quickstart-ide-3861-helloworld.md 5.6 KB

Writing a Hello World Program

The following exemplifies how to create a program by modifying the source code. The created program outputs the message "Hello world." Perform the steps below in the source code directory.


A project for the Hi3861 development board has been created as instructed in Creating a Project and Obtaining Source Code.


  1. Determine the directory structure.

    Before writing service code, you must create a directory (or a directory structure) in ./applications/sample/wifi-iot/app to store source code files.

    For example, to add the my_first_app service to the app directory, where the hello_world.c file stores the service code and BUILD.gn is the compilation script, the directory structure can be planned as follows:

    └── applications
        └── sample
            └── wifi-iot
                └── app
                    └── my_first_app
                      │── hello_world.c
                      └── BUILD.gn
  2. Write the service code.

    Create the hello_world.c file in ./applications/sample/wifi-iot/app/my_first_app. Then, create the entry point function HelloWorld in hello_world.c and implement service logic. Call SYS_RUN() of OpenHarmony to start the service. (SYS_RUN is defined in the ohos_init.h file.)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "ohos_init.h"
    #include "ohos_types.h"
    void HelloWorld(void)
        printf("[DEMO] Hello world.\n");
  3. Compile the BUILD.gn file for building services into a static library.

    Create the BUILD.gn file in ./applications/sample/wifi-iot/app/my_first_app and configure the file as follows:

    The BUILD.gn file consists of three parts, including target, source file, and header file path. You need to fill in all of these parts.

    static_library("myapp") {
        sources = [
        include_dirs = [
    • Specify the compilation result named libmyapp.a in static_library. You can fill in this part based on your need.
    • Specify the .c file on which a file depends and its path in sources. The path that contains // represents an absolute path (the code root path). The path that does not contain // is a relative path.
    • Specify the path of .h file on which sources depends in include_dirs.
  4. Add a component.

    Modify the build/lite/components/applications.json file and add the configuration of hello_world_app. The following code snippet is a snippet of the applications.json file, where the configuration between ##start## and ##end## is the new entry. (The ##start## and ##end## lines are only used to identify the location. After the configuration is complete, delete these lines.)

    icon-note.gif NOTE

    In this example, the OpenHarmony-v3.1-Release version is used, where the component configuration file is build/lite/components/applications.json. In OpenHarmony-v3.2-Beta2 and later versions, the component configuration file is build/lite/components/communication.json.

      "components": [
          "component": "camera_sample_communication",
          "description": "Communication related samples.",
          "optional": "true",
          "dirs": [
          "targets": [
          "rom": "",
          "ram": "",
          "output": [],
          "adapted_kernel": [ "liteos_a" ],
          "features": [],
          "deps": {
            "components": [],
            "third_party": []
          "component": "hello_world_app",
          "description": "hello world samples.",
          "optional": "true",
          "dirs": [
          "targets": [
          "rom": "",
          "ram": "",
          "output": [],
          "adapted_kernel": [ "liteos_m" ],
          "features": [],
          "deps": {
            "components": [],
            "third_party": []
          "component": "camera_sample_app",
          "description": "Camera related samples.",
          "optional": "true",
          "dirs": [
  5. Modify the board configuration file.

    Modify the vendor/hisilicon/hispark_pegasus/config.json file and add an entry for the hello_world_app component. The following code snippet is the configuration of the applications subsystem, where the configuration between ##start## and ##end## is the new entry. (The ##start## and ##end## lines are only used to identify the location. After the configuration is complete, delete these lines.)

            "subsystem": "applications",
            "components": [
              { "component": "hello_world_app", "features":[] },
              { "component": "wifi_iot_sample_app", "features":[] }