quickstart-pkg-install_tool.md 2.6 KB

Installing the Compilation Tools

For details about the functions of the OpenHarmony compilation and building module, see Compilation and Building Guide.

Perform the following steps on Ubuntu.

hb Installation

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For details about how to install the proxy, see Configuring the Proxy.

  1. Run the following command to install hb and update it to the latest version:

    pip3 install --user build/lite
  2. Set an environment variable.

    vim ~/.bashrc

    Copy the following command to the last line of the .bashrc file, save the file, and exit.

    export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

    Update the environment variable.

    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Run the hb -h command in the source code directory. If the following information is displayed, the installation is successful:

    usage: hb
    OHOS build system
    positional arguments:
        build               Build source code
        set                 OHOS build settings
        env                 Show OHOS build env
        clean               Clean output
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit

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  • To uninstall hb, run the following command:

    pip3 uninstall ohos-build
  • If any issue occurs during the hb installation, see FAQs.

Installing LLVM (Only Required for OpenHarmony_v1.x)

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When downloading source code under the OpenHarmony_v1.x branches or tags, perform the procedure described in this section to install LLVM 9.0.0.

When downloading source code under the Master or non-OpenHarmony_v1.x branches or tags, skip this section. hb will automatically download the latest version of LLVM.

  1. Start the Linux server.

  2. Download LLVM.

  3. Decompress the LLVM installation package to ~/llvm.

    tar -zxvf llvm.tar -C ~/
  4. Set an environment variable.

    vim ~/.bashrc

    Copy the following command to the last line of the .bashrc file, save the file, and exit.

    export PATH=~/llvm/bin:$PATH
  5. Validate the environment variable.

    source ~/.bashrc