} is read-only and cannot be set.
**Possible Causes**
The buffer is read-only.
Do not set the read-only attribute for the buffer.