提交 00a30d5d 编写于 作者: R redjie


Signed-off-by: Nredjie <hongshaojie@h-partners.com>
Change-Id: I5dda6cc754273db8839d6db459fb0ccadd3c6783
上级 20e26aa5
"DEVICE_1":[1, 2, 3, 4, 6],
"DEVICE_2":[5, 7, 8, 10, 11],
"DEVICE_2":[5, 7, 9, 10],
"return-x-y":[210, 1240],
"recent-x-y":[515, 1240],
"home-x-y":[360, 1240],
......@@ -95,20 +95,12 @@
"open_camera_log":["hilog -b X;hilog -b D -T CAMERA;hilog -r"],
"start_camera":["aa start -a com.ohos.camera.MainAbility -b com.ohos.camera"],
"recover_log":["cd data/log/hilog/;hilog -x > camera_log.txt;hilog -b D"],
"all_actions": [
[1, "close_auto_log"], [1, "open_camera_log"], [5, "start_camera"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"],
[1, "recover_log"], [1, "check_result"], [1, "shot_cmd"], [2, "recent-x-y"], [2, "recent_del-x-y"], [1, "compress_log"], [1, "get_file_from_dev", "/data/log/hilog/camera_log.tar"]
"app_name": "photograph",
"entry": "aa start -a com.ohos.camera.MainAbility -b com.ohos.camera",
"compress_log":["cd /data/log/hilog && tar -cf photograph_log.tar *"],
"chmodfile":["chmod 777 /data/NativeRdbTest"],
"start_photographtest":["cd /data && ./NativeRdbTest --gtest_filter=RdbStoreInsertTest.RdbStore_Insert_001 && rm *.xml", "[ PASSED ] 1 test"],
"all_actions": [
[2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "take_photos-x-y"], [2, "take_photos-x-y"], [1, "remount"], [1, "send_file_to_dev", "photographtest/NativeRdbTest", "/data/"], [2, "chmodfile"], [2, "start_photographtest"], [2, "recent-x-y"], [2, "recent_del-x-y"],
[1, "stop_hilog"], [1, "compress_log"],[1, "get_file_from_dev", "/data/log/hilog/photograph_log.tar"]
[1, "close_auto_log"], [1, "open_camera_log"], [5, "start_camera"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"], [2, "permisson_ok-x-y"],
[2, "take_photos-x-y"], [2, "take_photos-x-y"], [1, "remount"], [1, "send_file_to_dev", "photographtest/NativeRdbTest", "/data/"], [2, "chmodfile"],
[1, "recover_log"], [1, "check_result"], [1, "shot_cmd"], [2, "start_photographtest"], [2, "recent-x-y"], [2, "recent_del-x-y"], [1, "compress_log"], [1, "get_file_from_dev", "/data/log/hilog/camera_log.tar"]
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