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# HiDumper Development

## Overview

### Introduction

HiDumper is a tool provided by OpenHarmony for developers, testers, and IDE tool engineers to obtain system information necessary for analyzing and locating faults. This section applies only to the standard system.

### Source Code Directories

├── frameworks           # Framework code
│   ├── native           # Core function code
│   │  │── include        # Header files
│   │  │── src           # Source files
│   │      │── common    # Common function code
│   │      │── executor  # Process executor code
│   │      │── factory   # Factory code
│   │      │── manager   # Core manager code
│   │      │── util      # Utility source code
│── sa_profile           # HiDumper SA profile
│── services             # HiDumper service code
│   │── native           # C++ service code
│   │── zidl             # Communication function
│   │   │── include      # Header files of the communication function
│   │   │── src          # Source code of the communication function
├── test                 # Test cases
│   ├── unittest         # Unit test code
│   ├── moduletest       # Module-level test code

## Usage

### Command-Line Options

  **Table 1** HiDumper command-line options

| Option| Description| 
| -------- | -------- |
| -h | Shows the help Information.| 
| -t [timeout] | Specifies the timeout period, in seconds. The default value is **30**. Value **0** indicates no timeout limit.| 
| -lc | Shows the system information cluster list.| 
| -ls | Shows the system ability list.| 
| -c | Exports system cluster information.| 
| -c [base system] | Exports system cluster information based on **base** or **system** tags.| 
| -s | Exports all system ability information.| 
| -s [SA0 SA1] | Exports ability information corresponding to SA0 and SA1.| 
| -s [SA] -a ['-h'] | Exports the system ability information **SA** using the **-h** parameter.| 
| -e | Exports crash logs generated by the Faultlogger module.| 
| --net | Exports network information.| 
| --storage | Exports storage information.| 
| -p | Exports the process list and all process information.| 
| -p [pid] | Exports all information about a specified process.| 
| --cpuusage [pid] | Exports the CPU usage information based on **pid**.| 
| --cpufreq | Exports the actual CPU frequency.| 
| --mem [pid] | Exports the memory usage information based on **pid**.| 
| --zip | Compresses the exported information to a specified folder.| 

### Development Example

HiDumper helps you export basic system information to locate and analyze faults. Complex parameters passed to sub-services and abilities must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Access the device CLI, and run the **hidumper -h** command to obtain the help information, which includes basic information and function syntax.
   hidumper -h

2. Run the **hidumper -lc** command to obtain the system information cluster list.
   hidumper -lc

3. Run the **hidumper -c** command to obtain all information that is classified by **base** and **system**.
   hidumper -c

4. Run the **hidumper -c [base | system]** to obtain the system cluster information that is classified by **base** or **system**.
   hidumper -c base
   hidumper -c system

5. Run the **hidumper -ls** command to obtain the system ability list.
   hidumper -ls

6. Run the **hidumper -s** command to obtain all system ability information.
   hidumper -s

7. Run the **hidumper -s 3301 -a "-h"** command to obtain the help information about the ability whose ID is **3301**.
   hidumper -s 3301 -a "-h"

8. Run the **hidumper -s 3008** command to obtain all information about the ability whose ID is **3008**.
   hidumper -s 3008

9. Run the **hidumper -e** command to obtain the crash information generated by the Faultlog module.
   hidumper -e

10. Run the **hidumper --net** command to obtain network information.
   hidumper --net

11. Run the **hidumper --storage** command to obtain storage information.
   hidumper --storage

12. Run the **hidumper -p** command to obtain process information, including the list and information of processes and threads.
   hidumper -p

13. Run the **hidumper -p 1024** command to obtain information about the process whose PID is **1024**.
   hidumper -p 1024

14. Run the **hidumper --cpuusage [pid]** command to obtain the CPU usage information of the process whose PID has been specified.
   hidumper --cpuusage
   hidumper --cpuusage 1024

15. Run the **hidumper --cpufreq** command to obtain the actual operating frequency of each CPU core.
   hidumper --cpufreq

16. Run the **hidumper --mem [pid]** command to obtain all memory usage information of the process whose PID has been specified.
   hidumper --mem [pid]

17. Run the **hidumper --zip** command to compress data to the **/data/dumper** directory.
   hidumper --zip

18. Run the **hidumper -t timeout** command to set the timeout period, in seconds. The default value is **30**. Value **0** indicates no timeout limit.
   hidumper -t [timeout]