ts-basic-components-search.md 3.5 KB
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#  Search

> ![](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE** This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The **\<Search>** component provides an input area for users to search.

## Required Permissions


## Child Components


## APIs

Search(options?: { value?: string; placeholder?: string; icon?: string; controller?: SearchController })

- Parameters

  | Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
  | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
  | value  | string | No| - | Text input in the search text box.|
  | placeholder  | string | No  | - | Text displayed when there is no input.|
  | icon | string | No| - | Path to the search icon. By default, the system search icon is used. The supported icon formats are svg, jpg, and png.|
  | controller | SearchController | No| - | Controller.|

## Attributes

| Name| Type| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| searchButton | string | –| Text on the search button located next to the search text box. By default, there is no search button.|
| placeholderColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ts-types.md#ResourceColor) | - | Placeholder text color.|
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| placeholderFont | [Font](../../ui/ts-types.md) | - | Placeholder text style.|
| textFont | [Font](../../ui/ts-types.md) | - | Text font for the search text box.|
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## Events

| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| onSubmit(callback: (value: string) => void) | Triggered when users click the search icon or the search button, or tap the search button on a soft keyboard.<br> -**value**: current text input.|
| onChange(callback: (value: string) => void) | Triggered when the input in the text box changes.<br> -**value**: current text input.|
| onCopy(callback: (value: string) => void) | Triggered when data is copied to the pasteboard.<br> -**value**: text copied.|
| onCut(callback: (value: string) => void) | Triggered when data is cut from the pasteboard.<br> -**value**: text cut.|
| onPaste(callback: (value: string) => void) | Triggered when data is pasted from the pasteboard.<br> -**value**: text pasted.|

## SearchController

Defines the controller of the **\<Search>** component.

#### Objects to Import
controller: SearchController = new SearchController()
#### caretPosition

creatPosition(value: number): viod

Sets the position of the caret.

- Parameters

  | Name | Type  | Mandatory  | Default Value | Description                 |
  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---- | --------------------- |
  | value | number | Yes   | -    | Length from the start of the character string to the position where the caret is located.|

##  Example

struct SearchExample {
  @State changevalue: string = ''
  @State submitvalue: string = ''
  controller: SearchController = new SearchController()

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
      Search({value: '', placeholder: 'Type to search', controller: this.controller})
        .placeholderFont({ size: 50, weight: 10, family: 'serif', style: FontStyle.Normal })
        .onSubmit((value: string) => {
          this.submitvalue = value
        .onChange((value: string) => {
          this.changevalue = value
        .margin({ top: 30 })