提交 4cb0b998 编写于 作者: K keven

create sig-knowlege

Signed-off-by: Nkeven <likai20@iscas.ac.cn>
上级 b19dc2e3
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# SIG-Knowledge
English | [简体中文](./sig_knowledge_cn.md)
Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](/zh/pmc.md)
## SIG group work objectives and scope
### work goals
​ Based on the released version of sample/codelabs, evolve more scenario demos that developers can refer to directly, and developer sample packages are regularly formed based on these scenario demos. Create a complete openharmony knowledge system and promote it to the majority of developers, make OpenHarmony capabilities explicit, so that developers can see more possibilities, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting OpenHarmony. For example, according to distributed and multi device coordination, we advanced the concept of distributed schedule, so that smart devices at home can work together in the form of schedule arrangement. Especially for the scenes where the elderly, children and pets are at home alone and unattended, we build a set of "mobile phone + service + device" framework and platform to enable linkage between mobile phones, watches and smart home devices. We also cooperated with many developers to create their own "super terminal" scenario demo.
### work scope
- Output the scenario demo based on the release version of sample/codelabs
- Output detailed development instructions and courses for the developed scenario demo
- Based on scenario demos, put forward relevant evolution topics to allow developers to participate in building their own OpenHarmony devices and applications
## The repository
- project name:
- knowledge:https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/knowledge
## SIG Members
### Leader
- [zeeman_wang](https://gitee.com/zeeman_wang)
### Committers
- [zhanglunet](https://gitee.com/zhanglunet)
- [huangsox](https://gitee.com/huangsox)
- [Cruise2019](https://gitee.com/Cruise2019)
- [madixin](https://gitee.com/madixin)
- [kenio_zhang](https://gitee.com/kenio_zhang)
- [xianwaidao](https://gitee.com/xianwaidao)
### Meetings
- Meeting time:Biweekly,detail time undetermined
- Meeting application:To be added
- Meeting link: Welink or other meeting
- Meeting notification: [Subscribe to ](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/sig-knowledge.openharmony.io/) mailing list sig-knowledge@openharmony.io for the meeting link
- Meeting Summary: To view the minutes of past meetings, please click this [link](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/knowledge/meetings)
### Contact (optional)
- Mailing list:sig-knowledge@openharmony.io
- Zulip group:https://zulip.openharmony.cn subscript to sig-knowledge stream
- Wechat group:
# SIG-Knowledge
简体中文 | [English](./sig_knowledge.md)
说明:本SIG的内容遵循OpenHarmony的PMC管理章程 [README](/zh/pmc.md)中描述的约定。
## SIG组工作目标和范围
### 工作目标
​ 基于发布版本sample/codelabs,演化出更多开发者能直接参考的场景化Demo,围绕这些场景化Demo定期形成开发者样例套餐,打造OpenHarmony知识体系并推向广大开发者,显性化OpenHarmony能力,让开发者看到更多的可能性,从而达到推广OpenHarmonyOS 的目的。比如:我们根据分布式、多设备协调,提出了分布式日程的概念,让家中的智能设备通过日程编排的形式协同工作。特别针对于老人、小孩、宠物独自在家,无人照料的场景,我们搭建一套"手机+ 服务端 +设备端"框架模型与平台,使手机、手表、智能家居设备之间自由联动。并且联合众多开发者打造属于我们自己的“超级终端”场景Demo。
### 工作范围
- 基于发布版本sample/codelabs输出场景化Demo
- 针对已开发的场景化Demo,撰写详细的开发指导书和课程
- 场景化Demo拓展,针对现有的场景化Demo,提出相关的演进课题,让开发者参与其中打造自己的OpenHarmony 设备与应用
## 代码仓
- 代码仓地址:
- knowledge:https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/knowledge
## SIG组成员
### Leader
- [zeeman_wang](https://gitee.com/zeeman_wang)
### Committers列表
- [zhanglunet](https://gitee.com/zhanglunet)
- [huangsox](https://gitee.com/huangsox)
- [Cruise2019](https://gitee.com/Cruise2019)
- [madixin](https://gitee.com/madixin)
- [kenio_zhang](https://gitee.com/kenio_zhang)
- [xianwaidao](https://gitee.com/xianwaidao)
### 会议
- 会议时间:双周例会,待定
- 会议申报:待补充
- 会议链接: Welink或其他会议
- 会议通知: 请[订阅](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/sig-knowledge.openharmony.io/)邮件列表 sig-knowledge@openharmony.io 获取会议链接
- 会议纪要: [归档链接地址](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/knowlege/meetings)
### 联系方式(可选)
- 邮件列表:sig-knowledge@openharmony.io
- Zulip群组:https://zulip.openharmony.cn 订阅 sig-knowledge频道
- 微信群:
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