提交 cce2840a 编写于 作者: F freesky-edward

Hidden English docs

上级 9021c86d
......@@ -97,38 +97,10 @@ paginate = 10
identifier = "docs"
name = "Docs"
url = "/en/docs/home.html"
url = "/en/building/docs.html"
weight = 5
hasChildren = true
identifier = "get-start"
name = "Getting Started"
parent = "docs"
url = "/en/docs/home.html"
identifier = "tutorials"
name = "Tutorials"
parent = "docs"
url = "/en/docs/home.html"
weight = 2
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name = "Development"
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url = "/en/docs/home.html"
identifier = "reference"
name = "Reference"
parent = "docs"
url = "/en/docs/home.html"
weight = 4
identifier = "download"
name = "Download"
title = "DOCS"
id = "download"
#### English DOCS being constructed
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