The Configuration module provides environment configuration information.
The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
Modules to Import
import Configuration from '@ohos.application.Configuration';
System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
language | string | Yes | Yes | Language of the application. |
colorMode | ColorMode | Yes | Yes | Color mode, which can be COLOR_MODE_LIGHT or COLOR_MODE_DARK. The default value is COLOR_MODE_LIGHT. |
direction9+ | Direction | Yes | No | Screen orientation, which can be DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL or DIRECTION_VERTICAL. |
screenDensity9+ | ScreenDensity | Yes | No | Screen resolution, which can be SCREEN_DENSITY_SDPI (120), SCREEN_DENSITY_MDPI (160), SCREEN_DENSITY_LDPI (240), SCREEN_DENSITY_XLDPI (320), SCREEN_DENSITY_XXLDPI (480), or SCREEN_DENSITY_XXXLDPI (640). |
displayId9+ | number | Yes | No | ID of the display where the application is located. |
hasPointerDevice9+ | boolean | Yes | No | Whether a pointer device, such as a keyboard, mouse, or touchpad, is connected. |