提交 0b67be43 编写于 作者: W weichaox

update build out dir

Signed-off-by: Nweichaox <wangweichao2@huawei.com>
Change-Id: I7af57910679e50ebdcff9e6f17c7a738ba4012cc
上级 f50d008a
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Run the following script to start building for Standard-System Devices (referenc
./build.sh --product-name {product_name}
**{product_name}** indicates the platform supported by the current distribution, for example, Hi3516DV300.
Files generated during compilation are stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/** directory.
Files generated during compilation are stored in the **out/{device_name}/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/** directory.
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/openharmony openharmony-docker-standard:0.0.5
./build.sh --product-name {product_name}
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/ohos-arm-release/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/{device_name}/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Run the following script to start building for standard-system devices \(referen
**product\_name** indicates the platform supported by the current distribution, for example, Hi3516D V300.
Files generated during building are stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/** directory.
Files generated during building are stored in the **out/{device_name}/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/** directory.
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
......@@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ The procedure is as follows:
2. Push the dependencies and test cases to Raspberry Pi.
hdc file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\hdf\hdf\libhdf_test_common.z.so /system/lib
hdc file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\config\hdf_adapter_uhdf_test_config /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\devmgr\DevMgrTest /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\osal\OsalTest /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\sbuf\SbufTest /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\{device_name}\hdf\hdf\libhdf_test_common.z.so /system/lib
hdc file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\config\hdf_adapter_uhdf_test_config /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\devmgr\DevMgrTest /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\osal\OsalTest /data/test
hdc file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\sbuf\SbufTest /data/test
Method 2: Copy the test files to Raspberry Pi using its memory card.
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Run the following command to start the build of your product:
./build.sh --product-name MyProduct
After the build is complete, you can view the built OpenHarmony image file in **//out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images**.
After the build is complete, you can view the built OpenHarmony image file in **//out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images**.
## Porting the Kernel<a name="section171mcpsimp"></a>
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ By default, the downloaded prebuilts binary file is stored in **OpenHarmony\_2.
**product\_name** indicates the platform supported by the current distribution, for example, Hi3516D V300.
Files generated during building are stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/** directory.
Files generated during building are stored in the **out/{device_name}/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/** directory.
2. Burn the image. For details, see [Burning Images](quickstart-standard-burn.md).
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Perform the following operations in the Linux environment:
=====build Hi3516DV300 successful.
Files generated during the build are stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/** directory.
Files generated during the build are stored in the **out/{device_name}/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/** directory.
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>For details about module-specific build operations, see [Building Guidelines](../subsystems/subsys-build-standard-large.md).
......@@ -612,5 +612,5 @@ ohos_shared_library("ril_vendor") { // Modem vendor library
### Debugging and Verification<a name="section620mcpsimp"></a>
1. Compile the code.
2. Check whether **libril\_vendor.z.so** exists in the **/out/ohos-arm-release/telephony/ril\_adapter** directory. If yes, the integration is successful. Otherwise, correct the error and perform debugging and verification again.
2. Check whether **libril\_vendor.z.so** exists in the **/out/{device_name}/telephony/ril\_adapter** directory. If yes, the integration is successful. Otherwise, correct the error and perform debugging and verification again.
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ The process to build OpenHarmony is as follows:
**product\_name** indicates the product supported by the current distribution, for example, Hi3516D V300.
The image generated after build is stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/** directory.
The image generated after build is stored in the **out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/** directory.
- The build command supports the following options:
......@@ -232,6 +232,6 @@ The process to build OpenHarmony is as follows:
4. Obtain the build result.
Files generated during the build process are stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/** directory.
Files generated during the build process are stored in the **out/hi3516dv300/** directory, and the generated image is stored in the **out/hi3516dv300/packages/phone/images/** directory.
......@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ Test cases cannot be built on Windows. You need to run the following command to
> - --**product-name**: specifies the name of the product to build, for example, **Hi3516DV300**.
> - --**build-target**: specifies the target to build. It is optional. **make_test** indicates all test cases. You can set the build options based on requirements.
When the build is complete, the test cases are automatically saved in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/tests** directory.
When the build is complete, the test cases are automatically saved in the **out/hi3516dv300/packages/phone/tests** directory.
#### Setting Up the Execution Environment
1. On Windows, create the **Test** directory in the test framework and then create the **testcase** directory in the **Test** directory.
......@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ Test cases cannot be built on Windows. You need to run the following command to
./build.sh --product-name Hi3516DV300 --build-target make_test
When the build is complete, the test cases are automatically saved in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/tests** directory.
When the build is complete, the test cases are automatically saved in the **out/hi3516dv300/packages/phone/images/tests** directory.
>**Note:** In the command, **Hi3516DV300** is the platform supported by the current version, and **make_test** indicates all test cases. You can set the build options based on requirements:
> - --**product-name**: specifies the name of the product to build. It is mandatory.
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ hb set
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/ohos-arm-release/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/{device_name}/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **说明:**
......@@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ HDF(Hardware Driver Foundation)自测试用例,用于测试HDF框架和外
2. 推送依赖库和测试用例到树莓派。
hdc_std file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\hdf\hdf\libhdf_test_common.z.so /system/lib
hdc_std file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\config\hdf_adapter_uhdf_test_config /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\devmgr\DevMgrTest /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\osal\OsalTest /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\ohos-arm-release\tests\unittest\hdf\sbuf\SbufTest /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\{device_name}\hdf\hdf\libhdf_test_common.z.so /system/lib
hdc_std file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\config\hdf_adapter_uhdf_test_config /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\devmgr\DevMgrTest /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\osal\OsalTest /data/test
hdc_std file send XXX\out\{device_name}\tests\unittest\hdf\sbuf\SbufTest /data/test
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
./build.sh --product-name MyProduct
## 内核移植<a name="section171mcpsimp"></a>
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ bash build/prebuilts_download.sh
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/ohos-arm-release/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/{device_name}/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
2. 编译源码完成,请进行镜像烧录,具体请参见[镜像烧录](quickstart-standard-burn.md)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ bash build/prebuilts_download.sh
=====build Hi3516DV300 successful.
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/ohos-arm-release/目录下,结果镜像输出在out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/{device_name}/目录下,结果镜像输出在out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
>![](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **说明:**
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ OpenHarmony侧的编译构建流程主要包括编译命令行解析,调用gn
编译完成后,结果镜像保存在 out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
编译完成后,结果镜像保存在 out/{device_name}/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
- 编译命令支持选项:
......@@ -230,6 +230,6 @@ OpenHarmony侧的编译构建流程主要包括编译命令行解析,调用gn
4. 编译输出。
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/ohos-arm-release/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
编译所生成的文件都归档在out/hi3516dv300/目录下,结果镜像输出在 out/hi3516dv300/packages/phone/images/ 目录下。
......@@ -606,5 +606,5 @@ ohos_shared_library("ril_vendor") { // Modem厂商库名称
### 调测验证<a name="section620mcpsimp"></a>
1. 编译代码。
2. 查看/out/ohos-arm-release/telephony/ril\_adapter目录是否存在libril\_vendor.z.so,存在证明集成成功。否则检查代码,重新编译验证。
2. 查看/out/{device_name}/telephony/ril\_adapter目录是否存在libril\_vendor.z.so,存在证明集成成功。否则检查代码,重新编译验证。
......@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ subsystem # 子系统
>- product-name:指定编译产品名称,例如Hi3516DV300。
>- build-target:指定所需要编译的用例,make_test表示指定全部用例,实际开发中可指定特定用例。
#### 搭建执行环境
1. 在Windows环境创建测试框架目录Test,并在此目录下创建testcase目录
......@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ subsystem # 子系统
./build.sh --product-name Hi3516DV300 --build-target make_test
>说明: Hi3516DV300为当前版本所支持的平台,make_test表示全部用例。根据不同需求,编译选项可进行不同选择:
> - --product-name # 编译产品名称(必选)
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