hapsigntool-guidelines.md 28.2 KB
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# hapsigner Guide

## Overview

### Function
To ensure the integrity and secure source of OpenHarmony applications, the applications must be signed during the build process. Only signed applications can be installed, run, and debugged on real devices. [developtools_hapsigner](https://gitee.com/openharmony/developtools_hapsigner) provides the source code of the HAP signing tool - hapsigner. This tool can be used to generate key pairs, certificate signing requests (CSRs), certificates, profile signatures, and HAP signatures.

### Key Concepts

The hapsigner tool is implemented based on the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Before using this tool, you should understand the following concepts:

 - Asymmetric key pair

    The asymmetric key algorithm is the basis of data signature and signature verification. The hapsigner tool can generate standard asymmetric key pairs, including ECC P384/256 and RSA 2048/3072/4096.

 - CSR

    The CSR contains the public key, subject, and private key signature of a certificate. Before applying for a certificate, you need to generate a CSR based on the key pair and submit the CSR to the Certificate Authority (CA).
 - Certificate

    OpenHarmony uses the RFC5280 standard to build the X509 certificate trust system. The OpenHarmony certificates used for application signatures are classified into the root CA certificate, subordinate CA certificate, and application or profile signing certificate. The application signing certificate indicates the identity of the application developer, which ensures the traceability of the source of the applications. The profile signing certificate is used to verify the signature of the profile, which ensures the integrity of the profile.

 - HAP

    OpenHarmony Ability Package (HAP) is a package used to deploy an ability, which is the basic unit for OpenHarmony application development. An OpenHarmony application consists of one or more abilities.

 - Profile

    The profile in a HAP contains information such as the authorized certificate permission and device ID.

### Constraints

 - hapsigner is developed in Java and must run in JRE 8.0 or later.

 - The scripts, such as the one-click signature script, are developed in Python, and must run on Python 3.5 or later.

## Build

 1. Check that Gradle 7.1 has been installed.

        gradle -v
 2. Download the code, open the file directory **developtools_hapsigner/hapsigntool**, and run the following command to build the code:

        gradle build 
        gradle jar
 3. Check that **hap-sign-tool.jar** (binary files) is generated in the **./hap_sign_tool/build/libs** directory.

## Usage Guidelines

### When to Use

The OpenHarmony system has a built-in KeyStore (KS) file named **OpenHarmony.p12**. This file contains the root CA certificate, subordinate CA certificate, and application or profile certificate information. The hapsigner tool signs the OpenHarmony applications based on this KS file.

The usage of hapsigner varies depending on whether an application signing certificate is available. 

- If no application signing certificate is available:
  You need to generate a key pair, generate an application signing certificate, sign the profile, and sign the application.
- If an application signing certification is available:
  You need to sign the profile, and use the application signing certificate and the local KS file (containing the corresponding key) to sign the application.

### How to Use
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#### Description
1.Display help information.
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        -help     # If no parameter is specified, the command help information is displayed by default.

2.Display the version information.
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        -version  # Display the tool version information.

3.Generate a key pair. 
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     generate-keypair: Generate a key pair.
         ├── -keyAlias          # Key alias. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd            # Key password. It is optional.
         ├── -keyAlg            # Key algorithm, which can be RSA or ECC. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keySize           # Key length. It is mandatory. The key length is 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits if RSA is used and is NIST-P-256 or NIST-P-384 if ECC is used.
         ├── -keystoreFile      # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystorePwd       # KS password. It is optional.

4.Generate a CSR.
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    generate-csr: Generate a CSR.
         ├── -keyAlias          # Key alias. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd            # Key password. It is optional.
         ├── -subject           # Certificate subject. It is mandatory.
         ├── -signAlg           # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA256withECDSA, or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystoreFile      # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystorePwd       # KS password. It is optional.
         ├── -outFile           # CSR to generate. It is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the CSR is output to the console.

5.Generate a root CA or subordinate CA certificate.
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    generate-ca: Generate a root CA or subordinate CA certificate. If the key does not exist, generate a key together with the certificate.
         ├── -keyAlias                        # Key alias. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd                          # Key password. It is optional.
         ├── -keyAlg                          # Key algorithm, which can be RSA or ECC. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keySize                         # Key length. It is mandatory. The key length is 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits if RSA is used and is NIST-P-256 or NIST-P-384 if ECC is used.
         ├── -issuer                          # Issuer of the certificate. It is optional. It indicates a root CA certificate if not specified.
         ├── -issuerKeyAlias                  # Key alias of the issuer. It is optional. It indicates a root CA certificate if not specified.
         ├── -issuerKeyPwd                    # Key password of the issuer. It is optional.
         ├── -subject                         # Certificate subject. It is mandatory.
         ├── -validity                        # Validity period of the certificate. It is optional. The default value is 3650 days.
         ├── -signAlg                         # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA,  SHA256withECDSA, or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
         ├── -basicConstraintsPathLen         # Path length. It is optional. The default value is 0.
         ├── -keystoreFile                    # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystorePwd                     # KS password. It is optional.
         ├── -issuerKeystoreFile              # KS file of the issuer, in JKS or P12 format. It is optional.
         ├── -issuerKeystorePwd               # KS password of the issuer. It is optional. 
         ├── -outFile                         # File to generate. It is optional. The file is output to the console if this parameter is not specified.

6.Generate an application debug or release certificate.
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    generate-app-cert: Generate an application debug or release certificate.
         ├── -keyAlias                        # Key alias. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd                          # Key password. It is optional.
         ├── -issuer                          # Issuer of the certificate. It is mandatory.
         ├── -issuerKeyAlias                  # Key alias of the issuer. It is mandatory.
         ├── -issuerKeyPwd                    # Key password of the issuer. It is optional.
         ├── -subject                         # Certificate subject. It is mandatory.
         ├── -validity                        # Validity period of the certificate. It is optional. The default value is 3650 days.
         ├── -signAlg                         # Signature algoritym, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA.
         ├── -issuerKeystoreFile              # KS file of the issuer, in JKS or P12 format. It is optional.
         ├── -issuerKeystorePwd               # KS password of the issuer. It is optional. 
         ├── -keystoreFile                    # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystorePwd                     # KS password. It is optional.
         ├──   -outForm                       # Format of the certificate to generate. It is optional. The value can be cert or certChain. The default value is certChain.
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         ├── -rootCaCertFile                  # Root CA certificate, which is mandatory when outForm is certChain.
         ├── -subCaCertFile                   # Subordinate CA certificate, which is mandatory when outForm is certChain.
         ├── -outFile                         # Certificate file (certificate or certificate chain) to generate. It is optional. The file is output to the console if this parameter is not specified.

7.Generate a profile debug or release certificate.
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    generate-profile-cert: Generate a profile debug or release certificate.
         ├── -keyAlias                        # Key alias. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd                          # Key password. It is optional.
         ├── -issuer                          # Issuer of the certificate. It is mandatory.
         ├── -issuerKeyAlias                  # Key alias of the issuer. It is mandatory.
         ├── -issuerKeyPwd                    # Key password of the issuer. It is optional.
         ├── -subject                         # Certificate subject. It is mandatory.
         ├── -validity                        # Validity period of the certificate. It is optional. The default value is 3650 days.
         ├── -signAlg                         # Signature algoritym, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA.
         ├── -issuerKeystoreFile              # KS file of the issuer, in JKS or P12 format. It is optional.
         ├── -issuerKeystorePwd               # KS password of the issuer. It is optional. 
         ├── -keystoreFile                    # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystorePwd                     # KS password. It is optional.
         ├── -outForm                         # Format of the certificate to generate. It is optional. The value can be cert or certChain. The default value is certChain.
         ├── -rootCaCertFile                  # Root CA certificate, which is mandatory when outForm is certChain.
         ├── -subCaCertFile                   # Subordinate CA certificate, which is mandatory when outForm is certChain.
         ├── -outFile                         # Certificate file (certificate or certificate chain) to generate. It is optional. The file is output to the console if this parameter is not specified.

8.Generate a common certificate, which can be used to generate a custom certificate.
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    generate-cert: Generate a common certificate, which can be used to generate a custom certificate.
          ├── -keyAlias                          # Key alias. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyPwd                            # Key password. It is optional.
          ├── -issuer                            # Issuer of the certificate. It is mandatory.
          ├── -issuerKeyAlias                    # Key alias of the issuer. It is mandatory.
          ├── -issuerKeyPwd                      # Key password of the issuer. It is optional.
          ├── -subject                           # Certificate subject. It is mandatory.
          ├── -validity                          # Validity period of the certificate. It is optional. The default value is 1095 days.
          ├── -keyUsage                          # Usages of the key. It is mandatory. The key usages include digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment,
          ├                                        dataEncipherment, keyAgreement, certificateSignature, crlSignature,
          ├                                        encipherOnly, and decipherOnly. Use a comma (,) to separate multiple values.
          ├── -keyUsageCritical                  # Whether keyUsage is a critical option. It is optional. The default value is true.
          ├── -extKeyUsage                       # Extended key usages. It is optional. The extended key usages include clientAuthentication, serverAuthentication,
          ├                                        codeSignature, emailProtection, smartCardLogin, timestamp, and ocspSignature.
          ├── -extKeyUsageCritical               # Whether extKeyUsage is a critical option. It is optional. The default value is false.
          ├── -signAlg                           # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA,  SHA256withECDSA, or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
          ├── -basicConstraints                  # Whether basicConstraints is contained. It is optional. The default value is false.
          ├── -basicConstraintsCritical          # Whether basicConstraints is a critical option. It is optional. The default value is false.
          ├── -basicConstraintsCa                # Whether it is CA. It is optional. The default value is false.
          ├── -basicConstraintsPathLen           # Path length. It is optional. The default value is 0.
          ├── -issuerKeystoreFile                # KS file of the issuer, in JKS or P12 format. It is optional.
          ├── -issuerKeystorePwd                 # KS password of the issuer. It is optional. 
          ├── -keystoreFile                      # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keystorePwd                       # KS password. It is optional.
          ├── -outFile                           # Certificate file to generate. It is optional. The file is output to the console if this parameter is not specified.

9.Sign a provisioning profile.
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    sign-profile: Sign a provisioning profile.
          ├── -mode            # Signing mode, which can be localSign or remoteSign. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyAlias        # Key alias. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyPwd          # Key password. It is optional.
          ├── -profileCertFile # Profile signing certificate (certificate chain, in application or profile certificate, subordinate CA certificate, and root certificate order). It is mandatory.
          ├── -inFile          # Raw profile template in JSON format (developtools_hapsigner/autosign/UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json). It is mandatory.
          ├── -signAlg         # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keystoreFile    # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory if the signing mode is localSign.
          ├── -keystorePwd     # KS password. It is optional.
          ├── -outFile         # Signed provisioning profile to generate, in p7b format. It is mandatory.

10.Verify the provisioning profile signature.
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     verify-profile: Verify the provisioning profile signature.
           ├── -inFile       # Signed provisioning profile, in p7b format. It is mandatory.
           ├── -outFil       # Verification result file (including the verification result and profile content), in json format. It is optional. The file is output to the console if this parameter is not specified.

11.Sign a HAP.
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     sign-app: HAP signature.
          ├── -mode          # Signing mode, which can be localSign, remoteSign, or remoteResign. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyAlias      # Key alias. It is mandatory.
          ├──-keyPwd         # Key password. It is optional.
          ├── -appCertFile   # Application signing certificate (certificate chain in application or profile certificate, subordinate CA certificate, and root certificate order). It is mandatory.
          ├── -profileFile   # Singed provisioning profile, in p7b format. It is mandatory.
          ├── -profileSigned # Whether the profile is signed. The value 1 means signed, and value 0 means unsigned. The default value is 1. It is optional.
          ├── -inForm        # Raw file, in .zip (default) or .bin format. It is optional.
          ├── -inFile        # Raw application package, in HAP or .bin format. It is mandatory.
          ├── -signAlg       # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keystoreFile  # KS file, in JKS or P12 format. It is mandatory if the signing mode is localSign.
          ├── -keystorePwd   # KS password. It is optional.
          ├── -outFile       # Signed HAP file to generate. It is mandatory.

12.Verify the HAP signature.
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      verify-app: Verify the HAP signature.
         ├── -inFile          # Signed application file, in HAP or bin format. It is mandatory.
         ├── -outCertchain    # Signed certificate chain file. It is mandatory.
         ├── -outProfile      # Profile of the application. It is mandatory.
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### Procedure
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The process of signing a HAP is as follows:

1. Generate a key pair for an application signing certificate.
2. Generate an application signing certificate.
3. Sign the profile.
4. Signing the HAP.

> **Precautions** <br/>
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 1. The ECC algorithm is recommended for generating key pairs for application signatures for security purposes. The RSA algorithm is not recommended.<br/>
 2. You are advised to place the HAP, profile, **OpenHarmony.p12**, root CA certificate, subordinate CA certificate, and hapsigner in the same directory for easy operation.<br/>
 3. The related files are in the following directories:<br/>OpenHarmony KS file: **developtools_hapsigner/autosign/result/OpenHarmony.p12** <br/>Root CA certificate: **developtools_hapsigner/autosign/result/rootCA.cer**<br/>Subordinate CA certificate: **developtools_hapsigner/autosign/result/subCA.cer**<br/>Profile signing certificate: **developtools_hapsigner/autosign/result/OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem**

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**1. Generate a key pair for the application signing certificate.**

Generate a signature key and save it to the KS.

java -jar hap-sign-tool.jar generate-keypair -keyAlias "oh-app1-key-v1" -keyAlg "ECC"  -keySize "NIST-P-256" -keystoreFile "OpenHarmony.p12" -keyPwd "123456" -keystorePwd "123456"
  > ![icon-note.gif](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**<br/>Record the values of **keyAlias**, **keyStorePwd**, and **keyPwd**. These values will be used when the application signing certificate is generated and the HAP is signed.

The command parameters are described as follows:

      generate-keypair: Generate a key pair for the application signing certificate.
          ├── -keyAlias         # Alias of the key used to generate the application signing certificate. It is stored in the OpenHarmony.p12 file. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyAlg           # Key algorithm. ECC is recommended. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keySize          # Key length. It is NIST-P-256/NIST-P-384 if ECC is used. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyStoreFile     # KS file. OpenHarmony.p12 is recommended. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyStorePwd      # KS password. The default password 123456 for OpenHarmony.p12. It is mandatory.
          ├── -keyPwd           # Key password. It is optional. If this parameter is not specified, the generated key pair has no password.

**2. Generate an application signing certificate.**

Use the local subordinate CA certificate to issue an application signing certificate.

java -jar hap-sign-tool.jar generate-app-cert -keyAlias "oh-app1-key-v1" -signAlg "SHA256withECDSA"  -issuer "C=CN,O=OpenHarmony,OU=OpenHarmony Team,CN= OpenHarmony Application CA" -issuerKeyAlias "openharmony application ca" -subject "C=CN,O=OpenHarmony,OU=OpenHarmony Team,CN=OpenHarmony Application Release" -keystoreFile "OpenHarmony.p12" -subCaCertFile "subCA.cer" -rootCaCertFile "rootCA.cer" -outForm "certChain" -outFile "app1.pem" -keyPwd "123456" -keystorePwd "123456" -issuerKeyPwd "123456" -validity "365"
The command parameters are described as follows:

     generate-app-cert: Generate an application signing certificate.
         ├── -keyAlias         # Key alias, which must be the same as that in the previous step.
         ├── -signAlg          # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
         ├── -issuer           #  Issuer of the certificate. Enter the issuer of the subordinate CA certificate. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -issuerKeyAlias   # Key alias of the issuer. Enter the key alias of the subordinate CA certificate. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -subject          # Subject of the certificate. Enter the subject in the same sequence specified in the command. It is mandatory.
         ├── -issuerKeyPwd     # Key password of the issuer. Enter the key password of the subordinate CA certificate. It is mandatory and cannot be changed. In this example, it is 123456. 
         ├── -keystoreFile     # KS file. Use OpenHarmony.p12. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -rootCaCertFile   # Root certificate. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -subCaCertFile    # Subordinate CA certificate. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -outForm          # Format of the certificate file to generate. certChain is recommended.
         ├── -outFile          # File to generate. It is optional. The file is output to the console if this parameter is not specified.
         ├── -keyPwd           # Key password. It is optional. It is the key password set when the key pair is generated. 
         ├── -keystorePwd      # KS password. The default value is 123456.
         ├── -validity         # Validity period of the certificate. It is optional. The default value is 3650 days.

**3. Sign the profile.**

Use the profile signature key to sign the profile.


java -jar hap-sign-tool.jar  sign-profile -keyAlias "openharmony application profile release" -signAlg "SHA256withECDSA" -mode "localSign" -profileCertFile "OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem" -inFile "UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json" -keystoreFile "OpenHarmony.p12" -outFile "app1-profile.p7b" -keyPwd "123456" -keystorePwd "123456"
The command parameters are described as follows:

      sign-profile: Sign a profile.
         ├── -keyAlias         # Alias of the key for generating the profile certificate. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -signAlg          # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
         ├── -mode             # Signing mode, which must be localSign. It is mandatory.
         ├── -profileCertFile  # Profile signing certificate. Use the certificate provided. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -inFile           # Raw profile template in JSON format (developtools_hapsigner/autosign/UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json). It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystoreFile     # KS file. Use OpenHarmony.p12. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -outFile          # Signed provisioning profile in p7b format to generate. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd           # Key password. The default key password in OpenHarmony.p12 is 123456.
         ├── -keystorePwd      # KS password. The default key password in OpenHarmony.p12 is 123456.

**4. Sign the HAP.**

Use the application signature key to sign the HAP.

java -jar hap-sign-tool.jar sign-app -keyAlias "oh-app1-key-v1" -signAlg "SHA256withECDSA" -mode "localSign" -appCertFile "app1.pem" -profileFile "app1-profile.p7b" -inFile "app1-unsigned.zip" -keystoreFile "OpenHarmony.p12" -outFile "app1-signed.hap" -keyPwd "123456" -keystorePwd "123456"

 > ![icon-note.gif](../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**<br/>The following parameters used are for the scenario where there is no application signing certificate available. If the application signing certificate is available, the following parameters need to be modified:<br/>
-**keyAlias**: Enter the key alias of the application signing certificate. It is mandatory. <br/>
-**appCertFile**: Enter the application signing certificate. It is mandatory.<br/>
-**keystoreFile**: Enter the KS file of the application signing certificate. It is mandatory. <br/>
-**keyPwd**: Enter the key password in the KS file. <br/>
-**keystorePwd**: Enter the KS password in the KS file.<br/>

The command parameters are described as follows:

      sign-app: Sign a HAP.
         ├──-keyAlias          # Key alias, which must be the same as the alias of the key pair generated. It is mandatory.
         ├── -signAlg          # Signature algorithm, which can be SHA256withECDSA or SHA384withECDSA. It is mandatory.
         ├── -mode             # Signing mode, which must be localSign. It is mandatory.
         ├── -appCertFile      # Application signing certificate (certificate chain, in application signing certificate, subordinate CA certificate, and root certificate order). Enter the application signing certificate generated. It is mandatory.
         ├── -profileFile      # Signed provisioning profile in p7b format. Enter the profile generated. It is mandatory.
         ├── -inFile           # Raw application package. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keystoreFile     # KS file, which must be the same as the KS file generated. It is mandatory and cannot be changed.
         ├── -outFile          # Signed file to generate. It is mandatory.
         ├── -keyPwd           # Key password, which must be actual key password.
         ├── -keystorePwd      # KS password, which must be actual KS password. 


## FAQs

**1. When the application signing certificate is generated, the console displays the result but no file is output.**

 - **Symptom**

   When the tool is used to to generate an application signing certificate, the certificate content is displayed on the console and no certificate is generated.  

 - **Possible Causes**

   The path in the **outFile** parameter is incorrect, or the hyphen (-) in **-outFile** is not an English character.

 - **Solution**

   Check and correct the value of **outFile**, and ensure the hyphen (-) in **-outFile** is an English character.

**2. Failed to sign the profile.**

- **Symptom**

  When the tool is used to sign a profile, any of the following information is displayed:

  (1) "SIGN_ERROR, code: 107.Details: Failed to verify signature: Wrong key usage".

  (2) "NOT_SUPPORT_ERROR, code: 105.Details: Profile cert 'result\profile1.pem' must a cert chain".

  (3) "VERIFY_ERROR, code: 108.Details: Failed to verify signature: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

- **Possible Causes**

  The possible causes for the error messages are as follows:

  (1) The certificate chain of the profile signing certificate is in incorrect order.

  (2). The profile signing certificate is not a certificate chain.

  (3). The certificate subject is in incorrect sequence, or the **-issuerKeyAlias** parameter set to generate the application signing certificate is incorrect.

- **Solution**

  (1). Check that the certificate chain is in ascending or descending order of seniority.

  (2). Check that the certificate is a certificate chain.

  (3). Check that the certificate subject is in the C, O, OU, and CN order.

**3. An error message is displayed when the tool is used to sign a HAP.**

 - **Symptom**

   The following error message is displayed: "NOT_SUPPORT_ERROR, code: 105.Details: SignAlg params is incorrect, signature algorithms include SHA256withECDSA,SHA384withECDSA

 - **Possible Causes**

   The signature algorithm is not supported. Check the value of **signAlg**.

 - **Solution**

   Use ECC to generate the key pair for an application or profile certificate. Use **SHA256withECDSA** or **SHA384withECDSA** as the HAP signature algorithm.