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# Environment

> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **Note:**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

## Modules to Import

import environment from '@ohos.environment';

## System Capabilities


## environment.getStorageDataDir


Obtains the root directory of the storage. This method uses a promise to return the result.

- Return value

  | Type| Description|
  | --------------------- | ---------------- |
  | Promise<string> | Promise returned with the root directory of the storage.|

- Example

      console.info("getStorageDataDir successfully:"+ path);
      console.info("getStorageDataDir failed with error:"+ error);

## environment.getStorageDataDir


Obtains the root directory of the storage. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

- Parameters

  | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
  | -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- |
  | callback | AsyncCallback<string> | Yes| Asynchronous callback used to return the root directory of the storage.|

- Example

  environment.getStorageDataDir(function(error, path){
      // do something

## environment.getUserDataDir


Obtains the root directory of public files. This method uses a promise to return the result.

- Return value

  | Type| Description|
  | --------------------- | ------------------ |
  | Promise<string> | Promise returned with the root directory of public files.|

- Example

      console.info("getUserDataDir successfully:"+ path);
      console.info("getUserDataDir failed with error:"+ error);

## environment.getUserDataDir

getUserDataDir(callback:AsyncCallback<string>): void

Obtains the root directory of public files. This method uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

- Parameters

  | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
  | -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- |
  | callback | AsyncCallback<string> | Yes| Asynchronous callback used to return the root directory of public files.|
- Example

  environment.getUserDataDir(function(error, path){
      // do something