js-apis-device-manager.md 6.4 KB

Device Management

icon-note.gif NOTE

  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • The APIs of this module are system APIs and cannot be called by third-party applications.

Modules to import:

import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager';


createDeviceManager(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<DeviceManager>): void

Creates a DeviceManager instance.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Parameters

    Name Type Mandatory Description
    bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
    callback AsyncCallback<DeviceManager> Yes Callback invoked to return the DeviceManager instance created.
  • Example

    deviceManager.createDeviceManager("ohos.samples.jshelloworld", (err, data) => {     
        if (err) { 
            console.info("createDeviceManager err:" + JSON.stringify(err));    
        console.info("createDeviceManager success");
        this.dmInstance = data;


Enumerates the device states.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

Name Default Value Description
ONLINE 0 The device is online.
READY 1 The device is ready, and the device information has been synchronized.
OFFLINE 2 The device is offline.
CHANGE 3 The device information is changed.


Enumerates the device types.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

Name Default Value Description
SPEAKER 0x0A Smart speaker.
PHONE 0x0E Phone.
TABLET 0x11 Tablet.
WEARABLE 0x6D Wearable.
TV 0x9C Smart TV.
CAR 0x83 Car.
UNKNOWN_TYPE 0 Unknown device type.


Defines device information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
deviceId number Yes Unique device identifier.
deviceName string Yes Device name.
deviceType number Yes Device type.


Provides APIs to obtain information about trusted devices and local devices. Before calling any API in DeviceManager, you must use createDeviceManager to create a DeviceManager instance, for example, dmInstance.


release(): void

Releases the DeviceManager instance that is no longer used.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Example


getTrustedDeviceListSync(): Array<DeviceInfo>

Obtains all trusted devices synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Return value

    Name Description
    Array<DeviceInfo> List of trusted devices obtained.
  • Example

    var deviceInfoList = dmInstance.getTrustedDeviceListSync();


on(type: 'deviceStateChange', callback: Callback<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo }>): void

Subscribes to changes in the device state.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Parameters

    Name Type Mandatory Description
    type string Yes Event type. The value is deviceStateChange, which indicates a device state change event.
    callback Callback<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo }> Yes Callback invoked to return the device information and state.
  • Example

    dmInstance.on('deviceStateChange', (data) => {      
          console.info("deviceStateChange on:" + JSON.stringify(data));


off(type: 'deviceStateChange', callback?: Call back<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo }>): void

Unsubscribes from changes in the device state.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Parameters

    Name Type Mandatory Description
    type string Yes Event type. The value deviceStateChange indicates an event of device state change.
    callback Callback<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo  }> Yes Callback invoked to return the device information and state.
  • Example

    dmInstance.off('deviceStateChange', (data) => {      
          console.info('deviceStateChange' + JSON.stringify(data));


on(type: 'serviceDie', callback: () => void): void

Subscribes to dead events of the DeviceManager service.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Parameters

    Name Type Mandatory Description
    type string Yes Event type. The value serviceDie indicates an event reported when the DeviceManager service is terminated unexpectedly.
    callback () => void Yes Callback invoked when a dead event of the DeviceManager service occurs.
  • Example

    dmInstance.on("serviceDie", () => {      
          console.info("serviceDie on");


off(type: 'serviceDie', callback?: () => void): void

Unsubscribes from dead events of the DeviceManager service.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager

  • Parameters

    Name Type Mandatory Description
    type string Yes Event type. The value serviceDie indicates an event reported when the DeviceManager service is terminated unexpectedly.
    callback () => void No Callback used to return the dead event of the DeviceManager service.
  • Example

    dmInstance.off("serviceDie", () => {      
          console.info("serviceDie off");