提交 9868ec0e 编写于 作者: O openeuler-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!152 update security webpage information of openeuler

Merge pull request !152 from liujingang09/security
......@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ We hope that you can report the potential vulnerability of an openEuler product
### Reporting Channel
You can send the potential security vulnerabilities of an openEuler product to the e-mail of the openEuler security team (securities@openeuler.com). Given that the vulnerability information is sensitive, you are advised to use the <a href="security/public_key_securities.asc" download>public GPG key</a> of the security team to encrypt the e-mail.
You can send the potential security vulnerabilities of an openEuler product to the e-mail of the openEuler security team (<securities@openeuler.org>). Given that the vulnerability information is sensitive, you are advised to use the <a href="security/public_key_securities.asc" download>public GPG key</a> of the security team to encrypt the e-mail.
The information of the security team members is described as follows:
+ Liu Jinggang @ liujinggang09, liujingang09@huawei.com, <a href="security/public_key_liujingang.asc" download>public GPG key</a>
+ Yang Li [@yangli69393], y69393@huawei.com
+ Yan Xiaobing [@yanxiaobing2020], yanxiaobing@huawei.com, <a href="security/public_key_yanxiaobing.asc" download>public GPG key</a>
+ Zhu Jianwei @ zhujianwei001, zhujianwei7@huawei.com, <a href="security/public_key_zhujianwei.asc" download>public GPG key</a>
+ Liu Jinggang [@ liujinggang09], <liujingang09@huawei.com>, <a href="security/public_key_liujingang.asc" download>public GPG key</a>
+ Yang Li [@yangli69393], <runningforever@gmail.com>
+ Yan Xiaobing [@yanxiaobing2020], <yanxiaobing@huawei.com>, <a href="security/public_key_yanxiaobing.asc" download>public GPG key</a>
+ Zhu Jianwei @ zhujianwei001, <zhujianwei7@huawei.com>, <a href="security/public_key_zhujianwei.asc" download>public GPG key</a>
### Reporting Content
To quickly identify and verify suspected vulnerabilities, the reporting e-mail should include but is not limited to the following content:
......@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ openEuler社区非常重视社区版本的安全性,openEuler安全委员会
### 漏洞上报方式
您可以通过email将openEuler产品的潜在安全漏洞发送到openEuler安全团队邮箱(securities@openeuluer.com)。因为漏洞信息比较敏感,建议您使用安全团队邮箱<a href="security/public_key_securities.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>对邮件信息进行加密。
您可以通过email将openEuler产品的潜在安全漏洞发送到openEuler安全团队邮箱(<securities@openeuler.org>)。因为漏洞信息比较敏感,建议您使用安全团队邮箱<a href="security/public_key_securities.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>对邮件信息进行加密。
+ 刘金刚@liujingang09,liujingang09@huawei.com, <a href="security/public_key_liujingang.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>
+ 刘金刚@liujingang09,<liujingang09@huawei.com>, <a href="security/public_key_liujingang.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>
+ 杨丽[@yangli69393],<runningforever@gmail.com>
+ 颜小兵[@yanxiaobing2020],yanxiaobing@huawei.com, <a href="security/public_key_yanxiaobing.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>
+ 颜小兵[@yanxiaobing2020],<yanxiaobing@huawei.com>, <a href="security/public_key_yanxiaobing.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>
+ 朱健伟@zhujianwei001,<zhujianwei7@huawei.com>, <a href="security/public_key_zhujianwei.asc" download>GPG公钥</a>
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