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# Restrictions and Extensions

## Restrictions on Using ArkTS in Generators

ArkTS has the following restrictions on generators:

- Expressions can be used only in character strings (${expression}), **if/else** statements, **ForEach** parameters, and component parameters.

- No expressions should cause any application state variables (that is, variables decorated by **@State**, **@Link**, and **@Prop**) to change. Otherwise, undefined and potentially unstable framework behavior may occur.

- The generator function cannot contain local variables.

None of the above restrictions applies to anonymous function implementations of event methods (such as **onClick**).

## Two-Way Binding of Variables

ArkTS supports two-way binding through **$$**, which is usually used for variables whose state values change frequently.

- **$$** supports variables of primitive types and variables decorated by **@State**, **@Link**, or **@Prop**.
- **$$** supports only the **show** parameter of the **[bindPopup](../reference/arkui-ts/** attribute method, the **checked** attribute of the **[\<Radio>](../reference/arkui-ts/** component, and the **refreshing** parameter of the **[\<Refresh>](../reference/arkui-ts/** component.
- When the variable bound to **$$** changes, only the current component is rendered, which improves the rendering speed.

// xxx.ets
struct bindPopupPage {
  @State customPopup: boolean = false

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .bindPopup($$this.customPopup, {
          message: "showPopup"


## Restrictions on Data Type Declarations of State Variables

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1. The data types of state variables decorated by state decorators must be explicitly declared. They cannot be declared as **any** or **Date**.


    // xxx.ets
    struct DatePickerExample {
      // Incorrect: @State isLunar: any = false
      @State isLunar: boolean = false
      // Incorrect: @State selectedDate: Date = new Date('2021-08-08')
      private selectedDate: Date = new Date('2021-08-08')

      build() {
        Column() {
          Button('Switch Calendar')
            .margin({ top: 30 })
            .onClick(() => {
              this.isLunar = !this.isLunar
            start: new Date('1970-1-1'),
            end: new Date('2100-1-1'),
            selected: this.selectedDate
            .onChange((value: DatePickerResult) => {
              this.selectedDate.setFullYear(value.year, value.month,
    'select current date is: ' + JSON.stringify(value))

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2. The data type declaration of the **@State**, **@Provide**, **@Link**, or **@Consume** decorated state variables can consist of only one of the primitive data types or reference data types.

    The **Length**, **ResourceStr**, and **ResourceColor** types are combinations of primitive data types or reference data types. Therefore, they cannot be used by the aforementioned types of state variables.
    For details about the definitions of **Length**, **ResourceStr**, and **ResourceColor**, see [Types](../../application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/


    // xxx.ets
    struct IndexPage {
      // Incorrect: @State message: string | Resource = 'Hello World'
      @State message: string = 'Hello World'
      // Incorrect: @State message: ResourceStr = $r('app.string.hello')
      @State resourceStr: Resource = $r('app.string.hello')

      build() {
        Row() {
          Column() {
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## Initialization Rules and Restrictions of Custom Components' Member Variables
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The member variables of a component can be initialized in either of the following ways:

- Local initialization:

  @State counter: Counter = new Counter()
- Initialization using constructor parameters:

  MyComponent({counter: $myCounter})

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The allowed method depends on the decorator of the state variable, as described in the following table.
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| Decorator       | Local Initialization| Initialization Using Constructor Parameters|
| ------------ | ----- | ----------- |
| @State       | Mandatory   | Optional         |
| @Prop        | Forbidden   | Mandatory         |
| @Link        | Forbidden   | Mandatory         |
| @StorageLink | Mandatory   | Forbidden         |
| @StorageProp | Mandatory   | Forbidden         |
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| @LocalStorageLink | Mandatory   | Forbidden         |
| @LocalStorageProp | Mandatory   | Forbidden         |
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| @Provide     | Mandatory   | Optional         |
| @Consume     | Forbidden   | Forbidden         |
| @ObjectLink  | Forbidden   | Mandatory         |
| Normal member variable      | Recommended   | Optional         |

As indicated by the preceding table:

- The **@State** decorated variables must be initialized locally. Their initial values can be overwritten by the constructor parameters.

- The **@Prop** and **@Link** decorated variables must be initialized only by constructor parameters.

Comply with the following rules when using constructors to initialize member variables:

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| **From the Variable in the Parent Component (Right) to the Variable in the Child Component (Below)**| **regular** | **@State** | **@Link** | **@Prop** | **@Provide** | **@Consume** | **@ObjectLink** |
| **regular**                    | Supported                        | Supported        | Supported       | Supported       | Not supported           | Not supported           | Supported              |
| **@State**                     | Supported                        | Supported        | Supported       | Supported       | Supported          | Supported          | Supported              |
| **@Link**                      | Not supported                         | Supported (1)     | Supported (1)    | Supported (1)    | Supported (1)       | Supported (1)       | Supported (1)           |
| **@Prop**                      | Supported                        | Supported        | Supported       | Supported       | Supported          | Supported          | Supported              |
| **@Provide**                   | Supported                        | Supported        | Supported       | Supported       | Supported          | Supported          | Supported              |
| **@Consume**                   | Not supported                         | Not supported         | Not supported        | Not supported        | Not supported           | Not supported           | Not supported               |
| **@ObjectLink**                | Not supported                         | Not supported     | Not supported        | Not supported        | Not supported           | Not supported           | Not supported               |
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| **From the Variable in the Parent Component (Right) to the Variable in the Child Component (Below)**| **@StorageLink** | **@StorageProp** | **@LocalStorageLink** | **@LocalStorageProp** |
| **regular**                   | Supported              | Not supported               | Not supported                    | Not supported             |
| **@State**                    | Supported              | Supported              | Supported                   | Supported                    |
| **@Link**                     | Supported (1)           | Supported (1)           | Supported (1)                | Supported (1)                 |
| **@Prop**                     | Supported              | Supported              | Supported                   | Supported                    |
| **@Provide**                  | Supported              | Supported              | Supported                   | Supported                    |
| **@Consume**                  | Not supported            | Not supported             | Not supported                 | Not supported                  |
| **@ObjectLink**               | Not supported            | Not supported             | Not supported                 | Not supported                  |

> **NOTE**
> **Supported (1)**: The dollar sign ($) must be used, for example, **this.$varA**.
> **regular**: refers to a regular variable that is not decorated by any decorator.

As indicated by the preceding tables:

- The **@ObjectLink** decorated variable cannot be directly initialized from a decorated variable in the parent component. The source of the parent component must be an array item or object attribute decorated by **@State**, **@Link**, **@Provide**, **@Consume**, or **@ObjectLink**.
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- The regular variables of the parent component can be used to initialize the **@State** variable of the child component, but cannot be used to initialize the **@Link**, **@Consume**, and **@ObjectLink** variables.
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- The **@State** variable of the parent component can be used to initialize the **@Prop**, **@Link** (through **$**), or regular variables of the child component, but cannot be used to initialize the **@Consume** variable.
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- The **@Link** variable of the parent component cannot be used to initialize the **@Consume** and **@ObjectLink** variables of the child component.
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- The **@Prop** variable of the parent component cannot be used to initialize the **@Consume** and **@ObjectLink** variables of the child component.
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- **@StorageLink**, **@StorageProp**, **@LocalStorageLink**, and **@LocalStorageProp** variables cannot be initialized from the parent component.
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- In addition to the preceding rules, the TypeScript strong type rules need to be followed.
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struct Parent {
  message: string = "Hello World"
  build() {
    Column() {
        stateMessage: this.message,
        /* ArkTS:ERROR The regular property 'message' cannot be assigned  
           to the @Link property 'linkMessage'.*/
        linkMessage: this.$message

struct Child {
  @State stateMessage: string = "Hello World"
  @Link linkMessage: string
  build() {
    Column() {
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## Restrictions on Naming Custom Components, Classes, and Functions

The name of a custom component, class, or function cannot be the same as any system component name.


// Rect.ets
export class Rect {
// Index.ets
// ERROR: The module name 'Rect' can not be the same as the inner component name.
import { Rect } from './Rect';
struct Index {
  build() {