renhw 推送
!1161 部件化改名 9fa8533b
名称 最后提交 最后更新
sig-QA !966 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】修复一些规范小问题
sig-ai-framework !1031 增加了MindSpore Sig的全景图
sig-ai_framework_integration !916 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】fix some typos
sig-api Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-appframework !1144 更新samgr、safwk信息
sig-architecture !1151 架构SIG 纪要20220802,20220809
sig-basicsoftwareservice !1152 update BasicSoftwareService SIG documents
sig-blockchain Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-bluetooth Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-buildsystem !1057 add buildsystem SIG intro
sig-cellular_device_mgr !1109 add SIG OWNERS
sig-compileruntime !1104 Fix a typo in CompileRuntime SIG description.
sig-compliance !1146 合规SIG信息中增加如何加入SIG及如何贡献SIG的信息
sig-crossplatformui Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-dengluyi Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-devboard !1071 isoftstone sig仓迁移主干
sig-distributeddatamgr !1046 update miscservices components
sig-distributedhardwaremgr !1073 update sig global description
sig-docs !1018 update sig docs description
sig-driver !1084 部件化整改,刷新drivers sig部件信息
sig-edu_data_specification !966 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】修复一些规范小问题
sig-graphics !1157 libjpeg-turbo 孵化毕业
sig-hilog Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-ide !903 OH社区项目新建SIG —— IDE
sig-industrial_internet !688 增加代码仓库地址和Committers
sig-infrastructure Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-kernel !1097 add mimalloc
sig-knowlege Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-linkboy Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-media !1161 部件化改名
sig-miniblink !966 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】修复一些规范小问题
sig-mips !901 添加MIPS SIG目录,MIPS SIG已在PMC例会申请通过,详细见0224日PMC会议纪要.(已按要求修改会议议题申报信息。)
sig-napi_generator !1120 【napi工具】modify owner email name
sig-openblock Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-opengfxdriver Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-print Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-python Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-release !966 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】修复一些规范小问题
sig-riscv Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-robotics Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-secure_element !991 增加开源owner
sig-security !1096 适配security_permission添加lite后缀
sig-softbus !1050 修改软总线SIG工作范围,代码仓列表,添加软总线sig技术全栈图
sig-systemapplications !1155 新增权限管理应用仓
sig-tee Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
sig-telephony !1072 update telephony sig doc
sig-template add working list and workling plan in sig template
sig-test !1092 补充测试sig技术全景图
sig-toolchains Description:[fix] format json file and fixed some error
README-EN.md !899 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】fix: json error and brand name error in README docs





贡献者 328



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