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# Memory Information Statistics<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001078916690"></a>

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-   [Basic Concepts](#section52691565235)
-   [Function Configuration](#section470611682411)
-   [Development Guidelines](#section9368374243)
    -   [How to Develop](#section679912407257)
    -   [Development Example](#section1025453412611)
    -   [Sample Code](#section165277971315)
    -   [Verification](#section3460102414271)

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## Basic Concepts<a name="section52691565235"></a>

Memory information includes the memory pool size, memory usage, remaining memory size, maximum free memory, memory waterline, number of memory nodes, and fragmentation rate.

-   Memory waterline: indicates the maximum memory used in a memory pool. The waterline value is updated upon each memory allocation and release. The memory pool size can be optimized based on this value.

-   Fragmentation rate: indicates the fragmentation degree of the memory pool. If the fragmentation rate is high, there are a large number of free memory blocks in the memory pool but each block is small. You can use the following formula to calculate the fragmentation rate:

    Fragmentation rate = 100 – 100 x Maximum free memory block size/Remaining memory size

-   Other parameters: You can call APIs \(described in  [Memory Management](\) to scan node information in the memory pool and collect statistics.

## Function Configuration<a name="section470611682411"></a>

**LOSCFG\_MEM\_WATERLINE**: specifies the setting of the memory information statistics function. This function is enabled by default. To disable the function, set this macro to  **0**  in  **target\_config.h**. If you want to obtain the memory waterline, you must enable this macro.

## Development Guidelines<a name="section9368374243"></a>

### How to Develop<a name="section679912407257"></a>

Key structure:

typedef struct {
    UINT32 totalUsedSize; // Memory usage of the memory pool
    UINT32 totalFreeSize; // Remaining memory in the memory pool
    UINT32 maxFreeNodeSize; // Maximum size of the free memory block in the memory pool
    UINT32 usedNodeNum; // Number of non-free memory blocks in the memory pool
    UINT32 freeNodeNum; // Number of free memory blocks in the memory pool
#if (LOSCFG_MEM_WATERLINE == 1) // This macro is enabled by default. To disable it, set it to 0 in target_config.h.
    UINT32 usageWaterLine; // Waterline of the memory pool

-   To obtain the memory waterline, call  **LOS\_MemInfoGet**. The first parameter in the API is the start address of the memory pool, and the second parameter is the handle of the  **LOS\_MEM\_POOL\_STATUS**  type. The  **usageWaterLine**  field indicates the waterline.

-   To calculate the memory fragmentation rate, call  **LOS\_MemInfoGet**  to obtain the remaining memory size and the maximum free memory block size in the memory pool, and then calculate the fragmentation rate of the dynamic memory pool as follows:

    Fragmentation rate = 100 – 100 x Maximum free memory block size/Remaining memory size

### Development Example<a name="section1025453412611"></a>

This example implements the following:

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1. Create a monitoring task to obtain information about the memory pool.
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2. Call  **LOS\_MemInfoGet**  to obtain the basic information about the memory pool.
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3. Calculate the memory usage and fragmentation rate.
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### Sample Code<a name="section165277971315"></a>

The sample code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "los_task.h"
#include "los_memory.h"
#include "los_config.h"

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void MemInfoTaskFunc(void)
    LOS_MEM_POOL_STATUS poolStatus = {0};

    /* pool is the memory address of the information to be collected. OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR is used as an example.*/
    void *pool = OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR;
    LOS_MemInfoGet(pool, &poolStatus);
    /* Calculate the fragmentation rate of the memory pool. */
    unsigned char fragment = 100 - poolStatus.maxFreeNodeSize * 100 / poolStatus.totalFreeSize;
    /* Calculate the memory usage of the memory pool. */
    unsigned char usage = LOS_MemTotalUsedGet(pool) * 100 / LOS_MemPoolSizeGet(pool);
    printf("usage = %d, fragment = %d, maxFreeSize = %d, totalFreeSize = %d, waterLine = %d\n", usage, fragment, poolStatus.maxFreeNodeSize, 
           poolStatus.totalFreeSize, poolStatus.usageWaterLine);

int MemTest(void)
    unsigned int ret;
    unsigned int taskID;
    TSK_INIT_PARAM_S taskStatus = {0};
    taskStatus.pfnTaskEntry = (TSK_ENTRY_FUNC)MemInfoTaskFunc;
    taskStatus.uwStackSize  = 0x1000;
    taskStatus.pcName       = "memInfo";
    taskStatus.usTaskPrio   = 10;
    ret = LOS_TaskCreate(&taskID, &taskStatus);
    if (ret != LOS_OK) {
        printf("task create failed\n");
        return -1;
    return 0;

### Verification<a name="section3460102414271"></a>

The result is as follows:

usage = 22, fragment = 3, maxFreeSize = 49056, totalFreeSize = 50132, waterLine = 1414