The **deviceAttest** module provides attestation of devices in OpenHarmony by comparing the device information with that stored in the cloud.
You can use the APIs provided by the **deviceAttest** module to obtain the device attestation result.
> **NOTE**
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.
| callback | AsyncCallback<[AttestResultInfo](#attestresultinfo)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the result.<br/>If the operation is successful, **error** is **undefined**, and **result** is the [AttestResultInfo](#attestresultinfo) obtained. Otherwise, **error** is an error object. |
| authResult | number | Yes | No | Device hardware attestation result. |
| softwareResult | number | Yes | No | Device software attestation result. |
| softwareResultDetail | Array<number> | Yes | No | Detailed information about the device software attestation result.<br>- **softwareResultDetail[0]**: version ID attestation result.<br>- **softwareResultDetail[1]**: attestation result of the security patch label.<br>- **softwareResultDetail[2]**: version hash attestation result.<br>- **softwareResultDetail[3]**: attestation result of the system capability set.<br>- **softwareResultDetail[4]**: reserved. |
| ticket | string | Yes | No | Soft certificate delivered by the cloud.<br>If the device hardware attestation is successful, a value is returned. If the attestation fails, this parameter is empty. |
> **NOTE**
> The attestation result of device hardware and software information can be any of the following: