提交 36f45cf9 编写于 作者: R Robert 提交者: Gitee

!333 新建sig-miniblink

Merge pull request !333 from keven/local-a
\ No newline at end of file
# SIG_MiniBlink
English | [简体中文](./sig_miniblink_cn.md)
Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](/zh/pmc.md).
## SIG group work objectives and scope
### work goals
1. Develop a system level common rendering component, which can provide two sets of interfaces, one for the system itself and the other for app
2. According to the multi platform and multi kernel characteristics of openharmony, different levels of rendering capabilities are provided, including:
* Switching between different JS engines
* Different H5 standards support
* Support for different expansion capabilities (basic rendering, webgl, webrtc, audio and video, etc.)
* Other application scenario adaptation
### work scope
1. Regularly publish technical analysis articles to share core code writing skills, algorithms, architecture design, etc
2. Based on the unit test code, it is separately packaged into a gadget or small SDK library, which is free for community developers
3. Regularly answer questions for netizens or jointly discuss rendering kernel related technologies
4. Publish a series of demos of different application scenarios based on MB, such as interface library, crawler library, general login module, general payment component, etc
5. Discussion on H5 standard
6. Edit relevant books. At present, there is no book about blink on the market. It is planned to write two books, one for the kernel and one for front-end developers on how to optimize JS
### The repository
- project name:
## SIG Members
### Leader
- [@ampereufo](https://gitee.com/ampereufo)
### Committers
- [@Misterh](https://gitee.com/misterh)
- [@weolar](https://gitee.com/weolar)
### Meetings
- Meeting time:Bi-weekly meeting, Monday 19:15 pm, UTC+8
- Meeting application:
- Meeting link: Welink Meeting or Others
- Meeting notification: [Subscribe to] (https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/dev.openharmony.io) mailing list dev@openharmony.io for the meeting link
- Meeting-Minutes: [Archive link address](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/miniblink/meetings)
### Contact (optional)
- Mailing list:
- Zulip group: https://zulip.openharmony.cn
- Wechat group:
# SIG_MiniBlink
简体中文 | [English](./sig_miniblink.md)
说明:本SIG的内容遵循OpenHarmony的PMC管理章程 [README](/zh/pmc.md)中描述的约定。
## SIG组工作目标和范围
### 工作目标
1. 做系统级公共渲染组件,对外可提供两套接口,一个用于系统自身,一个用于APP
2. 针对openharmony多平台多内核特性,提供不同级别的渲染能力,包括:
* 不同的js引擎切换
* 不同的H5标准支持
* 不同的拓展能力支持(基础渲染、webgl、webRtc、音视频等)
* 其他应用场景适配
### 工作范围
1. 定期发布技术分析文章,针对核心代码的编写技巧、算法、架构设计等方面做分享
2. 以单元测试代码为基础,单独封装成小工具或小SDK库,免费开放给社区开发者使用
3. 定期为网友答疑或共同讨论渲染内核相关技术
4. 发布一系列基于MB的不同应用场景的demo,如作为界面库、爬虫库、通用登录模块、通用支付组件等
5. 关于H5标准的讨论
6. 编辑相关书籍,目前市面上一本关于blink的书都没有,计划写两本,一本完全针对内核,一本针对如何优化js写给前端开发者
## 代码仓
- 代码仓地址:
## SIG组成员
### Leader
- [@ampereufo](https://gitee.com/ampereufo)
### Committers列表
- [@Misterh](https://gitee.com/misterh)
- [weolar](https://gitee.com/weolar)
### 会议
- 会议时间:双周例会,周一晚上19:15,UTC+8
- 会议申报:
- 会议链接: Welink或其他会议
- 会议通知: 请[订阅](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/dev.openharmony.io)邮件列表 dev@openharmony.io 获取会议链接
- 会议纪要: [归档链接地址](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/miniblink/meetings)
### 联系方式(可选)
- 邮件列表:
- Zulip群组:https://zulip.openharmony.cn
- 微信群:
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