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# Grid
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The **\<Grid>** component consists of cells formed by rows and columns. You can specify the cells where items are located to form various layouts.

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>  **NOTE**
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>  This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

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## Child Components

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This component contains the child component **[\<GridItem>](ts-container-griditem.md)**.
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## Interface
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Grid(scroller?: Scroller)
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| Name      | Type                                    | Mandatory  | Description                   |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- |
| scroller  | [Scroller](ts-container-scroll.md#scroller) | No   | Scroller, which can be bound to scrollable components.|
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## Attributes

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In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the following attributes are supported.

| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnsTemplate | string | Number of columns in the current grid layout. If this attribute is not set, one column is used by default.<br>For example, **'1fr 1fr 2fr'** indicates three columns, with the first column taking up 1/4 of the parent component's full width, the second column 1/4, and the third column 2/4. This attribute supports [auto-fill] (#auto-fill description).<br>Default value: **'1fr'**|
| rowsTemplate | string | Number of rows in the current grid layout. If this attribute is not set, one row is used by default.<br>For example, **'1fr 1fr 2fr'** indicates three rows, with the first row taking up 1/4 of the parent component's full height, the second row 1/4, and the third row 2/4. This attribute supports [auto-fill] (#auto-fill description).<br>Default value: **'1fr'**|
| columnsGap | Length | Gap between columns.<br>Default value: **0**|
| rowsGap | Length | Gap between rows.<br>Default value: **0**|
| scrollBar      | [BarState](ts-appendix-enums.md#barstate) | Scrollbar status.<br>Default value: **BarState.Off**|
| scrollBarColor | string \| number \| Color              | Color of the scrollbar.|
| scrollBarWidth | string \| number    | Width of the scrollbar.|
| cachedCount | number                                   | Number of grid items to be preloaded. For details, see [Minimizing White Blocks During Swiping](../../ui/ts-performance-improvement-recommendation.md#minimizing-white-blocks-during-swiping).<br>Default value: **1**|
| editMode <sup>8+</sup>                   | boolean | Whether to enter editing mode. In editing mode, the user can drag the **\<[GridItem](ts-container-griditem.md)>** in the **\<Grid>** component.<br>Default value: **false**|
| layoutDirection<sup>8+</sup>             | [GridDirection](#griddirection8) | Main axis direction of the grid.<br>Default value: **GridDirection.Row**|
| maxCount<sup>8+</sup> | number  | When **layoutDirection** is **Row** or **RowReverse**: maximum number of rows that can be displayed.<br>When **layoutDirection** is **Column** or **ColumnReverse**: maximum number of columns that can be displayed.<br>Default value: **1**|
| minCount<sup>8+</sup> | number  | When **layoutDirection** is **Row** or **RowReverse**: minimum number of rows that can be displayed.<br>When **layoutDirection** is **Column** or **ColumnReverse**: minimum number of columns that can be displayed.<br>Default value: **1**|
| cellLength<sup>8+</sup> | number  | When **layoutDirection** is **Row** or **RowReverse**: fixed height per row.<br>When **layoutDirection** is **Column** or **ColumnReverse**: fixed width per column.<br>Default value: **0**|
| multiSelectable<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to enable mouse frame selection.<br>Default value: **false**<br>- **false**: The mouse frame selection is disabled.<br>- **true**: The mouse frame selection is enabled.|
| supportAnimation<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to enable animation.<br>Default value: **false**|

## GridDirection<sup>8+</sup>

| Name  | Description                                  |
  | ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| Row  | Horizontal layout, where the child components are arranged from left to right as the main axis runs along the rows.|
| Column | Vertical layout, where the child components are arranged from top to bottom as the main axis runs down the columns.|
| RowReverse    | Reverse horizontal layout, where the child components are arranged from right to left as the main axis runs along the rows.|
| ColumnReverse   | Reverse vertical layout, where the child components are arranged from bottom up as the main axis runs down the columns.|
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## Events

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In addition to the [universal events](ts-universal-events-click.md), the following events are supported.

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| Name| Description|
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| -------- | -------- |
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| onScrollIndex(event: (first: number) => void) | Triggered when the start item of the grid changes.<br>- **first**: index of the start item of the grid.|
| onItemDragStart(event: (event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number) => (() => any) \| void) | Triggered when a grid item starts to be dragged.<br>- **event**: See [ItemDragInfo](#itemdraginfo).<br>- **itemIndex**: index of the dragged element.|
| onItemDragEnter(event: (event: ItemDragInfo) => void) | Triggered when the dragged item enters the drop target of the grid.<br>- **event**: See [ItemDragInfo](#itemdraginfo).|
| onItemDragMove(event: (event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number, insertIndex: number) => void) | Triggered when the dragged item moves over the drop target of the grid.<br>- **event**: See [ItemDragInfo](#itemdraginfo).<br>- **itemIndex**: initial position of the dragged item.<br>- **insertIndex**: index of the position to which the dragged item will be dropped.|
| onItemDragLeave(event: (event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number) => void) | Triggered when the dragged item exits the drop target of the grid.<br>- **event**: See [ItemDragInfo](#itemdraginfo).<br>- **itemIndex**: index of the dragged item.|
| onItemDrop(event: (event: ItemDragInfo, itemIndex: number, insertIndex: number, isSuccess: boolean) => void) | Triggered when the dragged item is dropped on the drop target of the grid.<br>- **event**: See [ItemDragInfo](#itemdraginfo).<br>- **itemIndex**: initial position of the dragged item.<br>- **insertIndex**: index of the position to which the dragged item will be dropped.<br>- **isSuccess**: whether the dragged item is successfully dropped.|

## Notes About auto-fill

In the **columnsTemplate** and **rowsTemplate** attributes of the **\<Grid>** component, **auto-fill** supports only the following formats:

repeat(auto-fill, track-size)
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The keywords **repeat** and **auto-fill** are used. **track-size** indicates the row height or column width, which can be in the unit of px, vp, %, or valid digits. The value must contain at least one valid row height or column width.

## ItemDragInfo

| Name        | Type        |   Description        |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
| x | number |  X-coordinate of the dragged item.   |
| y   | number |  Y-coordinate of the dragged item.   |
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## Example

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// xxx.ets
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struct GridExample {
  @State Number: String[] = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']

  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
      Grid() {
        ForEach(this.Number, (day: string) => {
          ForEach(this.Number, (day: string) => {
            GridItem() {
          }, day => day)
        }, day => day)
      .columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')
      .rowsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')

      Grid() {
        ForEach(this.Number, (day: string) => {
          ForEach(this.Number, (day: string) => {
            GridItem() {
          }, day => day)
        }, day => day)
      .columnsTemplate('1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr')
      .onScrollIndex((first: number) => {
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })

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**Example of auto-fill**

// grid-autofill.ets
struct Index {
  @State gridItemWidth: string = "100%"
  @State gridItemHeight: string = "100%"
  @State gridWidth: string = "100%"
  @State gridHeight: string = "100%"
  @State itemList: string[] = []
  build() {
    Column() {
      Grid() {
        ForEach(this.itemList, (item) => {
          GridItem() {
        }, item => item)
      .border({ width: 4, color: 0xffdb7093, style: BorderStyle.Dashed, radius: 5 })
      .columnsTemplate("15% repeat(auto-fill, 10% 50px 20%) 50px")
      .rowsTemplate("150px repeat(auto-fill, 20% 25%)")

  aboutToAppear() {
    for(var i = 1; i < 50; i++) {
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