ts-drawing-components-path.md 8.1 KB
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zengyawen 已提交
# Path
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The **<Path\>** component is used to define a closed shape.
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> **NOTE**
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> This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
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## Child Components
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Not supported
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## APIs
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Path(value?: { width?: number | string; height?: number | string; commands?: string })
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| Name  | Type        | Mandatory| Description                           |
| -------- | ---------------- | ---- | ----------------------------------- |
| width    | number \| string | No  | Width of the rectangle where the path is located.<br>Default value: **0**   |
| height   | number \| string | No  | Height of the rectangle where the path is located.<br>Default value: **0**   |
| commands | string           | No  | Command for drawing the path.<br>Default value: **''**|
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## Attributes
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In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the following attributes are supported.

| Name    | Type                               | Default Value | Mandatory  | Description                                    |
| -------- | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| commands | string                              | ''   | No | Command for drawing the path. The unit is px. For details about how to convert the pixel units, see [Pixel Unit Conversion](../../ui/ts-pixel-units.md).|
| fill | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Color.Black | No| Color of the fill area.|
| fillOpacity | number \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource)| 1 | No| Opacity of the fill area.|
| stroke | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | Color.Black | No| Stroke color.|
| strokeDashArray | Array&lt;Length&gt; | [] | No| Stroke dashes.|
| strokeDashOffset | number \| string | 0 | No| Offset of the start point for drawing the stroke.|
| strokeLineCap | [LineCapStyle](ts-appendix-enums.md#linecapstyle) | LineCapStyle.Butt | No| Cap style of the stroke.|
| strokeLineJoin | [LineJoinStyle](ts-appendix-enums.md#linejoinstyle) | LineJoinStyle.Miter | No| Join style of the stroke.|
| strokeMiterLimit | number \| string | 4 | No| Limit value when the sharp angle is drawn as a miter.|
| strokeOpacity | number \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource)| 1 | No| Opacity of the stroke.|
| strokeWidth | Length | 1 | No| Width of the stroke.|
| antiAlias | boolean | true | No| Whether anti-aliasing is enabled.|
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The supported commands are as follows:
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| Command  | Attribute                              | Parameter                                      | Description                                      |
| ---- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| M    | moveto                           | (x y)                                   | Starts a new subpath at the point specified by the given (x, y) coordinates. For example, `M 0 0` starts a new subpath at point (0, 0).|
| L    | lineto                           | (x y)                                   | Draws a line from the current point to the point specified by the given (x, y) coordinates. The specified point becomes the start point of the new subpath. For example, `L 50 50` draws a line from the current point to point (50, 50), which is the start point of the new subpath.|
| H    | horizontal lineto                | x                                        | Draws a horizontal line from the current point. This command is equivalent to the **L** command where the y-coordinate is 0. For example, `H 50 ` draws a line from the current point to point (50, 0), which is the start point of the new subpath.|
| V    | vertical lineto                  | y                                        | Draws a vertical line from the current point. This command is equivalent to the **L** command where the x-coordinate is 0. For example, `V 50 ` draws a line from the current point to point (0, 50), which is the start point of the new subpath.|
| C    | curveto                          | (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)                        | Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to the point specified by the given (x, y) coordinates, with (x1, y1) as the control point of the curve start point and (x2, y2) as the control point of the curve end point. For example, `C100 100 250 100 250 200 ` draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to point (250, 200), which is the start point of the new subpath.|
| S    | smooth curveto                   | (x2 y2 x y)                              | Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to the point specified by the given (x, y) coordinates, with (x2, y2) as the control point of the curve end point. If the previous command is **C** or **S**, the control point of the curve start point is the mapping of the control point of the curve end point in the previous command relative to the start point. For example, in `C100 100 250 100 250 200 S400 300 400 200`, the second segment of the cubic Bezier curve uses point (250, 300) as the control point of the curve start point. If there is no previous command or the previous command is not **C** or **S**, the control point of the curve start point coincides with the current point.|
| Q    | quadratic Belzier curve          | (x1 y1 x y)                              | Use (x1, y1) as the control point to draw a quadratic Bessel curve from the current point to (x, y). For example, Q400 50 600 300 indicates that a quadratic Bessel curve from the current point to the (600, 300) point is drawn, and the (600, 300) point is used as the starting point of the new subpath.|
| T    | smooth quadratic Belzier curveto | (x y)                                    | Draw a quadratic Bessel curve from the current point to (x, y). If the previous command is Q or T, the control point is the mapping of the end point control point of the previous command relative to the start point. For example, a control point of the second Bessel curve segment of the Q400 50 600 300 T1000 300 is (800, 350). If there is no previous command or the previous command is not Q or T, the first control point coincides with the current point.|
| A    | elliptical Arc                   | (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y) | Draws an elliptical arc from the current point to (x, y). The size and direction of an ellipse are defined by two radiuses (rx, ry) and x-axis-rotation, indicating how the entire ellipse rotates relative to the current coordinate system (in degrees). large-arc-flag and sweep-flag determine an arc drawing manner.|
| Z    | closepath                        | none                                     | Closes the current subpath by connecting the current path back to the initial point of the current subpath.            |

For example, commands('M0 20 L50 50 L50 100 Z') defines a triangle that starts from position (0, 20), draws a straight line from point (0, 20) to point (50, 50), draws a straight line from point (50, 50) to point (50, 100), and draws a closed path from point (50, 100) to point (0, 20) to form a closed triangle.
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## Example

Mr-YX's avatar
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// xxx.ets
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struct PathExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
      Text('Straight line').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
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      // Draw a straight line with a length of 900px and a width of 3vp.
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      Path().width(300).height(10).commands('M0 0 L900 0').stroke(Color.Black).strokeWidth(3)

      Text('Straight line graph').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M150 0 L300 300 L0 300 Z')
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M0 0 H300 V300 H0 Z')
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M150 0 L0 150 L60 300 L240 300 L300 150 Z')

      Text('Curve graphics').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands("M0 300 S150 0 300 300 Z")
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M0 150 C0 150 150 0 300 150 L150 300 Z')
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })

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