The border attributes are used to set border styles for components.
The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The border of a component is displayed above the content of its child components since API version 9.
Name | Type | Description |
border | { width?: Length | EdgeWidths9+, color?: ResourceColor | EdgeColors9+, radius?: Length | BorderRadiuses9+, style?: BorderStyle | EdgeStyles9+ } |
Unified border style. - width: border width. - color: border color. - radius: radius of the rounded corner of the border. - style: border style. |
borderStyle | BorderStyle | EdgeStyles9+ | Border style. Default value: BorderStyle.Solid |
borderWidth | Length | EdgeWidths9+ | Border width. The percentage format is not supported. |
borderColor | ResourceColor | EdgeColors9+ | Border color. Default value: Color.Black |
borderRadius | Length | BorderRadiuses9+ | Border radius. The percentage format is not supported. |
To reference this object, at least one parameter must be passed.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
left | Length | No | Width of the left border. |
right | Length | No | Width of the right border. |
top | Length | No | Width of the top border. |
bottom | Length | No | Width of the bottom border. |
To reference this object, at least one parameter must be passed.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
left | ResourceColor | No | Color of the left border. |
right | ResourceColor | No | Color of the right border. |
top | ResourceColor | No | Color of the top border. |
bottom | ResourceColor | No | Color of the bottom border. |
To reference this object, at least one parameter must be passed.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
topLeft | Length | No | Radius of the upper-left rounded corner. |
topRight | Length | No | Radius of the upper-right rounded corner. |
bottomLeft | Length | No | Radius of the lower-left rounded corner. |
bottomRight | Length | No | Radius of the lower-right rounded corner. |
To reference this object, at least one parameter must be passed.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
left | BorderStyle | No | Style of the left border. |
right | BorderStyle | No | Style of the right border. |
top | BorderStyle | No | Style of the top border. |
bottom | BorderStyle | No | Style of the bottom border. |
// xxx.ets
struct BorderExample {
build() {
Column() {
Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
// Dashed border
// Dotted border
.border({ width: 5, color: 0x317AF7, radius: 10, style: BorderStyle.Dotted })
width: { left: '5lpx', right: '10lpx', top: '20lpx', bottom: '30lpx' },
color: { left: '#e3bbbb', right: Color.Blue, top: Color.Red, bottom: Color.Green },
radius: { topLeft: 10, topRight: 20, bottomLeft: 40, bottomRight: 80 },
style: {
left: BorderStyle.Dotted,
right: BorderStyle.Dotted,
top: BorderStyle.Solid,
bottom: BorderStyle.Dashed