Topic2: Standardize the use of CMSIS on L0-Provide support for the M core to add other IoT kernel OS
1. Standardize CMSIS invocation based on the original OpenHarmony to facilitate access of other kernels in the community. Correct improper CMSIS test suites in test cases and non-standard CMSIS in LiteOS. Owner: [@wangmihu](
2. Each L0 subsystem is decoupled from the LiteOS and accesses the kernel through the CMSIS interface. Owner: [@wangmihu](
3. Establish a SIG group to provide APIs at the compatibility layer for migrating other IoT kernel OS to OpenHarmony. owner: [@liangkelei](
3. Establish a SIG group to provide APIs at the compatibility layer for migrating other IoT kernel OS to OpenHarmony. owner: [@liangkelei](
Topic3: Added KV-database management subsystem:
1. Agree to establish sig-database and provides the local database capability. The distributed capability is added to connect to 1+8+N devices in future.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Topic 2: Proposal for OpenBlock SIG
Topic 3: devboard-sig repository refactoring
1. The devboard repository creation rule is defined as [device/xxx], xxx is the soc/vendor name, and the special devboard is incubated in OpenHarmony-SIG.
2. Current hisi device repository is device_hisilicon_xxx. It is recommended that those hisi repository could be merged into one warehouse device_hisilicon. owner: [yuanwenhong](
3. The third_party software repository in device directory, recommended those repository move to first folder of third_party directory. owner: [yuanwenhong](
3. The third_party software repository in device directory, recommended those repository move to first folder of third_party directory. owner: [yuanwenhong](