未验证 提交 fe734e2c 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!601 Slove the low ccache hit rate in ci

Merge pull request !601 from yinchuang/fix_miss_ccache
......@@ -174,9 +174,14 @@ class PostBuild:
ccache_path = find_executable('ccache')
if ccache_path is None:
ccache_log_file_name = "ccache.log"
ccache_log_suffix = os.environ.get('CCACHE_LOG_SUFFIX')
if ccache_log_suffix:
ccache_log_file_name = "ccache." + ccache_log_suffix + ".log"
cmd = [
'python3', '{}/build/scripts/summary_ccache_hitrate.py'.format(
self._root_path), '{}/ccache.log'.format(self._root_path)
self._root_path), '{}/{}'.format(self._root_path, ccache_log_file_name)
exec_command(cmd, log_path=self._log_path)
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