未验证 提交 03ef90ce 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!22525 翻译完成:22293+22101 arkts-utils 文件夹更新

Merge pull request !22525 from wusongqing/TR22293
......@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ The APIs provided by **Vector** are deprecated since API version 9. You are advi
| Accessing elements| Use **vec\[index]** to obtain the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **get(index: number)** to obtain the element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastElement()** to obtain the last element in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getlndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastlndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the last occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getIndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastIndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the last occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, index?: number, Vector?: Vector<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<T>** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **vec\[index]=xxx** to change the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Modifying elements| Use **set(index: number, element: T)** to replace an element at a given position (specified by **index**) with a given element.|
| Modifying elements| Use **setLength(newSize: number)** to set the size of this container.|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeBylndex(index: number)** to remove the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeByIndex(index: number)** to remove the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(element: T)** to remove the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeByRange(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number)** to remove all of the elements within a range.|
......@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ You are advised to use **List** for frequent insertion and removal operations.
| Accessing elements| Use **get(index: number)** to obtain the element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **getFirst()** to obtain the first element in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLast()** to obtain the last element in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getlndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastlndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the last occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getIndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastIndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the last occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index?: number, list?: List<T>)=> void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<T>** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **list\[index] = xxx** to change the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Modifying elements| Use **set(index: number, element: T)** to replace an element at a given position (specified by **index**) with a given element.|
| Modifying elements| Use **replaceAllElements(callbackFn:(value: T,index?: number,list?: List<T>)=>T,thisArg?: Object)** to replace all elements in this container with new elements.|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeBylndex(index: number)** to remove the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeByIndex(index: number)** to remove the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(element: T)** to remove the first occurrence of the specified element.|
......@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ You are advised to use **LinkedList** for frequent insertion and removal operati
| Accessing elements| Use **get(index: number)** to obtain the element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **getFirst()** to obtain the first element in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLast()** to obtain the last element in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getlndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastlndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the last occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getIndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the first occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastIndexOf(element: T)** to obtain the index of the last occurrence of the specified element.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, index?: number, list?: LinkedList<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<T>** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **list\[index]=xxx** to change the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Modifying elements| Use **set(index: number, element: T)** to replace an element at a given position (specified by **index**) with a given element.|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeBylndex(index: number)** to remove the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeByIndex(index: number)** to remove the value at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(element: T)** to remove the first occurrence of the specified element.|
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Due to the memory isolation feature of the actor model, cross-thread serializati
## Data Transfer Objects
Data objects that can be transferred are classified into three types: [common objects](#common-objects), [transferable objects](#transferable-objects), and [shared objects](#shared-objects).
Data objects that can be transferred are classified into the following types: [common objects](#common-objects), [transferable objects](#transferable-objects), [shared objects](#shared-objects), and [native binding objects](#native-binding-objects).
### Common Objects
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The following object types are supported: basic types except Symbol, Date, Strin
### Transferable Objects
Transferable objects are serialized through address transfer. It transfers the ownership of an object of the ArrayBuffer type object, rather than the content in it. After the ownership is transferred, the object becomes unavailable in the sender and can be used only in the receiver.
Transferable objects are serialized through address transfer. It transfers the ownership of an object of the ArrayBuffer type, rather than the content in it. After the ownership is transferred, the object becomes unavailable in the sender and can be used only in the receiver.
......@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ If multiple operations are simultaneously performed to modify data stored in an
let sharedBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024);
### Native Binding Objects
Native binding objects are provided by the system. They are bound to underlying system services and enables direct access to these services.
Currently, native bound objects that support serialization include [Context](../application-models/application-context-stage.md) and [RemoteObject](../reference/apis/js-apis-rpc.md#remoteobject).
The **Context** object provides the context information about an application component. It provides a way to access system services and resources so that the application component can interact with the system. For details about how to obtain context information, see [Context (Stage Model)](../application-models/application-context-stage.md).
The **RemoteObject** object implements remote communication. It transfers the reference of an object between processes so that these processes can share the status and methods of the object. The service provider must inherit this class. For details about how to create a **RemoteObject** object, see [RemoteObject](../reference/apis/js-apis-rpc.md#remoteobject).
## TaskPool and Worker
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ You are advised to use **HashSet** when you need a set that has only unique elem
| Adding elements| Use **add(value: T)** to add a value to this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **values()** to return an iterator that contains all the values in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **entries()** to return an iterator that contains all the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: HashSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: HashSet\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator&lt;T&gt;** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: HashSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to change a value in this container.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: HashSet\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to change a value in this container.|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(value: T)** to remove a value.|
| Deleting elements| Use **clear()** to clear this container.|
......@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ You are advised to use **TreeSet** when you need to store data in sorted order.
| Accessing elements| Use **entries()** to return an iterator that contains all the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getFirstValue()** to obtain the first value in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getLastValue()** to obtain the last value in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: TreeSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: TreeSet\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator&lt;T&gt;** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: TreeSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to change a value in this container.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: TreeSet\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to change a value in this container.|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(value: T)** to remove a value.|
| Deleting elements| Use **clear()** to clear this container.|
......@@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ You are advised to use **LightWeightSet** when you need a set that has only uniq
| Accessing elements| Use **values()** to return an iterator that contains all the values in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **entries()** to return an iterator that contains all the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getValueAt(index: number)** to obtain the value of an element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: LightWeightSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: LightWeightSet\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator&lt;T&gt;** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: LightWeightSet<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to change a value in this container.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value?: T, key?: T, set?: LightWeightSet\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to change a value in this container.|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(key: K)** to remove an element with the specified key.|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeAt(index: number)** to remove an element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **clear()** to clear this container.|
......@@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ You are advised to use PlainArray when you need to store KV pairs whose keys are
| Accessing elements| Use **getIndexOfValue(value: T)** to obtain the index of the specified value.|
| Accessing elements| Use **getKeyAt(index: number)** to obtain the key of an element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **getValueAt(index: number)** to obtain the value of an element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, index?: number, PlainArray?: PlainArray<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, index?: number, PlainArray?: PlainArray\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to traverse the elements in this container.|
| Accessing elements| Use **\[Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator&lt;[number, T]&gt;** for data access.|
| Modifying elements| Use **setValueAt(index:number, value: T)** to change the value of an element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, index?: number, PlainArray?: PlainArray<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to modify an element in this container.|
| Modifying elements| Use **forEach(callbackFn: (value: T, index?: number, PlainArray?: PlainArray\<T>) => void, thisArg?: Object)** to modify an element in this container.|
| Deleting elements| Use **remove(key: number)** to remove an element with the specified key.|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeAt(index: number)** to remove an element at a given position (specified by **index**).|
| Deleting elements| Use **removeRangeFrom(index: number, size: number)** to remove elements in a specified range.|
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Data transferred in XML format must be parsed in actual use. Generally, three types of elements need to be parsed, as described in [Parsing XML Tags and Tag Values](#parsing-xml-tags-and-tag-values), [Parsing XML Attributes and Attribute Values](#parsing-xml-attributes-and-attribute-values), and [Parsing XML Event Types and Element Depths](#parsing-xml-event-types-and-element-depths).
The **xml** module provides the **XmlPullParser** class to parse XML files. The input is an object of the ArrayBufffer or DataView type containing XML text, and the output is the parsed information.
The **xml** module provides the **XmlPullParser** class to parse XML files. The input is an object of the ArrayBuffer or DataView type containing XML text, and the output is the parsed information.
**Table 1** XML parsing options
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